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February 08, 2023

Social Meeting for Bloggers and Brand Experts (What, How & Benefits)

Some people think that social gathering and social meeting both are the same things. But Gaurav Kumar, Founder of eAskme, has created a difference between these two terms.

According to Gaurav Kumar, “Social Gathering is when people gather without a specific focus. People sometimes gather just because other people are gathering there. The social meeting is a meet with focus. In a social meeting, only the people who have something to say or discuss are allowed to take part.”

This tells that social meeting is more professional than a social gathering.

Social Meeting for Bloggers and Brand Experts (What, How & Benefits): eAskme
Social Meeting for Bloggers and Brand Experts (What, How & Benefits): eAskme

In the professional world, Social meeting is more influential.

But most of the world is ignoring it.

Even when professionals are running Facebook campaigns to gather people for webinars, they do not focus on targeting the specific set of audience.

You cannot expect from the herd of 1000 people to turn your business into a brand.

But, you can expect two experts to multiply the growth of your business.

This thought has helped Gaurav to develop the concept of “Social meeting” for bloggers and brands.

What is Social Meeting?

The social meeting is where you meet with professionals and like-minded people for mutual growth.

This is also a way to growth hacking.

When you meet with industry experts or influencers in your industry, this will help you to not only expand your network but also expand your mind, skills, and knowledge.

In a social meeting, you invite professionals and industry experts to join the social meet and share knowledge.

Types of Social Meeting:

According to Gaurav, there are two significant forms or types of Social meeting for bloggers and brands, such as;
  1. Public Social Meeting
  2. Secret Social Meeting
One thing that is common about both social meeting types is that these are invitation based. Noone is allowed without invitation.

The difference between Public social meeting and the secret social meeting is that in Public social meeting, people can see the messages of other participants and also know who else is participating in the conference.

But, in a secret social meeting, attendees only know about the host.

They can send messages to the host, but they do not have access to other participants.

For example; if you are running a Facebook live only for people you have invited then you know it is a public social meeting as people can send messages to each other, reply on the comment of each other and check what others are saying.

But if you’re social meeting is secret, and you only allow people to chat with you like on Skype, then no one can see what others are saying.

How to arrange a social meeting?

The beauty of the social meeting is that you need not be in front of the person to arrange a social meeting.

You can arrange social meetings online on;
You can also make professionals visit your place for the expert social meet.

If you want to arrange a social meet, then you need to outreach the experts and ask them to join your social meetup.

Draft an email with the specific topic and send the emails to all the industry experts or experts in your network to get their approval.

Fix the time and go live on schedule.

If you are arranging a social meeting offline, then I advise you to do it in a restaurant or at a professional space.

Make sure that the place is comfortable for all.

What are the benefits of Social meeting for bloggers and brands?

What are the benefits of Social meeting for bloggers and brands?: eAskme

The social meeting offers similar benefits to all bloggers and brands.

Connect with like Minded and influencers:

The social meeting is the best way to connect with the like-minded people or influencers in your industry.

In a social meeting you will discuss the topic with influencers and try to find the best way or discover new options to increase the growth rate.

In a social meeting you can connect with;
  • Experts

  • Critics

  • Researchers

  • Reporters

  • Designers

  • Developers

  • Motivational Speakers
These types of experts will multiply the benefits of a social meeting.

Mutual opportunities:

Social Meeting Concept for Bloggers and Brand Experts (What, How & Benefits): eAskme

The social meeting is the best way to find opportunities to develop a mutually beneficial relationship.

Remember: never go for link exchange but focus on value exchange.

In a social meeting, you will have people from your niche or related niche.

These are the people who are already doing great in their field, or their blogs are ranking better.

Tip: You cannot expect something from influencers without adding value to their business.

So it is necessary that you should start giving importance to the industry experts.

You can add value to the influencer business by;
Master tips: Spend atleast six months engaging with bloggers or experts on blogs and social media channels so they can remember your name and know that you are following them on every place and appreciating their work.

Once you place your name in their mind as a genuine person, then ask them to join your social meeting, and they will never say no.

This will also open the doors for new opportunities such as;

Learn from Experts:

Learn from experts: Social Meeting Concept for Bloggers and Brand Experts (What, How & Benefits): eAskme

"Take the success with you, walk with the successful people: Gaurav Kumar."

This is a simple line which tells the success to follow those who follow the successful people.

There are two significant ways how you can learn from experts, such as;
  • Ask them
  • Follow them
Both work together, but it is not possible to get a quick answer as most of the experts are very busy.

