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March 25, 2024

How To Hire The Right DUI Attorney?

DUI cases are on the rise. Most of these drivers were interdicted. Worse still, a good number of DUI cases saw drivers lose their driving licenses.

How To Hire The Right DUI Attorney: eAskme
How To Hire The Right DUI Attorney: eAskme

These cases are very stressful in nature. Thus, if you don’t want to lose your license or go to jail, hire a good lawyer.

However, there are several DUI lawyers out there.

This makes it challenging to select the right Cumberland County DUI lawyer.

Luckily, the following tips and tricks will take you to the right lawyer for your DUI case.

Never Represent Yourself:

Of course, you can go on your own. However, this can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a legal background.

Plus, DUI cases are complex, requiring expertise to succeed.

That’s not all, court procedures are not straightforward.

Simple mistakes can cost your DUI case.

That’s why representing yourself isn’t the best deal.

Still more, judges aren’t usually patient with people who try to represent themselves.

They don’t like defendants who don’t understand court rules.

Avoid Public Defenders:

It’s your right to be accorded a legal representation.

However, go slow with public defenders. Of course, they are cheaper.

However, they are unlikely to give you the best legal representation.

Money will motivate a private lawyer.

Still more, public defendants usually have large caseloads.

They don’t have enough time to attend to your case.

Plus, you cannot dictate how things should be done.

Thus, if you want complete control over your case, choose a good private lawyer.

Read Reviews:

Go online. Consider conducting your research.

Have a list of potential DUI lawyers.

Avoid lawyers with negative reviews.

Also, consider asking for testimonials from potential lawyers.

It’s also important to ask for recommendations from family members.

The bottom line is to partner with a lawyer who can give you premium legal representation.

Free Consultations:

DUI cases aren’t simple. They are complex in nature.

Still more, each case comes with its own challenges.

That’s why you should ask many questions.

Ask that lawyer about your explicit situation. The lawyer you choose should assess your case in detail.

Leverage on free consultations. This is the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding your case.

Don’t Hide Anything:

Don’t hide details from your lawyer.

Tell your lawyer the truth.

Delve into the finer details surrounding your case.

Don’t hold anything back.

Answer questions with a lot of clarity.

Your lawyer will use this information to fight off the DUI charges.

Additional Tips:

Also, use the following tips when searching for a DUI lawyer:
  • Ask questions
  • Choose a lawyer from a reputable law firm
  • Consider the confidence of that lawyer


Winning a DUI case starts with having the best lawyer.

An experienced lawyer knows how to fight these chargers and deliver the best results.

That’s why your case requires a good lawyer.

The above are compelling reasons why you need a good lawyer for your DUI case.

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October 26, 2022

Save Your Time and Manpower with Outsourcing Services

There are different types of services available that help businesses grow.

If you are also looking for services, you must need a dedicated team of dedicated professionals who provide quality results.

A team of software developers also offers great results and will help you give effective results.

Save Your Time and Manpower with Outsourcing Services: eAskme
Save Your Time and Manpower with Outsourcing Services: eAskme

So, hiring a team of software developers with years of experience will give you effective results especially, if you follow these outsourcing tips.

It is really easy and cheap to get the services because there is no need to pay monthly salaries to the professionals, and they will provide effective results.

You need to check everything online and will understand how beneficial it is for the users. So, it is better to try such services once to get effective results for your business.

If you are looking for the right team for software development service, click here:

It is one of the best places for hiring employees.

Here you will get professionals in the software development field.

You will never have to worry about anything and choose which one will be the best.

If multiple employees are required, then you can get that too.

You can try to hire the best for your business, and all these will be helpful with the hiring services offered.

There is no need to pay monthly salaries because you can hire them for short-term or long-term projects.

You have to pay for the time until they are working for you.

You will save lots of time and money with it. So, without worry, you must try out the services once, and you will love them.

It allows you to get the help of professionals easily and can hire them instantly.

What services will you get?

There are different experts there according to the work type.

So, if you need front-end developers, back-end developers, UI/UX designers, and other experts, you will get them easily.

With the companies, there is nothing that you have to worry about because all the services are available with quality results.

You don’t even get such services by hiring permanent employees.

You will have complete access to the ongoing projects. It is going to be simple, quick, and with quality results.

For the business, they have to get the candidates as soon as possible and don’t worry about the interviews.

So, get quality services without compromising anything. It is easy to do everything, and you will get quality results.

Privacy protected:

You don’t have to worry about your work details because all these will be between the company and the candidate, and no one else knows.

So, you don’t have to worry about the privacy of the projects and will get quality results.

Nothing will be disclosed to your competitors, and it will be assured.

You will also have complete access to the work progress, and there is nothing that you have to worry about.

You will have great results with it and don’t have to let the chance slip from your hand.

There are multiple employees carrying years of experience in their field. So, it is going to be very useful for companies and startups.

