Showing posts with label Learn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learn. Show all posts

July 31, 2023

Personalizing Learning with Customizable Worksheets

In an era where unique learning styles are becoming more recognized and valued, the importance of personalized learning can't be overstated.

This educational approach caters to each student's individual needs, skills, and interests, promoting a more engaging and effective learning experience.

One significant tool that has emerged in this context is customizable worksheets.

Customizable worksheets serve as an innovative solution to the one-size-fits-all traditional teaching method.

Personalizing Learning with Customizable Worksheets: eAskme
Personalizing Learning with Customizable Worksheets: eAskme

Using StoryboardThat's worksheet template, for example, allows educators to tailor their teaching materials to the specific needs of each learner, fostering a more inclusive and efficient learning environment.

This article explores how these adaptable resources can revolutionize the education landscape and provide students with a more personalized learning experience.

Understanding Personalized Learning:

Personalized learning, at its core, is an educational approach designed to cater to each student's unique needs, abilities, and learning styles.

Enabling students to learn at their own pace ensures a thorough comprehension of each concept before progressing to the next.

This approach cultivates a profound understanding of the subject matter and alleviates the pressures associated with traditional learning methods.

Additionally, personalized learning recognizes and respects the diversity of learners.

It acknowledges that every student is different, with unique strengths, weaknesses, and ways of processing information.

Personalized learning ensures no student is left behind by tailoring the learning process to these individual characteristics.

The Role of Customizable Worksheets in Personalized Learning:

Customizable worksheets are a dynamic tool that can significantly enhance personalized learning experiences.

These educational resources can be tailored to match each student's learning pace, style, and level.

So, how do customizable worksheets aid in personalized learning? The key lies in their adaptability. 

They can be easily modified to cater to different learning objectives, skill levels, and even students' specific interests.

For instance, a teacher could create a math worksheet with varying difficulty levels to challenge advanced learners while providing simpler problems for those struggling.

Moreover, customizable worksheets offer an effective way to differentiate instruction.

Teachers can design worksheets with multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, and short-answer questions to cater to diverse learning styles.

Visual learners might benefit from diagrams, charts, or pictures in the worksheet, while auditory learners might prefer instructions that they can read out loud.

Customizable worksheets support personalized learning by providing flexible, adaptable resources that meet students where they are rather than forcing them into a one-size-fits-all education model.

Creating Effective Customizable Worksheets:

Creating customizable worksheets that effectively support personalized learning involves careful consideration and strategic planning. Here are some key components and strategies to keep in mind:

Align with Learning Objectives:

Each worksheet should be designed with clear learning objectives in mind. What should students learn or practice through this worksheet? Aligning with these goals ensures that your worksheets are purposeful and effective.

Vary the Difficulty Levels:

To cater to different skill levels, include questions of varying difficulty. This allows all students to engage with the material, regardless of their current understanding of the topic.

Include Different Types of Questions:

Incorporate a mix of question types such as multiple-choice, short answer, true or false, etc. This variety caters to different learning styles and encourages critical thinking.

Make It Engaging:

Consider your students' interests when designing your worksheets. Incorporating themes or topics they enjoy can make learning more engaging and enjoyable.

Use Reliable Tools and Resources:

Several online platforms and software can simplify the process of creating customizable worksheets. Some popular ones include StoryboardThat.

This tool offers a variety of templates and options that can help you design high-quality worksheets.

Remember, the goal is to create flexible and adaptable worksheets meeting each student's unique learning needs.

Implementing Customizable Worksheets in the Classroom:

Now that you have created your customizable worksheets, it's time to incorporate them into your classroom.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this effectively:

Introduce the Concept:

Explain the worksheets' purpose and how they will aid in personalized learning.

Ensure students understand that these are designed to help them learn at their own pace and style.

Distribute the Worksheets:

Hand out the worksheets to the students.

