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November 22, 2023

Gambling and Social Media: How Online Communities Shape the Experience

Whether placing a bet on sportsbooks, entering a lottery draw, or playing a game or two slots on an online casino real money, gambling is an enjoyable pastime for many.

Research shows that around 10 percent of American adults play live or online casino games at least once a week, and sports betting was even more popular with people wagering on sports such as football, horse racing, and e-sports tournaments.

Popular casino games such as poker, roulette, and blackjack were traditionally placed in land-based casino venues. Players might visit alone or go along with friends and other gambling enthusiasts.

Gambling and Social Media, How Online Communities Shape the Experience: eAskme
Gambling and Social Media, How Online Communities Shape the Experience: eAskme

However, as technology has advanced in a way that has supported the development of online casino sites, many players have turned to gaming online in recent years.

Online gambling is now very accessible, with most people having internet-enabled smartphones, and it can conveniently fit into our busy lives.

Land-based gambling still has its place, and many gamblers enjoy the atmosphere and ambiance of a lively casino venue. Furthermore, tourist hotspots like Las Vegas still thrive off American and international visitors traveling to enjoy the thrill its many grand gambling outlets offer.

As the online gambling world has developed, so too have online communities such as social media platforms. These have become utilized by both gamblers and gambling service providers to form interest groups and share experiences.

Social media is now an integral aspect of our social lives and communities:

Just a couple of decades ago, social media was in its infancy and was very basic in its design and content. In 2003, MySpace was launched for blogging, sharing music, and creating customizable profiles. Facebook followed a year later to keep friends connected and allow them to post their thoughts and ideas online.

Today, the average person spends 145 minutes of their day engaging with social media and has an average of 7.1 online social media accounts. Many depend on these platforms to keep in touch with their communities, for entertainment, and to engage with interests like gaming, music, fashion, and popular culture.

Each platform, including Facebook, X, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, has its purpose and shares different types of content. For those interested in gambling, casino, and sportsbook-related content, each platform can be used to connect with related brands and others who enjoy gambling, too.

The role of online communities in gambling - what do these communities facilitate?

The rapid development of the online gambling industry has been facilitated by both the advancement of the internet and the fast growth of social media platforms.

Social platforms allow gamblers to replicate some in-person interactions they would have when in land-based casinos and bookmakers and share their interests with a much wider group of people than they once had access to.

The role that online communities now play in learning about gambling and sharing gambling behaviors is becoming more and more central.

What are some of the uses of online communities for gamblers?

There are many reasons why a casino player or betting enthusiast might engage in relevant online communities. For some, it can be for troubleshooting purposes. Perhaps they are having difficulties finding games they like or are new to gambling and do not know where to start.

More experienced bettors may engage with the community to share helpful tips and advice; they enjoy imparting the knowledge they have gained with others and generally share their hobby with those who also have an interest.

Sharing news of and celebrating significant winnings can also be a reason for posting. Winning a game or bet online when playing online can mean there is no one else physically present to cheer you on, but the online community can share their congratulations and celebrate with you.

Those who engage with online communities may invite their 'real life' friends or their social media connections to join; this helps to grow the platform further and keep it fresh with new content and users.

Gambling providers also connect with their audiences through social media.

Casino players and bettors aren't the only people utilizing social media. The gambling providers and brands that deliver the experiences they enjoy also engage with the online community to help shape the experience.

Social media has many uses from the business perspective, particularly for marketing and advertising purposes but also for customer service and insights. The different social media platforms are used in different ways by brands to reach and engage with their current user base and prospective future customers.

For example, Facebook is the most popular of all the social platforms. A gambling brand may use Facebook to share updates about their site and upcoming product releases. At the same time, X (formally Twitter) is ideal for handling customer complaints.

Social media is a massive opportunity for gambling brands to connect with audiences, but it is also invaluable to players wanting to share their experiences with those with mutual interests.

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September 22, 2023

Why Silver Edge Casino Has Grown So Popular, and What Other Casinos Can Learn from It?

S​ilver Ed​ge C​asino ha​s b​een ma​king w​aves i​n t​he onlin​e ga​mbling i​ndustry, r​apidly g​aining popular​ity amo​ng play​ers.

It​s m​eteoric r​ise i​s attribute​d t​o it​s innovativ​e approac​h, diver​se offeri​ngs, a​nd commi​tment t​o provi​ding a top-​notch gami​ng experi​ence.

F​or a compreh​ensive l​ook a​t wha​t t​his platf​orm o​ffers, re​ad thi​s Silver Edge Casino revie​w.

Why Silver Edge Casino Has Grown So Popular, and What Other Casinos Can Learn from It: eAskme
Why Silver Edge Casino Has Grown So Popular, and What Other Casinos Can Learn from It: eAskme

1. Innovative Gaming Experience:

Cutting-Edge Technology:

Silve​r Ed​ge C​asino employ​s t​he lat​est technolo​gy t​o off​er g​ames th​at ar​e ric​h i​n grap​hics an​d featur​e innovat​ive de​signs.

Th​is com​mitment t​o tec​hnological advancem​ent ensure​s a​n imme​rsive an​d interact​ive gamin​g experienc​e f​or pla​yers.

Diverse Gaming Portfolio:

Th​e plat​form off​ers a di​verse ran​ge o​f gam​es, cat​ering t​o playe​rs wi​th va​ried pre​ferences.

F​rom cla​ssic c​asino ga​mes t​o innovativ​e n​ew titl​es, Si​lver Edg​e Casin​o ensur​es t​hat the​re i​s somethin​g fo​r ev​eryone.

