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March 10, 2024

Google Has Launched New Label for Small Businesses to Stand Out

Google updates search results with new labels to help you identify small businesses.

Large and small businesses can also get great help from Google’s new features and search tools.

The holiday shopping season is on, and every small or large business is marketing its business on Google to grab more attention and generate more sales.

Google Has Launched New Label for Small Businesses to Stand Out: eAskme
Google Has Launched New Label for Small Businesses to Stand Out: eAskme

Google’s new features will help small businesses use AI-generated product images with better business information during the holiday season.

Google is supporting small merchants to help them scale their businesses.

Google has published a post informing us about the upcoming changes in Merchant Center, Google Search, and Google Maps to help small businesses.

The new update will also give merchants access to AI product image generation, a “Small Business” label, and a better business info panel.

New “Small Business” Search label and Maps:

Now, users can see the “Small business” label on Maps and search listings.

This way, a shopper can support a small business during the holiday season.

Google Business Profile and Google Merchant Center will display the “Small business” label.

Google automatically labels a business as a small business.

AI-Powered Product Image Generation:

Google has launched AI-powered image generation with Product Studio.

Shopify Merchants and U.S Merchant Center Next, users can access Google’s AI-powered Product Studio Tool. With the help of this tool, you can generate product images.

You only need to type text and generate images the way you want.

You can also improve image resolution and remove background with just one click.

Google wants to build trust, and for this purpose, it displays business information such as customer reviews, deals, and even shipping policies.

Businesses should add correct details in the Merchant Center to make the results effective for regular shoppers.

Small Business and Holiday Season:

The holiday season is a critical season for every small business. It is necessary to support small businesses to ensure healthy market competition and avoid monopoly.

Google has been facing issues with supporting large businesses only.

This is why the company has launched tools to support small businesses.


With new features and labels, Google is trying to help small businesses stand out during the festival season and reach the target customers. Every company has access to these features.

Now, you can use the free AI-tools to generate product images for your ad campaigns.

You should also optimize your Google business profile and update information in the Merchant Center to get an extra advantage.

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February 09, 2024

Google Bard Became Gemini: Ultra 1.0 and New Mobile App

Google Bard is now Google Gemini. Sissie Hsiao, the vice president and general manager at Gemini and Google Assistant, shared that Gemini Advanced is Bard's new name.

Also, the new Ultra 1.0 Gemini is available for users for creativity and coding. Gemini mobile apps for iOS and Android users are now available in the USA. The new Google Gemini mobile app will help users quickly test Gemini's capabilities.

Google has used the data and user behavior on Bard to improve Gemini and replace Bard completely.

Gemini Advanced Replaced bard, Ultra 1.0 is here: eAskme
Gemini Advanced Replaced bard, Ultra 1.0 is here: eAskme

Gemini Advanced:

Gemini Advanced is the new version of Gemini launched with Ultra 1.0. According to Google, it is the most advanced AI system for users.

Users can use Gemini to complete complex tasks such as coding, tutoring, and finding new content ideas.

With Gemini Advanced, Google has cleared its vision to improve AI technology. In the future, Google will enhance Gemini's capabilities with data analysis and new features.

Right now, Gemini is available in 40 languages and 230+ countries.

Gemini Advanced is available in English and accessible in 150 countries. In the coming days, Google will roll out Gemini Advanced in other countries and different languages.

Gemini is part of the Google One AI Premium Plan.

Google One AI Premium Plan:

Google has launched the Google One AI Premium Plan with a starting cost of $19.99/month. With this plan, you get access to Gemini Advanced.

Benefits of Google One AI Premium Plan:

  • Gemini Advanced
  • 2TB cloud storage
  • Early access to Advanced AI features.

Google is expanding Gemini technology to its other tools, such as:

  • Google Docs
  • Gmail
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Slides
  • Duet AI

Gemini Advanced on Smartphone:

Gemini Advanced is available on all Android and iOS devices. You can download Gemini from Google Play or Apple App Store.

Android users can also opt for Google Gemini through Google Assistant.

You only need to tap the mike and say, "Hey Google."

The Google Gemini app is now available in English, Korean, and Japanese languages. The company has a plan to roll out Gemini in many other languages.


Google Gemini Advanced has replaced the Google Bard. The Gemini app is available for users on Android and iOS devices. Google is committed to developing responsible AI features to enhance Gemini's capabilities.