If you've created different versions for different skill levels or learning styles, ensure each student gets the version best suited to them.

Guide the Students:

Walk the students through the worksheet's first few questions or tasks.

This will give them a clear understanding of what they need to do.

Monitor Progress:

As students work through the worksheets, monitor their progress. Provide assistance where needed and make note of any common areas of difficulty.

This can provide valuable insight for future worksheet design.

Review and Provide Feedback:

Review the student's work once the worksheets are completed. Provide feedback on their performance and discuss any areas of difficulty or confusion.

This is also a great opportunity to praise students for their efforts and progress.

Measure Effectiveness:

Use assessments or quizzes to measure the effectiveness of the worksheets in achieving the learning objectives.

This will help you refine your approach and make improvements where necessary.

Implementing customizable worksheets may come with challenges, such as ensuring each student is engaged with the material and tracking individual progress.

However, these challenges can be successfully addressed with careful planning and regular feedback.


Personalized learning, emphasizing catering to individual student needs, is the future of education.

Customizable worksheets are a powerful tool in this approach, providing flexibility and adaptability in teaching methods.

By creating and effectively implementing these worksheets, educators can ensure each student receives an educational experience tailored to their unique learning style, pace, and level.

This fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter and promotes engagement and motivation among students.

The journey toward personalized learning may pose challenges, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

By embracing customizable worksheets, educators can take significant strides toward creating a more inclusive and efficient learning environment. 

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May 01, 2023

Google Bard Now Help You Code Better: Here is How?

Google has power-up the Bard with new coding capabilities. Bard can now help programmers and software developers to understand coding, debugging, and writing clean codes.

If you are a developer or programmer who wants to understand code blocks, then Bard will help you.

Developers were already asking Bard AI about coding and explanations.

Google has listened to them and updated Bard with coding features.

Google Bard Now Help You Code Better: Here is How?: eAskme
Google Bard Now Help You Code Better: Here is How?: eAskme

Google Bard is a generative AI tool allowing users to get answers, learn coding, explanations, and more.

Google Bard now supports more than 20 programming languages, such as:

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • C++
  • Typescript
  • Go
  • Python
Bard also allows you to export your code to Google Colab. You can also use Google Sheets.

Understand Coding and Perform Debugging:

Bard allows you to learn codes and debugging.

Using Bard AI, you can learn about code blocks, why they are necessary, and what results they generate.

Bard also helps you in debugging. You can even ask Bard to fix your code errors.

Precautions and Limitations:

Google has made it clear that Bard is in the experimental phase.

The features are still under testing and may deliver misleading results.

You must recheck and proofread everything that you get from Bard AI.


Google Bard will help you debug codes and translate them to other languages. It is helpful if you want to learn the use of code blocks and their necessity.

Bard gets new features and updates daily to become a better version.

You can code with Bard and generate recipes, plan lessons, create workout charts, and create presentations.

Google is allowing most developers to test the board in software development.

With tests and updates, Google is improving Bard and trying to make it the best generative AI.

More is coming. Stay tuned with us to know everything about AIs like Bard, ChatGPT, and others.

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April 01, 2023

Preply Vs. Cambly: Which is Better Option for Teachers?

With the advent of technology, learning English online has become simpler; you can be at home and grasp the new language.

Today's online English language learning focuses more on practical applications and lessons for any level and age group.

Regarding language learning platforms, several online platforms connect English tutors and learners.

This blog will discuss two popular language learning platforms, Preply and Cambly.

Preply Vs. Cambly Which is Better Option for Teachers?: eAskme
Preply Vs. Cambly Which is Better Option for Teachers?: eAskme

What is the Cambly business model?

Cambly is an online language tutoring platform that connects English learners with native speakers worldwide.

The company's business model is based on providing an accessible and affordable language learning service that helps students improve their English skills through live conversation practice.

Cambly offers subscription-based plans, where students can pay a monthly or yearly fee to access the platform and schedule one-on-one conversation sessions with tutors.

