Showing posts with label Forum Marketing. Show all posts

November 09, 2022

Crypto Social Media Forums To Know

As a result of its usefulness in facilitating interpersonal communication and providing novel venues for disseminating information in a timely and organized fashion, social media has quickly become an integral part of everyone's daily routine.

As a result, most people invest considerable time into social media, which has become a significant driver of economic activity.

Crypto Social Media Forums To Know: eAskme
Crypto Social Media Forums To Know: eAskme

Social media behemoths such as Facebook, Twitter, plus Google produce trillions of dollars in revenue each year.

However, this means they ultimately regulate and control the content users see on their site.


Nowadays, blockchain is among the most talked-about and innovative technologies out there. It seems like every year; we find yet another use for blockchain.

Blockchain technology can be used in many other fields, including the financial sector, the music industry, the media, and even the food industry.

We'll delve further into how blockchain has altered the social media landscape by walking you through the nine most prominent crypto-centric networks.


Torum is a SocialFi (Social + DeFi + NFT) Metaverse environment for bitcoin users. It's like Facebook and Twitter together. The token rewards frequent users.

Users can gift coins for high-quality content. This network offers goal-oriented company sites and clans.

Torum has LinkedIn-like features, allowing you to connect with individuals and businesses, add team members, and post. It's user-friendly.

Search for users, new friends, clans, and companies. Torum lacks a mobile app but has a mobile-friendly browser.

Huobi Ventures, U21, & Consensus Lab are among Torum's 20 investors.

It's the first social media platform for bitcoin enthusiasts and an NFT+DeFi system with 20% monthly user growth.


Eron Wolf, developer of Yahoo Games and WhatsApp's initial investor, founded Minds to promote open communication and bitcoin income.

Minds is a cutting-edge social media platform that gives users prizes and enhances privacy restrictions. This accessible network emphasizes privacy and avoids advertising data mining.

Futo awarded Minds $10 million in June 2021.

Minds have 15 million registered users, rapid conversation, and money opportunities, making it a viable option for Twitter and other social media networks.

It's mobile-friendly and includes YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter capabilities.

No one is restricted or censored on Minds.

You can gain tokens by uploading content or interacting with others.

Viewing your feed or liking someone's post earns you points.

Create a blog post or share an interesting link to gain extra.

Promote your work with tokens. One token gives a post 1,000 impressions.

If your post gets more engagement and readers find it interesting, you can repay the price of boosting it and possibly make a profit.

Since the coins are only on the testnet, calculating their value is tricky.


Many think DTube is better than YouTube. Because DTube is comparable to YouTube, experts believe users will learn quickly.

DTube has no ads, unlike YouTube. Users may think DTube is better than its 17-year-old competition.

DTube's search results are relevant to your question and unaffected by consolidated search engine algorithms. They decentralized video search.

DTube rewards active users. You can get compensated based on video likes and comments as a content provider. Users appreciate each comment at USD 0.05.


Ignite is a distributed microblogging site created to be independent. The project's founders built it on The Prometheus Framework, prioritizing speed, security, and decentralization.

Ignite is inspired by free expression, censorship, and anonymity. It helps the public share reviews and opinions on the site without feeling suppressed.

Prometheus can sell user data in multiple ways. However, some trading sites like bitsoft360 further assist investors with finance management strategies and crypto alerts.


Social media users, many of whom were getting weary of the ordeal, have discovered a simple solution.

There will be no more restrictions on speech, no more attempts to moderate minority opinions, and no more worries about users' personal information being compromised.

The age of cryptocurrency-based social media sites is here.

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

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December 22, 2020

4 Best Creative Marketing Solutions

Whether you have a brick-and-mortar or an online business, good marketing is essential. Effective marketing is especially important for new businesses that are trying to get off the ground.

4 Best Creative Marketing Solutions: eAskme
4 Best Creative Marketing Solutions: eAskme

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If you have tried some of the obvious choices without the kind of success you were looking for, here are four creative marketing solutions that you may not have considered.

