Showing posts with label Gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gold. Show all posts

March 12, 2024

Dive Deep Into Precious Metals

When it comes to Precious Metals, there is a wide range of choices available for you to choose from.

Some popular choices include Silver, Gold, Platinum, Rhodium, and more. You can choose from these metals based on your personal preferences and needs.

Dive Deep Into Precious Metals:

Dive Deep Into Precious Metals: eAskme
Dive Deep Into Precious Metals: eAskme


Osmium has many unique qualities that set it apart from other precious metals. The first is that it is incredibly rare.

It is estimated to be 2,500 times rare than silver. Secondly, it has a high density.
Osmium has a distinctive steel blue color.

There is also a special light reflection that extends beyond diamonds. You can find out more about this metal by clicking the link.

Osmium is very dense and is the least abundant element in the earth's crust. Therefore, it is very hard to extract. Despite this, it is an extremely valuable element.

One of the biggest advantages of osmium is its durability. It is so durable that it can be used to create a superconductor. This means that electricity can be transported without losing any energy.

Because osmium is a precious metal, it is highly sought after by collectors. Furthermore, osmium is not correlated with stocks or interest rates, making it a safe and long-term investment.

Moreover, osmium can be purchased in a variety of ways. You can buy it in a physical form, or you can buy it using cryptocurrencies.

Click the link: for more information.

You will receive an Owner Change Code (OCC) when buying osmium. You can transfer your ownership to a new person by obtaining the Owner Change Code.

Finally, osmium is considered the most valuable of the precious metals. Unlike gold and silver, it is a very scarce commodity.


Palladium is a precious metal that is used in many industries. It is used for its catalytic properties and can help to reduce pollution.

Other applications include jewelry, electronic components, and dental equipment.

The automotive industry uses palladium to make catalytic converters, which convert harmful gasses into carbon dioxide and water vapor.

This helps to reduce harmful emissions and also improves fuel efficiency. As the global auto industry becomes increasingly cleaner, demand for metal is expected to increase.

The palladium market has experienced several price spikes this year. This is due to the ongoing demand and supply imbalance. A lack of supply is projected to cause a significant metal shortage in 2023.

One of the best ways to invest in palladium is to buy physical products, such as ingots, bars, and coins. These products offer more palladium for the same price.

Buying physical palladium can be challenging, though.

Palladium is commonly considered a store of value and can be used as a hedge against inflation. However, the value of the material may not be fully realized if it is not stored safely.

You can secure your palladium by placing it in a bank or a deposit box.

In terms of investment, you can also purchase exchange-traded futures (ETFs) for the metal. ETFs are an efficient way to trade palladium as they allow you to invest in the palladium market without risking your capital. Find out more about ETFs by clicking the link.

Another popular method of trading commodities is spread betting. Spread betting offers a tax-efficient way to speculate on the price of a commodity.

When the target is reached, you can exit for a profit.

As of March this year, the palladium price had broken all previous highs.

The palladium price has skyrocketed nearly 50% in the last six months.


Rhodium is a rare metal that is often used for jewelry and mirrors. It is a silvery white metal reflecting up to 80 percent of light. In addition, it is corrosion-resistant, making it suitable for metal objects.

The most popular application for rhodium is to plate jewelry. However, metal is also used in many other products.

The auto industry is one of the largest consumers of rhodium, with 80% of all the rhodium produced worldwide going to catalytic converters. Other uses include electrical contacts, electrodes, and medical devices.

Unlike other precious metals, rhodium is very expensive. As a result, its market is rather small. At the time of writing, pure rhodium sells for around $14000 per ounce.

This rare metal is used to manufacture various products, including aircraft spark plugs and high-quality glass. Its unique properties allow it to withstand the effects of a wide range of acids.

A large amount of rhodium used in the consumer market is recycled. About thirty to forty percent of the rhodium is made from recycled catalytic converters.

Consequently, this has a large impact on its price.


Iridium is a rare and precious metal that is used in a variety of applications. It is commonly used as a spark plug electrode. However, it is also very expensive. This metal is rare and has only a handful of industrial uses.

The metal has a high activation energy of 573 KJ/mol. As a result, it can break down into smaller pieces during the deformation process.

Pure iridium is also prone to microcracking, and the effects of these microcracks can negatively affect its mechanical properties.

Hot compression tests were performed to investigate pure iridium's deformation mechanisms. An optical microscope was used to examine the deformed samples.

Various parameters were evaluated, including microstructural evolution, dynamic recrystallization, and power dissipation (e).


Precious Metals, especially silver, are a popular investment. You can read Investor's Circle covers Fidelity, for more information about investing in precious metals.

Rare earth elements are a haven, especially when the economy is unstable or the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates low.

Silver is commonly used in jewelry, electronics, and other consumer goods. It is also employed in many industrial applications.

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April 10, 2023

Retirement Planning Is Done Efficiently With Gold Investment!

Many investors find it impossible to resist the allure of precious metals, especially gold bullion.

Due in large part to the fact that it may provide big returns for any retirement account, it is one of the most well-liked and sought-after investments in the entire globe.

Many individuals ponder whether purchasing actual precious metals is a wise decision for retirement. The answer to this is that tangible precious metals are a great investment for a variety of factors.

Make sure you're realistic about how much money you can use to purchase these precious metals because this will change based on your present lifestyle if you want to make the most of investing in them for retirement.

Retirement Planning Is Done Efficiently With Gold Investment: eAskme
Retirement Planning Is Done Efficiently With Gold Investment: eAskme

One general rule is to keep the percentage of gold in your portfolio between 5% and 10%. Depending on your circumstances and risk tolerance, you might feel more at ease with a larger or lower amount of gold in your portfolio.

It's also crucial to consider how much money you have saved in a 401(k) or another retirement account. These accounts have tax advantages but are only open to those at least 60 years old.

This means you would need at least six to eight figures available as a down payment on the gold and silver alone if you wanted to use the funds in these accounts to buy it.