2. User-Centric Platform Design:

Intuitive Interface:

T​he user-friendl​y int​erface o​f Si​lver E​dge C​asino i​s a signi​ficant dr​aw f​or playe​rs.

Th​e in​tuitive desig​n e​nsures e​asy naviga​tion, a​llowing play​ers t​o f​ind t​heir pref​erred gam​es q​uickly a​nd efficiently​.

Customizable User Experience:

Sil​ver E​dge C​asino allo​ws play​ers t​o ta​ilor the​ir gam​ing e​nvironment t​o th​eir pre​ferences, enhanc​ing t​he over​all use​r exper​ience an​d e​nsuring e​ach g​aming sess​ion i​s uni​que an​d personaliz​ed.

3. Exceptional Bonuses and Promotions:

Generous Welcome Offers:

S​ilver Edg​e C​asino s​tands ou​t w​ith it​s genero​us wel​come bon​uses, providin​g substanti​al va​lue t​o n​ew players​.

T​hese offer​s a​re no​t o​nly lucrati​ve b​ut als​o featu​re transpare​nt an​d f​air t​erms.

Regular Rewards and Promotions:

Th​e platf​orm keep​s play​ers enga​ged wit​h a varie​ty o​f p​romotions, tou​rnaments, a​nd rewards​.

The​se of​fers a​re desi​gned t​o pr​ovide a​dditional val​ue a​nd entertainmen​t, giv​ing pla​yers mor​e opportuniti​es t​o p​lay a​nd win​.

4. Security and Fair Play Commitment:

Advanced Security Protocols:

S​ilver Ed​ge Cas​ino priorit​izes play​er security​, e​mploying advanc​ed sec​urity prot​ocols t​o prote​ct use​r da​ta an​d financi​al transactio​ns.

Th​is c​ommitment t​o securit​y en​sures a sa​fe an​d se​cure gam​ing env​ironment.

Fair Gaming Environment:

T​he platfor​m i​s de​dicated t​o mainta​ining a fa​ir gam​ing e​nvironment, opera​ting un​der stric​t regulat​ory standa​rds an​d employi​ng Rando​m Num​ber Gen​erators t​o ensu​re fai​rness a​nd transparenc​y i​n ev​ery g​ame.

5. Responsive Customer Support and Flexible Payment Options:

Efficient Customer Support:

Si​lver Ed​ge Cas​ino unde​rstands th​e imp​ortance o​f respon​sive custom​er support​.

Th​e pl​atform offe​rs supp​ort t​hrough v​arious chann​els, ensuri​ng tha​t player​s’ inqu​iries a​nd conce​rns a​re addre​ssed prom​ptly an​d effec​tively.

Variety of Payment Methods:

T​he avail​ability o​f m​ultiple sec​ure pay​ment meth​ods a​dds t​o t​he platform’​s ap​peal.

W​hether i​t’s c​redit car​ds, e-wallet​s, o​r cryp​tocurrencies, Silve​r E​dge Cas​ino acco​mmodates a w​ide ran​ge o​f pa​yment opt​ions, ensu​ring co​nvenience fo​r pl​ayers.

6. Community Engagement and Player Satisfaction:

Active Player Community:

Si​lver Edg​e C​asino foster​s a vib​rant a​nd act​ive play​er communi​ty.

T​he platf​orm’s comm​itment t​o co​mmunity en​gagement en​hances t​he g​aming exp​erience an​d crea​tes a sen​se o​f cam​araderie amo​ng playe​rs.

Focus on Player Feedback:

T​he p​latform va​lues pla​yer feed​back an​d con​tinuously strive​s t​o i​mprove a​nd innovat​e ba​sed o​n pla​yers’ need​s an​d preferenc​es.

T​his player-cent​ric approac​h ens​ures t​hat t​he ga​ming e​xperience i​s contin​ually r​efined an​d enhance​d.

7. Mobile Compatibility and Cross-Platform Accessibility:

Optimized Mobile Gaming:

I​n to​day’s digi​tal a​ge, mob​ile comp​atibility i​s crucia​l.

S​ilver Ed​ge Cas​ino o​ffers a mobile-optimi​zed pl​atform, allow​ing pla​yers t​o en​joy thei​r f​avorite ga​mes o​n t​he g​o wi​thout compro​mising o​n qu​ality o​r func​tionality.

Seamless Cross-Platform Experience:

T​he p​latform’s commi​tment t​o providi​ng a flex​ible g​aming envi​ronment i​s eviden​t i​n it​s sea​mless c​ross-platform accessibili​ty.

Whethe​r acce​ssed vi​a a mobil​e ap​p o​r a we​b brow​ser, Si​lver E​dge C​asino ens​ures a con​sistent an​d h​igh-quality ga​ming exper​ience acr​oss al​l devi​ces.

8. Learning and Development Opportunities:

Educational Resources:

Silve​r E​dge Ca​sino pr​ovides a we​alth o​f educa​tional r​esources a​nd guid​es, a​llowing pla​yers t​o l​earn an​d dev​elop th​eir gam​ing s​kills.

Th​is foc​us o​n learni​ng empow​ers player​s t​o ma​ke inf​ormed dec​isions a​nd e​nhances thei​r gami​ng experi​ence.

Strategic Insights:

Th​e platfor​m off​ers ins​ights an​d strate​gies fo​r var​ious games​, ena​bling p​layers t​o und​erstand th​e nuanc​es an​d refi​ne thei​r game​play.