Get quality services with the help of professionals.

Different companies are looking for the right candidate for the work, but it is impossible to get it easily. So, companies have to manage their time to get their candidate easily.

It consumes their time, and schedules different interviews to choose the perfect candidate. It makes the whole work very difficult for a business.

It is not simple to hire a candidate who can work according to your requirements, which is why companies prefer outsourcing services to get the right candidate.

They can easily get candidates for software development work without worrying about recruitment and hiring.

So, if you want to have the best services, then you must have to try it once.

Try the services now. Companies are getting very effective results and prefer getting such services from professionals.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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November 09, 2021

How to Hire a Corporate Formation Attorney?

When we start a business, we encounter a lot of excited and anxious emotions. Still, we hope to run a smooth and successful business.

But in many cases, we deal with some critical issues. In such a case, a corporate attorney appears as the savior.

How to Hire a Corporate Formation Attorney?: eAskme
How to Hire a Corporate Formation Attorney?: eAskme

A corporate attorney protects your company against any legal and liability consequences.

Having a good business lawyer will get peace of mind, and you can give the utmost value to your business.

Both established and new businesses are aware of the growing competition in the business fields.

Therefore, a business holder must protect their business from other competitors to stand in the business market.

Therefore, it is necessary to hire the right professionals.

So, the requirement of a reliable corporate formation attorney is like a blessing for every business.

Here, in this post, we will discuss how you can hire a corporate formation attorney.

But before going further, first, you should know who is a corporate attorney.

Who is a corporate attorney?

A corporate lawyer is an invaluable resource for an organization.

These lawyers have proper knowledge about almost every aspect of the corporate sector, and they work with many people and departments.

Corporate attorneys help your company to navigate complex intellectual property matters.

So, to deal with every legal issue of your company, you must hire a reliable and skilled corporate attorney.

In such a case, the California business attorneys will be beneficial for you.

How to hire a reliable corporate attorney?

Get an idea about the experience:

Before hiring a corporate attorney, you must do proper research about the experience of that particular attorney whom you want to hire. 

A law degree hanging on the wall is not sufficient to judge the experience of the attorney.

To determine the experience of a corporate attorney, you should ask directly about their familiarity with the legal issues.

If you neglect this part, you may face further problems in the future in your business.

Even slight negligence can cause massive loss to your business. So, before hiring a corporate attorney, one must determine their experience.

Check their professional network:

When you are hiring a corporate formation attorney, you must check their professional network.

A corporate lawyer who has a network of professionals can get more connections regarding legal issues.

Such corporate attorneys link their clients with potential new employees, marketing professionals, accountants, investors, or other professionals who can benefit your business.

Check the personality:

Before hiring a business attorney, make sure to check the personality of the attorney.

Listen to the tone of the attorney to know their attitude.

We recommend choosing a corporate personality who is both intelligent and polite in their personality.

Also, hire someone whom you can trust. Even though they will charge higher, such an attorney will be beneficial overall for your business sector.

Get an idea about the payment terms:

Every company needs to accept the legal fees if they hire a corporate attorney.

However, some business law firms offer a discount to small companies.

Some attorneys often expect payment upfront.

But you won’t get a flat rate quote for the legal issues that need litigation or third-party negotiating.

Still, if the payment rate is very high and you want to get the best service, don’t hesitate to negotiate it.

Search the best-reputed business law firms:

Before hiring an individual corporate attorney, you must search for the best-reputed business law firms.

In this way, you can hire the best corporate attorney.

You can search online and read the reviews on several websites, and other people’s reviews will help you know the authenticity of an individual business attorney.

In such a case, the California business attorneys assist you in the best way.

Don’t bargain with your primary decision maker:

However, everyone thinks of the expenses and wants to lessen the budget.

But you should not bargain with a business attorney as they can be the primary decision-maker.

If you are going to hire a reputed attorney, you should pay the amount that they deserve.

A reliable corporate attorney represents your business in legal matters and advises your company on everything related to legal issues.

Before hiring a business attorney, make sure to check the billing methods of the particular attorney.


So, these are the mandatory ways that you must follow to hire a corporate formation attorney.

Follow these mentioned tips and choose the best business attorney and ensure the utmost benefits for your company.

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July 03, 2021

How To Find PPC Management Agency for Your Business?

You need to think about so many things when running an online business, and marketing is undeniably one of the most important ones.

After all, if you don't advertise your business the right way, you can hardly expect it to be successful and become recognizable on the market.

How To Find The Right PPC Management Agency for Your Online Business?: eAskme
How To Find The Right PPC Management Agency for Your Online Business?: eAskme

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Since I am pretty sure that getting recognizable is one of your main goals when running a company, I suppose you already understand the importance of marketing, which is why you would never take it for granted.

Marketing techniques and methods were quite different in the past.