1. Google Maps

You probably realize that advertising on Google and optimizing for their search engines is an important part of marketing your business.

However, you may not realize how functional Google Maps can be in getting your business into search results quicker.

You have a tremendous amount of competition for keywords on Google, but Google Maps eliminates all but your local competition.

Even if you do not have a physical storefront, you can register an express mail dropbox and customer support business hours and get on Google Maps.

If you're not utilizing this technique, you are really missing out on an opportunity for great free marketing to any customers in your area.

2. Physical Marketing

Whether you have a brick-and-mortar or an online store, physical marketing can be highly functional marketing.

Visual cues like banners, van wraps, and flyers can all bring attention to your business.

If you ever need to transport products or go from place to place to conduct your business, you are missing a huge advertising opportunity if you do not have a van wrap.

If you have any kind of physical storefront, it should have banners.

You can pay local businesses to display banners in their shops to advertise your services or products.

Fliers can be put out in public places for very low prices and may draw people who otherwise wouldn't have found your business through online searches.

In an increasingly digital world, don't neglect the potential of physical marketing in your campaign.

3. Forums

Most businesses understand the value of social media and how important it is to have a website, but you may not recognize that forums can also offer an opportunity to build credit with a customer base and attract new clients.

Whatever kind of business you have, participating in forums about subjects related to that business gives you an opportunity to connect with people and prove that you are an authority in your area.

Building credibility and authority is one of the hardest things for a new company to do, especially if they operate entirely online.

Citing respectable sources, answering questions intelligently, and participating with your target market on forums can be a superb way to build credibility as well as attracting customers.

4. Cause Marketing

Cause marketing is a growing phenomenon, especially among eCommerce businesses.

If you're struggling to be seen above the clutter, cause marketing may be an excellent option.

You can choose a cause related to your business or something unrelated that you feel passionate about.

All that matters is that you tie yourself to the cause and offer incentives to your customers that their dollars will partially go to supporting the cause.

Be Creative

Any of these four marketing tactics can do wonders for your business.

Be creative in how you apply marketing and think of new avenues to reach your customers, and you will likely find that creative marketing is easier than you expected.

Do share you questions, suggestions and anything you want me to know in comments.

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June 06, 2017

10 Ways To Market Your Website

The moment you have been waiting for has arrived. You see that endless traffic and sales just around the corner. However, as you refresh the numbers Google Analytics displays regarding the actual attention your site is getting the enthusiasm you once had falls – quite a bit. Getting the word out about your website and getting people to it, building awareness and generating sales is a portion of the business plan that is likely raising your blood pressure.

10 Ways To Market Your Website : eAskme
10 Ways To Market Your Website
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However, before you throw in the towel, you need to consider the following ways that you can market your business and get more people coming to your website.

1. Get to know your target audience.
You have to know your audience. This is the only way you are going to be able to get them to your website. Consider the following: who do you want to buy your product; who needs what you have to offer; and who will benefit from the service or product.

Read More: How to Get More Blog Readers and Keep Them

2. Create yourself a top 10 list.
Take some time to get to know the business blogs that you would like yours to be similar to. Once you have created a list you can use it as a point of reference.

Read More: Top Social Media Blogs That Everyone Should Follow

3. Brand yourself.
Create a brand by offering valuable information; sharing your story; and creating a ‘human’ feel to the blog or website that will make people want to come back and see more of what you have to offer.

Read More: Build brand for your blog

4. Use an awesome profile photo.
The profile photo you use for your blog or website is essential the first impression that a visitor receives, make a good one with a killer photo.

Read More: How to Upload photos from lightroom to GoDaddy

5. Use social media.
While this may sound a bit elementary, setting up your social profiles is essential. Be sure that you link each of these sites to your website so people can share your information with their friends and connections.