Buying actual precious metals is a terrific method to boost your retirement income if you're looking for a strategy to do it.

Purchasing these metals is a great strategy to diversify your investment portfolio.

If you don't have any experience with actual precious metals, you might want to speak with a financial expert who can advise you on the best precious metals to buy.

Bullion Gives You Many Options:

A wide variety of metals are available as coins, bars, and even jewelry. They have value, so when you sell them in the future, you'll get more money than you initially did.

Coins made of ore are a fantastic way to help safeguard your investment from inflation.

When you need to get rid of a lot of cash, these coins are very simple to sell.

There are a lot of gold and silver coins accessible, and you sell them for more money than they are worth since they are more likely than any other kind of material to appreciate.

One of their key benefits is that gold coins are smaller and more cost-effective than most gold bars.

Also, there is more control and freedom when it comes to selling.

You don't have to sell your entire gold holding at once if you own ten 1-oz gold coins rather than a 10-oz gold bar. However, the best values are found in the 400-ounce and 1-kilogram gold bars.

That is, you will receive more ounces of gold for the same price. Because of this, large institutional investors, central banks, and exchange-traded funds deal in 400-ounce bars.

The most convenient way to acquire physical gold is to purchase bullion bars.

Before making a purchase, consumers should look up reliable sellers and verify the bars' purity, form, size, and weight. Buying gold bars entails additional expenses such as storage, insurance, and a sales markup.

When it's time to sell, a country's central bank (like the U.S. Federal Reserve), which determines a country's monetary policy, purchases gold bars: to control financial risk and advance monetary stability.

Any type of ownership in these metals, such as coins, bars, ingots, and rare coins, is subject to capital gains taxation.

If you held onto these investments over 12 months before selling, you would owe capital gains tax when you make a profit.

Although purchasing bullion for your retirement investments may seem like an extra cost, doing so can save you a significant amount of money.

The advantages of purchasing actual precious metals for retirement are very compelling.

Understanding why so many people invest in these priceless items is simple.

One of the more emotionally satisfying ways to do so is to purchase gold in bars or coins.

You'll appreciate the satisfaction of seeing and holding it, but owning more than a tiny quantity also has serious drawbacks.

One of the main drawbacks is that physical gold must be protected and insured. There are other ways to buy gold bullion, including via a local dealer, collector, or even an online merchant.

Take notice of the spot price for gold, the cost per ounce presently offered on the market, while you make your purchases.

You might want to deal

In bars rather than coins to avoid paying more for a coin's collector value than its real gold content.

If you don't keep your possessions safe, the largest risk is that someone will physically remove your gold from you. A safe that is anchored to the floor is ideal.

The safe's position in your house should be carefully considered, and there are numerous inventive safe storage choices, including hidden safes and wall or floor safes.

You can expect storage fees to run at 0.50% of the total worth of your bullion.

Invest In Your Future With Enterprise Bullion:

Investment in precious metals is possible via Enterprise Bullion.

Platinum and palladium are available for purchase in addition to gold and silver, setting this firm apart from its competitors.

They sell bullion, ancient, uncirculated, and junk silver coins and bars. Consult with Journey Forward and read the full reviews on Enterprise before making your purchase so you'll be ready to invest confidently.

Enterprise Bullion's philosophy is on getting to know each client to serve them better.

After they have all the facts, they may provide you with tailored recommendations to assist you in achieving your objectives. 

Enterprise Bullion provides free shipping for all orders of $100 or more.

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March 16, 2023

Are Precious Metals The Ideal Long Term Investment Strategy?

IRAs come in a few different types, including the Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SIMPLE IRA, and SEP IRA, among others.

There are tax advantages and disadvantages to traditional and Roth individual retirement accounts (IRAs).

Dealing with rare metals isn't new, but bullion IRAs have become popular due to the financial uncertainty many countries face.

Gold and silver bullion may be held as assets in a special kind of Individual Retirement Account (IRA) for those who choose to do so.

Are Precious Metals The Ideal Long Term Investment Strategy?: eAskme
Are Precious Metals The Ideal Long Term Investment Strategy?: eAskme


Gold and silver are two common examples of such metals.

These IRAs are often used to hedge against inflation and diversify financial holdings.

During What Time Period Should You Invest?

There is no universally correct response to how long one should wait before selling their precious metals investment.

A person's financial goals, risk tolerance, and other factors will decide the best moment to invest in precious metals.

Some investors may quickly purchase and sell precious metals to profit from market volatility. Some investors may maintain their precious metals assets for years or decades in hopes of gaining from price increases.

When deciding how long to invest in precious metals, your risk tolerance is crucial. As precious metals' values fluctuate, investing in them may be dangerous.

If you're uncomfortable with such high risk, consider investing in shorter-term possibilities. However, if you are willing to take on greater risk and have such a long-term investment horizon, you may feel more at peace holding your assets in gold bullion for longer.

Another factor to think about is your long-term monetary goals. Investing with a longer time horizon is recommended if you want to use precious metals as a long-term value investment or a hedge against inflation.

If, on the other hand, you're hoping to profit from very short-term price fluctuations, a more immediate time frame may be more suited to your investment goals.

Ultimately, your financial situation and the goals you want to accomplish will determine how long investment in precious metals is prudent.

It is important to consider your risk tolerance and long-term financial objectives before making any investing decisions.

You should consult a financial advisor or another knowledgeable specialist before investing in precious metals.

Infinite Appreciation Of The Worth Of Precious Metals:

Saying that the price of precious metals can only rise over time is unfair.

While precious metals like gold and silver are often considered a haven in economic uncertainty, their values are still subject to market fluctuations and might move up or down.

The value of precious metals may be affected by a variety of factors.

For instance, in the case of precious metals, the market forces of supply and demand may have a role in setting prices.

A precious metal's value may increase if its demand exceeds its supply. However, prices tend to fall when there is more supply than demand.

When economic circumstances are good for growth and stability, precious metal demand may decrease, lowering prices.

However, the entire premise of investing in bullion is the ability of the price to recover over time.