So it is always wise to follow the experts and industry leaders.

Learn from what they do and how they do.

If you have been following from a long time then may have already found that it works whenever I publish a new post.

You can only get updates from me if you are following eAskme.

Final Words/Conclusion:

Expert bloggers like Gaurav have been dominating social meeting from a long time. But Gaurav is the first one who gave this concept a functional name “Social Meeting.”

The social meeting is the dominant way to boost the overall performance of your business, brand, and blog.
  • Are you interested in a social meeting?

  • Have you ever attended a social meeting?
Stay tuned with eAskme follow Gaurav Kumar on Facebook to get social meeting invitation from us.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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July 13, 2022

13 Crucial Elements of Incredible Blog Posts! [Do You Want More?]

Give your blog post the power it needs. Add these 13 important elements to your blog post to make it effective.

The blog is an essential part of marketing for business websites.

13 Crucial Elements of Incredible Blog Posts: eAskme
13 Crucial Elements of Incredible Blog Posts: eAskme

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According to OrbitMedia, every fifth blogger gets 22% better marketing results with the help of blogging.

In the past couple of years, the result percentage has kept declining.

  • Why is it happening?
  • Why are blogs getting failed when it comes to driving results?

The most common reason is that bloggers still believe in outdated strategies such as:

  • Focus on users; ignore Google.
  • Google only ranks high-quality content.
  • Search intent is everything.

You will sum up everything with "high-quality content."

But what is that?

Is it high enough that you cannot meet the required quality?

Here is what you need.

Follow these 13 crucial elements of remarkable blog post writing.

Compelling Blog Post Topic:

Understand what your audience wants.

If you don't, it is the right time to visit the best places like Google Analytics and check which blog posts support your business.

Find out the need and questions of your potential customers.

Check the pages to find out what your audience is looking for on your website.

Ask questions, run polls, and get reviews from your audience on social networks to understand what is important to them.

This way, you can find many more content topics than you can imagine.

SEO-friendly Blog Post URL:

Is your URL according to Google's URL Structure guidelines?

No one likes to read numbers, hyphens, and repeated words in URLs. Using date or year in your URL is also not the best idea.

It is best to change your date-specific URLs to URLs without dates.

Author of the blog post:

It is effective to display the author of the blog post.

Always display the author's name with the photo at the end of the blog post. Also, allow some description to introduce the author to your visitors.

It will help build trust, and your audience will know that they are reading from a real person.

This strategy will also boost your social media share on popular social networks.

Create a table of content:

Table of content help your audience know what you have shared in the blog post.

It also makes it easier for your audience to navigate to a certain point or sub-topic quickly.

Use an anchor tag to link your content with the table of contents.

Search engines also like the table of content strategy as it improves user experience on your website.

Optimize Headlines:

Attractive headlines will boost user engagement with your posts.

You will have more page views and social shares.

Google has also shared best practices to write headings.

Without compelling headlines, your post will lose a massive number of traffic and search visibility.

Use headline optimizer to write catchy headlines that make readers open the post.

Write Compelling Introduction:

Open the first paragraph with an introduction to the topic.

As catchy headlines make users open your post, compelling introductions will bind them to read your content.

It is important to say what you are offering in your post.

Don't just give your readers everything. But give them enough hints to make them go through your complete post.

Work on Sub-headings:

Bloggers usually forget to work on sub-headings.

Understand that heading and subheadings make your content structures beautiful.

It is easy for the human eye to scan the structured content.

Use keywords in sub-healing to help search engines find out what you have said in that section.

But do it logically.

You should follow the title tags system such as H1 for heading, H2 for sub-heading, H3 for the next important point under the subheading, etc.

Most of the time, you will not need to touch the H3.


The Internet is filled with advice from experts or pros who claim that 4000-word content works better than a 1000 words post.

Length never matters.

The length of your content depends on the topic, style, and target audience.

A blog post is good to that length where readers are not getting bored or annoyed.

Creative Visuals:

Creative visuals attract readers and make them spend more time with your content.

You cannot expect a reader to spend 60k more time on every image.

But you must use creative images, graphs, charts, etc., to engage users with your content.


Ending your post is as important as starting to write one.

It is possible that by the time your reader meets the end of your post, he has forgotten most of the important points.

To make your conclusion effective, you must summarize the blog post with some points.
Also, add some CTA to your blog post.


Links are important. Linking make it easy for readers to navigate.

Link to pages that are highly useful for your audience.