Th​is commitm​ent t​o pl​ayer dev​elopment ensu​res a mor​e fu​lfilling an​d rew​arding gami​ng experie​nce.

9. Responsible Gaming and Player Protection:

Proactive Responsible Gaming Measures:

Si​lver Ed​ge Ca​sino i​s committ​ed t​o promotin​g responsib​le gamin​g.

Th​e platf​orm provid​es variou​s tool​s an​d features​, s​uch a​s dep​osit lim​its an​d s​elf-exclusion optio​ns, a​llowing play​ers t​o manag​e thei​r g​aming behavio​r effect​ively.

Support and Counseling Services:

Th​e platfor​m of​fers su​pport a​nd counsel​ing servic​es f​or pla​yers d​ealing wit​h gamblin​g-related issu​es.

T​his f​ocus o​n pla​yer welfa​re under​scores Silv​er Edg​e Casi​no’s commitmen​t t​o provid​ing a saf​e a​nd re​sponsible g​aming environme​nt.


Si​lver E​dge Casino​’s a​scent t​o po​pularity i​s marke​d b​y it​s innova​tive o​fferings, com​mitment t​o play​er s​atisfaction, an​d fo​cus o​n resp​onsible gaming​.

Th​e platfo​rm’s emph​asis o​n l​earning a​nd development​, couple​d wit​h i​ts reputa​ble stand​ing a​nd indust​ry recogni​tion, make​s i​t a be​nchmark i​n th​e o​nline ga​mbling indu​stry.

O​ther casino​s aspir​ing t​o achie​ve su​ccess c​an g​lean valua​ble insigh​ts fr​om S​ilver Edg​e Ca​sino’s comp​rehensive app​roach t​o ga​ming, whi​ch ba​lances innovation​, va​lue, an​d respon​sibility.

Wh​ether a novic​e o​r a vetera​n, playe​rs a​t Silv​er Ed​ge C​asino a​re assu​red o​f a gam​ing exp​erience th​at i​s en​gaging, enri​ching, a​nd secure​.

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September 12, 2023

How to Download Betting Apps from India?

Navigating the digital world of betting apps can be overwhelming, especially in India, where restrictions and regulations can be confusing.

This article is a comprehensive guide to help you understand how to download any betting app in India safely and legally.

Legal Framework for Betting Apps in India:

How to Download Betting Apps from India?: eAskme
How to Download Betting Apps from India?: eAskme

Before you start the download process, it's crucial to understand India's complex legal landscape surrounding online betting.

Conduct thorough research and seek advice from legal experts to ensure compliance.

The Importance of Customer Support:

Effective customer support can make or break your experience with a betting app.

A reliable app should offer round-the-clock support through various channels like live chat, email, and toll-free phone numbers.

These services are crucial for resolving any issues that may arise related to transactions, account settings, or navigating the app itself.

A well-structured FAQ section can also be a quick source of help. In summary, robust customer support is a must-have feature when downloading a betting app.

Payment Options: What You Need to Know

When selecting a betting app, consider various payment options, such as e-wallets and cryptocurrencies.

For a detailed guide on accepted payment methods in India, check out this list of digital payment methods from the government of India.

Geolocation and Its Role in Betting Apps

Geolocation is another essential factor when downloading and using betting apps in India.

Many apps require users to confirm their location to comply with local and national laws.

Ensure to enable your device's location settings, but be wary of apps that ask for unnecessary permissions. Overly intrusive apps could be a red flag for potential security risks.

Reading User Reviews: An Underrated Step

Before downloading a betting app, read user reviews on the App Store or Google Play Store; these firsthand accounts can offer valuable insights into the app’s performance, security features, and customer support responsiveness.

While every app will have its fair share of positive and negative reviews, a predominance of the latter should prompt you to look elsewhere.

Comprehensive Guide to Downloading a Betting App in India

In India's crowded digital world of betting apps, navigating your options can take time and effort.

To simplify and secure the process, we've outlined detailed steps.

Step 1: Research for a Credible App

The first crucial step is to conduct thorough research to find a reputable betting app.

Look for apps with high user ratings, positive reviews, and endorsements from trustworthy sources.

This will give you an idea of the app's credibility and help you avoid potentially risky platforms.

Step 2: Verify Legal Standing

Before you tap the download button, ensure the app complies with Indian laws concerning online betting.

For a comprehensive understanding of India's betting laws, you can refer to this information.

Step 3: Check Compatibility and System Requirements

Next, ensure your device meets the app's system requirements by checking its download page for compatibility details.

Step 4: Secure Internet Connection

To ensure a smooth download process, connect to a secure Wi-Fi network.

This is faster and more secure than using public Wi-Fi or mobile data, which can be susceptible to security threats.

Step 5: Download and Installation

Now that you've checked off the previous steps download the app from a trusted source like Google Play for Android or the Apple App Store for iOS devices.

Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Step 6: User Registration and Account Verification

After successfully installing the app, open it to start the registration process.

Depending on the app's security protocols, you'll likely need to provide personal information and may need to upload identification documents for verification purposes.

Step 7: Set Up Security Measures

After account verification, enable two-factor authentication for added security.

You'll safely download a suitable betting app in India by carefully following these steps.


Downloading a betting app in India is a relatively straightforward process that should be approached with caution due to the legal ambiguities surrounding online betting.

Always prioritize security and legality when engaging in such activities.

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June 28, 2023

How to Improve Your Sports Betting?

Figure 1 Understand the value of money - and the concept of value - before placing your bets
With online sports betting becoming legal in more states and regions around the world, there is a good chance that you may have already given it a go.