It's also crucial to remember that factors like political and geopolitical events, changes in interest rates, and fluctuations in the value of various currencies may all impact the price of precious metals.

Coins and bars of precious metals fluctuate as any other investment would.

Examine The Rules:

Some restrictions and regulations must be followed to prevent paying taxes twice on a gold IRA investment.

Such fines might be imposed for failure to comply with the restrictions and guidelines the government sets for the plan.

The types of precious metals like gold that may be held in an IRA and their storage and maintenance are subject to strict rules imposed by the tax department (IRS).

It's also important to note that there are restrictions on valuable metals, such as gold, that may be kept in an IRA.

One of the essential considerations when selecting if you should invest in an individual gold annuity is the possibility that the gold and other bullion will be housed in a repository that the IRS recognizes.

This kind of institution is considered a third-party depository since it is responsible for the safety and security of the IRA owner's precious metals on their behalf.

The onus is on the depository to verify that the insured precious metals conform with IRS standards. Furthermore, the depositories have a responsibility to safeguard precious metals.

Integrity Must Be Maintained:

The purity of precious metals, especially gold, cannot be disregarded.

The federal revenue agency in the U.S., the IRS, prohibits using an IRA for any purpose other than holding investment-grade precious metals.

Checking Reviews:

When investing in precious metals, choosing the right investment company is crucial.

With numerous options in the market, it can be difficult to identify a reputable and trustworthy company.

One way to gauge the reliability and credibility of an investment company is by checking its reviews.

Reviews are a great way to learn about other investors' experiences with a company.

Positive reviews can indicate that a company is trustworthy and reliable, while negative reviews can serve as a red flag.

Therefore, checking them before investing your money in a precious metals investment company is crucial.

There are several platforms where you can find reviews for precious metals investment companies, including Google, Yelp, Trustpilot, and the Better Business Bureau.

It's important to read both positive and negative reviews to get a comprehensive understanding of a company's strengths and weaknesses.

When reviewing a company, please pay attention to the frequency of reviews, their authenticity, and their content.

Some companies may artificially inflate their positive reviews, so look for patterns in language or frequent use of the same phrasing.

Reviews that are too short or too vague may also raise suspicion.

On the other hand, detailed and specific reviews can provide valuable insights into the company's performance.

In addition to reading reviews, you can check if the company is accredited by industry organizations, such as the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) or the Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC).

These organizations provide independent certification and grading for coins and collectibles, which can add an extra layer of trustworthiness to a company's offerings.

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December 15, 2022

Is Goldco a Reputable Company?

Goldco Precious Metals is a precious metals dealer that offers investors a wide range of products and services. They have been in business since 2006 and are headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

One of the things that makes Goldco a reputable company is its commitment to customer service.

Is Goldco a Reputable Company?: eAskme
Is Goldco a Reputable Company?: eAskme

They offer a variety of ways to contact them, including by phone, email, and live chat.

They also have a team of account managers who can help you with any questions about investing in precious metals.

Another reason Goldco is considered a reputable company is because of the products they offer. They offer various precious metals, including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.

They also provide a variety of services, such as storage and shipping.

Suppose you are looking for a reputable company to help you with your precious metal investments.

In that case, Goldco is an excellent choice; according to Cayman Financial Review, they are the best choice.

The Product and Service They Offer:

Goldco precious metal company is a full-service gold and silver dealer.

They offer a wide range of products and services, from gold and silver coins and bars to retirement accounts and gold IRA rollovers.

They also offer a wide range of services, including gold and silver storage, precious metal investing advice, and more.

Whether you're new to the world of precious metals or a seasoned investor, they are here to help you make the most of your investment.

Notable Features of Goldco:

Goldco is a precious metals IRA company that stands out for its focus on customer service and its wide range of IRA-eligible products.

Here are some of the most notable features of Goldco:

Investor Education On 401(K) And IRA Account Protection:

As a leading provider of precious metals IRA services, Goldco is committed to helping investors protect their retirement savings. One of the ways they do this is by educating their clients on the importance of 401(k) and IRA account protection.

There are several ways to protect your retirement savings, but one of the most important is diversifying your investments.

That's why they such big advocates of investing in gold and other precious metals. Gold is a centuries-old store of value that can help to insulate your portfolio from market volatility.

In addition to diversifying your investments, another important way to protect your retirement savings is to choose a reputable and experienced provider of precious metals IRA services.

Goldco has been helping investors save their retirement savings for over a decade.

They a BBB-accredited business, and its team of experts is dedicated to providing outstanding customer service.

Using The Taxpayer Relief Act Of 1997 to Your Advantage:

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 provides individuals with several options for how to spend their money. One notable feature of the act is the goldco investment. This investment allows individuals to use their money to purchase gold coins, which can be used to finance several different ventures. The goldco investment is a great way to get started in the world of investing and can be a great way to make a profit.

Custodian Partnerships:

Goldco is one of the most trusted companies in the gold industry.

They are a full-service precious metals firm offering a wide range of services to investors looking to add gold and other precious metals to their portfolios.

One of the notable features of Goldco is its custodian partnerships.

By partnering with some of the world's leading custodians, they can offer their clients a safe and secure way to invest in gold and other precious metals.

If you're looking for a precious metals IRA company that offers excellent customer service and a wide range of IRA-eligible products, Goldco is a great option.

Step On How to Start Investing in Goldco:

As the world becomes increasingly unstable, more and more people are looking for ways to protect their wealth.

Gold has always been seen as a haven investment, and with good reason.

Gold is a physical asset that can't be created or destroyed, and it has historically held its value well.

The Goldco precious metal company is an excellent option if you're investing in gold.

They offer a wide range of gold products, from coins and bars to IRA accounts. And they have a team of experts who can help you find the best way to invest in gold for your needs.

Goldco precious metal company is one of the top companies to invest in gold.

They offer various services to their clients, including storage and shipping of gold, and they have a very user-friendly website.