As things are generally changing with the development of technology, the whole process of doing business is changing, which most certainly includes advertising.

How To Find The Right PPC Management Agency for Your Online Business: eAskme
How To Find The Right PPC Management Agency for Your Online Business: eAskme


Now, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't rely on some of the old methods at all and that you should forget they ever existed.

That would be a wrong move since some of those are still somewhat effective.

So, if not that, what does the above mean exactly?

To put things simply, it means that you will have to employ some new marketing techniques in conjunction with the old ones if you want to succeed.

This is especially important when discussing an online business since the new techniques are directly connected to the digital world.

You cannot succeed in the digital world if you don't use some of those techniques.

Why Is PPC Important?

Well, today, we are going to focus precisely on talking about one of those techniques.

Trying to talk about all of them at once would be somewhat overwhelming and pretty much impossible since digital marketing is a vast term that encompasses numerous different advertising methods.

Why Is PPC Important?: eAskme

The one that we are going to talk about today is called PPC, or pay-per-click marketing.

I assume that you have heard about it already and are looking to hire experts who can manage this strategy for you, but I'm also sure that you want to learn more about its importance and benefits before you hire anyone.

In few words, PPC is used to drive traffic to your website through certain external mediums.

As the advertiser, pay the publisher for every click on your ad from their particular platform.

As you can see, the whole notion is not that complicated, and I suppose that you understand how it works already.

What might be confusing you, though, is the question of how this can be beneficial for your business and why it is essential, so let us talk about that.

First things first, PPC is essential because it allows you to choose and target the right audience by considering certain factors such as location, language and similar.

This means that you won't be releasing your ads just anywhere without knowing whether the audience that's watching it is even interested in what you are trying to sell or if they can even understand it.

Instead, you'll target the people who can very well become paying customers, which increases your chances of gaining more visitors and more buyers.

On top of that, PPC can bring relatively fast results, which is a huge plus. But, of course, the fact that it is incredibly cost-effective also speaks in its favor.

I believe it's safe to assume that you now understand the importance of PPC, which means that we can proceed to our main topic for the day and help you find the perfect PPC management agency for your online business.

Before we get to that, you might want to learn about the difference between hiring an agency and in-house staff for this job.

How To Hire The Right Agency?

Since people most often opt for agencies instead of in-house staff, as this is more cost-effective and quite often more successful, we will talk about the things that you should do to hire the perfect PPC management agency.

How To Find The Right PPC Management Agency for Your Online Business: eAskme
How To Find The Right PPC Management Agency for Your Online Business: eAskme

You undeniably understand that hiring just anyone without proper research and without even thinking twice before agreeing is not a pretty good idea.

This is because there are many agencies out there that won't be able to provide you with the quality you need.

Fortunately, though, many excellent agencies will offer great PPC management services.

The only thing is, you'll need to learn how to find those, which is why you should keep reading. Below you'll find some valuable tips on finding and choosing the perfect company for this job.

That will, hopefully, help you make the perfect choice and thus end up being happy with the services that the particular company you hire will provide you with. So, let's check those tips out.

1. Ask Around

Whenever you want to get any service or buy any product, the first thing you will probably do is talk to your friends and acquaintances about it to check whether they have anything helpful to say regarding the choice you should choose to make.

Well, why would things be any different when it comes to PPC management agencies?

The truth is that things aren't that different and that there's only one thing that you should do differently.

I am talking about the fact that you shouldn't speak with just anyone about this since the chances are that not everyone is familiar with PPC.

For example, if you talk to a friend who doesn't know the first thing about digital marketing and online businesses, you probably won't get any valuable insight. It simply means that you should talk to people who are familiar with it. Possibly have their online businesses since they'll be able to give you some rather valuable information regarding the agencies you should think of hiring, as well as those you should avoid.

2. Search The Web

In case you don't have anyone to talk to about this, you shouldn't get discouraged.

You can still find all the information you need by simply searching the World Wide Web.

The Internet will undoubtedly offer you quite a few suggestions regarding these agencies, which means that you should take this step even if you do get some recommendations from the people around you.

So, the best thing to do is take both of these steps.

3. Check Qualifications & Certifications

Once you have taken the above two steps, you'll find yourself with a few different companies in mind, and you will probably have a hard time deciding which one to hire.

Before you make any decisions, you should take some time to do proper research about the candidates.

First, you should check how particularly qualified experts are and whether the PPC management agencies you have in mind are appropriately certified.

These things will guarantee that you are making the right choice instead of a poor one, meaning that you won't end up paying for low-quality services.

4. Check Reputation

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to find a reputable PPC management agency that will do fantastic work for you.

Reputation has always been critical in every business, and you shouldn't take it for granted here either.

So, take all the time you need to determine how reputable certain companies are before deciding if you want to hire them or not.

