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July 21, 2024

Google Webmaster Guidelines: Everything that You Must Know

Google webmaster guidelines help you and SEO professionals create a website according to Google's expectations.

With the help of the latest Google Webmaster Guidelines, a webmaster can improve SEO techniques to meet Google's guidelines.

You cannot ignore these guidelines. Ignoring webmaster guidelines will make you invite a manual penalty or algorithm penalty.

Google Webmaster Guidelines: Everything that You Must Know: eAskme
Google Webmaster Guidelines: Everything that You Must Know: eAskme

Other people are atThings Every SEO Newbie Has to Know : The Ultimate SEO Guide for Beginners

If the issue is significant, then Google can ban your website from showing in SERP.

Understand Google Webmaster Guidelines to avoid potential damage to your website or blog.

According to Google's guidelines, there are multiple ways you can optimize your blog, content, or website.

Garry lllyes and John Muller has answered a lot of questions on Twitter also.

Most of the time, these guidelines are talking straight to the point.

Google keep on updating webmaster guidelines.

It is necessary to keep an eye on these guidelines and stay updated. It will help you know about any changes.

For example, Google guidelines say that your website must be HTML/CSS and code must validate with W3C.

It is not a direct sign to get a better ranking. But it will surely improve user experience as cross-browser compatibility is essential for user experience.

Google Webmaster Guidelines is to guide you about solving specific issues to better your blog or website.

What are the Google Webmaster Guidelines?

I can divide Google webmaster guidelines into four parts such as;

  • Content Specific-guidelines
  • General guidelines
  • Quality Guidelines
  • Webmaster Guidelines

Webmaster Guidelines:

Webmaster guidelines is the set of best practices that you must follow to improve your blog or website.

This strategy will help to improve your overall Google search ranking.

The other three guidelines help you save your site from penalties.

General Guidelines:

In general guidelines, you will find best practices to help your blog or website look better in SERP.

Content-specific guidelines:

As the name suggests, content specific guidelines are the best practices to improve how you should use the image, videos, text, and any other type of content on your blog or website.

Quality Guidelines:

Ignoring quality guidelines can get your website banned. It is a must that you should follow Google webmaster quality guidelines.

The reason behind the availability of these guidelines is to help you save your site from Google penalties. These guidelines also tell that you should not write spammy content and focus more on users than search engines.

It is easy to say.

It is a challenge to create a website or blog, according to Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

But by understanding Google Webmaster Guidelines, you will be aware of what to do and what you must avoid.

After understanding Google Webmaster Guidelines, the ne3xt thing is to implement them on your website.

Use Relevant Keywords:

Make your blog/website discoverable.

The best way is to find relevant keywords is by following the top-ranking webpage and seeing what keywords they are using in the title and description.

For this, you should run the competitor analysis of the top-ranking website or blogs in your niche.

Many tools will help you run competitor analysis and find out how these sites are using keywords.


You can have a website with no keyword at all.

You may have a list of keywords that all are branded, but no one has thought about optimizing the content or website.


You need to do a lot of work. Run competitor analysis and find out the opportunities to optimize the keywords.

Remember: You can even optimize the terrible websites.


You must link pages or posts so that they can reach by links from other discoverable posts or pages.

This makes internal linking important. Internal linking also helps to avoid dead pages issue.

Links are part of websites. You must optimize contextual links, navigation menu and breadcrumbs.

Make all the links crawlable by Google. It is essential for a great user experience. Do not repeat the same anchor text again and again.

Combine keywords with different but relevant phrases.

A strong website structure is when the webmaster hierarchically links the pages or posts.

This makes it easy for Google to understand the structure.


Some sites have a lot of orphan pages.


The easiest way to fix orphan pages is by linking to them from other relevant pages on your website. Else delete them.

Reasonable Linking:

Do not make your blog post or Website page look like your sitemap.

Google has made it clear that you should not use 100+ links on a page. But it does not mean that you must add 100 links to every page.

Linking become fruitful when relevant.

Add links according to the need and relevance. Take the user's point of view.