The platform also offers a pay-as-you-go option, where students can purchase a certain number of minutes to use whenever they want.

In addition to its core tutoring service, Cambly offers specialized courses and resources for specific English language skills, such as grammar, pronunciation, and writing.

These courses are available as add-ons to the subscription plans or can be purchased separately.

How Cambly makes money?

Cambly generates revenue by paying a commission on students' fees to its tutors. The platform also earns revenue from its premium courses and resources.

Additionally, the company has partnerships with schools and universities, providing a white-label version of its platform to educational institutions to enhance their language learning programs.

Overall, Cambly business model relies on providing an accessible and personalized language learning service that meets the needs of a global audience while leveraging technology to connect learners with native speakers from around the world.

Pros and cons of Cambly:

Cambly is an online English tutoring platform that connects students with native English speakers.

Here are some pros and cons of using Cambly:


  • Flexible scheduling: Cambly offers 24/7 availability, making scheduling lessons at any time easy.
  • Native English speakers: Cambly's tutors are native English speakers from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, providing students with an authentic learning experience.
  • Conversational approach: Cambly focuses on conversational English, making it ideal for students who want to improve their speaking and listening skills.
  • Free trial: Cambly offers a free trial for new students, allowing them to try the service before committing to a paid plan.
  • No minimum commitment: Unlike other tutoring services, Cambly does not require a minimum commitment, allowing students to take as many or as few lessons as they want.


  • Expensive: Cambly is relatively expensive compared to other online tutoring platforms.
  • Limited curriculum: Cambly's focus on conversational English means that there may be better options for students who want a structured curriculum with a specific learning path.
  • Variable quality: Because Cambly's tutors are not required to have teaching certifications or experience, the quality of the tutoring can vary widely.
  • Limited feedback: Because Cambly's focuses on conversation, students may need more detailed feedback on their writing or grammar skills.
  • No offline resources: Cambly only offers offline resources or materials for students to study independently outside their sessions with a tutor.

What is Preply?

Preply is a language learning marketplace where tutors offer language services.

Students can select a language teacher and schedule lessons on a specific date.

Prices differ according to the teacher, and you can easily choose tutors that suit your needs and budget.

Pros and Cons of Preply:

Preply is an online platform that connects students with tutors for one-on-one lessons. As with any platform, there are both pros and cons to using Preply:


  • Wide range of tutors: Preply has a large pool of tutors worldwide, making it easy to find a tutor who speaks your target language and fits your schedule.
  • Flexible scheduling: Tutors on Preply are available 24/7, so you can book a lesson at a convenient time.
  • Affordable pricing: Preply's pricing is generally lower than what you would pay for in-person traditional language lessons.
  • Variety of lesson types: Preply offers a range of lesson types, including conversation practice, grammar instruction, and exam preparation.
  • Easy payment and cancellation: Payments and cancellations are processed quickly and easily through the platform.


  • Quality of tutors can vary: Because anyone can apply to be a tutor on Preply, the quality of tutors can vary widely. It's important to read reviews and choose a tutor with a strong track record.
  • Technical issues: Technical issues can sometimes arise during online lessons, such as poor internet connection or audio problems.
  • Limited interaction: Because lessons are conducted online, you may get a different level of interaction than you would in person. This can make it more difficult to pick up on nuances of the language.
  • Limited support outside of lessons: Preply's support is limited to scheduling and payment issues. You may need to look elsewhere for additional help with language learning outside of lessons.
  • Preply can be a great option for language learners seeking affordable, flexible, and convenient language instruction.
  • Still, it's important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and choose a tutor carefully to ensure a positive learning experience.

Differences between Preply and Cambly:

Preply and Cambly are both online language learning platforms, but there are some differences between them:

Teaching Approach:

Preply focuses on a more structured learning approach with the ability to choose your own tutor and schedule lessons.