Read More:How to Revive Your Social Media Campaign

6. Create a visually appealing website.
There is no question that it is a visual world, which means you need to ensure that you have a great looking website that is aesthetically appealing for your visitors.

Read More: How To Make Your Blog Sexy

7. Create killer content.
Content is king so this means you need to implement the best of the best on your website. Offer valuable content to keep your readers coming back for more.

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8. Use call to actions.
People want to know what to do next, so you need to ensure that your website lets them know what to do with effective CTAs.

9. Utilize backlinks.
Backlinks are essential to ensure that a website is reputable and help to ensure that you show up high in the search engine results pages.

10. SEO.
Search engine optimization is essential to getting your website found. If you cannot do this on your own, hire a professional for help.

These are few of the best ways to improve the quality of your website or blog and market your website more effectively.
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April 12, 2017

How To Create Discussion Forum in WordPress With Free Plugin?

Discusson forums are the trend of virtual world. Discussion forum on WordPress blog helps you to create your own online community around your blog. There are so many ways to add a discussion forum easily on your blog. If you don’t want to spend time on any 3rd party forum software such as VBulletin, Xenforo etc, then it is best to use WordPress plugin to create discussion forum.

How To Create Discussion Forum in WordPress With Free Plugin : eAskme
How To Create Discussion Forum in WordPress With Free Plugin : eAskme
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Don`t worry, I am here to help you. I am sharing a how to integrate an online Q&A or discussion forum in WordPress using DW Question & Answer WordPress plugin, which is absolutely free. This is an excellent plugin full of features that you need to have in your Q&A forum.

I am a web-designer and currently working as a freelance blogger. I have been asked thousands of times about any free WordPress plugin to start an online Question and answer forum? So today I am going to introduce you with DW-Question-&-Answer WordPress Plugin.

Best Ways to Drive Traffic From Forums to Your Blog

I used this plugin on various clients’ blogs. You will also get great results by this plugin. So I strongly recommend this plugin to start a Question and answer forum for free.

Features of Free WordPress DW-Question-&-Answer Forum plugin

  •     Order,Submit,Filter,Edit or Delete Questions
  •     Answer or Comment
  •     Pick or vote Best Answer
  •     Email Notification system
  •     Instant Keywords search
  •     Private/ Public for Question and Answer
  •     Questions / Answers follow function
  •     Shortcodes available
  •     reCAPTCHA supported
  •     Sticky Question
  •     Multilanguages supported
  •     Available in 20 different Languages.

How to Setup DW Q&A WordPress Forum Plugin:

In this plugin you can easily see many options in the menu “DW Q&A”. It is located at WP-Admin panel side bar.

How to start with DW-Question-&-Answer Forum plugin

Options –

  •     All Questions
  •     Add New
  •     Question Tags
  •     Question Categories
  •     All Answers
  •     Settings

You can configure all the settings using one of any 3 main settings panels.

General Settings:

  •     Question List Page: Select the page where you added the Question.
  •     Ask Question Page: Select the page where you added the Ask Question Page.
  •     Private Question: Check to allow users to post  Private questions.

Notification Settings:

  •     Email_logo: Upload a logo to be display in email.
  •     From Email: Enter email address.
  •     Send A Copy to Admin: To receive a copy of Emails

DWQA plugin offers 7 Email Templates

  •     New Question Notification
  •     New Answer
  •     New Comment to Question
  •     New Comment to Answer
  •     New Answer (to Followers)
  •     New Comment to Question (to Followers)
  •     New Comment to Answer (to Followers)

Permission Settings:

It allows you to set permission that who can post/read/Edit or Delete the Questions or answers or comments.

Important tip:

First you need to create new sub-domain for example Keep anchor text link in the menu of main domain. You can also add a subdirectory of new WordPress installation for example

Questin and Answer forum is a great way to boost engagement and popularity of any new or existing blog in very short time. This make your readers feels that they are part of your blog and they love to communicate.