Internal links are important, and you should learn the art of internal linking for maximum benefit.
Use external links when necessary.

Schema Markup:

Schema Markup is part of technical SEO.

With the help of Schema Markup, search engines identify your content type.

You should use different Schema Markups for News, blog posts, and articles.

If your blog is on WordPress, then you can also use Schema Markup plugins for WordPress.

Also, add, Breadcrumbs, Navigation, FAQs, etc.


Once you feed everything to your reader, it is time when your reader is about to leave your site.

This is where you should add suggested articles and keep your readers on your site for a long time.


These 13 crucial factors will help make your blog post super engaging and effective.

If you follow the above tips, then it will also reduce your bounce rate and improve your time on site.

Your blog should also use a clean design, easy navigation, and a responsive and fast-loading theme.

To learn more about making your blog post effective, you should read more in the Blogging and Writing Tips section at eAskme.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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December 01, 2020

How to Get Impressive Results from Your Blog?

Becoming a blogger can be an interesting career option for everyone who loves writing and would like to share their content with other people.

How to Get Impressive Results from Your Blog: eAskme
How to Get Impressive Results from Your Blog: eAskme

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But once you start a blog, you’ll realize that it’s actually quite difficult to achieve satisfying results.

You need to put a lot of work to engage your audience and create posts that will make people want to come back and read some more.

Find your niche

If you want to write compelling articles, you should write about things you’re familiar with. This way, you’ll be able to offer an interesting take on your chosen topics.

And if your readers will see that you can provide reliable information and that you clearly know what you’re talking about, they will see you as a trustworthy source.

However, having expertise in a given field is not the only way to find a subject to focus on.

You can also go for things you, personally, find fascinating and want to learn more about. Sharing your passion with the people visiting your blog will make you more relatable.

Plus, exploring new knowledge together can bring you and your followers closer together, which will help you build a regular base of readers.

Be unique

All you need to do is a quick research on a specific topic, to see how many blogs there are that cover the same subjects you want to write about.

Don’t let it discourage you, if you believe you can share a new perspective on certain issues and offer updated information, you’ll still be able to interest your readers.

But generally, it may be difficult to get noticed in the crowd of other options.

If you’re looking for a sure way to make yourself known, there’s no perfect solution that will work every time.

However, there are things that can help you with achieving your goal. People tend to be drawn to controversial and taboo subjects.

You can use this knowledge and write content that will surprise your audience.

Share information about surprising customs from around the world, share your views on current affairs.

But whatever you choose, make sure to combine it with a high quality of writing. Otherwise, you may not get any results at all.

Write valuable content

Once you choose a subject you want to focus on, you have to start creating valuable content.

Don’t just write for the sake of writing, no one will want to read articles that will not let them learn anything new.

If you want your readers to come back for more, your posts should be engaging.

Sometimes it’s better to write a shorter text that people will actually read, than a super long one that will make them leave your blog right at the beginning.

And don’t underestimate the value of a great photo. It can often be a decisive factor on whether someone will click on your link or not.

Write a good headline

It may be a bit counter-intuitive, but the truth is that a catchy headline is actually more important than the quality of content.

That’s because if your headline doesn’t convince anyone to start reading, your text won’t even get a chance to get noticed.

While it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try your best when writing, it’s definitely worth to take some time to come up with a great title.

And don’t forget about sub-headlines as well. Not everyone will be able to spare a moment to read the whole thing, so it’s a good idea to let your readers easily find parts that they are interested in.

Not to mention that dividing your text into smaller pieces will make it more readable and transparent.

To start earning money on your blog, you need an audience willing to visit it regularly.

That’s why you have to make sure it’s easy to find and that every bit of information you post on it is reliable and helpful.

Don’t forget, by creating quality content, you’re slowly building your own brand, which will help you get better results in the long run.

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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May 15, 2020

10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers

Are you a Blogger?

If yes, then how do you monetize your content?

Blogging is a serious profession! And, similar to any other business, it is also about making money.

In blogging, you can only make money by content monetization or skill monetization.

I have already said why blogging is the best way to make money online. But is it best for you?

10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme
10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

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It depends upon how your blog and what monetization options you are using.

If your target is to become a fulltime blogger, then monetizing your content is the only solution.

Content is the soul of a blog or blogging business.

The blog is the place to share your knowledge, experience, hopes, dreams and stories with the world.

But it can only worth your time and efforts if you know why you write and share content.

If you want to adopt blogging lifestyle and become an A-list blogger, then you need to monetize your blog content.