Too many links will make your content look like spam.


Some sites may have hundreds or thousands of links on many pages. This becomes a problem when Google crawl such pages.


Reduce the number of links.

Robots.txt and Crawling:

Robots.txt can help you optimize your crawl budget so that Google can easily crawl your blog or websites.

There are two ways to optimize your crawl budget;

  • Optimize links on the blog or website
  • Optimize robots.txt

Google has published this guide, to help you understand how to optimize robots.txt for better crawling.


You may find sites that use robots.txt to block search engines from crawling the content or complete the website.

You may have a site that does not have sitemap.xml in robots.txt.


Remove Disallow: /

Add directive to display sitemap location.

Create content-rich pages with a clear voice:

Google Webmaster Guidelines talks about information-rich pages. It may not be easy to find information-rich relevant competitors.

Information-rich term changes according to niche or industry.

With the help of competitor analysis, you will learn:

  • What your competitors are writing about
  • How top-ranking sites are writing about different topics.

Structure of your competitor's website.

Answers to these questions will help you understand how to follow webmaster guidelines.


Sites with thin content.

Word count is undoubtedly not the end-all factor to improve your content ranking. Yet, it is essential for creating information-rich content.


Get rid of thin content. Work on your content strategy.

Keywords and Queries:

What are people searching to find your posts or pages?

Keyword research will answer.

With the help of keyword research, you will learn how people are searching to visit your website.

An effective keyword research strategy is what you need.

You will focus on the target audience according to the site's niche or nature during useful keyword research.

It is essential to understand the buyer's persona.

Once you discover the target keywords, then you can easily do on-page optimization.

On-page optimization is also about how many pages on your website are mention the target keyword or query.

For the success of SEO, it is necessary to perform useful keyword research based on targeting.


You may have a site with all the branded keywords. The chances are that the site content is not updated with relevant keywords, phrases, and queries.


The best way to fix it is by optimizing keywords in your content. Use LSI keywords, queries, and targeted keywords rather than only using branded keywords.

Only use the keyword that your users are typing to find your pages.

This way, you make the visitors understand your blog posts or pages.


Have you organized your website by topical relevance?

Conceptual page hierarchy is essential for SEO.

Keep main topics on the top and subtopics under the main. This strategy is known as SEO silos.
Use the deeper conceptual page hierarchy.

You may consider creating a hierarchy that the main page should not go far away from 3 clicks or create in-depth content with hierarchy.

Must create a site that gives in-depth information.


Your blog or site has unorganized posts or pages just there to fill your blog with content.


Create a siloed architecture. Display your topical focus. It will help to improve ranking.

Crawl and index:

Make your whole blog and website crawlable and indexable.

Don't block Javascript or CSS.

Giving Google access to a complete website makes it easy for the search engine to understand your website thoroughly.


You may have a site that blocks javascript and CSS using robots.txt.


Use robots.txt to unblock CSS and javascript.

Important Content:

Ensure that the essential content of your blog or website is crawlable and visible by default. You should not hide important information behind tabs, buttons, etc.

Display important information in default page view.

Tabbed content is usually less accessible to visitors.


You may have a site with tabbed content.


Create fully visible content.

Google Webmaster Guidelines are Must to Follow:

Google webmaster guidelines are trustworthy guidelines.

These are not the rules, yet if you ignore them, then you will only make your website fall behind everyone else.

Always stay on Google's right side and prevent manual actions.

If your website hit manual actions, start working on fixing the issues.

Remember: Google has Introduced 12 new manual action penalties.

In case you have a terrible website, redesign it and its content.

p>Use Google Webmaster Guidelines knowledge to identify issues and fix them before it is too late. It is worth following Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

For stable online performance, you must follow these guidelines.

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August 16, 2022

Google has Updated Issue Categorization in Search Console

Google has introduced an issue classification system in Search Console.

Google has successfully updated the Search Console with item classification. Now search console will show issues, pages, and item classification.

Migration completed on 15th August 2022.