In the coming days, Google will release more updates and features to empower Gemini AI and other tools.

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February 07, 2024

Google Removed Cached Links. Use the Internet Archive Wayback Machine

Google has announced on X (Formerly Know As Twitter) that the company has removed cached links. It means that users cannot access archived webpages from Google search. Now, the Internet Wayback Machine is the only solution for archiving links.

Danny Sullivan has tweeted using Google Search Liaison X (Formerly Known as Twitter) account that users were using "cached" links to access archived pages. The "Cached" feature was launched to help people load archived pages when the internet was slow.

Now, advanced technologies with smartphones and 4G/5G internet have made page loading easy and faster. Google does not see any benefit of still using cached links. So, the company has decided to retire this feature.

Google Removed Cached Links. Now, the Internet Archive is the only Solution: eAskme
Google Removed Cached Links. Now, the Internet Archive is the only Solution: eAskme

Google Removing Cached Links:

In his tweet, Sullivan hinted at the possible collaboration between Internet Archive and Google. His post says that users can find archived pages in the "About This Result" feature. An Internet Archive Wayback machine will power it.

Danny Sullivan further said that users can use Google Search Console's "URL Inspector Tool" to find out how Google sees the page for crawling.

But here is more that you must know!

Danny Sullivan has tweeted using Google Search Liaison X (Formerly Known as Twitter) account: eAskme

Increasing Cost of Data Storage:

Google was displaying a cached feature in the search results that displayed the page's cached data with the historical data. It takes a lot of space in data storage to keep the historical pages or content.

Like every other company, Google also wants to save costs. The easiest way is to retire cached features and save resources.

I first noticed a cached feature missing from Google search in December 2023. Google had gradually retired this feature from all search results.

Internet Archive Wayback Machine is the Best Solution:

Internet Archive Wayback Machine has been storing the historical version of pages for a very long time. The website's sole function is to store historical content and pages.

There is a free Wayback Machine extension available online to help users save their archived pages quickly.

Users can also visit the Wayback Machine website and add links to store their web pages. The Wayback machine is also helpful in finding missing pages, content pieces, and archives pages. Users can also find free movie downloads, free ebooks, and free music files at Wayback Machine.

How to Access Cached Pages in Google?

As Google has retired cached pages, there is still a way to build cache links.

Here is how you can do it.

Go to Google search and type "cache: Your Website URL" to find available cached pages.

You can also visit This link and replace eAskme with your website name or URL. This way, you can find the cached version of your website.

Cached Pages and Future:

Google has retired the cached feature; it explains that the company has found better ways to store web pages. It also explains that now, the Internet Archive Wayback Machine is the only best solution to check archived pages.


Google's cached features are not out of the picture. The Internet Archive Wayback Machine is still there to save your web pages and cached pages.

You can also consider many other free Internet Archive Wayback Machine alternatives to save your web pages, cached pages, and archived pages.

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January 16, 2024

Google's John Mueller Explains How to Move to a New Website without SEO Issues

Google is helping you to understand when you should move from an old website to a new website without damaging the SEO. When migrating from an old website to a new website, web admins have many worries, such as SEO issues, user experience, redirection, and updates.

According to John Mullers, you should remove or update old websites before moving to the new website. Use 301 redirects to control search rankings. Also, inform users to keep their user-experience.

During the Ask Googlebot YouTube video, John Muller touches on the very worry of small online business owners or bloggers. Some businesses asked if they could move to a new website and keep the old website.

Here is what Muller has answers!

Google's John Mueller Explains How to Move to a New Website without SEO Issues: eAskme
Google's John Mueller Explains How to Move to a New Website without SEO Issues: eAskme

How to move from an Old Website to a New Website?

John Muller clearly stated that businesses should first remove or update old websites before moving to the new website, as multiple sites with similar information will confuse the users.

Confusing is terrible for business and SEO.

When a business has two similar details on multiple websites, then it will confuse the customer as he will not be able to identify which one is the actual website. Also, it will damage the search rankings. Make sure that your old website is not visible to any user.

To improve SEO performance and user experience, it is necessary to make sure that your old website is no longer operational.

How to smoothly move to a new website?

The best practice is to set redirects from the old website to your new website.

Redirect will help users land on your main website even when they type the old URL in the address bar. This is an easy way to tell the visitor that you have moved your business to a new website.