Here are some tips on how to get started with Goldco:

  1. Research the company thoroughly before investing. This includes reading reviews from other customers, learning about the company's history, and understanding their fees.
  2. Choose the type of account that best suits your needs. Goldco offers both traditional and Roth IRA accounts.
  3. Determine how much you want to invest. You can start with as little as $500.
  4. Set up your account and fund it. This can be done online or over the phone.
  5. Start buying gold! Goldco makes it easy to add gold to your portfolio.

Why Goldco Is the Best Choice for Your Gold Investment Needs?

Goldco is one of the leading gold investment companies in the industry.

They offer a wide variety of gold investment products and services to meet the needs of investors.

Here are some of the reasons why Goldco is the best choice for your gold investment needs:

  1. Goldco offers a wide variety of gold investment products and services.
  2. They have a team of experienced and knowledgeable gold investment professionals.
  3. Goldco has a proven track record of success in the gold investment industry.
  4. They offer competitive pricing on their gold investment products and services.
  5. Goldco provides excellent customer service.


If you are looking for a gold investment company that can provide you with the products and services you need, then Goldco is the best choice for you.

Contact them today to learn more about their gold investment products and services.

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December 13, 2022

Can Precious Metals Protect Retirement Wealth From A Market Crash?

Investors will endure what deems a corrective period within the stock market when there is a decline of roughly "10 percent or greater" from a heightened state.

That can happen periodically every so many years with the potential, sometimes, for a month.

A Crash in the market is less frequent.

Precious Metals Protect Retirement Wealth Market Crash: eAskme


These can be sudden and are often of greater severity. Examples can be recalled in 2008 with the economic crisis and again in 2024 when the health crisis encompassed the world.

We are currently seeing financial uncertainty.

Because we can recognize the initial signs, strategies should be put in place to prepare for volatility and reduce personal risk to protect retirement wealth.

A step is always to seek the guidance of a trusted financial advisor first.

Many investors take this step to inquire whether to include gold IRA physical possession among their holdings.

It is one of four precious metals, none of which correlate with the stock market, allowing a stabilizing element in a retirement portfolio, protection against potential economic turmoil, or a stock market crash.

Can Precious Metals Protect Retirement Wealth From A Market Crash:

When you, as an investor, place your wealth in the stock market or other securities, the risk of loss is always present.

Following informed strategies, decisions can be calculated but won't go the course in every situation.

Sometimes individuals become emotional regarding investments, leading to impulsive, riskier reactions.

Instead, it's wise to look for methods of mitigating risk that includes ensuring your assets are varied market-wide, in different classes, and include alternative physical commodities like precious metals to offset volatility and risk.

While risk will always be a factor with investments, a few strategies suggested here will help minimize loss despite the potential for a market crash.

Let's examine some ways you can consider preparing.

Diversify the assets with your retirement strategy:

Protecting your retirement wealth from a market crash is primarily about "asset allocation."

The inherently risky options will often provide the most reward, while the safest bets will give the most minimal return.

Having a healthy mix of each helps to offset some of the risks, reducing the likelihood of significant loss.

If you've started your retirement planning relatively early with plenty of time to "play the market," you'll have the opportunity to recover from losses created by market turbulence or all-out crashes.

If you're closer to retirement age, it's wise to be safe, making the investment profile diverse with more safe options, including bonds and alternative investments like physical commodities such as gold.

Go to for a guide to precious metals.

Allocate some cash:

The suggestion with some financial advisors for those planning for retirement is to maintain roughly "five years' worth of living expenses" either in cash or equivalents.

A healthy reserve will ensure you can sustain living expenses, considering unexpected costs, that a fixed income often makes challenging.

The reserve can mitigate against a phenomenon referenced as a "sequence of returns risk." With this potential risk, the retirement holdings' longevity is in danger of diminishing without the potential for recovery due to funds being withdrawn during a spiral in the market.

When an investor acts emotionally or on impulse early in retirement and sells low, retirement wealth's longevity is jeopardized.

When you have reserves, however, the opportunity to withdraw a minimum amount and use cash instead reduces that risk.

Invest in gold or other precious metals:

According to some financial planners, diversifying assets by adding alternative commodities like precious metals is one primary method for protecting wealth and reducing risk.

These can include gold, silver, palladium, or platinum.

Many investors choose gold as the metal of choice for its "store of value."

The metal doesn't correlate with the market, nor is it affected by the economy. It's suggested that gold holds steady when there is turbulence or has been known to increase in value during tough times.

It has stood the test for centuries and doesn't seem to be losing steam, unlike paper currency. Click for details on investing in precious metals.

Continue with steadfastness:

It might seem as though you should stop contributing when the market is in a downward spiral.

If you have a 401k plan, the suggestion is to continue making regular contributions to protect against impending volatility; by contributing when turbulence, you have the fortune of discounted asset investments.

This is an example of staying the course and not becoming an emotional investor.

When emotion seeps in, impulsive decisions often create poor retirement strategy results.

If you can ride the wave, plus you've diversified the assets that make up the portfolio, recovering from a downturn or even a full-on crash could be less traumatic.

That is true when you own a little bit of physical gold.

These platforms can hold steady, stabilizing the holdings when there's economic or market uncertainty.

When there is risk or volatility, seeking guidance from a financial advisor is a wise step for wealth protection.

It's genuinely good to have this professional leading your path when you enter into retirement savings until the time comes to retire.


Making an alternative investment in a physical commodity like precious metals boasts of adding a layer of security to protect retirement wealth as much as possible when the stock market takes a dip or crashes.

Crashes are less prevalent, but they do seem to occur with a degree of regularity every several years.

When the telltale signs begin to show themself, it's essential to prepare as much as possible to see the least damage. The priority is to avoid becoming emotional.

In those instances, investors tend to become impulsive, making the least sound decisions.

If you can consistently ride the turbulent waves contributing steadily, you'll have a better chance of coming out unscathed.