There are certainly plenty of sites attracting new customers these days.
But if you are a relative newcomer to betting on sports, you could feel overwhelmed – or confused at why you are not having much success.

How to Improve Your Sports Betting?: eAskme
How to Improve Your Sports Betting?: eAskme

This is especially true if you are a big sports fan anyway. But gambling is not something you can pick up straight away.

Knowing some handy tips will help you when you have signed up for an account at a betting site like MyBookie.

Here are a few things to consider if you want your luck to change soon.

Understand Value:

A lot of people get a little bit carried away when they first sign up for an online betting account and then cannot understand why they keep on losing.

One of the main reasons why is very simple. You need to understand the concept of value before you make your selections.
It is a very easy concept – you should recognize whether a bet is worth the risk.

The odds will give you a clue to the probability of an event occurring – and you should use those odds to work out the value.

High odds may promise a big win, but they are high for a reason.

It is much better to go for the lower odds and win more regularly to increase your profit margin.

Compare Odds:

Another factor that many newcomers don’t realize is that you can get different odds at different sportsbooks.

There may not be much between two prices, but it is in those little differences that bigger profits can be made.

You don’t necessarily have to open accounts at a number of sportsbooks – just take a look to be able to make a comparison.
Sportsbooks like to keep odds fairly uniform but there are always some markets that will be priced differently.

If these are events and sports that you are likely to bet on anyway (we will return to this point in a moment) make sure you are placing a bet with the more attractive bookmaker.

Your winnings will be bigger.

Do Your Research:

This should be a given. But you would be surprised how many people make uninformed bets.

Even if you consider yourself the biggest football in the world, you should still study the form and do your homework before placing a bet on an event you just have a feeling about.
Read all the previews you can to find out what the experts think might happen. But also do your own research and read injury reports and probable line-ups.

Take a look at a weather forecast if you are betting on a sport where that can make some difference. Basically, gather as much intel as you can before placing your bet.

Set a Budget:

You should have realized by now that there is no guarantee when it comes to sports betting.

Even an event that seems a surefire certainty might go the other way.

That’s the beauty of sport, after all. That unpredictability factor might be good for sports – but it is not so good for sports bettors.
That’s why you should not get too upset when you lose and not get too carried away when you win.

If you set a budget for your betting you will never be chasing the wins and won’t get to the point where you are desperate for some success.

Only bet as much as you are prepared to lose and you should be fine.

Bet With Your Head, Not Your Heart:

If you are going to bet on sports it probably means that you are a sports fan.

Sports fans have favorite teams and tend to have a better insight into those teams than others.

But that should not mean that you automatically bet on your team.

You obviously think the team is good, but the results might not reflect that.
Try to take out all emotion when you are making your betting selections. You need to be thinking as impartially as you can about your picks.

That way you will know that you making an informed bet, rather than one that is following what you want to happen.

If you really cannot be that impartial, maybe you should avoid betting on your team altogether.

Avoid Big Bets:

If you have recently signed up with an online sportsbook you may have been offered the chance to place a bet suggested by the site.

The odds will seem very attractive and there will be the chance of winning a lot of money for a relatively small outlay.

But if the bet is a parlay, you should think carefully about going for it.
Parlays are multiple bets that have more than one selection included. You only place one stake but all the selections have to be successful to receive any winnings.

The more selections, the higher the odds will be. But there is also a very good chance that all the selections won’t be successful.

Try to avoid parlays until you have some good experience and understand the value of the bets.

Bet Responsibly:

In the end, betting on sports is supposed to be fun.

Of course, you will want to win money in the process. But it should not become so important that your entire mood changes if you lose – or you get into financial difficulty.

Sportsbooks are very aware of helping people these days, so there are always things you can do if this becomes the case.
But betting responsibly just means being in control of what you are doing and enjoying it as a pastime.

Betting can make sporting events more exciting and add more meaning to outcomes if your teams are not involved.

If you are being responsible you will have more fun and have a better time.

That’s what it’s all about – and you may even end up with some winning returns.

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May 03, 2023 Activate Code: How Does it Work? is a popular US channel. Americans love sports, and as Americans, we all love watching sports events, matches and even reviews online.

Who does not want to watch his favorite sportsperson or athlete in live action?

No matter how busy you are, if you are a sports enthusiast, you will always find spare time to enjoy your favorite sports. Activate Code, How Does it Work: eAskme Activate Code, How Does it Work: eAskme


To access BallySports in your home, you need Bally Sports Network activation. It is a popular solution to watch regional games, NBA, etc.

If you want to watch regional US games on an American channel only, consider visiting and activating Bally Sports. After visiting the site, it is a must to use the Ballysport activation code to use on different devices.

Before you activate Ballysports activate code, here is everything you must know.

What is Bally Sports?

Bally Sports or Bally Sports+ is a popular American cable tv channel that offers unlimited sports entertainment.

You can enjoy the matches of 42 professional teams across major leagues.

Bally Sports is accessible in the US, UK, Australia, Ireland, and Canada. You can watch sports events on Ballysports in 45 US states.

You must have a Bally Sports subscription to watch it on your Tv or smart device. You should check the Bally Sports activation instructions to access the tv channel on your device.

Different cable service providers can have different solutions to activate the Bally Sports network. You can either ask your cable tv operator or visit their websites or call on support. is the easiest way to activate tv channels on popular cable service providers in the US, such as DirecTV, AT&T U-Verse, etc.

Note: You can only watch sports events and matches on Bally Sports. It also means you cannot watch anything other than sports entertainment.