Also, search engines will transfer SEO signals such as ranking and domain authority to your new domain.

If you do not know how to do it, then ask your web hosting provider or hire a web developer. At least keep the redirect on for one year to make the transition smoother.

Importance of Redirects:

John Muller said that redirection is the only solution to make the transition smoother from an old domain to a new domain.

Here is how it can help your business:

  • Redirect will move the user who is typing the old domain to visit the new website.
  • Redirects pass SEO value, such as search engine ranking, to the new website.
  • Redirects are essential to keep your SEO quality on your new website and improve user experience.

How to Redirect an Old Website to a New Website?

301 redirect is the best solution here. Make sure you are using 301 (permanent redirect). It will pass ranking and link juice to your new domain.

Before moving to a new website, first note down the URLs you want to redirect. You can add them using a .htaccess file or server config files.

WordPress plugins will also help you smoothly redirect your old website to a new one.

When Should You Not Redirect Old Domain?

Google's John Mueller also explained the scenario when you should not use a redirect.

If you can update the old website and publish a notice that your website has moved to a new domain. If you feel it is a complicated process, then just shut down that website.

If you do not follow any of these options, then both your websites will display in the search engine results. But later, search engines will rank your new domain, and your old domain will lose its place.

What to do next?

After transferring your old website to a new website, here are the following steps:

  • Use GA4 to track if the redirect works perfectly or not.
  • Monitor your search engine ranking.
  • Update users with your new website address and email address, and update this information on your social media sites and PR pages.


Moving from an old website to a new website is a crucial decision. Redirects make the process smoother, but you need to make sure that your pages are correctly redirected. For easy transition, I suggest you use WordPress plugins. It will help you keep your ranking and link juice on the new domain. It is also necessary for user experience.

Follow John Mueller's advice whenever you are going to move your website from an old domain to a new domain.

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November 07, 2023

Google Launched Generative AI Features in Performance Max Platform

Google's Performance Mas is getting Generative AI features to help marketers create and customize images and text for ad campaigns.

Right now, Generative AI features in the Performance Max platform are under beta version and only available for U.S. advertisers or marketers.

The company is letting advertisers use generative AI features to customize text and images for ad campaigns. Advertisers can generate new images or scale images.

Google Launched Generative AI Features in Performance Max Platform: eAskme
Google Launched Generative AI Features in Performance Max Platform: eAskme

If you do not know what Performance Max is, It is a Google AI-powered platform which was launched in 2021. It covers search, display, YouTube and other Google products.

You can use Performance Max to optimize ads by using performance data and create assets using Generative AI.

How to Get Started with Generative AI in Performance Max?

There are two ways to use Generative AI features in the Performance Max:

  • If you are creating a new Performance Max campaign, then you will see "Asset Generation" after "Campaign settings."
  • If you are creating another asset group in an already existing Performance Max campaign. In that case, you need to click the "+" icon to create a new asset group to see the "Asset Generation" feature.

After clicking "Asset Generation," you will also get A headlines, long headlines, descriptions, and suggestions. It will also include your logo and business name.

More Creative Control:

Google is offering marketers a creative control to the advertise in Asset Generation. You can discard the assets that you do not want to use and find meaningless.

You can also test multiple background and product images before making the final decision.

Generate or use the following assets in the Performance Max:

Generate Text Assets:

You can generate text headlines and descriptions using generative AI features. Google will automatically generate multiple headlines and descriptions based on your product, service and website summary.

You can also generate your headlines or descriptions by clicking on "Generate Healines," or "Generate Descriptions."

Choose the best and save them.

Generate Image Assets:

You can generate image assets in Performance Max using Google AI features. Generative AI will suggest images based on the Performance of your website, product, services, used assets and stock assets.

You can view more images by clicking on the "+ Images."

Click on "Generate Images" to generate images on your own for your Performance Max campaign.

Use Logo and Business name:

If you have been using a logo and business name in previous campaigns, then Google AI will automatically add them to your new campaign for the same website.

If you have not used the logo till now, then you will get logo suggestions to add to your campaign.

Video Assets:

Google AI will automatically create videos using your assets that you can use in your ad campaign.

Google Makes Generative AI Responsible:

Google has created AI features that prevent insensitive and policy-violating creations. The new and upcoming AI tools and features from Google will ensure responsible AI in use.

