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September 03, 2023

Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11 Update: What is There for You?

Google has launched an update for speed inside; this time, it is updating Lighthouse 11 with new features.

Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11 is the latest update of the newest version of the Google Lighthouse.

You can check your website speed, fix buzzes, and get a score.

What is Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11?

Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11 Update: eAskme
Google Pagespeed Insights Lighthouse 11 Update: eAskme

Google Lighthouse is a free-to-use tool to measure your website performance issues and find ways to fix them.

It is a free tool that anyone can use. All you need is to type your website URL or webpage URL and hit Enter to get a Google page speed insights report with the core web vital scores.

Google page speed insights lighthouse 11 update launched on August 28, 2023.

It is available for every user who wants to test his website.

What has changed in Lighthouse 11 or Google Pagespeed Insights?

Here are the updates and changes that you can find out;

  • Updated accessibility audits.
  • Updated best practices score.
  • Fixed a bug related to Largest Contentful Paint.
  • Updated INP or interaction to Next Paint reports.
  • Fix many bugs to improve reports.

Updated interaction to next paint (INP) report:

Google has introduced the Interaction to Next Paint metric to improve the interactivity of the webpages.

The search engine giant has also said the INP report will become official in March 2024.

Now, Google has also removed the INP metric from the experimental stage.

The recent change in Lighthouse 11 displays that Google is serious about the INP metric.

Bug fixed in Largest Contentful Paint (LCP):

A bug was reported with the launch of Lighthouse 10.2.0. In Lighthouse 11, this bug is fixed.

13 new accessibility audits:

  • td-has-header
  • table-fake-caption
  • table–duplicate-name
  • skip-link
  • select-name
  • link-in-text-block
  • label-content-name-mismatch
  • input-button-name
  • image-redundant-alt
  • html-xml-lang-mismatch
  • aria-text
  • aria-dialog-name
  • aria-allowed-role


Google Lighthouse 11 is an essential and official update for Google Pagespeed Insights. You will get a better report to check your website performance and when your bugs are fixed.

Check your website performance with Google Lighthouse 11 and fix issues to make it user-friendly. It is also essential for the overall SEO of your website.

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