Now you are ready to create your own discussion forum using Free WordPress DW-Question-&-Answer Forum plugin. If you have question, feel free to ask me.
If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, or Twitter with your friends and family.

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November 12, 2015

Putting the Customer First Is the Key to a Successful Mobile Marketing Campaign

Customers are the lifeblood of any business, which is why they must be the lifeblood of any mobile marketing campaign.
Putting the customer first will pay dividends for your business in the immediate term and the long-term alike, enhancing your brand image and driving sales.

Some of the world's most successful companies grew their success precisely because their business philosophy focused on putting people above profit.
Putting the Customer First Is the Key to a Successful Mobile Marketing Campaign : eAskme
Putting the Customer First Is the Key to a Successful Mobile Marketing Campaign : eAskme
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Here are a few tips to keep in mind when developing a customer-focused mobile marketing campaign.

Have a Customer-First Business Mindset:

Above all else, businesses must implement a new mindset to appeal to customers.

Instead of first and foremost about business needs, the company should focus on the customer.

This mindset should be implemented before a mobile marketing campaign begins since successful businesses must have a target audience.

That way, the mobile marketing campaign will simply reflect the business's mindset organically.

The Golden Rule of Mobile Marketing Campaigns:

Everyone is familiar with the notion of doing unto others as you would have done unto yourself.

This "Golden Rule" certainly applies in a mobile marketing campaign.

If a marketing tactic bothers you, it is best to exclude it from your mobile marketing campaign.

That means your campaign should avoid incessant texting that borders on nagging and privacy infringement.

Instead, tailor and hone your mobile marketing campaign to send valuable text messages that will be valued by prospective customers instead of ignored.

To achieve this, start by conducting a mobile marketing campaign based on customer permission.

For example, ask customers whether they want to receive SMS updates or texts before sending one.

This way, your marketing will be accepted by customers in a literal sense, which will help customers be more receptive to your ads and marketing offers.

The timing of your mobile marketing is equally important.

For example, sending text messages later in the day can be an intrusive and annoying marketing practice when customers are trying to enjoy family time.

Similarly, sending messages too early can wake up a customer, causing them to be annoyed or frustrated with your brand's marketing.

Gather Data and Talk to Customers for Marketing Insight:

Your mobile marketing campaigns should always be refined and honed by the data collected on the campaign's effectiveness.

Beyond the pure analytics and data-driven numbers, customers are also a great resource for improving your campaigns in a customer-focused way.

After all, who can better help a customer-focused marketing campaign than the customers themselves?

Businesses can tap into a gold mine of customer-focused marketing advice by gathering customer feedback and listening carefully.

Maintain a Clear Message:

Finally, businesses need to retain a clear message that will speak directly to the customer's needs and desires.

Customers do not have time to wade through a bunch of business-speak and marketing filler, which is why your message to customers must be brief, direct, and clear.

Demonstrate the value of your brand and your marketing offers, and make it clear how customers can take advantage of these offers.

To do this, focus on creating a very specific call to action that makes it easy for customers to act.

This way, your marketing will make it easier for customers to buy your products, which is exactly what your mobile campaign and customers both want and need.

Ultimately, a customer-first campaign is about respecting your customers, which paves the path for long-term business and mobile marketing success.

Still have any question, do share via comments.
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December 02, 2014

Best Ways to Drive Traffic From Forums to Your Blog

I hardly spend 10 minutes a day on all discussion forums and with this little effort I drive a lot of traffic to my site from forums everyday. I always stick to providing quality content and there are 10  more different things.
Drive traffic from Forums : eAskme
How to Drive Traffic From Forums to Your Blog : eAskme
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What You need to Drive traffic Forums:

Be Active

If you want to get traffic from forums, then you need to be active daily ans spend sometime on forums. The more time you spend on forums the more traffic you generate.

Use signature

Always have link of your site in your signature on forums. When people click on your signature link, your site get traffic.