Google has also published a blog post that generative AI is still in the experimental phase. You may get offensive and inaccurate content. So don't overly rely on Generative AI features in Google Ads for legal, professional, financial, and medical services.


Generative AI is becoming part of every Google Platform, from search to YouTube. Google is still working to make AI responsible and user-friendly.

Meta has also launched generative AI features for marketers.

The company is testing various AI features and tools to ensure the creation of the best AI tools and features for marketers, advertisers and content creators.

You must check the AI-generated content in the Performance Max platform to ensure that it is according to Google's advertising policies.

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September 21, 2023

Google Ads Automatically Creating Ads Assets in 8 Languages

Generative AI powers Google Ads. Now, advertisers can use generative AI features, but Google also knows how to control them. Right now, Google Ads are automatically creating assets in 8 different languages.

Google has announced Google Ads asset conversation in languages other than English. It can help to expand the reach. Right now, Google is testing this feature in the USA and the UK.

Google Ads are getting AI power and creating your ad assets in 8 different languages automatically. The company is expecting a better conversational experience for targeted users. Google is testing how they can use AI to improve Google Ads performance.

With this feature, Google Ads are automatically creating assets to automate the ads.

Google Ads and Automatic Assets Creation:

Google Ads Automatically Creating Ads Assets in 8 Languages: eAskme
Google Ads Automatically Creating Ads Assets in 8 Languages: eAskme

Automatically created ad assets sound interesting at first.

Google ads are creating headlines and descriptions for pre-existing ads or landing pages.

Google wants to use AI to empower ads and improve effectiveness. The company is also giving liberty to the advertisers to add or remove any created asset from their ad campaigns.

Now Google Ads Assets creating is supporting the following 8 languages:

  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. Dutch
  4. German
  5. French
  6. Portuguese
  7. Italian
  8. Japanese

How to Activate Automatically Created Assets in Google Ads?

You can easily activate automatic asset creating by visiting “Campaign Settings” or look for “Enable automatically created Assets” on Recommendations.

Google will use generative AI to match your automatically created ad assets with user search queries.

Google Ads Automatic Assets Creating Available in Beta:

Right now, generative AI ad creating is under testing. Google is testing this feature in the USA and UK to understand how LLMs can help create the conversational experience.

Google is creating a natural language conversational experience for advertisers to generate ad campaigns using generative AI features. You can create ad campaigns with images, headlines, and keywords.
This feature is under testing. Its beta version is being tested in the USA and UK for English advertisers only.

Google is collecting feedback to improve the Generative AI features in Google ads for advertisers.

Google and Generative AI:

Generative AI is becoming a part of every online business, such as Opera AI, Mozilla AI, Snapchat My AI, Meta, Microsoft, Photoshop, etc.

Google is also utilizing generative AI power to improve Google ads performance and revenue.

The company is interested in creating a conversational experience for advertisers. With this feature, advertisers can easily create and manage their ad campaigns.


Google is known for testing and improving technologies for advertisers and targeted users.

Google’s AI-powered tools will continue to grow and help advertisers improve ad targeting.

It will also help Google to increase ad revenue. With a streamlined ad creation process, more advertisers and more ads will become part of Google Ads.

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September 03, 2023

Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11 Update: What is There for You?

Google has launched an update for speed inside; this time, it is updating Lighthouse 11 with new features.

Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11 is the latest update of the newest version of the Google Lighthouse.

You can check your website speed, fix buzzes, and get a score.

What is Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11?

Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11 Update: eAskme
Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11 Update: eAskme

Google Lighthouse is a free-to-use tool to measure your website performance issues and find ways to fix them.

It is a free tool that anyone can use. All you need is to type your website URL or webpage URL and hit Enter to get a Google page speed insights report with the core web vital scores.

Google page speed insights lighthouse 11 update launched on August 28, 2023.

It is available for every user who wants to test his website.

What has changed in Lighthouse 11 or Google Pagespeed Insights?

Here are the updates and changes that you can find out;

  • Updated accessibility audits.
  • Updated best practices score.
  • Fixed a bug related to Largest Contentful Paint.
  • Updated INP or interaction to Next Paint reports.
  • Fix many bugs to improve reports.

Updated interaction to next paint (INP) report:

Google has introduced the Interaction to Next Paint metric to improve the interactivity of the webpages.

The search engine giant has also said the INP report will become official in March 2024.

Now, Google has also removed the INP metric from the experimental stage.

