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February 10, 2025

How to Get More Facebook Likes for Free? Complete Guide!

Do you want more Facebook page likes without advertising? Do you want to grow your Facebook page audience without using ads?

If yes, then it is time to find out how you can invite people to like your page on Facebook for free.

Every person and business running a page wants to grow the Facebook audience.

How to Get More Facebook Likes for Free? Complete Guide!: eAskme
How to Get More Facebook Likes for Free? Complete Guide!: eAskme

To attract millions of people on Facebook to like your Facebook page, you need to make them aware of the existence of your page.

Facebook audience or Facebook page likes are still a debatable thing.

We Are Social has published a report stating that pages with less than 10k followers will get only 0.29% engagement, but pages with 100k followers will have 0.05% engagement.

I know that the number is not very impressive.

Yet the number of fans and followers of Facebook can influence the users visiting your brand.

Consumers always prefer brands that have a more social presence.

So, let's find out how you can attract more followers on your Facebook page without advertising.

Invite to Follow Facebook Page:

The first thing you may have seen on your Facebook page is inviting people to like your Facebook page.

How to find the Facebook page invite button?

  • Go to your Facebook page.
  • Make sure you are visiting as a personal profile.
  • Click on "…" to visit the invite button.
  • Now you can invite your friends.

You may also see the blue invite button on some Facebook pages.

When you click on the "Invite to Follow" link or the "Invite the Friends" button, it will show you the list of friends. Choose the friends you have not invited until now and send invitations to like your Facebook page.

According to Facebook, "Facebook invite limit is up to 200 friends."

Invite only 200 friends in 24 hours. And come back again to invite another 200 friends.

The Facebook app also has a friends invite button.


Facebook has set the limit to Facebook page invites.


The result of a Facebook page invite depends upon your connection with your friends on Facebook.

If you are personally connected with Facebook friends or have influence, more friends will accept your Facebook page invite. You should also optimize your Facebook page.

You can also send messages to your friends on Facebook asking them to like your Facebook page.
If you cannot do it, then Facebook invites ads campaign to help you.

Other Ways to Increase Facebook Page Likes for Free:


Questions and Answers are a great way to connect with people on Facebook and other social networks.

You can also join the sites like Quora and Answer the public with your Facebook page.

When answering and asking questions using your page, you will make people visit your Facebook page. If your answers or questions are helpful and engaging, users will surely like your Facebook page.

Facebook Groups:

Create a Facebook group for your page. You can also join other Facebook groups as a page.

After creating the Facebook group, start inviting friends to your group.

Also, create engaging posts in your Facebook group.

Your Facebook group's engagement level will help you get more Facebook page likes.


Use videos on Facebook to boost engagement.

People will see Follow link next to the page title in Facebook Watch. The more people engage with your videos, the more likes you will have.

Share Pressing issues:

Share the content on your page that is important for others.

It is an easy way to attract others and boost social shares for your Facebook posts.

Industry News:

Be the first to Publish the latest news related to your industry.

People love breaking news, and pages get more likes that share the latest news.

Should You Buy Facebook Likes?

This is one of the most asked questions about building a following for the Facebook page.

It's not always good to buy social likes.

Because when you buy followers or likes, you are not building fanbases interested in your content.

That means such likes will have almost zero engagement.


These are the best free ways to get more Facebook page likes.

Always follow the legit methods when building followers for Facebook pages.

Genuine followers will engage with your content and give you more social shares and traffic.

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September 13, 2022

4 Meta Ranking Signals for Videos Distribution on Facebook

Meta has revealed 4 ranking signals for videos on the Facebook platform.

If you have ever seen videos on Facebook or uploaded videos on Facebook, then you should know that Facebook is using some algorithm to rank videos on their network.

4 Meta Ranking Signals for Videos Distribution on Facebook: eAskme
4 Meta Ranking Signals for Videos Distribution on Facebook: eAskme


Now, we know what the Meta ranking signals are for videos and how the algorithm decides which video comes on the first page of the Facebook feed.

4 Meta Ranking Signals for Videos Distribution on Facebook:

The 4 most influential video ranking signals are:

  • Originality
  • Video Attributes and User Behavior
  • Audience loyalty and Intent
  • Engagement

You will learn everything about these 4 video ranking signals on Facebook.

According to Meta, Facebook prefers original content and improves loyal and intentional content consumption. You can turn your viewers into your fans with entertaining, authentic, and enduring videos.

It clearly states that you should create original content to attract viewers and build a loyal audience.
But, here is more that you must understand.


Original content should have your brand voice and value. You can edit videos but add content not available anywhere on Facebook.

Facebook video algorithms prefer content with originality.

You can publish videos written, directed, edited, or published by yourself.

Duplicate content and producing repurposed clips or mass-produced content will hurt your originality ranking signal.

Video Attributes and User Behavior:

Facebook algorithms prefer videos with specific attributes that inspire viewers to view more of your content.

You should make longer videos on Facebook that make people view your videos and increase user engagement.

Facebook reduces your video distribution if your videos are clickbait or more like a slideshow.

Audience loyalty and Intent:

Facebook algorithm for videos considers audience loyalty and Intent to rank your videos.

Loyalty is when people search for your brand and videos or visit your page directly to watch more videos.

You can increase audience loyalty and Intent by creating bonus content and optimizing videos for Facebook search.


Facebook prefers videos that get maximum and meaningful engagement.

To be eligible for engagement signals, videos should get meaningful interactions, more social shares, and more engagement.

Facebook will reduce video distribution of Videos with engagement bait and manufactured sharing.

Your Facebook video ranking signal also affects your ability to monetize your videos.

Videos that fail to comply with Facebook ranking signals will lose the ability to display in-stream ads.


Facebook has shared these 4 Meta ranking signals for videos to make creators aware of the content they should create and the type of engagement they need.

If you want to monetize your videos or improve distribution, you should create meaningful and original content that attracts viewers, boost engagement, and turn visitors into loyal audiences.

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