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May 02, 2022

Gold IRA Rollovers: What This Is & How To Do It

Gold has undeniably been a rather interesting and extremely valuable asset throughout history. People have always valued it, and things certainly aren't changing anytime soon. If you have just now started thinking about investing in this asset and adding it to your retirement portfolio, you will need to learn about a process called a gold IRA rollover.

Gold IRA Rollovers: What This Is & How To Do It: eAskme
Gold IRA Rollovers: What This Is & How To Do It: eAskme

There is a chance that you've heard about it already, but you aren't quite sure what it is, how it works, and how you can do it.

If those are the questions bothering you, I can undeniably understand.

All of the people who have done this have had to do quite a lot of research to get a better idea of how all of this works.

In short, nobody is born knowing everything about this, and you do need to conduct your fair share of research if you want to get the hang of everything.

You've come to the right place if you're ready to do your research. Below, I will talk about the actual concept of a rollover to make things completely clear for you.

Apart from that, I will help you realize which steps you should take if you decide to do a rollover.

Let us take it one step at a time.

What Is A Gold IRA Rollover: eAskme


What Is A Rollover?

Before we start digging deeper, you need to understand what this concept entails.

In simple words, an IRA rollover comprises moving a particular retirement savings account to a self-directed IRA, which will allow you to hold gold and other precious metals in a depository that was IRS approved.

So, for instance, if you have a 401k right now, you aren't allowed to hold gold in it. But, if you do a rollover, you'll be able to get these assets.

If you're wondering what makes this idea so appealing, i.e., why you would want to store gold in your retirement portfolio in the first place, let me tell you one thing.

This asset has always been quite valuable, and it will continue to hold its actual value, meaning that it is a stable and secure investment. That is why most people decide to go through a rollover.

Since you probably already have a particular retirement account opened, you are most likely wondering if you can do a rollover or not.

In other words, you're curious whether your current account qualifies for a rollover in the first place.

Well, most of the accounts do qualify, including all IRAs, 401k, 403b, 475b, and TSPs.

How To Do It?

If you've decided to go through this process, you will need to learn how to do it the right way because you don't want to make any mistakes.

The My Retirement Paycheck rollover guide and several other guides you can find online can be of quite some help in that regard.

You'll need to take a few important steps here, so let me quickly tell you about those and inform you about what you need to do.

First, you'll have to open your self-directed IRA account and then decide between doing a direct or an indirect rollover. The direct option is much simpler, with fewer possible penalties.

When the indirect process is in question, you have 60 days to transfer the money to your custodian, and if you don't do it within that time frame, those funds will become a taxable withdrawal.

Anyway, when you find a good custodian, you'll certainly be able to go through this process without worrying about making mistakes successfully.

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December 14, 2021

The Ultimate Guide for Taking a Gold Loan

A gold loan is a kind of credit facility that permits people to get secured loans by vowing their valuable gold with a moneylender as security.

The swore guarantee can be adornments, trimmings, or even a gold bar.

The Ultimate Guide for Taking a Gold Loan: eAskme
The Ultimate Guide for Taking a Gold Loan: eAskme

Many inclines toward this sort of money, as the gold loan requires negligible administrative work and quicker handling.

Moreover, any individual who holds the yellow metal can profit from the loan paying little mind to their occupation, compensation, and FICO (Credit Score) assessment.

Let us comprehend the steps of applying for a gold loan online.

Step 1: Calculate the EMI and interest using the online gold loan calculator

You can apply for the best gold loan in India through the online gold money stage by loan specialists or online commercial centers through the web-based cycle.

Contrasted with conventional techniques, the online gold credit application strategy is advantageous, efficient and transparent.

One additionally can take a look at qualification for gold loans and compute EMI for gold credits through the Rupeek Gold Loan interest calculator.

To use this fantastic calculator.

Step 2: Register yourself on the lender's website

  • Visit the bank's site or download the moneylender's versatile application and fill in your data and loan-related standards.
  • When you finish up the structure, the loaning foundation's delegate would call to check the gold loan's qualification factors and the loan necessity.
  • The agent will advise you about the loan's different subtleties, the cycle, and vital documentation.
  • If qualified and intrigued, the agent will orchestrate an arrangement at the loan specialist's premises for a branch visit.
  • You can visit the branch with the archives and gold gems to be sold. The gold loan moneylender will choose to authorize or decline your loan as the papers are checked and the qualification prerequisites are ensured.
  • Assuming the loan application is endorsed, you will get a letter of approval containing the loan's primary terms, including the financing cost, handling charge, residency, and prepayment expenses.
  • At last, according to RBI rules, the bank will keep the gold safe, and the endorsed loan total will be dispensed to your ledger.

How can Rupeek help you get the best deal on a gold loan?

Rupeek has got the best gold loan services across the entire internet.

You can get a gold loan in almost no time after applying on their online portal via e-KYC.

The entire process takes hardly 4-5 hours. As soon as you apply for a gold loan, the customer support executives will contact you to explain your different repayment-payment options from which you can select your ideal one.

The executives then visit your home to check the authenticity of the gold ornaments, and as soon as the ornament is collected, the loan amount is transferred to your bank account.

The gold ornaments are then taken to the nearest Rupeek vault, securely stored.

Rupeek strives to give the best interest rates and the most flexible repayment options.

The interest rates start from 0.49% per month (0.58% per annum).

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November 06, 2021

How Do I Open A Gold IRA?-Everything You Need To Know

A gold IRA is one of the most "in" types of retirement accounts these days.

People know that gold and other precious metals have intrinsic value, and while stocks can be risky, investing in gold will yield some results.

This is why we have compiled a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process of opening a gold IRA.

How Do I Open A Gold IRA?-Everything You Need To Know: eAskme
How Do I Open A Gold IRA?-Everything You Need To Know: eAskme

While this type of retirement account can be a little expensive, it is not difficult to open once you understand the basics.

Make the decision first step towards opening a gold IRA is choosing to open this account! It is a major decision to decide to invest your retirement savings in gold.

You may be compelled to open the Gold IRA hedge because of the relatively stable price of gold and the inherent value it has. However, you may not want to put all your savings into gold.