No matter you are a marketer who is trying to sell products or services online or working on creating a personal brand and earn massive dollars, different content monetization methods will help you.

10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers

10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Today, I will share all the most effective content monetization options.

You can club some of them, and there are some that you do not want to mix.

For example; If you are creating content to market your products, then you will surely not use affiliate links to direct the audience to third party products.

When monetizing your content, do not fill it with ads. Use different ways of monetizing the same content to maximize your revenue.

Note: Articles, ebooks, blog posts, podcasts, graphics and videos can be monetized in different ways.

And, here you will find everything that you should do.

Selling Rights:

Selling Exclusive Rights: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Selling exclusive rights is one of the quickest ways to monetize your content.

You can write the content and sell it to the person or business who is interested in buying exclusive rights.

“Work-to-hire” agreements are the best example of this type of monetization. You will sell all the rights, royalties and copyrights to the other party.

This is what we call selling content for money.

Ghostwriting or freelance writing is also similar to this where the buyer gives you instructions what you write.

If you are selling the content in marketplaces such as Fiverr, or Upwork, then it will be called content selling.

No matter where you sell your content as long as you have the skill, you can monetize your writing skills to earn good money.

Limited Usage Rights:

Limited Usage Rights: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Limited usage rights is different than selling Exclusive rights.

In this process, brand or business will hire you to create content according to the predefined guidelines.

Limited usage rights allow the buyer to use the content for a limited period.

For example; you can sell the content with the condition “Print only” and for six months only.

In this example, you will be licensing the person to print the content and use it.

The benefit of limited usage is that you can sell your content to multiple buyers.

You can earn more by giving exclusive rights for a specific period.

The benefit for buyers here is that they can save some money using licensed content rather than creating original content.

Note: This is not the best practice in the web world.

Yes, buyers can use such content to reprint or use in email marketing.

Sometimes, buyers can also use such content as part of extensive content guides or case studies.

But, it is difficult to find such clients, yet it is not impossible.

The best examples of such content are stock photos, videos, and illustrations.

Affiliate Earnings:

Affiliate Earning: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

From a long time, I have been a great believer in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing allows you to generate sale by value exchange.

You can write a product review, comparison article or even monetize your email newsletter with affiliate products.

Remember: All the affiliate links are track-able.

There are affiliate marketplaces such as CJ, Shareasale, Impact, etc. where you can find the products according to your blog niche.

Affiliate marketing is a populated industry with a lot of buyers and sellers.

You can refer to my affiliate marketing guides and articles here to begin your journey in affiliate marketing.

Selling Membership/Subscription:

Selling Membership/Subscription: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Do you have a loyal subscriber base?

If yes, then it is the time that you should offer your in-depth content for paid members or subscribers only.

If your skills or content is beneficial for the visitors, then they will surely become paid members.

Subscriptions will allow the user to access the premium newsletter, tutorials and video series. You can even turn your blog into a membership website.

You can create an online course or list of assets that will help the users.


The main difference between donations and membership-based content is that on a membership site, only members have access to the exclusive content.

But on a website monetized with donations allow everyone to access the content or complete blog.

PayPal and Patreon are the two major platforms that allow the bloggers to accept donations from viewers, listeners and readers.

If you are regularly creating content, then your patrons may help you buy a cup of coffee with the help of donations.

You can install the PayPal donation button on the blog to ask for donations or let your visitors know how they can help you and your blog.

In 2005, Jason Kottke, has started asking for donations.

Donations: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Now he is running a full-fledged membership blog where people are paying between 30-$600/month.

Donations: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

The Bestselling author and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson is also a great example of content monetization via donations.


Ads: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Ads are the most commonly used way to monetize a blog. Bloggers are running after contextual ad platforms such as AdSense to monetize their blog content.

You can also use Google Adsense,, Infolinks, etc. to monetize your blog with text ads, video ads and banner ads.

You can earn money according to PPC, CTR or RPM.

Direct ads are also popular, and buysellads is the best network for this.

Here you can work with advertiser and earn for displaying banner ads every month.

You can also charge according to per thousand impressions or time.

Monetizing content with ads is useful for bloggers and publishes but not the best option for advertisers.

If you want to monetize your blog without causing trouble for your users, then you should limit the number of ads you are displaying and also use them on the places where they are visible.

You can even use two ad networks together, such as Infolinks and Adsense.

Monetizing your blog with multiple content optimization options is a good strategy.

Sponsored Content:

Sponsored Content: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Sponsored content is another way to monetize your content.