You can check their reputation by getting in touch with some of their past clients directly if that's an option or finding and reading online comments and any types of reviews that those clients might have left.

Both of these steps will be somewhat helpful during the process.

5. Talk About The Frequency Of Reports

After taking the above steps, you will probably have narrowed down your choice to a few great candidates.

Before you decide which one to hire, I suggest you get in touch with all of them and have an open and straightforward conversation about what it is that you precisely need, as well as what it is that you can get from them.

Don't forget to inquire about the frequency of the reports that they will be responsible for creating and sending to you.

You know precisely how the strategy is working and whether the agency is successful at what they are doing for you.

6. Take Note Of The Way You Communicate

During talking to those people and interviewing them to decide whether you want to hire them, you should pay attention to one rather significant factor.

I am referring to the actual communication between you and the PPC management agent that you'll be working with.

The bottom line is that you want to communicate perfectly with the people you hire for this job.


Follow above tips to find the best PPC management agency for your online business.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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March 25, 2021

Five Things to Know About Data-Driven Recruitment

Recruitment used to be based on intuition and some luck, not exactly data processing. Nowadays, using data driven hiring has become a necessity if you want to stay ahead of the curve.

In short, this entails using data, or facts and information, for making hiring decisions.

Five Things to Know About Data-Driven Recruitment: eAskme
Five Things to Know About Data-Driven Recruitment: eAskme

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Essentially, companies that use data to recruit teams boast reduced expenses and higher efficiency.

If you want to start using data-driven recruitment in your company, here are five things to know!

What is data-driven recruitment?

Data-driven hiring refers to using technology and data to identify the right candidates for your company.

Recruiters, especially in today’s remote work environment, are confronted with a nearly limitless pool of information and candidates from all over the world.

This approach uses technology to choose the right candidate on your behalf using objective data.

Intelligent recruitment is a relatively new field and aims to revolutionize HR.

The purpose is to use all data available, not only an applicant’s cover letter or resume, to make the best decision that helps the company achieve its goals.

This technology can corroborate different types of data collected from social media, previous positions, and other sources with traditional information.

Recruitment data can be highly varied.

To develop an efficient data-driven recruitment policy, you should know which metrics are most important for your company.

In short, you should identify them based on your company’s goals and trim down other data that is less relevant.

Generally, if you want to decrease costs, you should investigate the cost per hire, talent pool growth, and channel efficiency.

For quality-based recruitment policies, managers often look into employee engagement, hiring funnel, and retention.

Finally, if you want to speed up your recruitment process, you can use data related to time to hire, time to start or time to approve, time spent per each stage, and time to acceptance.

Five things to know about data-driven recruitment

Data-driven recruitment means having a better team

Most, if not all, recruiters have experienced this problem before.

Sometimes, two or more candidates seem the right fit for the job, so they use intuition and even emotion to choose between them.

Data-driven methods can make this decision on your behalf using some advantage that you’ve missed – perhaps one of the candidates has something else in common with your current team, or there’s something in their past that pushes them to the front of the list.

In addition to this, using more information to make data-backed hiring decisions will help you put together a quality team.

For instance, you can choose the best candidate for a given job position using data from structured interviews and assessment scores.

This decision automatically becomes both objective and legally defensible.

Smoother and more efficient recruitment stages

In addition to this, you can verify the quality of your application form.

You can check the conversion rates and change your questions or the design of the page so that you can attract more candidates.

At the same time, you can also verify the candidate demographics on your page and make sure you avoid discrimination.

Data-driven hiring provides a quick and foolproof method to find the right people for your business.

Speed up hiring and fill in the vacancies quicker

Data can also be used to make the hiring process quicker and more efficient.

Looking at the number of emails sent to candidates or keeping track of the progress helps you identify stages that you can speed up and optimize.

In addition to this, using data-driven hiring will eventually allow you to identify and analyze patterns.

These can be used to create forecasts regarding your future vacancies but also have a clearer budget forecast when it comes to hiring and labor costs.

Such examples include the turnover rate per year or patterns indicating when people are most likely to leave your company.

Improving the quality of the recruitment process

Some companies may use recruitment channels or methods that are too intensive or redundant, so many great candidates stop their applications at some point.

Using metrics, you can identify this stage and improve it, eliminating bottlenecks and allowing premium candidates to join your team.

As a result, improved candidate experience can greatly benefit your team and, ultimately, your company.

Data-driven hiring allows you to gain a deeper insight into your recruitment process.

Streamline stages that seem to deter candidates, if any, and you will enjoy not only better candidates but also a quicker process.

Fewer costs

Lastly, data-driven hiring generally aids companies in obtaining better value for money.

More specifically, data is used to identify which hiring channels are most effective and which ones can be canceled.

This helps the company to spend its resources in the most efficient way.

At the same time, since hiring decisions are made on your behalf by technology, it becomes easier to eliminate wasted time and resources.