Google has Updated Issue Categorization in Search Console.: eAskme
Google has Updated Issue Categorization in Search Console.: eAskme

Google worked for months to ensure that search console users pay attention to issues.

Now, You will not see group URLs in Google Search Console.

Earlier, the Google search console was showing three URL classifications such as:

  • Valid
  • Warning
  • Error.

Now you will only see Two URL classifications such as:

  • Valid
  • Invalid

In Google Search Console, Valid means your content has some critical issue, and valid means your content does not have any issue.

Google has explained how this migration will impact reports.

Google Search Console Reports Update:

Google Search Console displays errors, warnings and good status using icons and colors rather than text.


You will see the following updates in individual Search Console reports:

AMP report:

In the first table, you will see the pages with critical issues.

In the second table, you will see pages with non-critical issues.

You can view good Amp pages when you click on "View data about valid AMP pages."


You will see both "valid with Warning" and "valid" pages in Indexed status.

In the Not Indexed status, you will find excluded and Error URLs.

You can view complete data in the form of charts and tables.

Core Web Vitals:

In Core Web Vitals, you will see pages with the need for Improvement and Good Pages.

Click "View data about usable pages" to view pages with good core web vitals.

Mobile Usability:

You will see Usable and Not usable.

You can easily find pages that have issues with mobile usability. Click on "View data about usable pages" to access usable data.

Rich Result Reports:

You will see two tables displaying pages with critical issues and non-critical issues.

Click on "View data about valid items" to view usable items.

URL Inspection tool:

You will see the following:

URL is on Google:

It means that URLs do not have critical errors.

URL is on Google but has issues:

It means the URL has a critical error that can affect your page's presence on Google.

URL is not on Google:

You will find pages with errors that are not indexed on Google, such as 404 or blocked by non-index.


Google has only updated how they are displaying reports to you. 

You will not find any change in the reported data.

What do you think about the Google Search Console update?

Have you ever used Google Search Console?

Do share your thoughts with us.

Stay tuned with us for more Google Search Console and other search updates.

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November 06, 2021

Google Search Console added More Details to Error Reports

Google search console is now displaying rich results in error reports with more details to help you identify and fix issues.

The new error report will help you fix SEO issues.

Google Search Console added More Details to Error Reports: eAskme
Google Search Console added More Details to Error Reports: eAskme

Google Search Central has tweeted that they add more details to the error report in Search Console Rich Results. It will help you to understand how to fix specific issues.

In simple words, user can identify errors and fix them easily with the help of a new error report.

If you also want to understand what has changed, then you should read more.

Google Search Console Rich Results Report:

Google search console is not reporting new errors.

But, it is adding more details that will help you to check for errors.

You will see the following details in Google Search Console:

  • Invalid attribute enum value
  • Invalid attribute string length
  • Invalid object
  • Out of numeric range
  • Type conversion failed

You will have more information to learn more about these errors.

How Google Search Console Rich Results Report Will Help You?

SEO can use additional information to optimize the website structure.

Google search results only display rich snippets with valid structured data.

A valid structure data is not the guarantee of displaying rich snippets in SERP.

Google algorithm is responsible for choosing which content it can display in search results.

But always do everything to keep the structured data clean and valid.


Google search console error report not only help you improve structure data and help you fix content errors.

It is your job to improve the quality and structure of your blog or website.

From technical to content, you need to optimize your website for search engines and a better user experience from authority links.

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July 27, 2021

Google Analytics 4: Everything You Need to Know

What is Google Analytics 4? Why has Google changed Google Analytics to Google Analytics 4? How can you switch to GA4? How Google Analytics 4 Will help you with reporting? What are the best ways to use GA4 reports?

These are a few of the questions that emerged with the launch of Google Analytics 4 or GA4.

Google Analytics 4 is a powerful analytics tool that helps you monitor traffic and understand user behavior.

Google Analytics 4: Everything You Need to Know: eAskme
Google Analytics 4: Everything You Need to Know: eAskme

Other people are at: How To Optimize Your Content Creation Process?