How To Use Online Forums to Promote your Website 

Start new threads

Create extremely hottest topics to get attention of everyone and start discussion. Create quality threads. Your threads increase your visibility on forums.

Use old threads

A good old thread is that which have minimum 20 comments according to me. When you post on thread, everyone in that thread  get notification of new comment and that thread go top in the list and this way it will get more comments also the chances are that you get more traffic.

Add Blog Feed

Add blog feed in your profile on forums. Always add new link of your post there.


I like short answers and that`s why on forums ipost short answer that are to the point.

Be Positive

No matter what people say to you, always be positive. There are peopel who always critisize you but that`s their problem not yours.


Forums are to help others. When I publish a comment or start new thread that is to help everyone with the best suitable answers. Never publish your own links on forum post. Forums never like self promotion.

Follow UP

When you start a thread or comment in a post then keep following that thread.

Add value to Your profile

Add information about yourself such as where I’m from, who I am, and hobbies etc.Add your own picture. People always like to know with whom they are communicating.

These are few best ways to drive traffic from forums to your blog or website. Are you really use forums, if yes, then how you use them?

If you have nay question feel free to ask me. If you like this article don`t forget to share on twitter and Google plus.
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October 13, 2014

How To Use Online Forums to Promote your Website

Forums are great tool to promote your link in niche group. All you need to do is just focus on promoting links but do not spam. Today we discuss about tips to to promote your links at forums.

How To Use Online Forums to Promote your Website : eAskme
How To Use Online Forums to Promote your Website : eAskme
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Remember to be successful in forums you need to follow one rule give more take less. Contribute more and more to the needs of others. If you work on forum selflessly you will get maximum benefit of any online forum.  This is called trust building. This also show that you are not a spammer. With your answers an link of your own blog in signature will present you good.

Talk with Influential:

You should get in talks with Influential people who have authority of their own sites. These members will help your site go on next level. Contribute to all discussions where they are contributing. PM them with your views. After few contacts you will get approval for a link back or review of your website.

See this : One Million Visitors traffic to Blog

Flame Bait:

Everyone know that we can use forum signatures and this will bring traffic to yoru site. You just need to start flame bait, a heated topic where peopel jump to contribute and talk. When so many people jump on your discussion, they can also click and visit your site.

Also read
List for dofollow forums 

These are just a few ways to promote your blog via forums. They are surely vauable ways that give proper exposure to your site. Do share your own tips in comments ?
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September 09, 2014

List of DoFollow Forums to Increase Backlinks

Dofollow Forums and Dofollow blogs help you boost your backlinks with their dofollow attribute. Link from high PR forum or blog is good to boost Google PageRank. You not only get quality backlinks but also targeted traffic.

List to DoFollow Forums for Bloggers to Increase Backlinks : eAskme
List to DoFollow Forums for Bloggers to Increase Backlinks : eAskme
Here we show you list of Dofollow forums that have good PR. Register on these forums and stay active.
  1. V7nForum
  2. Siteowners Forum
  3. Joomla Forum
  4. Search engine watch Forum
  5. CNET Forum
  6. Mysql Forum
  7. Digital point Forum
  8. Affiliate Marketing Forum
  9. Site Point Forum
  10. Warrior forum
  11. ShoutersLands Bloggers forum
  12. Deviantart
  13. File Sharing Forum
  14. Geek Village Forum
  15. MyGame Builder Forum
  16. PhpBB Forum
  17. Search Engine Roundtable
  18. SEO Forum Australia
  19. Webhosting Forum
  20. Directory junction Forum
There are so many forums that you cant be active on all. So you should select 3 or 4 forums according to your niche. Try helping people by commenting. Also create excellent content for backlinks.

Keep checking forums for dofollow attribute. Read this also 7 Ways to Get Quality Backlinks.

Do share more forums who have dofollow attribute with Google PR.
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