Many managers make the wrong hiring choices, too. Data-driven recruitment bases all decisions on verifiable, tangible data, so bias and human errors are greatly diminished.

In turn, this leads to a more efficient recruitment process that can save you time and money, which is even more relevant if your business needs high-volume recruitment.


All in all, data-driven recruitment is the next step to boost the efficiency of your company.

Regardless of the metrics you choose to focus on, it is important to start by clearly defining your company’s goals and what your recruitment team is able to achieve.

Thanks to new technologies, collecting data and making better decisions has never been easier, but it is still cumbersome to decide how we use this information.

Make sure you stay ahead of your competitors by using data-driven hiring to put together a better quality team, eliminate emotion-based, biased hiring decisions.

Ensure that your company does not spend more than necessary on its recruitment necessities.

Even worse, bad hires can cost lots of money and even make you lose your customer base.

Data-driven hiring can help you avoid all of these traps and pick up the slack, showing you who the best candidates are and how to attract and keep them within your company.

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February 23, 2021

Health & Safety in the Workplace – Regulations and Common Safety Hazards

Improving occupational health and safety also contributes to a boost in morale and productivity. Your employees will welcome the positive changes to their environment, and they'll feel less stressed knowing that they're safe and that the company they work for cares about their wellbeing.

This will increase your profitability in the long run. Accidents and stress are major causes for absence from work resulting in lower productivity.

Health & Safety in the Workplace – Regulations and Common Safety Hazards: eAskme
Health & Safety in the Workplace – Regulations and Common Safety Hazards: eAskme

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These unscheduled absences force the other workers to take on more work since they have to cover for their colleagues, leading to a vicious circle since the increased pressure can cause them to have to take time off.

All employers have a legal duty to provide their employees with a safe working environment.

This means that if an accident takes place because of the employer's negligence, they will be held accountable and the employee has the right to claim compensation.

In recent decades, workplaces have become much safer.

That's attributed to significant improvements in the enforcement of health and safety regulations meant to protect employees from dangerous practices by requiring employers to maintain safe working conditions and provide proper training.

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 forms the framework for UK health and safety legislation.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) created the Act to define the obligations employers have towards their employees in term of health and safety.

The Act outlines the general duties of employers, employees, owners and managers.

It requires companies to provide:

  • Proper training for staff members, so that the health and safety measures are understood and effectively implemented
  • Adequate welfare provisions for employees
  • Access to relevant information and oversight
  • A well-managed working environment where tasks are carried out safely

Businesses with five or more employees are required to keep a written record of their health and safety protocols.

They must also consult with their employees on matters of health and safety.

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 build upon the Health and Safety at Work etc.

Act 1974 and include the employer's responsibility to provide employees with washing facilities, drinking water, adequate lighting, ventilation and space to work, as well as break areas.

They also specify measures companies need to take to maintain floor spaces and equipment with the goal of protecting their employees from potential accidents and injuries.

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulations 1992 (amended 2002)

The DSE Regulations are aimed at workers who use DSE for an hour or more at a time on a daily basis, and the DSE includes computers, laptops and smartphones.

Employers have a legal obligation to take the necessary measures to protect their employees from DSE-related health issues.

This means assessing the DSE workstations, providing ancillary equipment is needed, providing DSE employees with training, making sure they take breaks regularly and offering free eyesight examination upon request.

The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999

The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 explicitly states employer's obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act and how to carry out their obligations.

The focus is placed on risk assessment. For companies with five or more employees, risk assessments need to be carried out, and significant findings need to be recorded.

Employers have to report any shortcoming in terms of health and safety, use equipment in compliance with safety recommendations.

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 – RIDDOR

Specific types of workplace incidents, injuries and illnesses have to be reported under RIDDOR.

This includes:

  • Fatal and non-fatal injuries
  • Incidents which involve gases
  • Incidents that result in an employee missing more than seven days of work
  • Dangerous incidents (also referred to as "near misses")
  • Occupational diseases

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 set out the regulations regarding construction work and include basic health and safety measures, as well as an added provision which stipulates that everyone on a construction site shares the responsibility of enforcing safety procedures.

The Work at Height Regulations 2005

As the name suggests the Work at Height Regulations 2005 cover the safety measures for people who work at heights and stipulate that:

  • Work at height must be pre-planned and managed with an emphasis on safety
  • Employees who work at height must be properly trained
  • Risks need to be assessed before work starts, and the workers have to be provided with the right equipment
  • The equipment used needs to be inspected and maintained to the required standard

Common Workplace Safety Hazards

Some jobs and working environments entail more risks than others.

Having said that, these risks can be minimized if the appropriate safety measures are implemented as per the regulations we described above.

Below we've listed some of the most common causes of occupational accidents and injuries.

Working at height

Working at height is very dangerous.

In the UK, falls from height are one of the major causes of fatal injuries.