At the same time, Cambly provides more informal conversation-based practice with the option to speak with various tutors on a more ad-hoc basis.

Tutoring Availability:

Preply offers lessons in more than 50 languages, while Cambly is focused on English language learning.


Preply offers a range of pricing options, with tutors setting their rates, while Cambly offers a subscription-based model with unlimited tutor access for a monthly fee.

Tutor Qualifications:

Preply tutors are required to have teaching certifications or relevant experience, while Cambly tutors do not necessarily need formal teaching credentials.


Preply offers features such as lesson plans, progress tracking, and homework assignments, while Cambly focuses more on live video chat with tutors.

Ultimately, the choice between Preply and Cambly will depend on your learning goals, preferences, and budget.

Similarities of Preply and Cambly:

Preply and Cambly are online platforms offering language tutoring services, connecting students with tutors worldwide.

Here are some of the similarities between the two platforms:

Language options:

Both Preply and Cambly offer tutoring services in a variety of languages. Students can find tutors who specialize in languages such as English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and more.

Flexible scheduling:

Both platforms offer flexible scheduling options, allowing students to book sessions at times that are convenient for them. This makes it easy for students to fit language learning into their busy schedules.

One-on-one tutoring:

Preply and Cambly provide one-on-one tutoring sessions, giving students personalized attention from their tutors. This allows for a more focused and customized learning experience.

Variety of tutors:

Preply and Cambly have a diverse pool of tutors worldwide, allowing students to work with tutors from different cultural backgrounds and teaching styles.

Overall, Preply and Cambly share many similarities in their approach to language tutoring, offering students the flexibility and personalized attention they need to achieve their language learning goals.

Preply and Cambly, which is the best:

Both Preply and Cambly are good when it comes to learning a new language. But it all comes down to your choice.

And if you wonder which language learning platform is best, the best bet is to build an online language learning platform as you hold control of running a business.

You can use the industry’s best online tutoring software to build your Preply-like platform to host your online classes.

It comes with best-in-class features and allows you to customize the script to suit your needs.

Preply and Cambly are online platforms providing language learning services, but they have different features and target different audiences.

Here's a brief comparison between the two:


  • Offers personalized one-on-one language lessons with professional tutors.
  • Has a broader range of languages available for learning?
  • Provides more advanced tools for scheduling, payments, and lesson materials.
  • Offers a variety of language proficiency tests to help learners track their progress.
  • It tends to be more expensive than Cambly, with prices varying depending on the tutor's experience and expertise.


  • Offers conversational English practice with native English speakers.
  • Provides 24/7 access to tutors, making it more flexible for learners who want to practice anytime, anywhere.
  • Offers a free trial session and a low-cost subscription plan for unlimited tutor access.
  • It has a mobile app that allows learners to practice on the go.
  • Has limited options for learning languages other than English.

Regarding which platform is better, it ultimately depends on your goals and preferences.

If you're looking for personalized language instruction and are willing to pay a higher price, Preply may be the better choice.

However, if you're looking for more casual conversational practice with native speakers and want to save money, Cambly might be a better fit.


Selecting the language learning platform for your English learning (or any other language) doesn't have to be difficult.

You can decide your needs when you want to explore a new language. If you want a well-qualified teacher, choose Preply, and if learning on the go is your priority, try out Cambly.

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December 12, 2022

How to Connect Parents and Teachers?

Education is an essential part of children's life. The teachers and the parents are important parts of their education.

But parents often don't know:

  • How to connect with children's teachers?
  • What to say or how to make a connection?

How to Connect Parents and Teachers?: eAskme
How to Connect Parents and Teachers?: eAskme

This section will cover how to communicate with your child's teacher and make a good impression on them.

  1. The first step is to introduce yourself as soon as possible when you enter the classroom for the first time. Introduce yourself by saying, "Hello, I am ____'s parent."
  2. The second step is to ask questions about school and classroom rules. Ask things like: "What are your expectations for my child?" or "When do you want me to contact you?"
  3. The third step is to have a conversation about what's going on in class and if any concerns need attention or if they have any suggestions.