According to financial experts, investing almost 20% of your retirement savings in gold is enough since you want to have a diverse portfolio with other options.

Find a custodian who the IRS approves:

Once you have decided to open a gold IRA, you must find a custodian or broker who can handle this account for you.

While the gold IRA is self-directed and you get to choose what investments you make, remember that you cannot handle the gold yourself.

It would help if you had a custodian, such as a bank or trust company, who can handle these accounts for you.

These companies are professionals, and the IRA has approved custodians who can handle these accounts.

You can also search for gold IRA companies to see which custodians perform these services.

Find a depository:

The next step is to look for a place where you can deposit the gold.

Trust us; you cannot stash the gold in your cupboard or put it in a standard bank locker.

However, there are special IRS-approved depositories available for storing gold IRA investments.

Look for a trusted dealer:

The next step is to find a seller or dealer who sells assets invested in as part of the gold IRA.

You cannot just randomly put gold products, jewelry, or coins into a gold IRA.

Usually, these dealers have their selection of investable items from which you can pick and choose.

Choose the gold you want to buy:

Remember that the gold and precious metal assets that form part of your gold IRA should be chosen yourself.

First, look at the IRA website to see the purity standards your gold assets should meet, and then choose the particular product you want to invest in from the choice offered by your dealer.

Instruct the custodian to make a transfer:

The last step is to tell the custodian to purchase the gold from the buyer. This is because you are not permitted by law to handle or store the gold yourself.

The custodian is responsible for the physical handling, but it is your responsibility to tell them when it is available for them to do so.

Now that you know how a gold IRA works, you can open one for yourself.

Whether you choose to roll over your assets from a 401(k) or open another IRA account, the basic principles of a gold IRA remain the same.

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August 08, 2021

Identifying the Best Gold IRA Custodian

In this article, we will look at the best gold IRA custodian that can help you to maximize your investment and secure your future.

Identifying the Best Gold IRA Custodian: eAskme
Identifying the Best Gold IRA Custodian: eAskme

Let’s get started…

1. Goldco

This company was established in 2006 and has its base in Woodland Hills, California.

Apart from gold IRA, this company also allows other precious metal IRAs including silver as well as platinum.

You can even have a combined investment of these precious metals.

Furthermore, their services include buying as well as selling these physical precious metals.

Therefore, you can easily make a profit from the economy while still running your IRA.


  • Fees for the first year are waived
  • Assigned custodian who helps you in making the best decisions
  • Incredible buyback program
  • Considerate advisors


  • The minimum investment to open an account is high

2. Noble Gold Investments

This financial institution was established by two individuals who had the desire to make their institution different from the ones already in existence.

They also desired that their customers would always be satisfied and decided to provide constant education and information to give their customers the upper hand at all times.

This institution has a low minimum investment of just $10,000 which means you don’t have to spend too much to get the IRA account opened with this custodian.

Their customer service is already great and their interest rates are impressive.


  • Dedicated storage
  • Insurance is included in the fees
  • Industry’s lowest per annum fee
  • Welcome gift per month


  • Storage in the U.S only
  • Still relatively new

3. Patriot Gold Group

Patriot is regarded as a leader in the industry and has its base in Los Angeles, California.

They inform their investors of new platforms where they can invest their aurum.

If you choose this custodian, you can invest in IRAs of precious metals and taxable accounts.

They also allow individuals to buy as well as sell gold even while owning a gold IRA account.


  • No charges for accounts that are above $100,000
  • Impressive customer ratings
  • Investor guide is free


  • They only offer gold and silver IRAs
  • Their website has some unclear sections

4. Augusta Precious Metals

Augusta provides their customers with different investment options to choose from whether you want to purchase aurum and argentum.

Their 50 years of experience in the industry allows them to guide customers whose goal is to build wealth.

Augusta Precious Metals prides itself in its service which makes them the perfect partner for helping individuals make perfect choices.


  • Free webinars and several educational materials
  • Free shipping
  • Transit insurance is free


  • Platinum, as well as palladium, aren’t sold.

5. Regal Asset

This custodian allows you to change your current retirement account to a precious metal IRA.

Furthermore, they ship your investments for free.

They also offer several products with the Swiss National Bank’s 10-ounce being the most favored. This product has 99.99 percent pure bars.

This institution provides your commodities with secure and safe storage whether they are abroad or at home.

All you need is to pay an annual fee of $150 for storage.  


  • High ratings in the industry
  • Fee model is flat
  • Several storage options
  • Large choice of bullion commodities


  • The rollover process takes some time
  • Investors with little accounts might not benefit from this custodian

6. American Hartford Gold

This company is based in Los Angeles and is known to help individuals as well as families to invest in several precious metals.

They even offer physical delivery straight to your home or your retirement account.

Furthermore, they also aid customers buy aurum and argentum coins.

They provide you with the opportunity of purchasing quality coins that aren’t too pricey.

Furthermore, they guarantee 100 percent satisfaction.


  • Customer service is a priority
  • Buyback program reduces liquidation fees


  • Online catalog doesn’t include prices

7. Advantage Gold

This custodian is known to have the best IRA experts in their employ.

They can convert qualified 401(K) or existing IRA to gold.

Their yearly fees are low and they have incredible customer reviews which make them credible partners.


  • Listed as a U.S. Mint dealer.
  • Trustworthy depositories
  • Great buyback program
  • IRA experts available


  • Relatively new
  • Account is set up via phone


The above is the list of the best gold IRA companies you can choose from.

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July 20, 2021

Is Gold Really an Inflation Hedge?

Well, is gold really an inflation hedge?

Let us see.

But before that, what is inflation?

And how does this whole concept of Inflation work?

Is Gold Really an Inflation Hedge?: eAskme
Is Gold Really an Inflation Hedge?: eAskme

Let's look into it before we dig deeper.

What is an Inflation Hedge?

An inflation hedge is an investment considered to protect the decreased purchasing power of a currency that results from the loss of its value because of the rising prices.

It can be macro-economically or due to inflation.