Viewers can watch live matches and sports events and sports highlights, and recorded matches on the Bally Sports tv channel.

Fantast sports is also getting popular in America. The Bally Sports Fantasy League is a popular fantasy sports game for sports enthusiasts.

Interviews of your favorite sports persons are also available on BallySports.

You can access BallySports on your smartphone by installing The Bally Sports App. It is named Fox Sports Network. Regional Fox News channel is branded as Bally Sports channel.

The Diamond Sports Organization is the parent company. Viewers can access the Bally Sports tv channel on cable and satellite tv.

Bally Sports Activation Code: What is it?

The Bally Sports app for smartphones offers a seamless online streaming service.

You can watch videos online on the BallySports app and tv.

To activate the code, visit the Bally Sports app online.

How to activate the code on your tv?

  • Open the Bally Sports app.
  • Find the activation code from your tv screen.
  • Go to
  • Type the code and choose the TV provider.
  • Enter username and password to log in.
  • Now choose cable tv operator and enter the code.

Bally Sports Supported Devices Are:

  • Apple Devices: It includes all Apple devices above iOS 14.4 and Apple TVs above TvOS 13.
  • Android Devices: Smartphone with OS 8.1 or TV with OS 10 or above.
  • Amazon Fire Tv with OS 6 and above.
  • Roku with 9.0 firmware or above.
  • Xbox one.


Bally Sports is a popular sports streaming network in the USA. If you want to watch local sports events, activate your Bally Sports account.

You can access one Bally Sports account on multiple smart devices using Bally Sports app.

Now you know how to activate the Bally Sports code using

Bally Sports code activation is easy; you can watch every sports event and match in the US.

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January 07, 2023

Four sporting events to look forward to in 2023 in India

Sports fans and betting enthusiasts in India look forward to a great year as the country will host major events. Their tray is packed when you add other sporting events happening in the continent and other parts of the world.

Four sporting events to look forward to in 2023 in India: eAskme
Four sporting events to look forward to in 2023 in India: eAskme

But, as Kate Richardson, a sporting betting expert, says, they will not have a dull moment in 2023.

A significant event happens almost every month in the country, from hockey, wrestling, motorsports, football, swimming, and cricket.

Kate adds that top betting sites in India have something to celebrate as they will be full of action as punters look for odds and markets to wager for their favorite matches and players.

Betting experts predict India's betting scene will witness a phenomenal growth in 2023.

In her analysis of Indian betting, Kate Richardson observes that betting in India has recorded significant growth recently, with the number of sites and punters doubling within a short period.

Kate's profile and comprehensive analysis can be obtained to read more of her insights.

Back to sporting events that fans and punters are looking forward to in 2023, here we will explore four significant events.

ICC Men's Cricket World Cup:

It is not the first time that India is hosting the world cup. The country has previously hosted the prestigious event three times.

Dubbed the 13th edition of the ICC Men's cricket world cup, the tournament is expected to attract a massive following given that fans will attend physically.

The previous tournament had been affected by COVID-19, where fans were not allowed in the stadium.

This year, fans will return to the stadium as most of the restrictions put to check the spread of COVID-19 have been lifted.

Ten teams will be contesting for the coveted cricket trophy, with the tournament following the format used in 2019 when the games were held in England and Wales.

Forty-eight matches will be played during the tournament giving fans and betting enthusiasts good entertainment. The tournament was initially scheduled for February but had to be postponed to October due to COVID.

Cricket fans eagerly await the tournament, given that it had been postponed once.

They will have a month-packed action following their favorite teams, while bettors will have a great time wagering on different matches and players.

Men's Hockey World Cup:

Cricket World Cup will not be the only major tournament played in India in 2023; the country will also play host to Hockey World Cup, among other sporting events.

Coming earlier than cricket, the Hockey World Cup will start earlier in the year, on January 13th, and end on January 29th.

The tournament will be bringing together Hockey champions from 16 countries. This is how the countries are pooled:

  • Pool A- Australia, Argentina, France, and South Africa
  • Pool B- Belgium, Germany, South Korea, and Japan
  • Pool C- Netherlands, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Chile
  • Pool D- India, England, Spain, and Wales

All the matches will be played in Kalinga and Birsa Munda International Stadium.

Hockey fans in India and worldwide are eagerly waiting for the two-week packed hockey extravaganza.

It is similar for punters; they already identify the teams they will be backing as the tournament draws near.

Women's World Boxing Championships:

When the list of countries passionate about boxing is prepared, India will consistently rank at the top, which could explain why the country is hosting the International Boxing Association Women's Championships in 2023.

This will be the third time that India is hosting the prestigious tournament; 2006 and 2018 competitions were held in New Delhi, India.

While the India Boxing Association was accepting to host the competition, the officials saw this as a great honor for the country, especially within a short span.

In the last few years, India has built a world-class boxing infrastructure, which could be one of the reasons the country was honored with hosting this event.

The Indian sporting fraternity is eagerly waiting for this event. It will be kicking off on March 15th, running for two weeks to end on March 31st.

Badminton 2023 India Open:

The indoor games fans have been included; the India open is coming early in the year.

The tournament is set to start in two weeks, on January 17th, and end on the 22nd. The 2023 India open will be held at Jadhav Indoor Hall, New Delhi.

The tournament will see the likes of Viktor Axelsen, Lee Zii Jia, Loh Kean Yew, Jonatan Christie, Chou Tien-Chen, Anthony Ginting, and Lakshya Sen, among other Badminton stars, battle it in Men's Single and different categories. Indoor games fans are looking forward to starting the year on a higher note.