One of the biggest challenges for parents is understanding what their child does in school and how they are doing.

If parents can't be there with their children, a teacher can be the bridge that connects them to the school.

Teachers can help parents by providing them with information about their child's progress.

They can also share resources and ideas on how parents can support their children at home.

The more engaged a parent is, the better it is for both children and teachers.

eLearning News for Pasco Parents:

The Pasco School District is excited to announce that we are now offering a new eLearning course for parents.

The new course, called "eLearning News for Pasco Parents," will be available on our website and will allow parents to learn about the latest education news and events.

The purpose of this course is to provide parents with the latest information about what's going on in Pasco Schools.

Parents can use this course as a resource for their children's education and explore topics such as bullying, testing, technology, and more.

Parents can access this course at any time from any device with internet access.

This will allow them to keep informed about what's happening in their child's school district without attending meetings or reading newsletters.

Learning Continuity Planning:

Learning continuity planning is a process that helps an organization plan for the continuation of learning activities in the event of an emergency.

It is a proactive approach to emergency preparedness that involves developing and implementing plans for learning continuity.

The following are some reasons why organizations should have a plan in place:

  • To ensure that critical knowledge is not lost
  • To minimize disruption to operations
  • To maintain workforce skills and abilities

The plan should include the following:

  • The goals of the plan.
  • The timeline for each phase.
  • How you will measure success.
  • A list of resources needed to complete the plan.

What is a Learning Continuity Plan?

A learning continuity plan is a plan that an employer creates to maintain their employees' knowledge, skills, and abilities in the event of a disaster.

A learning continuity plan is a plan that an employer makes to maintain their employees' knowledge, skills, and abilities in the event of a disaster.

Learning continuity plans can be very helpful for organizations because they help with employee retention and productivity.

A Learning Continuity Plan is a plan for the continuity of employee training during a disaster or crisis.

It includes the procedures for disseminating information to employees, such as through email and social media, and the methods for maintaining access to digital learning content.

Having a Learning Continuity Plan in place is essential because it guides how to keep employee knowledge and skills during an emergency.

A Learning Continuity Plan is a plan to help employees in an organization maintain and develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

A Learning Continuity Plan aims to help employees stay current and up-to-date with changing technologies.

Pasco's Plan:

Pasco's plan is a plan that Pasco County has put in place to try and reduce the number of opioid overdoses.

The plan includes things like:

  • The distribution of naloxone kits to first responders, law enforcement officers, and other community members
  • Educational programs for students and families about the dangers of drugs
  • Training law enforcement officers on recognizing an overdose victim, performing rescue breathing, and administering naloxone.

Pasco's plan is a plan where Pasco tries to find out what should be done to improve the world.

To improve the world, Pasco first needs to know how the world is now.

He then wants to know what can be done to change it, and lastly, he needs to figure out how he can do it.

The first step of Pasco's plan is that Pasco needs to find out what people think about the world and if they want anything changed.

Pasco's plan is a comprehensive plan for the future of Pasco. The vision for the future of Pasco is to be an innovative and sustainable community with a high quality of life.

The strategy for the future of Pasco is to focus on three key areas:

  • A strong economy that provides jobs and opportunities,
  • A healthy environment that supports clean air, water, and land, and
  • A safe community that provides safety from crime.

Pasco's plan will guide our city's decisions to achieve our vision.


MyPascoConnect is a new, innovative way for Pasco County residents to access government services and information from their mobile devices.

The app has been designed to provide a more convenient and efficient way for Pasco County residents to interact with various departments.

It is also an excellent resource for those who want to keep up-to-date on the latest news and events in Pasco County.