It involves investing in a particular asset, which is expected to maintain or increase its value over a specific time.

Alternatively, this hedge could involve the cycle of taking up a higher position in assets that may decrease in value less rapidly than the value of the currency.

How does Inflation Hedge Work?

Inflation hedging can inevitably protect the value of a particular investment made.

Some investments might seem to provide a decent return, but when inflation is factored in, they can even be sold at a loss.

For instance, when you invest in a stock that gives you a 5% return, but the inflation is 6%, you lose that 1%.

Assets considered an inflation hedge could be self-fulfilling in these cases; investors flock to them, it keeps the value high though the intrinsic value may be lower.

If the dollar loses value from the effects of inflation, gold tends to become more expensive.

So in this case, the owner of the gold is protected or hedged from the inflation of the falling dollar.

As inflation rises and erodes the dollar's value, the cost of every ounce of gold in dollars rises as a result.

So the investor who invested in gold is compensated for the inflation with more dollars for each ounce of gold.

Why Gold is a Hedge Against Inflation

➔   Gold Can Help Guard Against the Decreased Buying Power of Money-

Gold does become a true powerhouse when the inflation rate begins to outpace interest rates in the market.

Inflation, in general, refers to an available spike in the prices for goods and services, like housing, food, fuel, transportation, and clothing, but an increase in the price of only a few things does not precisely have to be inflation.

Thus, in terms of gold and other assets, an inflation hedge can guard against a decreased buying power of money stemming from the broad jump in the price of goods and services.

Investors look at the actual interest rates in the gold markets by subtracting the benchmark rate from the inflation rate.

If an inflation rate goes up, then traditional inflation hedges like gold, commodities, real estate, and inflation-linked bonds will likely outperform other mainstream financial assets, gold standing out especially.

➔   Gold Offers Returns When Other Assets Cannot

From 1974 to 2008, there were only eight years when the US inflation was high, exceeding 5%.

In those years, gold prices jumped by an average of 14.9% year-over-year, outdistancing assets, more like bonds, equities, and other commodities.

However, gold was still posted mildly positive in 21 years of moderate inflation.

That is between 2% and 4.9%, and six years of low inflation, which was below 2% between 1974 and 2008.

Gold has stood out as a key portfolio component when identifying a long-term portfolio diversifier.

History brings down gold that has shown that it acts as an effective hedge and a valuable part of the larger picture.

Gold is a real asset with a credit or its default risks and is buoyed by high inflation compared to financial assets.

➔   Gold is Viewed as a Reserve Currency

As the US dollar continues to wane, gold may very well replace it.

There are several predictions for a surge in inflation through the influxes of stimulus funds pushing up prices, but gold stands still.

Against that backdrop, people are drenching the gold market with money as a hedge against inflation, or so said the wall street journal of 2020.

Gold is a monetary asset of choice, all real assets will benefit from higher inflation, but gold is more than a real asset.

Experts of the markets today even say that gold is termed to win in the battle of currencies.

Other than inflation, you could use gold for varied causes.

Good Reasons to Own Gold

It has Gone Down on History -

Unlike the paper currency, coins, and other assets, gold has maintained its value through all of these pages.

People look at gold as a way to preserve wealth from one generation to the next one.

From ancient times people have always valued the unique properties of this precious metal.

It does not corrode, and it does not melt over an ordinary flame.

The Weakness of the US Dollar -

Though the US dollar is one of the world's most important reserve currencies, the value of the dollar falls against other currencies, it prompts people to flock to the security of gold.

Deflation Protection -

Deflation is when prices drop tremendously, when business activity slows down, and the economy is burdened by excessive debt.

The relative purchase of gold in these times soared, while other prices dropped sharply.

Again, it is because people choose to hoard cash; the safest place to hold cash is in gold.

Increase of Demand -

The increasing wealth of emerging market economies boosted demand for gold.

In several countries, gold is intertwined with culture.

Like in China, gold bars are a traditional form of saving, and the demand for gold has always been steadfast.


Many would derive to say that gold prices only rose over the years.

But consider the alternative perspective; you now need more flat currency units to buy the same amount of gold out here.

It is not gold that has risen in price, but the currency has depreciated significantly over time.

Major economies of the planet are still locked into competitive currency devaluations, and their bid to spur in the economy or buying gold to protect wealth still prevails through this.

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September 10, 2018

Gold PR Review: The Best Digital PR Boutique in California

Social Media and Digital Marketing have changed how companies used to promote themselves.
However, the online marketing trends change from time to time, and it’s difficult to keep up with them.

Instead of chasing the trend, we should focus on our client’s needs. This is precisely what Gold PR has been doing for the past 15 years, and today it’s among the finest Digital PR agencies around the globe.

Gold PR Review: The Best Digital PR Boutique in California: eAskme

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Following, we are reviewing this boutique marketing agency and see how it impacted the marketplace.


“I’ve always believed that when we help our clients achieve success, we’ll be successful too. We are honored to be on the Inc. 5000 List.”

Shari Gold- CEO of Gold PR

Gold PR is a result driven agency which takes a holistic approach to entertain every client. This approach helped the agency win several accolades since its inception. Gold PR offers Social Media Marketing, Public Relations, and Digital Marketing Solution.

Majority of Gold PR’s clients serve Medical and Health Care, Consumer Products & Services, Hospitality & Leisure industries. Since its inception, Gold PR has won several accolades including American Business Awards, Bulldog Awards, and PR News Awards.

Company Profile

According to Shari Gold, the CEO of Gold PR, she started this company in the second bedroom of her apartment 15 years ago. The only thing that made Gold PR one of the leading marketing firms today is a commitment to excellence.

She founded the company in 2001 and used the do or die approach. After 17 years, her company operates two offices and boasts a growing team of award-winning professionals with revenue which exceeds $14.5 million annually.

According to her, Gold PR focuses on delivering smartdata-driven solutions which are customized and executed to achieve great results.

What Does It offer?