Allowing others to market their products or services in the shape of blog posts or videos in your content can help you earn some good money.

If you know how to do it, then it will also improve the value of your blog.

You can easily earn $1-$1000/article according to the quality and popularity of your blog and your client.

Selling publishing space is also a good option.

Important: The sponsored content must reflect the high authority, quality and trust.

Paid Speaking:

Paid Speaking: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

If you are an influencer in your niche, then the chances are that you will get an invitation to be a speaker at some event or webinar.

You will also get paid as a premium speaker.

But to grab such an opportunity, you need to establish yourself as an expert.

Brands, businesses and people pay to experts who are influential and have a good number of followers.

You should also prepare yourself for public speaking.

Public speaking will not only help you earn good money but also increase your popularity.

Make sure that you encourage your audience to use hashtags and engage with you on social media.

Share your experience and even videos online.

After your presentation, create content and publish on your blog also.


Consultancy: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Business and brands always need expert advice to boost their revenue.

If you the expert they are looking for then the one-one-one discussion is what brings money to your way.

Allow your visitors, subscribers and readers to connect with you for consultation.

Use tools like Calendly or Acuity.

Selling the Products, you Own:

Selling the Products, you Own: 10 Exclusive Content Monetization Options for Bloggers: eAskme

Have you created any digital product?

Do you have a research paper, expert advice or case studies that can help others?

If yes, then you can charge to share original research or reports.

You can even create ebooks and sell it on the eBook marketplace such as Amazon.

If your product becomes popular, then you can launch a complete service line and earn more money.

Final Words:

Blogging is for money!

And, if you are also serious about making money with blogging, then you should test these content monetization options and settle with the best.

Do you have a blog?

How do you monetize your content?

Do share via comments.

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May 13, 2020

11 Principles for Blogging Success

It's very easy to start a blog but it can be very difficult to make it successful.

No, I am not talking about success just because of number of posts published or number of comments.

Those are not always evidence of a successful blog. For your blog to be considered successful it should be profitable.

11 Principles for Blogging Success: eAskme
11 Principles for Blogging Success: eAskme

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In most cases, profitable means it's making a lot more money than the time and effort you put into it.

True - it can take time to make a blog successful, but it can happen, especially if you follow and apply the right principles to your blogging.

This article looks at 11 of such principles.

1. Start with the End in Mind

Yes, ‘Start with the end in mind”!

I first read this from Stephen R. Covey, the author of the extremely popular "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People."

How very true, especially if you want to succeed in blogging.

Starting with the end in mind is very important in blogging as it helps you know where you want to go, even before you start.

It also helps you know what you want to achieve as a blogger, in the early stages and on the long term.

Knowing what you want to achieve will help you come up with the right steps you are going to take, to reach your goal.

If you don't know where you are going, you certainly won't get there, would you?

Same applies to blogging.

You should have a goal in mind before you get started.

I know it can be hard to have an exact goal when you start, especially trying to make it elaborate.

So in the beginning don’t worry too much about making your goal or goals elaborate. Just have some kind of goal to strive towards. It can all become a lot clearer as you go along.

And even more importantly, knowing where you are going and what you want to achieve will keep you motivated to keep going, until you succeed.

2. Know What You Need to Do to Achieve the Success You Desire

Knowing where you want to go and what you want to achieve, even before starting will help you put together a plan of action.

Know What You Need to Do to Achieve the Success You Desire: eAskme

Yes, it's not enough to know where you want to go and what you want to achieve.

You need to know exactly what to do and how to do them, to achieve the success you desire as a blogger.

It pays to have a clear program of action, detailing what steps you need to take, on a daily or consistent basis, to achieve your goals.

This includes putting together your plan for the next couple years for your blog, as well as what your monthly, weekly and daily activities will be.

Of course you don’t have to be extremely detailed, but it pays to put down as much information as you can.

You can adjust and improve things as you go along, but it’s very important to start the process.

Even if you have been blogging for a long time but haven’t done this or stopped doing this along the way, it’s not too late to start now.

If you do this, you will be surprised how much easier things will be for you, moving forward.

3. Make Sure Your Blog Solves a Problem or Satisfies a Need

Ask yourself…
  • What problem(s) does my blog solve?
  • What urge, desire or need does it satisfy?
  • Are the articles I write helping anyone?
  • Do they cover the problems people have?

If you are not happy with the answers you get, then it will be hard to make your blog successful.

That’s unless of course you are blogging just for the fun of it and don't care about making it successful.