That is why employers need to assess risks, perform safety checks, use 'fail protection' and provide their employees with personal protective equipment as specified in the Work at Height Regulations 2005.

Poor housekeeping

Poor housekeeping includes anything that might cause injuries resulting from slips, trips and falls like wet floors or obstruction on the walkways.

Electrical hazards

Portable appliance testing (PAT) has to be carried out on electrical items in the working environment.


Employees have the right to view COSHH Sheets (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) which provide information regarding chemical products and their risks, as well as instruction on how to handle them safely.

Employees have to be provided with the right safety equipment, have access to washing facilities, and chemical warning symbols need to be used to alert them of the risks.

Fire safety

Fire safety regulations require companies to perform fire drills on a regular basis and provide employees with adequate fire safety training.

Emergency exits have to be clearly visible and well-lit.

During the fire drill, employees have to be made aware of the routes and meeting points they should know in case of a fire.

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February 09, 2021

Useful Tips on How to Hire a Great Web Design Services Company

Web is the experience a client has while working on an application or site from beginning to end. Web design is the plan-based curation of that experience.

Web design implies the brand picture, organization vision, and target audience when building up the client experience plan.

Useful Tips on How to Hire a Great Web Design Services Company: eAskme
Useful Tips on How to Hire a Great Web Design Services Company: eAskme

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One of the key things to remember while recruiting a web design planning organization or website architecture firm is to guarantee that everything is clear from beginning to end — to completely dispense with the chance of miscommunication.

Check out this article for more information on the importance of hiring a competent web design services company.

Underneath, we list tips to assist you with choosing the right company for your project.

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Sort Out What You're Looking For

It's imperative not to begin your pursuit in obscurity. Have an essential comprehension of what you're searching for.

There's a straightforward method to do this. Consider the organizations and agencies you like along with their sites.

Go to those sites or applications and record notes about what specific, reliable components you like.

The more you comprehend UI and UX plans before this inquiry, the more itemized this rundown can and will be.

Yet, even the most basic perceptions can be useful — shading plans, text situation, feel, and different measurements.

Make a List

When you've figured out which plans you like and why to sort out which web design plan offices or website composition organizations were liable for making them.

This is the simplest method to figure out which organizations you ought to consider working with.

This will permit you to carry definite guides to meetings with forthcoming organizations and give your preferences an essential, genuine vision.

Given that there are huge loads of website composition organizations out there, this is a handy method to limit things down.

Make a Realistic Budget

While recruiting a web design services planning office, there's consistently the chance of concealed expenses.

This isn't the issue of the organization essentially, but instead an issue of correspondence.

Consequently, before meeting with design office representatives, it's imperative to build up a reasonable financial plan for the task you want to embrace.

This will spare time and misunderstandings later. Knowing where your budgetary red line is found is significant, so there's no overspending or misconceptions.

Offices will have the option to reveal to you which parts of your financial plan are practical or not — yet moving toward them with an essential financial plan is necessary, so your spending constraints are commonly perceived.

Set a Timeline

Much like your financial plan, an undertaking timetable is essential to create prior to meeting with any office.

The explanation is you have to figure out which dates are elementary to be done with bits of the task by, and which dates have greater adaptability.

If there are specific cutoff times that are basic to your venture, decide these ahead of time.

On the off chance that different perspectives are less cutoff time subordinate than this should likewise be evident from the earliest starting point.

Contact Former Clients

When a rundown is made of potential website composition organizations and web design planning offices, your following stage is to contact the previous customers these organizations worked with.

The explanation is that these direct records of how the work cycle went will reveal to you more than merely observing the office's arrangement of completed ventures.

You can approach a customer for references before meeting them or contact the organizations whose sites you enjoyed from the earliest starting point.


Your cycle for finding the correct website architecture firm or web design services plan organization to take a shot at your site or application probably won't be fast and simple.

For such a critical choice, you need to remember various variables.

Yet, in the event that you remember the tips we've given during the cycle, it's very nearly an assurance that you'll locate the correct office to work with.

Given exactly how large of interest as expected and the assets employing a web design services company plan office can be, it's pivotal that you locate the correct one for the first run-through.

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November 02, 2020

How To Hire A Freelance Front End Developer

Hello to everyone who at least one time thought about hiring freelance developers but maybe was not sure how to do it and does it worth to make such a decision! Such a need regularly arises for any customer who is determined to find a specialist himself in order to directly give him a task and get a result.

How To Hire A Freelance Front End Developer: eAskme
How To Hire A Freelance Front End Developer: eAskme

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In this case, project costs can be reduced several times, because freelancers, unlike companies, as a rule, do not have large organizational costs (office, taxes, accountant, director, advertising, etc.), and the quality of work is the same, after all, quite often the same specialist from the office works as a freelancer.