They are eagerly waiting for the kick-off matches and the thrill that comes with the tournament.

India's sports calendar is fully packed. From badminton, hockey, motorsports, cricket, and boxing, to wrestling, among other sporting activities, fans and punters will not have a dull moment.

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December 28, 2022

The New Era of Sports Games on Android Phones

Video games in the sports genre allow players to immerse themselves in a fictional universe where they can act out their favorite athletic idols' most remarkable moments.

Once upon a time, having the most up-to-date gaming console or a powerful gaming PC was required to play the most recent sports video games.

The New Era of Sports Games on Android Phones: eAskme
The New Era of Sports Games on Android Phones: eAskme

However, gone are those days as the era of sports games on android phones has reached.

It is optional to have lots of betting applications on your phone to enjoy some sports games.

Both free and paid games are available for your android phone, with the paid ones often featuring more content.

Let's look at some of the popular android sports games.

Fifa Mobile 22:

In October 2016, after considerable anticipation, EA Sports released the first iteration of FIFA Mobile.

FIFA Mobile 22 has the most authentic tournaments, teams, and footballers of any soccer game.

The 2022 version features updated visuals, a refined gameplay mechanic, and a reworked transfer market.
For those who enjoy wagering, there are legitimate online casinos that welcome mobile wagers.

Online gambling has flourished with the introduction of smartphones and the general improvement of internet connectivity.

This has made it easy to access betting sites like mr bet login;, which allows you to place wagers on ongoing soccer matches easily from your phone.  

ML 9 Innings 22:

The latest installment of MLB's official video game simulation series is a must-have for every baseball fan.

Since it's the official baseball game authorized by Major League Baseball and MLB Players Inc., it is the league's official representation in the video game industry.

Play solo, get some pals, and hit the park, or go on the internet and participate in rated multiplayer battles. It's entirely up to you.

The makers put in a lot of effort so that you can play the game with just one hand, making it ideal for gaming on your Android phone while you're out and about.

Table Tennis Touch:

Whether or not you enjoy the game of table tennis, you will adore Table Tennis Touch.

It was developed by the independent British company Yakuto, was published for Android phones in March 2015, and immediately became popular.

Various gameplay options are available in the game, from a single-player story to online multiplayer to skill-based arcade challenges.

In addition, the ball dynamics are unparalleled, allowing you to flip the ball in various ways with each stroke and see it respond graciously.

The visual and auditory quality of Table Tennis Touch is superb. It's one of the top sports games on android mobile devices.

FIE Swordplay:

Among the unexpectedly widespread sports is FIE Swordplay.

In this particular case, fencing skills are required. You customize your weapon and armor and engage in combat with other players.

The International Fencing Federation has given its official backing to the game, and it offers authentic fencing methods, beautiful visuals, simple controls, virtual PvP, a narrative option, and certified support.

Despite fencing's relative obscurity, this is a fantastic sporting event.

Madden NFL 22 Mobile Football:

When it comes to mobile football games, Madden NFL Football is unrivaled.

It's got quite good visuals, easy controls, and a roster that's always up to date. This game also features weekly competitions.

Sadly, this is primarily a simulation game.

There are many methods by which a player can level up. That's right; it's another one of EA Sports' free-to-play titles, perfect for your android phone.

NBA Live Mobile:

The mobile version of NBA Live is an enjoyable basketball simulation.

It combines elements of simulation with those of a realistic sports game, making it a popular choice.

A team-based competitive game where players form and compete in their squads.

This game gives you the freedom to assemble your squad. You can then take the court with that squad.

Online player-versus-player combat is the main focus.

The game is available at no cost and has some intense combat making it suitable for your android phone.

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August 22, 2022

Technological Advances Used in the World of Football

The use of new technologies in the world of this beautiful game is well known today.

These technologies have been part of the day-to-day work of professional teams for years.

Without them, many teams would not know how to achieve an outstanding performance during the championship.

Technological Advances Used in the World of Football: eAskme
Technological Advances Used in the World of Football: eAskme

It must be remembered that football is at its peak today. Teams have become private companies that work day and night to become the best.

Television companies want to take over the broadcasting powers of the major championships such as the Leagues, the Champions League, and international competitions such as the World Cup.

Sports betting companies like SBO also offer benefits that make betting on PC, tablets, or smartphones much more attractive than visiting physical venues.

The world of football has grown so much that they even offer promotions and bonuses to make it easier for you to place your bet. In addition, they do live delays with which you can get good results.

So, just like in the sectors mentioned above, this has also happened in technology.

More and more instruments and tools are becoming available that collect a large amount of data from the matches to be applied in entertainment or future matches.

Sports technology can be divided into 4 blocks:

Conditional aspects:

In this block, you can find all technologies related to physical conditions, such as in-game data like braking, acceleration, etc.

Accessories like GPS in matches and entertainment have been increasing in the last ten years.

If you look closely at the players, you will rarely see a team in which there is a player who does not use it.

It is here where you will also find the accessories that are more related to the direct improvement of the player. For example, power and strength values can be controlled.

Furthermore, technology related to physiotherapy can also be found in this block.

Technical-tactical performance:

One can find technology related to video analysis within the technical and tactical performance.

When we talk about video, we are not mentioning the best sports streaming platform, which is enumerated here at eAskme.

Video analysis is based on the study of the performance of a team or an individual player.

At the moment, there are very few companies dedicated to the creation of this type of software, such as ERICSport.

To carry out this analysis, different forms of video recording are used.

A clear example of this type of technological strategy can be found in the Spanish national team.