The recent change in Lighthouse 11 displays that Google is serious about the INP metric.

Bug fixed in Largest Contentful Paint (LCP):

A bug was reported with the launch of Lighthouse 10.2.0. In Lighthouse 11, this bug is fixed.

13 new accessibility audits:

  • td-has-header
  • table-fake-caption
  • table–duplicate-name
  • skip-link
  • select-name
  • link-in-text-block
  • label-content-name-mismatch
  • input-button-name
  • image-redundant-alt
  • html-xml-lang-mismatch
  • aria-text
  • aria-dialog-name
  • aria-allowed-role


Google Lighthouse 11 is an essential and official update for Google Pagespeed Insights. You will get a better report to check your website performance and when your bugs are fixed.

Check your website performance with Google Lighthouse 11 and fix issues to make it user-friendly. It is also essential for the overall SEO of your website.

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March 09, 2023

Google Upgraded Desktop Google Search Design: Must Know This!

Google has started displaying site names, favicons, and logos of websites in Google searches.
Google updated the desktop search design in March 2023.

With this change, you can easily identify ads and organic search results in Google search.
You can now also see each ad's “Sponsored” label in Google search results.

Google Upgraded Desktop Google Search Design: eAskme
Google Upgraded Desktop Google Search Design: eAskme


We already noticed these changes a few days ago, but on 9th March 2023, Google officially released a tweet that a new design is now available for users worldwide.

What is the New Google Search Desktop Design?

You will see favicons and site names in the new Google search design. If you are not using a favicon, then Google search results display a globe sign as a favicon.

This update is the next step to what you have seen in Google mobile search design.

With this change, Google expects to improve user experience by clearly marking the organic results and the ads.

You can use the site name in Google desktop search to let the user know which pages are associated with your website.

Google will automatically adjust the shape and size of the favicon to make it visible to the users.
The New Google search design is visible to all search results, including ads.

How Google is labeling ads?

Rather then only displays a “Sponsored” label on the ad section; Google tags each ad with a “sponsored label.”

Users can easily know where the sponsored ads end and where organic results are displayed.

By distinguishing ads from organic search, Google ensures that only interesting people will click on ads. This will also reduce the chance of mistakes in ad clicks.

You can also see the “Sponsored” label in mobile search ads.

How to Add Your Site Name to Google Search?

Google will automatically pick your site name based on the search results and content preferences.
You cannot manually change your site name in search results.

But you can use structured data to tell Google the exact name of your website.

Ensure your site name is different from the page title links. URL should be unique.

Google will use your site name to display the best result to the visitor.


Google is known for testing and updating its system to make it more user-friendly. The new Google search design is the next step to improving user experience.

Now you will visually find the difference between each ad and organic result in Google search.
With an accurate site name, your organic result will have targeted traffic.

New updates also push you to use structured data to help Google find the relevancy of the page and site name.

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November 05, 2022

Google Hangouts Shut Down: What's Next?

Google Hangouts are gone, and the brand is moving users to Google Chat.

Google has officially ended Hangouts to promote the Google Chat service.

Google hangout was launched in 2013 and died in 2022.

Google Hangouts Shut Down, Rise of Google Chat: eAskme
Google Hangouts Shut Down, Rise of Google Chat: eAskme

Hangouts is a chat app that uses voice, videos, and text to chat with others. In July 2022, Google removed Hangouts from app stores and removed the chrome extension.

The fall of Google Hangout and the rise of Google Chat:

Google is replacing Hangout with Chat. Google chat is an alternative to Microsoft teams and Slack.

You can use Google workspace features like security tools, collaborate files, and group chats.

Users can also use rich text formats and emojis and send GIFs using Google Chat.

Hangout content and contacts will be migrated to Google chat. But you may lose some data.

To ensure you keep all the hangout data, Google has allowed users to download Hangout content using Google Takeout until January 2023.

According to the product manager for Google Chat, Ravi Kanneghanti, Google chat will receive new features like viewing and sharing multiple photos, direct calling, and in-line threading.

What is Next for Google Messaging App:

Google talk was the first messaging app from Google, which was launched in 2005.

The company has made multiple changes and more than a dozen efforts to take over the messaging business.

But most of the results were lower than expected.

Google still competes with iMessage, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger to dominate the messaging market.

Google has even launched Google+hangout, which could have been more successful.