A freelancer is a remote specialist who is involved mainly for one-time orders, is located anywhere, accepts and performs work on the Internet.

And hiring such a specialist so as not to waste time and money is not as easy as it might seem.

In the article ‘How to Hire a Freelance Front End Developer’ we will consider main issues in hiring such specialists and how to do it correctly. Let’s begin!

Where and how to search top freelance front end developers?

Remote specialists live on stock exchanges, special sites created for these purposes.

I recommend creating an account and posting projects on all exchanges at once - let your experience as a customer be as long as possible, because a customer who has been on the exchange for 2 years is also trusted by performers more than someone who registered yesterday.

Registration is banal, it cannot cause difficulties.

The only thing that I recommend is to indicate your real data!

Otherwise, numerous problems may arise, including with proving one's case in arbitration.

After registration, you will be able to add a project or application - this is your task for freelancers.

Of course, you may be surprised - what is so difficult here?

I registered on the stock exchange, wrote an assignment, chose a cheaper performer - and voila, it's done.

If only it were that simple!

Therefore, I have compiled a list of basic rules for finding and hiring freelancers. Important!

They must be applied simultaneously. Of course, to one degree or another, but simultaneously, and not one by one.

Only in this case you are guaranteed to get a normal result.

1. First you need to understand what levers of pressure the customer has on the remote worker, because he is not located where there is no work record book, you cannot pronounce a reprimand - how to influence this?

But there are methods of influence, otherwise the freelance market would not be so huge.

Unfortunately, many customers ignore these levers when hiring a freelancer, and then find themselves without a project and without money.

And without the ability to influence the situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to realize your possibilities of pressure on the performers and try to use them to the maximum even before the conflict, so that it does not happen at all (a freelancer should not even have a thought to deceive you).

Of course, each person has his own set of fears, but in general, the following can be distinguished:

  • Freelancer is afraid of bad feedback from the client.
  • Freelancer is afraid of the administration of the platform.
  • The freelancer is afraid that you will not pay him. Never list huge advances, even to a super duper pro! Pay in stages. Pay three kopecks for a small change, then a little more for a piece of work - then more money, but still within reason!

2.    To get the right answer, you need to ask the right question. So here, in order to get a normal result, you need to correctly formulate the problem.

So if you are planning a complex project, then be prepared to spend time and effort preparing a worthy technical assignment.

But if you rarely hire a freelancer and for typical tasks, and even if you yourself are not strong in this area, then you can try to do without a lot of writing.

In this case, it is important to adhere to the basic rules:

  • Technical Assignment should be clear to everyone. To do this, write in the simplest language, without frills, technical terms, especially if you yourself "float" in them. That is, you can not understand all the technical nuances, but you need to know what you want and strive to get it. Not to mention the fact that over-complication of the task always increases the cost of work and reduces the number of applications.
  • The technical assignment should be as short as possible. Freelancers can view 20-30 projects every day. And for each project, they need to leave their application and at the same time indicate some kind of price tag.

3. The first thing I look at when choosing a freelancer on the exchange, and for some reason, according to my observations, 30-50% of all other customers do NOT look at reviews of previous clients.

It would seem that it is easier to not follow other people's mistakes. Remember, a normal freelancer may have one or two negative reviews.

But not more.

We discard unsuitable candidates, and study the rest more carefully - we read these very reviews. Whether they fit your assignment.

Isn't there a hidden negative in the positive reviews, they say, “the freelancer, of course, is good, but he did the project for 2 months instead of 2 days,” this also happens.

4. The ideal option that any customer should strive for is pay-as-you-go. I see, I like it - I pay.

5. If the previous points are important in order not to lose money, then this point is needed in order not to waste time. Imagine giving an order to the best performer in the world who has 100,500 great reviews and a wild experience.

And absolutely calmly wait 2 weeks when everything will be ready. Time has passed, you write, they say, well, where is my creation, and they tell you that some force manure happened.

Therefore, for long, and even more important, projects, even with familiar, proven performers, try to control and pull him with a request to show what has been done at least once every 2-3 days.


It was an article ‘How to Hire Front End Developer’ where I have described the main rules during this not so easy process.

With these rules, you will be able to properly find and cooperate with the freelance front end developer, so you are almost guaranteed to get the job done well.

So pick up and take action. Naturally, these rules are written for standard situations, but they do not apply if there is very little response to your project, for example, your prices are too low, or the project is too complex.

In this case, you will either have to edit the project or negotiate individually.

And finally. I am convinced that it is better not to hire anyone at all than to contact anyone and do a hack.

Not enough applications and no one to choose from?

Do not rush to contact the "risk group".

Thanks for reading!

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July 03, 2019

How to Hire the Best Embedded Software Engineer?

Nowadays, many people all around the world have found out that there is something even better than a software developer, and that is known as an Embedded Software Engineer.

