Showing posts with label FB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FB. Show all posts

March 24, 2024

How to Use Facebook Notes for The Long Term Content Publishing?

Facebook Notes are similar to Notepad on desktop but with more features. This time, you are making notes on Facebook.
Facebook notes are easy to create and manage. You can add collaborators and remove them. Creators can also add images, videos, and cover photos to Facebook notes. It is also easy to embed files in Facebook Notes.

Let's find out how you can do it.

Now Facebook is updating notes for the long term in content publishing : eAskme
Now Facebook is updating notes for the long term in content publishing : eAskme

Facebook Notes:

Facebook notes is the feature that allow user to take notes or write blogs. It was launched in 2015 but till now no-one has used it as an exclusive feature.

How to Create a Facebook Note?

  • Go to Facebook Workplace.
  • Click on "See more" to view "Notes."
  • Click on "+" or "Create Note."
  • Write the title and whatever you want to add to your note.
  • Click the "Share" button to share notes on your timeline or selected groups.

How to Format Your Facebook Note?

  • Go to your Note.
  • Click on the "Paragraph" icon.
  • Now format style using bold, italic, underline, code, hyperlink, and table.

How to Add or Remove Collaborators?

  • In your notes, click on "+ Add Contributors."
  • To remove the collaborator, check his name and remove it.
  • Click on "Save."

How to Add a Cover Photo to Your Facebook Note?

  • Go to note.
  • Click on the "Image editor" icon.
  • Click on "Click to add a cover photo."
  • Choose a photo and click on "Upload New Photo."
  • Reposition it.
  • You can delete or replace the existing cover photo.

Facebook notes also allow you to add links and embed the notes.


Facebook notes can be beneficial for creating shareable content. You can choose who can see your notes. I have also seen some Facebook notes ranked in SERP. It can also help marketers.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask me via comments.

Share it with your friends and family.


March 01, 2016

Facebook Auto Page Invite 100% Working Trick 2024

Whenever you make a facebook page you need people to like your page to follow it. Facebook page show you invite button where you can manually send invitations to your facebook friends to like your facebook page. But manual process is very time consuming.

Facebook Auto Page Invite 100% Working Trick 2024: eAskme
Facebook Auto Page Invite 100% Working Trick 2024: eAskme
Other people are reading : 10 Ways You can Make More Money With Swagbucks

So today I am sharing this cool trick where you need not to invite each friend manually you can invite your facebook friends to like facebook page automatically by following steps :

Facebook Auto Page Invite 100% Working Trick 2024?

How to Invite All Friends on Facebook Page ?
  • Login to

  • Open your page where you want to invite your friends

  • If you are using Mozilla Firefox then press CTRL+SHIFT+K or if you are using Google Chrome then press CTRL+SHIFT+J

  • A new window will open like this

Facebook Auto Page Invite 100% Working Trick 2024: eAskme
  • Click here to get the code
Don`t forget to like us on Facebook or subscribe eAskme newletter.

September 17, 2015

Facebook to Get Dislike Button

Have you ever thought if I use the like button to show empathy to a sad or bad situation is that good. Or does it show that I approve that something bad happened? Have you been in this situation? I am very sure most of us on Facebook had this thought.
Facebook to Get Dislike Button : eAskme
Facebook to Get Dislike Button : eAskme
Other people are reading : Google and Twitter Reportedly Working Together on a Content Delivery Platform

So now after a long time waiting, finally it is happening. Facebook will be getting a dislike button. As the CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, It is good to give more options than just the like button. It is true. Because as he said not all moments are good. So now Facebook is working on a button that shows negative emotions.

Also See : Facebook Will Livestream for Public Figures

Yes soon we will be able to express our dislike with a status. The like button came out in 2009. Now there will be another option. But as of yet it is unknown when the dislike button will be available for use. Wonder what other buttons they would work on. As I am sure us users on Facebook has a few ideas.