Residents can use MyPascoConnect to:

  • Report an issue or concern
  • Register for classes
  • Check out library materials
  • Update their voter registration information
  • View building permits issued by the Building Department (PDFs)

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November 20, 2022

43 Free Courses: LinkedIn and GitHub Offering Free Courses till March 2023

LinkedIn and GitHub are collaborating to offer 43 free software development courses. But these courses will stay free for a limited time only.

LinkedIn and GitHub are offering free courses till March 2023. You can access 40 software development courses for free through LinkedIn Learning. These courses are free till March 2023.

LinkedIn and GitHub Offering 43 Free Courses: eAskme
LinkedIn and GitHub Offering 43 Free Courses: eAskme

All these free courses are in the form of educational videos where you will learn the most popular programming languages.

GitHub Codespaces' collaboration with LinkedIn is good news for those who want to learn and improve their software development skills.

These courses will enrich your skills, whether you are a newbie or an advanced developer.

Here is everything you must know about the LinkedIn and GitHub free courses.

40+ Free Courses from LinkedIn and GitHub:

LinkedIn and GitHub Codespaces Integration have announced the launch of 50+ courses.

Here are the courses that you find on LinkedIn for free with GitHub Codespaces Integration:

  • ESLint: Customizing Styles
  • ESLint: Integrating With Your Workflow
  • ESLint: Checking For Syntax and Logic Errors
  • CSS: Scrolling and Parallax
  • CSS Layout Code Challenges
  • CSS: Images
  • CSS Tips
  • CSS: Enhancing Interfaces With Animation
  • CSS Layout Code Challenges
  • Controlling CSS With JavaScript
  • Building Monorepos on GitHub
  • Machine Learning With Python: Logistic Regression
  • CSS: Animation
  • Hands-On Introduction: PHP
  • Level Up: PHP
  • Practice It: Go REST API Server
  • Practice It: Python Data Structures
  • Hands-On Introduction: SQL
  • Level Up: Advanced Python
  • Hands-On Introduction: Java
  • Data Cleaning in Python Essential Training
  • Hands-On Introduction: JavaScript
  • Training Neural Networks In Python
  • JavaScript: Functions
  • Level Up: SQL
  • Data Science Foundations: Python Scientific Stack
  • Machine Learning With Python: Association Rules
  • Practice It: JavaScript Loops and Conditionals
  • Learning Bash Scripting
  • Hands-On Introduction: ASP.NET Razor Pages
  • Hands-On Introduction: Go
  • CSS for Programmers
  • Level Up: Python
  • Level Up: SQL
  • Level-Up: Go
  • Level Up: C
  • Practice It: Java
  • Level Up: Python Data Acquisitions, Prep, and EDA
  • Hands-On Introduction: React

You can watch these free LinkedIn courses through LinkedIn Learning till 28th February 2023.

You must have a LinkedIn account to access free LinkedIn courses. And you can do it without installing GitHub Codespaces.


LinkedIn courses help improve skills and add something extra to your profile.

These LinkedIn and GitHub collaboration courses help you learn the best software development skills.

What do you think?

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July 26, 2022

Best LMS Vendor For Small Business: A Guide To Choosing The Right Online Learning Platform

Are you looking for an online learning platform to help your business grow? If so, you've come to the right place.

In this post, we'll take a look at some of the important features to consider when choosing an LMS and give you some tips on choosing the right one for your business.

Best LMS Vendor For Small Business: A Guide To Choosing The Right Online Learning Platform: eAskme
Best LMS Vendor For Small Business: A Guide To Choosing The Right Online Learning Platform: eAskme

Other people are at: 7 Steps for Starting a Custom Furniture Business

So whether you're a small business owner just starting or looking to scale up your operations, read on for all the information you need!

Here are some key points to keep in mind when evaluating an LMS:


Many learning platforms come with a wide range of tools and resources – from course management tools to video tutorials – that can help you get the most out of your courses.