In October 2020, Google announced the new Google Analytics 4.

There are so many things that a web admin should learn about GA4.

Remember: Traditional Google Analytics is not going anywhere. But GA4 is already there.

It is worth your time to learn everything about Google Analytics 4.

Today, You will learn;

  • What GA4 is?
  • How to switch?
  • Understand GA4 reporting.
  • How to use reports?

What is New in Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 uses different data collection and data structure approach.

GA is not about sessions but events and users.

Where you will see each user behavior in different events.

Events will help marketers in a better way to perform cross=platform analysis.

Google Analytics 4 understands user behavior better than traditional Google analytics.

Switch to Google Analytics 4?

Should you switch to GA 4?

Yes, you should.

It collects better data and helps you create better marketing strategies.

How to set up Google Analytics 4?

It is quite easy to set up GA4.

How to configure Google Analytics 4:

How to configure Google Analytics 4: eAskme
  • First, go to Google Analytics and log in.
  • Go to Admin.
  • Select account.
  • Select property.
  • Click the “GA4 Setup Assistant”
  • Now, in the setup wizard, click on “Get Started.”
How to configure Google Analytics 4: eAskme

  • Click on “Create Property.”
How-to-Create-New-Google-Analytics-4-Property: eAskme

How Google Analytics 4 Will help with Reporting?

Internet is moving towards user privacy. However, it is getting difficult to track user behavior.

Google Analytics 4 will fill the gap with its improved machine learning technology.

With the help of GA4, markets can easily identify irregularities and trends in analytics data.

How to Use Google Analytics 4 reports?

Now, you should know the best ways to use GA4.

On the homepage, you will see revenue, traffic, and conversions.

From the homepage, you will learn.

  • From where are new users coming?
  • What are the best campaigns?
  • What are the most viewed pages?

Real-time Reporting:

GA4’s real-time reports show what has happened in the past 30 minutes.

You can identify:

Is the tracking code is working?

Effects from YouTube videos.

Product drop.

You can check the View user snapshot. (In the real-time snapshot, you will find user location, device, and engagement.)

Life Cycle Reporting:

You can find engaging, retaining, monetizing, acquiring data of the funnel.

Source of the users and their behavior data is always important to create marketing strategies.

Using the Life Cycle report, you will learn:
  • How did users land on the pages?
  • What is their behavior?

Explore Reports: Analysis

The new Analysis Hub is the strongest part of GA4.

In GA4, you get access to template galleries and advanced techniques.

Analysis Hub: eAskme

How to Create a New Analysis:

  • Go to Google Analytics and log in.
  • Click on Analysis.
  • Choose the technique.

How to read Analysis Hub Report?

How to read Analysis Hub Report?: eAskme

  • Variables column: Here, you will see the Date range, metrics, dimensions, and segments.
  • Tab Settings Column: Here, you will specify segments, metrics, dimensions, and techniques.
  • Segments: Here, you can drag and drop groups to understand behavior.
  • Dimensions: Here you can check event count, transactions, active users, etc.
  • Metrics: Check numbers in analysis.
  • Visualization: View report in charts.
  • Values: View metrics as columns.
  • Tabs: Visualization.
  • Display: Interact with Data.

Different Types of Analysis in GA4:


By selecting, Exploration you have more control over data visualization.

You can use various options to represent data and view insights.

Funnel Analysis:

Under Funnel Analysis, you can check the steps buyers have to complete to reach the final step.

Path Analysis:

Path analysis visualizes the events in tree graph format.

You can learn the looping behavior of the users.

Segment Overlap:

You can use segments as sessions or events.

Marketers can build a condition group.

Cohort Analysis:

You can view the group of users with similar characteristics in a cohort group.

User Lifetime:

Using Lifetime report, you can learn the source of maximum traffic and revenue.


Analytics tools make your life easy.

The better you understand your analytics, the better marketing decisions you can make.

Google Analytics 4 is the latest upgrade for Google Analytics.

Start using Google Analytics, and you will learn everything on the way.

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