Luis Enrique's team exercised with a platform in the middle of the training session where a person recorded from the aerial view.

Another clear example can be seen in Manchester City's training sessions, where training is recorded with flying drones.

Trainer planning:

The section on the planning of the trainer could be found within the previous block.

Still, it differs in that its characteristics and purposes are different: Technical and tactical performance technology.

Coaches use specific tools to facilitate their daily work and to plan the team in the short, medium, and long term.

Amongst the most commonly used tools are spreadsheets for planning content, presentation software for many functions, virtual management platforms, cloud storage services for saving and sharing documents, and large format presentations with projectors.

Referee support:

Perhaps one of the most well-known technological blocks in the world. It includes VAR on the one hand and Hawk's Eye on the other.

VAR refers to Video Assistant Refereeing according to FIFA.

This method of technological refereeing assistance was launched in the 18-19 season.

Although its effectiveness initially seemed to be very high, this technology is still very much questioned about its use.

Referees are very happy with the application of VAR, but many fans are not.

However, the Hawk's Eye had previously been seen in sports such as tennis and eventually made its way into football.

This system is used in several major European leagues to see if the ball has crossed the goal line.

The camera has a microchip that detects whether the ball has passed 100%.

Other football tools are still in the experimental phase. The question on everyone's mind now is, what will be the next technological step in football?

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May 19, 2022

How to Bet on MMA Fights Properly?

Mixed martial arts is the most ground-breaking sport today.

Along with the growing popularity of MMA, betting on this sport is also becoming popular.

If you have a passion for betting, it's high time to register at bet winner. It's one of the top-notch reliable bookmakers that has all the necessary goodies for betting you need.

How to Bet on MMA Fights Properly?: eAskme
How to Bet on MMA Fights Properly?: eAskme

Here you can find the best sports coverage and many useful tips for successful betting.

Making a bet on MMA is not difficult if the bettor is familiar with betting on boxing. But in mixed martial arts, some moments make the sport stand out.

Namely, the following fight betting markets:

  • The winner of the bout;
  • The strongest in a single round;
  • The number of rounds;
  • Method of victory;
  • Combined outcome.

Bettors don't hesitate to bet on the total under in the battle between the two punchers.

If two wrestlers meet in the bout, there is a great chance of a long-lasting fight. Hence it is logical to bet on the total over.

Usually, the bookmaker counts in the T/U & T/O  only those fully completed rounds. But the companies' policy on this issue is different.

Victory method:

fighters win in different ways: knockout, refereeing decision, technical knockout, or opponent submission.

This market implies that the player will guess the variant of victory of one of the fighters.

Combined outcome:

he bettor is offered to bet on MMA as a combination of outcomes. For example, the victory of the first fighter by knockout in the first round. Such options have high odds.

What kind of MMA bets is worth considering?

Thanks to the excellent work of the UFC and Bellator, most bookmakers now offer markets that include all fights.

It's easy to get lost in this variety, so it's important to approach your betting choices wisely.

Before selecting a particular bet, conduct a thorough analysis of the fighters' levels, techniques, and skills.

Sometimes it is not enough to predict a short fight between two punchers or a long battle of masters of fighting. So how to choose the right bet on MMA?

Who to bet on in MMA?

Betting on a knockout fighter.

In MMA betting, the bottom line matters, not the winning outcomes. The profitable ones include betting on knockout punchers.

With this strategy, the bettor bets on the knockout fighter. Yes, in this case, the odds will rarely exceed 1.25-1.5. This strategy will be profitable down the road.

For example, the fights between Conor McGregor and Francis Ngannou. Both fighters prefer to damage the opponent from the first seconds of the fight with their striking technique and end the fight early.

Betting on the fighter:

Bouts involving professional wrestlers are protracted. Fights of strikers seldom cover all rounds, so it is logical to bet on total under in such fights.

An example of a fighter is Khabib Nurmagomedov, who finds mostly on the ground, where he finds an advantage over his opponent.

In cases with professional wrestlers, we should consider an option of T/U and victory by pain or suffocation holds.

Betting on a versatile and all-around fighter:

In the UFC, it's hard to find a universal fighter who is equally confident in both standup and grappling.

If you are lucky enough to witness a fight with such a unicum, it is safe to bet on his victory.

Betting on the underdog:

A separate column of betting on MMA is betting on underdogs, athletes with lesser chances to win.

Professionals manage to win in this market, but the strategy involves subtleties.

Near underdog:

Close in strength to the favorite, it's an unobvious underdog.

The odds for such fighters are usually a bit higher than the odds for the favorite (2.15-2.2);

A weak underdog:

Odds for such a fighter's victory are slightly above the three, but the probability of his loss is quite high;

Heavy underdog:

a clear underdog. Bookmaker offers to bet on his victory with very high odds, from 4.

A heavy underdog can win the fight, either utilizing an obvious opponent's mistakes or aiming for a lucky punch.

Two punchers:

A pretty risky option for MMA betting. There is always a chance of a sensation in fights between a favorite and an outsider.

A prime example is the first fight between Nate Diaz and Conor McGregor. Nate accepted an offer to fight the promotion's top star on short notice.

In the first round, the fight could have ended when Conor dominated his opponent in the standup, inflicting significant damage on him.

But Diaz was able to hold out, and in the second round, he sensationally won by chokehold.

Two fighters:

It's better not to bet on such fights. A fighter with a good striking technique is unlikely to leave his opponent a chance to win;

Newbie vs. favorite:

Bookmakers often make a loss when they bet on the clear favorite in a fight against a beginner.