Also See : Best Facebook Abbreviations for Chatting Texting

What do you think about this? I think it will be good. Wish they would add a few others too. Feel free to share your thoughts with us and other readers too. We appreciate comments from our readers

September 12, 2015

Facebook Will Livestream for Public Figures

Facebook recently announced that there will be more live streaming in news feed, but with this new feature any journalist or public figure will be seen in live stream. But the id must be verified. That means that the Facebook mentions app that was reserved for musicians and celebrities is also available for public figures.
Facebook Will Livestream for Public Figures : eAskme
Facebook Will Livestream for Public Figures : eAskme

This new feature will be similar to other as that is used for live streaming Examples such as Meerkat or Periscope. People will be able to stream live video while being able to go back and forth with other viewers to message them in a chat box.

With this new app. Users can see what is being said about them. Also it can help explore topics you follow. With Mentions, Pages has the option to to publish posts for only followers of for public.

But this app is being tested right now. Do you remember when Facebook just started to introduce advertising? It was only for a certain number of brands. But now anyone can get an ad u in just a few minutes.

See : Facebook Makes It Possible To Send Money Between Friends

So it is possible that Facebook can be going to same route with the live streaming app. But it is admitted it depends on how the live streaming is used. If it is seen as popular Facebook will keep expanding and improving it.

If you are a public figure and your id is verified you can download this app from your app store for your device and log in to Facebook.

But if your id isn't verified you need to fill out a form to verify your id.

Quit Crowdsourcing on Facebook

What do you think of this new app? Mentions. Do you think it will be a success? I think it will be interesting to see how people respond to it. You have any thoughts? Feel free to share it with us.

August 31, 2015

Facebook Just Launched M Personal Assistant for Messenger

It was announced that Facebook will start to roll out a digital assistant service with messenger. It is named M. It is able to complete tasks and find requested information.

Facebook Just Launched M Personal Assistant for Messenger : eAskme
Facebook Just Launched M Personal Assistant for Messenger : eAskme
Other People are Reading : Interview with Irina Weber : Journey of a Professional Blogger

It is called to mind that its like Apple's Siri and Microsoft Cortana. But with one difference. Cortana and Siri takes voice commands and M is created to communicate via text message.

In a given example M is asked to recommend an item. Then later on M is asked to purchase that item for the user. But with all that in mind. It is done as chatting to a friend.

M is empowered in a way that set it out as different from any other assistant that works digitally. As it has the ability to reserve hotel rooms, make purchases, booking flights, by recommending things and the list goes on.

Also See : Now Facebook is Testing it's Own Content Platform for Notes

As it is powered by artificial intelligence, not even mentioning that its trained and supervised still. It can complete requests that requires thinking. It can make recommendations that is based on one person's specific requirement. Also it can help to navigate to customer service lines if its needed to complete a given task.

M will be seen shortly to a very limited number of people in the bay area. Says a company spokesperson. But they want to build it into an upscale service.

it is created with iOS and android in mind. It will be coming out in the next few months.

Also see : Facebook Updates News Feed Algorithm Taking Into Account

What is your opinion of this new feature? You think it will be interesting. I personally am very curious as to see what M can do. You have a thought you want to share with us? Feel free to comment. We appreciate comments from our readers.

April 13, 2015

Best Facebook Abbreviations for Chatting Texting

Using abbreviations are very common when we chat on Facebook or any other social network. Facebook is one of the  most popular social networking site. Mostly people do chats and leave comments.

It is common to use short hand or abbreviations in messages.

But if you are new to Facebook, you may not be familiar with most of Facebook Lingo.
Best Facebook Abbreviations for Chatting Texting: eAskme
Best Facebook Abbreviations for Chatting Texting: eAskme

Other people are reading : Facebook Pranks

There must be hundreds of Facebook and text abbreviations. But here we see only those which are most commonly used. You might be familiar with few of them. This list is very useful for me.
Facebook Abbreviations : eAskme
Facebook Abbreviations for Chatting Texting : eAskme

A list of Facebook Abbreviations:

    AAMOF: As a matter of fact.
    ASAP: As Soon As Possible.
    ADN: Any Day Now.
    ATM: at this moment.
    AKA: Also Known As.
    BC: Be Cool.
    BBL: Be Back Later.
    BM: Bite Me.
    BRB: Be right back!
    BTW: By the Way.
    BOT: Back on Topic.
    BBQ: Better be quick.
    CUL: See you Later.
    CFY: Calling For You.
    CU: See You!
    CTS: Changing the Subject.
    DND: Do not Disturb.
    DIY: Do it yourself.
    F2F: Face to Face.
    EOS: End of Story.
    FB:  “Facebook”.
    FYEO: For your eyes only.
    FAQ: Frequently asked questions.
    FOS: Freedom of Speech.
    FYI: For your information.
    GAL: Get a Life.
    G2B: Going to Bed.
    GtG: Got to Go.
    GR8: Great.
    HAND: Have a Nice Day.
    IC:I See.
    IS: I’m sorry.
    IMO: In my opinion.
    IDC: I don’t care.
    IMHO: In my humble opinion
    JAM: Just a minute.
    L8R: Later.
    JIC: Just in Case.
    LMA: Leave me alone.
    LAM: Leave a message.
    LMK: Let me know.
    LMHO: Laughing my Head off.
    LOL: Laugh out loud.
    Msg: Message.
    NP: No problem.
    OMG: Oh my God.
    PM: Private Message.
    Q4U: Question for you.
    r8: Right
    S2R: Send to Receive.
    TCO: Taken Care of.
    TMI: Too much information.
    TxT: Text.
    W8AM: Wait a minute.
    WTF: What the fuck
    WTH: What the heck
    SOS: Someone on shoulder

There are lot more abbreviations used by people on Facebook, but here we said what are most commonly used.

Use them to chat only.

Avoid using abbreviations in Professional conversation or email.

You can also see different or undiscovered abbreviation from different people around the world on Facebook.

Because different people from different countries have their own abbreviations.

See More : Facebook tips and tricks

No matter you belong to which age group, it is always good to know common Facebook slang so you can understand when anyone use them in chats.

Do let us know if you have discovered to created any Facebook abbreviation in comments.

Stay tuned with us to get latest updates.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter with your friends and family. 
Handpicked guides to Search Engine Optimization;

March 30, 2015

Facebook Auto Group Adder All Friends 100% Working Trick 2024

Whenever you make a Facebook Group you need people to join it. Facebook Group show you add button where you can manually add your facebook friends to your Facebook Group. But manual process is very time consuming.
So today I am sharing this cool trick where you need not to add each friend manually you can add all your facebook friends to your facebook Group automatically by following steps :

Facebook Auto Group Adder 100% Working Trick 2024?

How to Add All Friends on Facebook Group Automatically ?
  • Login to

  • Open your page where you want to invite your friends

  • If you are using Mozilla Firefox then press CTRL+SHIFT+K or if you are using Google Chrome then press CTRL+SHIFT+J

  • A new window will open like this

October 16, 2014

How to Unblock People on Facebook

We have already talked about How to block people on Facebook who are irritating you. Now the question is why you want to unblock anyone if you blocked that person yourself. Its common to see that people usually people when they get angry and after some time when things go better between them they want to unblock.  Sometimes you block someone by mistake and when you realize it then you want to unblock that person.

How to Unblock People on Facebook : eAskme
How to Unblock People on Facebook : eAskme

Other people are reading : Facebook Pranks

So today we see how to unblock people on Facebook. When you block anyone that person get adds into Block list of your Facebook account.

How to Unblock People on Facebook ?

There are two ways to unblock a blocked person on Facebook. So assume that you want to unblock someone.

First Method:

  • Just login to
  • Click on Lock button at top right side of your facebook.
  • This will Open Privacy Shortcut Window.
  • Click on "How do I stop someone from bothering me".
  • This will open option to block someone, under that option you will see "View All Blocked Users" link, click on it.
  • This will open the list of people you have blocked.
  • You will see name of people and "Unblock" Button in front of each name.
  • Click on "Unblock" button in front of the name of that person you want to unblock.
  • Unblock window will open click on "Confirm".
  • Person will be unblocked.