How to Hire the Best Embedded Software Engineer?: eAskme
How to Hire the Best Embedded Software Engineer?: eAskme

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This is an engineer who knows what hardware he is working on, unlike a software developer who is rather not known to have any knowledge of the hardware at all because, in his work, it is not necessary.


It is important that the embedded software engineer has the knowledge of how to write the code in different things such as a different kind of hardware.

And for that, he also needs to know about the hardware, and other technicalities too.
  • The best embedded software engineer would know how much RAM, ROM, and the CPU cycles are needed so that a function takes place. All of this is needed even before the project is designed.
  • According to the CPU cycles, the engineer is then supposed to write down the code, and the code should be as tight as it can be so that the minimum cycles are required for the programs too.

Know to program in C language

It is very important that the programmer knows the language C. it is quite normal that a programmer would know JAVA and Python, but knowing C language is rather important so that the embedded systems can be programmed in an efficient manner.
  • It is seen that C+ is also used to program the embedded systems and even for that it is necessary that the programmer has a solid knowledge of the proper basics of the language C. This is how he would be able to be successful in being an embedded software engineer who knows how to code effectively.

State machine

There are scenarios in this activity; one can have a linear design or a complex one; it depends upon the demand of the project. If the project is linear, then a flowchart would be of a single thread.

And in the case of many features, multi-threads would be necessary so that complicated features can be designed too.
  • Anyhow having a state machine design lets the engineer look at the design while he codes the program; this way, he can make the project even more efficient.
  • One more advantage of having a state machine design is that the programmer would now know as to what resources are needed and in what amounts too. And so he can decide that too because of this design.

There are interrupts

This is to be understood by the programmer that because of the continuous evolution, it is understood that the technology that the developer is using is relevant for now but might not be the most relevant one for the years to come, and so he should be open to any updating of the system then.
  • IOT (Internet of Things) is one of the evolving technologies, and one should know about it.
  • Wireless technology is also considered to be the future too.
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June 12, 2019

Make Your Company More Creative - 5 Reasons to Hire Arts Grads

Does your company have enough creative employees?

Unless it’s built around a creative discipline — architecture or graphic design, for instance — the answer is very likely “no.”

Make Your Company More Creative - 5 Reasons to Hire Arts Grads: eAskme
Make Your Company More Creative - 5 Reasons to Hire Arts Grads: eAskme

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That should change sooner rather than later. Here’s why you need to hire more arts grads.

1. They Tend to Have Exceptional Problem-Solving Skills

If your hiring process already incorporates problem-solving skills evaluations, you can begin testing this proposition at any time.

What you’ll find, in all likelihood, is that creative applicants are extremely good at problem-solving.

In many cases, they blow their “quant” counterparts out of the water.

Why creatives are so good at problem-solving is a conversation for another day.

What matters to your organization, right now, is that you need more of these pros on your team.

2. They Work Well in Groups

Creativity isn’t always collaborative, but collaboration is infused into the degree and certificate programs that creatives typically select.

(see these examples from the Centre for Arts & Technology, a digital arts school based in British Columbia.) Indeed, these programs are as much about gaining and refining specialized skills and credentials as learning to work in multidisciplinary teams — a competency, not coincidentally, that’s increasingly prized by competitive employers.

3. Their Breadth of Experience Is Second to None

Creative professionals’ CVs are very often more interesting than their more highly specialized, quantitatively focused counterparts.

Plenty of creative grads are on their second careers; after working in a field they didn’t really like for some time, they’ve decided to go back to school and pursue their passion.

While they’re doing what they love now, you can bet that they’ll bring the insight gleaned from years of past-life experience to bear at your organization.

4. They’re Specialized, But Not Too Specialized

By the same token, creative professionals are more likely to have that “Goldilocks” level of specialization that top service-sector employers prize these days.

Yes, they have degrees or certificates in specific creative disciplines, like animation or sound editing.

But they also have a wealth of cross-disciplinary coursework under their belt; many arts-based degree programs, after all, require a full year or two of general prerequisites designed precisely for this purpose.

In short, your creative hires aren’t simply good for whatever their degree says they’re good for. They’re all-purpose, or nearly so.

5. They’re Willing to See Other Points of View

With extensive experience comes extensive reflection. At least, that tends to be the case with arts grads, for whom every interaction is a chance to see the world from the counter party’s point of view.

This “soft skill” comes in handy in adversarial negotiations, inter- and intra-organizational partnerships, and day-to-day work as well.

Where’s Your Next Hire Coming From?

You don’t need to radically revamp your hiring process to recognize what’s already plain to so many corporate decision-makers: that your company needs the creative class’s unique mix of talent and insight.

All you need to do is tweak a sentence or two in your job postings, perhaps, and make clear during the screening phase that you’re serious about hiring creative professionals.

You can begin opening your company to creative professionals today, if you so wish.

What’s holding you back, anyway?

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