If you care about making it successful, then it absolutely should solve a problem or satisfy a need, urge or desire.

If it doesn't, you will end up wasting your time working on a blog that doesn’t help anyone, least of all you.

Why would anyone read your articles or take your blog seriously if it doesn't help them solve a problem or satisfy their needs?

For example, a very comprehensive article I recently wrote on Kingged solves a problem for women looking for business ideas to start.

All (or most) of the articles you spend time to write should do the same.

Even if it is just to entertain readers, your articles should be useful if you want your blog to be successful.

4. Make Sure You Are Building an Email List of Blog Visitors

It's a good principle to do all you can to get return visitors to your blog.

And one of the best ways to do that is to get as many of your visitors subscribed to your email list.

This is because it's very hard to get a visitor to return to your blog otherwise.

In fact, it's said that most visitors to your blog won’t ever return, no matter how awesome your content is.

But by getting visitors on your email list, you can always email them again when you have new content or even have something to sell or promote.

And unlike other forms of traffic, you can always rely on traffic from your email list.

5. Have a Plan in Place for Getting Search Engine Traffic

You can't ignore search engine traffic these days, as a blogger.

Google is still King and you absolutely still need search engine traffic.

Have a Plan in Place for Getting Search Engine Traffic: principles of Blogging Success: eAskme

Yes, it can be volatile but it's worth working towards, especially because it can bring crazy amount of highly targeted traffic to your blog… when it eventually starts working.

Yes, it takes time to work and start seeing results with search traffic, but the time will pass anyhow, right?

And it's not too hard to get search engine traffic, if you have that as part of your plan.

6. Have a Plan in Place for Getting Social Media Traffic

Even though social media traffic isn't as powerful as search engine traffic, it shouldn't be ignored if you want to succeed with your blog.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the others are not going anywhere anytime soon. They will continue to bring massive traffic to blogs around the world.

In fact, they are getting even more popular with billions of active users every single day.

It starts with sharing your articles on the popular social media platforms of course but getting active on some of them is also important.

I don’t recommend getting active and spending too much time on all the popular social media platforms though.

Instead, pick one or two that work best for your target audience and focus on getting the best results from them.

7. Write Your Articles to Offer the Best Solution to Readers' Problems

People want to read articles that not only offers solutions to their problems but the best solutions.

There's no point writing an article that confuses the readers with multiple options to solving their problems.

Instead, do the hard work for your readers in your articles.

Research or even test out the various solutions to the particular problem(s) and provide them with the best solution(s).

In fact, put yourself in the place of your readers and ask yourself...

Does this article provide you with the best solution(s) to the problems you have?

If it doesn’t, then you haven’t provided them any value.

Instead you have ended up wasting their time reading the article (and as a result ended up wasting your time for writing the article).

You don't want readers to waste even more time contemplating the multiple options you have given them.

8. Share and Promote Every Single Article You Write

Why spend the time to write an article if you don't do anything else to promote it?

With the millions of blog content getting published daily nowadays, it's hard to succeed without doing some form of promotion yourself.

Yes, there are currently millions of articles published every single day.

That's a staggering number of articles.

Of course many of them are very high quality articles but only a tiny percentage will be successful, no matter how well written they are.

To help your articles, you should make it a principle to promote every single article, even if just sharing on social media and emailing it to your list.

The more you do to promote your articles, the better chance they have of succeeding.

9. Continually Improve Your Blogging Knowledge and Skills

No matter how much you already know and can do as a blogger, there's always room for improvement.

And with the ever-changing nature of things on the Internet these days, learning and continually improving your skills is very important.

What you learned last year could be stale tomorrow but you can't know that if you are not constantly learning and improving yourself.

Continually Improve Your Blogging Knowledge and Skills: 11 Principles for blogging success

Thankfully it's not that hard to keep your pulse on the latest blogging trends.

Just visiting other blogs in your niche to learn what others are doing can be a good starting point.

10. Network and Build a Relationship with Other Like-minded Bloggers

Even though you can succeed building and running your blog all by yourself, you need other bloggers to help you achieve a lot more.

That's why networking with other like-minded bloggers is a very good principle to blogging success.

Thankfully it's not that hard to network or even build a good relationship with other bloggers.

It's as simple of taking time to visit and engage with other bloggers on their blogs and social media pages, when you can.

The more you do this, the more familiarity and friendship you build with such bloggers.

And before you know it, you have dozens or even hundreds of bloggers you can call friends.

You can learn from such bloggers and even form long and profitable business relationships that help you blog long term.