Second Method:

  • Go to "Settings"
  • Click on "Privacy Settings".
  • Click on "Blocking".
  • You will see list of names with "Unblock" button.
  • Click on "unblock" and then "confirm" to unblock a blocked person.

Read More : Facebook tips and Tricks

So this is the way to unblock anyone on facebook. If you get stuck anywhere do let us know in comments.


How to Block people on Facebook

Facebook is world`s no 1 social network. More than 900,000 people visit facebook everyday. You can talk with your firneds, play games and do much more on facebook. To make your account secure you need to do some privacy settings. Today we will discuss about how you can block people on facebook.

How to Block people on Facebook : eAskme
How to Block People on Facebook : eAskme

People who have their revals or ex`s, it is good idea to block them by keeping them in Facebook block list.

Read: Facebook Pranks to woo your friends

Here is guide to Facebook block feature. In just few easy steps you can block anyone on facebook. So lets see how to block people on Facebook easily.

Steps to Block People on Facebook:

  • Go to and login with your account details. 
  • Go the the profile of person you want to Block.
  • Click on the ... box next to message button.
  • A dropdown will show you Block option
  • Click on "Block".
  • Click on "Confirm"
  • Now the person will get blocked and you see message " You've blocked "Person Name". We're sorry that you've had this experience."

What will happen when you have Blocked someone on FB:

  • If you thinking why people block others, I show you benefits of Blocking feature.
  • Person will not see your profile again
  • Person will not able to see any updates you do.
  • Can`t see your pic on comments.
  • Person won`t be able to send you message or poke you.
  • You will also not be able to see that persons updates.

See this : Facebook Web Messenger Online Chatting 

That means when you block someone on facebook that persons profile will show as dosen`t exist for you and same for that person as he also not able to see your account. I use this feature to get rid of spammers.

Do share if you used Facebook blocking feature before and if you have faced any issue?

August 30, 2014

How to Merge Facebook Pages

Facebook is world`s no 1 social network, billions of people use it not only to interact but also to grow their community and business. they create pages for their products or communities and let other follow them. If you have facebook pages and you want to merge them than you need to do following steps.

How to Merge Facebook Pages : eAskme
How to Merge Facebook Pages : eAskme
How to Merge Facebook Pages ?
To merge Facebook pages make sure that you are admin of both the pages. You can merge only those pages that are of similar names and represent same things. You can also have same physical location on both pages.

Steps to Merge two Facebook Pages :
  • Go to "Settings" of the page you want to keep.

  • Click on "Merge Pages" and click on "Merge Duplicate Pages".

  • Select the page by clicking on checkbox that you want to merge.

  • Click "Merge Pages" then follow instructions.
Tips and Warnings :
When you merge pages your followers combine but the posts you made on the page you will merge be lost permanently.

August 27, 2014

5 Tips to Secure Facebook Account

Hackers target facebook account of people to steal their personal information.So today I will show you how you can secure your facebook account from hackers. These are just simple steps that secure your facebook account. 

5 Tips to Secure Facebook Account ?

5 Tips to Secure Facebook Account : eAskme
5 Tips to Secure Facebook Account : eAskme
How to Secure Your Facebook Account – [Security Tips for Facebook]

Login to Facebook and click on right top end button and click on Settings. Now Click on "Security" tab.

Enable Login Notifications :
  • Click on "Login Notifications".
  • Select "Email" and "Text message/push notification".
  • Click on "Save Changes".
  • This well send you notification email on your email id and text message on your phone whenever you or anyone login with your id.

How to Enable Login Notifications in Facebook : eAskme
How to Enable Login Notifications in Facebook : eAskme
Add Trusted Contacts :
  • Click on "Trusted Contacts".

  • Click on "Choose trusted Contacts".

  • Click on "Choose Trusted Contacts" to add contacts.

  • Add at least 3 contacts and click on "Confirm".