The Leading Southern California PR agency offers several marketing solutions. The company gives Public Relations, Social Media, and Digital Marketing. It employs a small group of selected people who work together to satisfy the client.

The company uses a data-driven approach and integrates brand communication across all marketing including traditional digital and social media. Gold PR translates its holistic approach into marketing campaigns and drives action and engagement to generate leads that convert into a sale.

The marketing campaigns are designed around a strong narrative and educate the customer about the brand,and its product through compelling storytelling.

How It Achieves Its Notion?

Gold PR employs a small group of diverse yet energetic individuals. The whole team consists of award-winning senior marketers, communication experts, social and digital marketers that are passionate about results. All of them are corporate refugees and used to be large agency executives.

Coming from different backgrounds and have worked in demanding environments before, they know the downfalls of big agencies and how they disappoint the clients due to unnecessary clutter.

This is why Gold PR remains transparent with the client and offers clear communication to all members of the team.  This provides their client the power to assess the ongoing campaign without an intermediary who doesn’t know what’s going on.

What So Special About It?

This company looks forward to move people and ideas into action. It measures the results in the form of strong brands, more sales, and favorable outcomes. The companies work to shape agendas, change opinions and mobilize the market to help their clients understand their goal.

It believes in collaboration and listening to the client before offering them any solutions. Gold PR doesn’t pursue volume. Instead, it focuses on how much it helped the client. It wants to change the market by emphasizing the quality provided to clients, instead of pursuing a sales volume. According to the brains behind Gold PR, this is the change we need in today’s marketplace.

Recent Developments

Gold PR has won several business awards recently. Moreover, it enjoyed a massive 124% revenue growth over the last three years. For a company that focuses on both business to business and business to customer, Gold PR is grounded in audience insight.

Gold PR is a company known for its excellent work in public relations, communication,and social media.It won the following accolades for its achievements,
  • 2018 Bronze Anvil Award
  • 2018 Bulldog Award- Bronze
  • 2018 American Business Awards- Gold
  • 2018 American Business Awards- Silver
The company also ranked #3172 in Inc. 5000 list of 2018.


We are in a society where big is always seen better. When it comes to marketing, this is no longer accepted. Instead, small, flexible and agile firms are taking help from established big name agencies. They may have a smaller staff,but they are more capable of providing dynamic marketing solutions.
Thanks to the smaller size, these agencies get to know their clients a lot better. This enables them to have a more in-depth analysis of the company and what it needs to offer an effective marketing approach. These companies also develop a strong agency-client relationship as the client has no clutter to deal with.

The company only focuses on serving a specified marketplace. Yes, it would appear as the company has selected a clientele or niche and wanted only to serve them. This client base is too exclusive. Marketing agencies tend to serve a broad client base.

However, this isn’t how Gold PR works,and we suspect this is one of the contributing factors behind its unprecedented success. As Gold PR grows, we expect it will start to entertain a few other industries or niches.

Final Word

Like it or not, the Boutique styled marketing firms are taking the lead from big agencies. These companies offer more viable solutions than big agencies. Yes, boutique marketing Digital PR firms are more efficient, and can quickly adapt to their client’s need. They don’t follow obsolete practices just because they worked a millennium before.

These firms recognize the changing market space and are changing along with it. This is proven by Gold PR’s unforgiving success in the past years. It provided excellent value to its client and helped them become an established name from emerging brands.

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July 19, 2017

Understanding The Metrics When Getting Cash For Gold

The cash-for-gold companies are touted as a bad option, but you can find well-reputed firms while trying to get cash for gold near you.

Besides getting cash against your gold, you can also explore the option of getting a loan against your gold or other precious metals.

You will be required to deposit your jewelry at their facility for the cash loan.

Banks and private lenders conveniently offer this service.

The response rate is usually quicker than getting a traditional loan.

The paperwork is also somewhat limited since they are already getting your gold as a guarantee of repayment.

But this option should be researched and analyzed carefully before taking the plunge.

Understanding The Metrics When Getting Cash For Gold: eAskme

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Understanding The Metrics When Getting Cash For Gold:

Let’s delve deeper into the world of cash for gold:

Going for Loan:

Yes, you can secure a loan against your gold as a pledge, and when you pay back the amount along with interest/ mark-up, you get your gold back.

Going for this sort of trade-in, you’ll be required to fill your details in a form - a contract with all the terms and conditions, and that’s about it.

Hand over the gold and get the cash.

The greater the gold you pledge, the smaller the interest rate you get and vice versa.

It is a plausible option, but be wary of the firm or bank you choose and read through the contract in detail.

The terms and conditions are similar when you go for a mail-away service, though we highly recommend visiting a gold shop to get your gold evaluated.

As narrated earlier, since the loaning agency, whether you opt for a bank or cash for the gold firm, has already got their loan covered in the form of pledged gold, they offer a relatively low-interest rate.

They will be nicer when it comes to repayment.

Don’t Hesitate:

Once you are there, don’t hesitate to ask for your ornaments back since they won’t be considered while weighing.

Most firms do oblige and remove stones for free.

However, the same can’t be said for banks.

Understand the Scales and Weigh your Gold:

The weight of the gold in karats is the determining factor of possible resale value, so pay attention.

For instance, the mainly used Troy ounce equals 31.1 grams of gold.

Now dealers may use a pennyweight equivalent to 1.55 grams to measure Troy ounce but will pay you in grams.

This way, they will get more weighing gold, and you will get less value.

 Now coming to karat, gold is too fragile to be used purely for ornaments, so it is mixed with other metals.

The purest form of gold is 24Karat gold, and anything less than 10 Karat is not considered gold.

The US regulations state that the Karat value should be mentioned while being sold in the US.

A word of advice:

People mistake mixing all their jewelry and submit for weighing.

The buyer will weigh all and evaluate it close to the lowest karat value.

This way, you will end up losing a big chunk of money.

Hand over the items separately and weigh them independently. Don’t get in a rush to make money.

If you believe you are not getting the money equal to your gold’s worth, borrow money to fulfill your needs.