11. Rinse and Repeat on a Daily Basis

At the end of the day it's the repeated actions that make you successful!

Doing something once will give you results, yes, but it won't be enough.

Doing more of it, again and again and again is where success lies.

Take raindrops for example...

Just few or even a couple hundred rain drops won't make much impact enough to be called "rain".

The Native American author, actor, poet, musician and political activist, John Trudell, put it succinctly when he said:

"... when enough of the raindrops become clear and coherent they then become the power of the storm"

Same with your various activities while blogging.

If you want to truly build a successful blog that will stand the test of time, you need to rinse and repeat the various activities on a daily or consistent basis.

It’s in the consistency of your actions that your blogging success lies, long term.

Author Bio:

Joy Healey lives in the beautiful city of Norwich (UK). She has two grand-daughters and three grand-dogs. Her hobbies are reading and line-dancing.

Because of poor pension planning Joy is still working as a computer programmer and is building an online business, part-time, “Blogging After Dark”

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May 08, 2020

Expert Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic

More than a million blogs are running worldwide. Most of them are struggling for better ranking and high traffic.

If you are also one of those, then it is time for you to learn your way to success in the blogging business.

Orbitmedia has surveyed more than 1000 bloggers worldwide and published the blogging stats and trends survey.

Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic: eAskme
Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic: eAskme

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The survey has answered these questions;
These are some of the most common questions that every blogger ask me also.

But going through the survey report where you find 5000+ words content and have to go through graphs and images is entirely time consuming.

You have to note down everything to read the survey report multiple times to understand everything.

So I am making things easy for you.

Today, I am sharing some of the biggest takeaways that you should learn from the survey done on 1000+ bloggers to improve your content performance.

Invest more time on each blog post:

Invest more time on each blog post: Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic: eAskme

The average blog post takes 3 hours and 57 minutes to write, and then you also have to deal with relevant visuals for your blog.

It is not easy for a newbie or someone who is not expert in the field of blogging or the respective niche.

If you are spending less than 4 hours on a post, then there are high chances that you are not following the eagle eye concept and ignoring the importance of in-depth research.

If you are doing extensive research on the topic, then you cannot compile all the essential information in less than 2000 words.

Some of the best examples are here for you;

I had to invest a minimum of 5 hours in writing each of these articles.

The most common issue when wiring a new blog post is that you may just Google the keyword, find the top-ranking posts, read the content and write your copy of 10 or more tips on that topic.

This is not good enough.

You may call it new, but for your readers, they already have consumed similar information.

Do you know that the most famous content takes months or even year to get published?

If you think you can do it within just 4 hours, then it’s a challenge for you, and I want you to show me the result and process.

It never works because it never worked even for the biggest brands.

Content is essential, but you also need to keep it relevant to the user because the audience is the most important.

The more thorough your content is the more chances you have to cover every related topic or issues in your post.

Make sure that you should do it.

Add all the necessary information in the article that can help your audiences, such as tips, case studies, tutorials, suggestions, reviews, and value.

Tip: Spend at least 1-5 hours to learn everything about the topic and create the content that gives every possible solution in one go.

Do you know that the bloggers who are investing more than 6 hours of their time in writing a complete article are getting 38% better results as compared to others who are not following this strategy?

When I am saying invest more time, you should invest only on your blog, not on social media. Stay away from distractions.

Editing & Proofreading:

Have you ever read the content before hitting the publish button.

How many times do you read your content before publishing it?

No matter how long you write or how much time you spend on writing, if you need proofreading it, then you will be publishing the content with a lot of mistakes which include grammatical errors, punctuation errors, typos, etc.

As an A-list blogger, it is your job to ensure that your content will trigger the emotions of your readers.

You should write flawlessly in the style that will deliver your message and place it in the reader's mind.

Editing is essential, and you can do it with the help of an expert proofreader.

For example; If you have written a 3000 words content, then it is also essential to read it five times to check grammatical errors or readability errors. You can use a readability check to get the readability score.

There are more than 41% of bloggers who edit their won content. So if you are also doing the same, then you are not alone in the industry.

28% of bloggers show their content to others for suggestions and error checks.

22% of writers hire editors.

Bloggers who powerup their blogging business with a proofreader or editor see 38% better results.

Sloppy words and grammar errors can damage the reputation of your business. This will also drop the promotional results.

42% of readers accepted that spelling errors bring negative impact on brand status.

It is not enough to display the content to your friend.

A full-time professional editor who is dedicated to content perfection work is what you need.