  • Tell your friends to confirm that from their notification.

  • So if anyone hack or change your password you can recover it with your trusted contacts.

How to Add Add Trusted Contacts : eAskme
How to Add Add Trusted Contacts : eAskme

Where You're Logged In :
  • Click on edit on "Where You're Logged In"  you will see the activities from where your account is login. you can end any suspicious activity.

  • Click on "End Activity" to end any suspicious activity.

How to End Suspicious Facebook Login Session : eAskme
How to End Suspicious Facebook Login Session : eAskme
Set Facebook Security Question :
  • Go to "Settings".

  • Click on "Security".

  • Click on the "Security Question".

  • Choose your security question and set answer.
  • Click on "Save Changes".
How to Add Security Question to Facebook : eAskme
How to Add Security Question to Facebook : eAskme
How to Change Facebook Password 
  • Go to "Settings".

  • Click on "General".

  • Click on "Password".

  • Enter current password in "Current Password" box.

  • Enter new password in "New" box.

  • Retype new password in "Retype New" box.

  • Click on "Save Changes".
How to Change Facebook Password : eAskme

Always check these details and make your account safe and secure.


How to End Suspicious Login Activity on facebook

Facebook is world`s no 1 social network and favorite of billions of people who interact on it everyday. You can not only add your friends in your id but also can make strangers your friends. To keep your account safe facebook give you settings to set in your own way. But if you find any suspicious activity in your account and you think someone else also log in in your facebook account than you can end that suspicious session by following steps and after that should change your facebook password.

How to End Suspicious Login Activity on facebook : eAskme
How to End Suspicious Login Activity on facebook : eAskme

How to End Suspicious Login Activity on Facebook ?

Login to Facebook and click on right top end button and click on Settings. Now Click on "Security" tab.

Where You're Logged In :
  • Click on edit on "Where You're Logged In"  you will see the activities from where your account is login. you can end any suspicious activity.

  • Click on "End Activity" to end any suspicious activity.

How to Enable Login Notifications

Facebook is world`s leading social network and no 1 in all social networks. To keep all your data safe and secure you should always make settings in way so no one can hack your account easily. you can also set login notification so if anyone try to login in your facebook account you will get notification about it and secure your account.

How to Enable Login Notifications : eAskme
How to Enable Login Notifications : eAskme
How to Enable Login Notifications ?
Login to Facebook and click on right top end button and click on Settings. Now Click on "Security" tab.

Enable Login Notifications :
  • Click on "Login Notifications".
  • Select "Email" and "Text message/push notification".
  • Click on "Save Changes".
  • This well send you notification email on your email id and text message on your phone whenever you or anyone login with your id.

How to Add Trusted Contacts on Facebook

Facebook started my Marc Zuckerberg, its a world famous social network and no 1 in world social network. Billions of people use it daily and spend their time talking and enjoying. To avoid any hacking or in case of forgot password you can use trusted Contacts that you added to recover your account.

How to Add Add Trusted Contacts : eAskme
How to Add Add Trusted Contacts : eAskme
How to Add Add Trusted Contacts ?
Login to Facebook and click on right top end button and click on Settings. Now Click on "Security" tab.

Add Trusted Contacts :
  • Click on "Trusted Contacts".

  • Click on "Choose trusted Contacts".

  • Click on "Choose Trusted Contacts" to add contacts.

  • Add at least 3 contacts and click on "Confirm".

  • Tell your friends to confirm that from their notification.

  • So if anyone hack or change your password you can recover it with your trusted contacts.

How to Set Security Question on Facebook

Now a days everyone know and use Facebook not only to interact with their friend and family but also make strangers  their friends. Most of the users have their personal information on Facebook. So to keep your account safe and hard to hack you should set a security question that only you know.

How to Set Security Question on Facebook : eAskme
How to Set Security Question on Facebook : eAskme
How to Set Security Question on Facebook ?

Login to Facebook and click on right top end button and click on Settings. Now Click on "Security" tab.

Set Facebook Security Question :
  • Go to "Settings".