We already know that Google always tries to offer something best to its users and wants to rule every market.

But even though the products are good, it is okay that every user likes every single Google feature or service.

This is why Google has shut down many features and products such as Google Plus, Google lens, and now Google Hangouts.

Now only Google, but any company can only run a service if that service can bring fruitful results.

Hangouts still need to make people choose the app over WhatsApp, iMessage, and Messenger.

This time, Google is trying to lure users with Google Chats but making users shift from Google Hangouts to Google Chat. New features will also bring some positive results.

We are eagerly waiting to see what will happen to Google Chats now.

Will it become successful, or will Google also retire Google chats someday?

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October 16, 2022

Google has Launched Passkey Support on Android and Chrome

Google is now making it possible to replace passwords with passkeys on chrome browsers and android devices.

It is an essential update as the new passkey feature will help users sign into their accounts without using the password.

Google is launching a Passkey update for Chrome Canary and Google Play Services Beta members.

Google has Launched Passkey Support on Android and Chrome: eAskme
Google has Launched Passkey Support on Android and Chrome: eAskme

If everything goes according to Google’s expectations, Passkey functionality will be rolled out to users worldwide.

Google Passkey support is in the Beta version and offers the following features:

  • Developers can build a passkey using Chrome with the help of WebAuthn API.
  • Users can create a passkey on Android devices.

Google Passkey offer Better User Experience and Security:

Google passkeys allow auto-fill password but only when it is unblocked by using bio-metric data such as Pin, Pattern, fingerprints, or facial recognition.

Passkey is the next step to ensure security and eliminate traditional security methods like OTP, SMS, etc.

According to Google, Passkey will replace the need for second-factor authentication.

To create a passkey, you must first confirm that you want to generate a passkey and authenticate your sign-in method. You can manage passkeys with Google password manager.

Brand Are working on Passkey Standards:

Brands like Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc., are working together to ensure worldwide support for passkeys/

Google will Launch Android-native API:

Google will launch Android-native API to ensure that apps work seamlessly with passkeys.

With Native API, users can choose if they want to use passwords or passkeys.


Google is trying to upgrade apps' user security by enabling passkeys.

It is good to know that brands are seriously thinking about user security.

Do you prefer using password or passkey?

Do share your thoughts with us.

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August 16, 2022

Google has Updated Issue Categorization in Search Console

Google has introduced an issue classification system in Search Console.

Google has successfully updated the Search Console with item classification. Now search console will show issues, pages, and item classification.

Migration completed on 15th August 2022.

Google has Updated Issue Categorization in Search Console.: eAskme
Google has Updated Issue Categorization in Search Console.: eAskme

Google worked for months to ensure that search console users pay attention to issues.

Now, You will not see group URLs in Google Search Console.

Earlier, the Google search console was showing three URL classifications such as:

  • Valid
  • Warning
  • Error.

Now you will only see Two URL classifications such as:

  • Valid
  • Invalid

In Google Search Console, Valid means your content has some critical issue, and valid means your content does not have any issue.

Google has explained how this migration will impact reports.

Google Search Console Reports Update:

Google Search Console displays errors, warnings and good status using icons and colors rather than text.


You will see the following updates in individual Search Console reports:

AMP report:

In the first table, you will see the pages with critical issues.

In the second table, you will see pages with non-critical issues.

You can view good Amp pages when you click on "View data about valid AMP pages."


You will see both "valid with Warning" and "valid" pages in Indexed status.

In the Not Indexed status, you will find excluded and Error URLs.

You can view complete data in the form of charts and tables.

Core Web Vitals:

In Core Web Vitals, you will see pages with the need for Improvement and Good Pages.

Click "View data about usable pages" to view pages with good core web vitals.

Mobile Usability:

You will see Usable and Not usable.

You can easily find pages that have issues with mobile usability. Click on "View data about usable pages" to access usable data.

Rich Result Reports:

You will see two tables displaying pages with critical issues and non-critical issues.

Click on "View data about valid items" to view usable items.

URL Inspection tool:

You will see the following:

URL is on Google:

It means that URLs do not have critical errors.

URL is on Google but has issues:

It means the URL has a critical error that can affect your page's presence on Google.

URL is not on Google:

You will find pages with errors that are not indexed on Google, such as 404 or blocked by non-index.


Google has only updated how they are displaying reports to you. 

You will not find any change in the reported data.

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