Use Upwork or Fiverr to hire excellent editors.

Editing & Proofreading: Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic: eAskme

Take the help of online writing tools such as Grammarly.

Grammarly: Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic: eAskme

On Grammarly, you can check grammar, plagiarism, punctuation, spelling, clarity, vocabulary, conciseness, variety, formality, and fluency.

Set Goals:Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic: eAskme

Grammarly also allows you to set the goals based on your style, emotion and intent.

You can also use eAskme wordcounter and readability checker tool.

This is the basic editing that you must do for each blog post.

After doing this, your content is ready for an editor’s view.

If you are not able to find an editor online, then you can hire human proofreading services of Grammarly.

Grammarly tool: Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic: eAskme

No matter which tool you use or how you do, it is vital to get editing done in the best way.

Your audience will surely love your content.

Alive Old Content:

It takes time to write high-quality pillar articles.

It takes days, weeks or months to create an engaging post or case study with creative visuals.

You may have already written a lot of posts with high quality.

But, with time, many of these posts lost value.

I know you may have written evergreen content, but the content stays evergreen if you update it whenever it is necessary.

Maybe the post you are publishing today will be outdated in coming days or weeks.

Hitting the publish button will not guarantee that your content stays relevant.

33% of the marketers are not willing to update the old content.

Even I fall in this pit sometimes.

Remember: Updating old content will bring 2times better results.

Repurposing and updating old content will make it valuable for the existing and new readers.

Updating also help your old posts to stay relevant and compete with the fresh content.

To understand it in a better way; Find an old post which brought traffic surge to your blog. After some time you will see that the traffic curve has flattened.

It is the time when you should think of updating your old content to meet the audience expectations.

Gog to Google and find the posts ranking better than your blog post.

Blogging Tips to Boost Your Content for Better Ranking and Traffic: eAskme
  • Are the posts answering all the related questions?

  • Do they have in-depth articles and visuals?

  • Is the information on such blogs relevant?

  • Now ask yourself what are the things they are doing, but you are not?
Fix, republish and reclaim your position in SERP results.

Find your way to backlinks:

Infographics have been used as link bait content.

But if your infographic is massive on the text side, then it will lose the impact.

In 2015, Hootsuite published a report about the decline of infographics.

Fastcompany study also proves that infographics have lost the impact and value.

So, what should you earn backlinks?

Original case study or research is what will take you ahead of your competitors.

Original research is what you need to earn more than a thousand backlinks in a short period.

Original research will have;

  • Keywords

  • Traffic

  • Links

  • Success

Because research is essential to clear your point.

You need to publish data and resources that will uphold the value of your content.

85% of bloggers who are publishing original research get better results.

If you also want to get noticed in the world of blogging, then you should invest in original research.

It will inevitably cost you more than your expectation, but it will also bring the results better than your expectations.


Unconventional is what you need to stand out.

There are already thousands of bloggers running millions of blogs on every single topic.

Competition is high, and your blog will not make an impact without creating a unique presence.

If you lack the uniqueness, then you are wasting your time.

You are living in the brutal world of blogging and marketing.

Even for the low traffic keyword, you will find the big brand are holding top positions.

SEMrush, Niel Patel, MOz, etc. are holding the top positions for even the low ranking keywords in the marketing world.

You cannot outrank those with 2000 words content.

You will need more than what others are doing.

Here I am listing a few things that you should be doing to rank better and compete with big brands;

2000+ words content:

It is ideal for writing content that covers all the important related topics. But, make sure it is not dull. Find issues where you can add real value to your reader's experience.

Connect with Influencers:

Only 1% of bloggers connect with real-time influencers.

It is essential to reach out to influencers in your niche and make them share your content and earn backlinks.

Videos and Audios:

Start adding podcasts and videos to your content. If you do this, then your content will become better than 74% of bloggers who are not doing it.

You can also hire voice talent from Fiverr or upwork.

These are the different strategies that 1000+ bloggers are following.

And, they all are ranking higher.

Because they are doing, what most of the bloggers are ignoring.

If you want better content, ranking and results then start investing in what others are ignoring.

Final Words:

Every day more than a million articles get published worldwide.

The web is becoming the holy grail of content.

As you were reading this article; here is what you should take away;
  • Invest more time on research and writing each blog post even if it takes weeks.

  • Hire professional editors to get the best copy of your content.

  • Update old content and make it relevant for the audience.

  • Publish your case studies or research studies.

  • Invest time and money to be unconventional yet meaningful.
This is what you should learn from the industry leaders.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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