A strong community is a key feature of many LMSs, and allows business owners to connect with other users and trainers, share ideas and resources, and find support when needed.


While not all LMSs are free, some offer significant discounts for businesses who sign up for long-term subscriptions. Now that you know what to look for in an LMS.


An LMS should be easy to use, whether you're a business owner who's been using online tools for years or someone new to the scene.

The platform should interface smoothly with your current systems and offer step-by-step instructions on how to get started using it.


The content included in an LMS is key, as this will be where most of your students (and potential customers) will find their learning resources.

Make sure that the library has content that covers all aspects of your business – from training materials on specific software applications to blog posts.

Let's take a closer look at some of the top platforms on the market.

1. Pluralsight:

Pluralsight is one of the most popular online learning platforms out there, and for a good reason – its features are extensive, and its community is strong.

With tools like video training modules, course management tools, live chat support, and more – Pluralsight has everything you need to create high-quality courses.

Plus, their subscription plans are very affordable if you're looking to start using the platform regularly.

2. Udacity:

Like Pluralsight, Udacity is a well-known online learning platform with many features and tools at your disposal.

Their courses are often highly interactive and practical, making them great for technology professionals looking to improve their skills quickly.

Plus, like Pluralsight, Udacity offers a wide variety of subscription plans that fit different needs and budgets – so you can find the right option.

3. Coursera:

Coursera has made waves in recent years as one of the leading providers of online courses, and for a good reason – their platform is powerful and versatile.

You can use Coursera to create traditional online courses or explore new, more experimental formats like MOOCs (massive open online courses).

Plus, with features like adaptive learning modules and microlearning tools, Coursera makes it easy to tailor your course content exactly to your needs.

4) 360Learning:

360Learning is a relatively new player on the online learning scene, but its platform has quickly gained popularity for its comprehensive range of features and innovative design.

You can use 360Learning to create traditional online courses or explore more experimental formats like gamification and experiential learning.

Plus, 360Learning offers very affordable subscription plans that make it easy to use the platform regularly.


The key to selecting the right LMS platform is being open-minded and mindful of your business goals.

From choosing a subscription plan that suits your needs to identifying effective strategies for on-boarding new customers, there are many ways you can tailor an LMS according to your needs.

In case you're still searching for a solution, we have handpicked five popular platforms from different industry leaders that offer both innovative design and ease of use.

Could you have a look at them now?

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

Share it with your friends and family.

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June 22, 2022

Is It Possible to Learn English by Playing Video Games?

Game have always been a popular pastime, but in recent years, they have also become a powerful tool for learning.

Multiple studies indicate that video games can be a great method of learning new skills and improving problem-solving abilities.

Is It Possible to Learn English by Playing Video Games?: eAskme
Is It Possible to Learn English by Playing Video Games?: eAskme

And with the popularity of online multiplayer games, gamers today use video games to practice their English language skills.

Even though some may scoff at the idea of using video games as a form of education, they can be an efficient tool for learning English.

In addition to providing a fun and engaging way to practice language skills, video games can also help players better understand grammar and vocabulary.

With so many benefits, it's no wonder that more and more people are using such an unusual option to learn English.

You Dive into Context:

By providing a fun and immersive environment, video games can help people learn English in a contextualized way.

For example, learners may practice vocabulary and grammar in the context of the game's storyline.

In addition, video games can also help to develop cultural awareness and understanding.

For instance, students can learn about different customs and traditions by playing games set in different countries or regions.

One study found that students who played video games as part of their English language course outperformed those who did not.

The authors suggest that video games may be particularly effective for teaching grammar and vocabulary.

As video games continue to gain popularity, more and more language learners are likely to turn to them to improve their English skills.

Repetition of Words Is Useful:

Video games can be used for educational purposes through the repetition of words.

When words are repeated multiple times, players learn and remember them more effectively.

This is especially useful for learning English as it can be difficult to remember all the rules and exceptions.