  • Click on "Security".

  • Click on the "Security Question".

  • Choose your security question and set answer.

  • Click on "Save Changes".

How to Change Facebook Password

Facebook is world`s no 1 social network. Millions and billions use it everyday and share their personal information. To keep your account safe from hackers you should keep it strong and change it every month or in couple of months.

How to Change Facebook Password : eAskme
How to Change Facebook Password : eAskme
How to Change Facebook Password ?
  • Login to Facebook and click on right top end button and click on Settings. 

  • Go to "Settings".

  • Click on "General".

  • Click on "Password".

  • Enter current password in "Current Password" box.

  • Enter new password in "New" box.

  • Retype new password in "Retype New" box.

  • Click on "Save Changes".

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook

On Facebook anyone can see your profile, where you work, relationship status, your last company, about your friends, where you located etc. The Privacy feature of your Facebook account allow you to hide most of these. But if you wish to hide your Birth of date in Facebook, then there is no option in Facebook privacy setting page. Here you will see how to hide yoru date of Birth on facebook.

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
Because of any reason if you do not want to show your age of facebook then you should follow below steps:

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook ?
  • Open

  • Login with your email id or username and password.

  • Go to facebook.

  • "About Page" will open.

  • Click on "Contact and Basic info".

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
  • Here you will see your date of Birth.

  • Click on Edit in Front of Basic info.

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
How to Hide Your Birth Date on Facebook : eAskme
  • Click on the lock button to set privacy to "me only" if you do not want to show your date of birth to anyone of Facebook.

  • Click on "Save Changes".

August 20, 2014

How to Put Facebook Share in Blogspot

Blogspot and Blogger are same thing. Blogger is a well known blogging platform and product of Google. It not only allow you to create blog but also allow you to design it in your own way.  You can easily add images and videos in your posts. You can easily put facebook share in Blogspot.

How to Put Facebook Share in Blogspot : eAskme
How to Put Facebook Share in Blogspot : eAskme
How to Put Facebook Share in Blogspot ?
  • Login to

  • Go to "Layout".

  • Click on "Add a gadget".

  • Search for "Facebook Share".

  • Click on "+" button to add it and click on "Save".

  • Click on "Save Arrangements".

August 18, 2014

How to Change Title Tags on Blogger

Blogger is a well known blogging platform and product of Google. It not only allow you to create blog but also allow you to design it in your own way.  You can easily add images and videos in your posts. We can easily change title tags on blogger blog.

How to Change Title Tags on Blogger : eAskme
How to Change Title Tags on Blogger : eAskme
How to Change Title Tags on Blogger ?
  1. Login to

  2. Go to Dashboard.

  3. Click on "Template".

  4. Click on "Edit HTML".

  5. Search for <title>. You can change title tag that show between <title> and </title> tag.

  6. Click on "Save template".

August 06, 2014

5 Reasons to Have Facebook

Around more than 750 million people are already on the Facebook. that means they have some reason to use this social network. 

5 Reasons to Have Facebook : eAskme

5 Reasons to Have Facebook ?

Facebook is Free  :
Facebook is 100% free. People spend more than 7 billion minutes on it every month.   Where other time-pass things take money its totally free to use.

Keep Old Connections :
As more than 7 million people on Facebook. It can be benefit that the old friend you are looking for you can find on Facebook easily. You can search people by name, location, workplace. As you find your friend, you can send request and message to your friend.

Keeping in Touch :
Even if you are busy in work or feeling alone or far from your family, with Facebook you can keep in touch with your family, friends and loved ones. You can get updates of all your friends. You can see updates and pictures and share and tag them.

Facebook is Portable :
If you pass time in other things like playing video games  or watching movies these are not portable. But Facebook has this feature that you can use it on the go, on any device that have internet connection. You can even install Facebook android app to all android devices.

Facebook for Business :
If you are a business owner than Facebook is a great place for you to do marketing and grow your business. Even if you are not a business owner you can participate in the contests that are for Facebook users only.