And bettors do not shy away from betting a few hundred on the newcomer of the promotion, who is eager to show his best qualities in the first fight. Such fights often end in sensations.

An example of an underdog fighter is Alexey Oleynik of Russia.

At UFC 249, in his fight against Fabricio Werdum, Oleynik was seen as a weak underdog — they offered odds of 3.5 to win. Alexey managed to impose a fight on the Brazilian and won by a split decision.

What to pay attention to when betting on MMA and UFC?

Knowing the nuances of the fighters' preparation before the fight can help bettors.

Athletes are watched during training or sparring; there is constant news from the fighters' camp.

Bettors analyze how an athlete is preparing for a particular opponent. Information on which bettors earn.

When analyzing a fighter's preparation, they consider the level of sparring partners.

Often a fighter chooses to train top athletes from another discipline (wrestling or judo).

Professional mixed martial arts experts study aspects of training:

The distance a fighter will travel to the right location and the elevation of the fight venue.

This does not often condition the course of the fight, but sometimes it does.

The conditions and altitude of each location affect endurance and determine the fighters' rate of physical exhaustion.

Consider also the weight the fighter made before the fight.

A heavy lifter achieves the right numbers on the weights to confront a lightweight opponent, exposing the body to exhaustion.

This factor often plays against him in the octagon.


There are a lot of strategies for betting on MMA and UFC.

No recipe would unambiguously bring the bettor a plus in the long run.

It is important to analyze the fight competently and play carefully.


Is it challenging to bet on MMA fights?

No, it's not an uphill task. You need to follow your favorite fighters and trust your gut feeling.

Who is the best MMA fighter?

Jon Jones is considered one of the best fighters of all time. Multiple-time UFC lightweight champion is basking in his glory.

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April 21, 2022

Fantasy sports: The A to Z guide for North America

Fantasy sports are exploding.

Gone are the days when there were just a couple of ways to play fantasy sports.

We live in the age of apps and constant internet connection in many areas, and people can tweak their fantasy teams on public transport or a break from work.

Fantasy sports The A to Z guide for North America: eAskme
Fantasy sports The A to Z guide for North America: eAskme

A lot of people like to play and even gamble on fantasy sports.

However, it’s not all been smooth going for the companies providing fantasy sports competitions.

The decision to remove some fantasy sports products has challenged the industry.

For instance, markets in places like Ontario are in danger because of regulations that could kill the growth of some fantasy sports companies.

The regulations have come down hard on some formats of games, such as daily fantasy sports.

Let’s dive into some details regarding fantasy sports across North America, including the most popular ways to play.

How fantasy sports work?

You may have seen giant companies such as DraftKings growing significantly in recent years, partially due to clever social media marketing.

If you’re new to the concept, you might want to know precisely how fantasy sports work.

With fantasy sports, you can create your team (usually with a funny pun name), which comprises players from within the actual sport.

You get a budget to start your team with, and you need to be clever; you can only sign so many players on your team.

These players are awarded points based on what they achieve in real life.

After choosing your team, you can enter it into a private or public league to play against others.

You’re choosing the players you like from real-life teams, and if they perform well in real life, you get points in your fantasy league.

Defensive players can score points for things such as blocks. It depends on the sport.

Statistics show how quickly the market for fantasy sports is growing.

It’s fascinating and engaging, especially as once players have chosen their team, they can trade players and maintain it from one week to the next.

Which sports have fantasy leagues?

Despite some of the regulatory problems that we’ve already discussed and the fact that not every location allows fans to play fantasy sports, there are a lot of North American sports fans playing with a fantasy “draft”.

NFL is the biggest fantasy market. Around 17% of NFL fans surveyed have played fantasy football in the last year. Point scoring is relatively simple, and it’s been easy for the brands to grow.

There are plenty of other sports with fantasy leagues.

The MLB (Baseball) and NHL (Hockey) both have fantasy leagues that you can get involved in if you want to compete with your friends. Around 8-10% of these sports fans say they play fantasy sports.

The figure is slightly higher for NBA fans, but interestingly, many NBA fans surveyed said that they play more NFL fantasy sports.

This is potential because it is more popular and easier to play against friends.

Fantasy soccer is not as popular in North America, but it does exist.

It becomes more popular around the time of major international tournaments such as the World Cup as people build their fantasy teams.

Often, the appeal in these shorter tournaments has been that you don’t have to manage a team throughout the entire season - some fantasy players get bored and frustrated this way.

That’s one of the reasons why daily fantasy football has become so popular.

Despite having been hit with some restrictions in specific locations, there are still plenty of places where you can play it.

Daily fantasy football means having daily winners rather than waiting until the end of the season.

Are fantasy sports gambling?

There has been a lot of debate about whether fantasy sports represent gambling.

There are some fantasy sports competitions with a paid entry where you can win cash prizes, so it is fair to call it gambling in many people’s eyes.

However, a lot of states in the US allow paid entry competitions.

There are also a lot of free fantasy sports platforms out there, so you don’t necessarily have to pay or wager anything to get involved.

You don’t have to gamble to get involved, but many states allow responsible gambling.


In the future, don’t be surprised if there is growth in a variety of different areas of fantasy sports.

While some Canadian and US jurisdictions are still working out the exact legislation, there are plenty of locations where it is legal to play fantasy sports.

There is a big social side to fantasy sports as you can enter into leagues with your friends or colleagues.

People like to experiment with their fantasy teams on their apps and laptops the day before a big game, and it can add some extra fun to watching the sports too.

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