Therefore, repeating words in video games allows players to learn English quicker and more easily.

Moreover, they can also improve literacy rates by having a fun and engaging way to learn.

Practice Reading and Listening:

Video games allow players to focus on their reading and listening skills.

While playing, users must pay attention to the text on the screen and listen carefully to what other characters are saying to make progress in the game.

This kind of practice can be extremely useful for those learning or improving their English skills.

Moreover, video games can help students connect what they learn in class and real-life applications of language use.

By interacting with virtual characters who live in fictional worlds, learners can explore different scenarios and incorporate new vocabulary into their lives.

In short, video games offer an engaging platform for practicing English while enhancing other language-related skills.

So, the next time you're tempted to dismiss video games as a waste of time, remember that there is much more to them than meets the eye!

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May 19, 2022

5 Ways Gamification Can Improve Learning

Usage of the novel frameworks in learning is essential.

The world is getting progressively more complex. Thus, teaching about it is not easy.

Old methods are often showing rather substandard results. They can serve as an impediment to relevant education progress.

5 Ways Gamification Can Improve Learning: eAskme
5 Ways Gamification Can Improve Learning: eAskme

Therefore, the goal of any individual who seeks large-scale achievements in terms of education is to invest their time and effort into innovations.

In this regard, a potent option stems from the usage of gamification.

This article will answer the following questions: What is gamification in education? and What are its benefits?

 Using this article, you'll be able to make your judgment on utilizing the methodology.

What is gamification?

Gamification involves the insertion of game elements into learning.

What do we mean by that?

For example, you can add video-game-like achievements to your model of learning. Many other models exist too.

For example, the rather simple decision to add several tiers of assessment for various elements of a task already represents some form of gamification.

You create conditions that, after getting fulfilled, grant the 'players' a positive score.

Gamification doesn't just take up the scoring issues. It also touches upon the ability to implement game-like elements into everyday interactions.

If you adapt a board game to learning, this approach would already be gamification.

Benefits of Gamification In The Classroom:

The benefits of gamification are rather diverse today.

Let's take a look at all of them:

It improves student motivation: many students like novelty and games.

Adding both elements is a great idea as they can grasp their attention.

If you have a class of disinterested people in learning, trying the gamification approaches is a great idea.

This approach also works quite well in case of high motivation. It can raise excitement and improve the learner's loyalty even further.

It improves your motivation, too:

If you're a teacher, gamification can be a powerful way to avoid problems with your motivation.

Constant teaching, just like any work, usually results in problems with the motivation levels.

You feel tired and burnt out.

Changes of the presented kind help to transform something in your life.

You get a chance to move towards something new and, thus, get the necessary boost in terms of endorphins.

It reduces the stress:

Gamification can remove some traditional assessment elements, such as scores, or make everyday actions less tedious.

As a result, a stress reduction becomes more or less inevitable.

Students may feel that the school environment doesn't affect them as negatively as before.

Consequently, productivity rises.

It gives more space for competition:

Games are often about confrontations.

In this way, you can get into a space where individuals would feel that they're interested in going against others.

Usually, such an arrangement is bad for group cohesion.

Games, however, channel aggression and make it productive.

It gives more space for creativity: games are also about finding non-conventional solutions.

For example, an essay competition can push many people to deliver something that truly helps present their true vision.

Thus, gamification is a great way to push students towards presenting something truly valuable.


This information shows that you should try to add gamification elements into your classroom experience as much as possible.

Games often get the attention of humans.

Education, in turn, is far from being popular.

Therefore, if you add the former element to the latter, you get a chance to improve motivation.

If you need any advice on the topic, addressing the specialists is the best option.

We recommend KeenEthcis, a company you can find using the outlined link:

If you have any question, do let me know via comments.

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April 14, 2022

Study in the Morning or the Evening? This Is How You Find Your Personal Learning Rhythm!

Your performance is not constant throughout the day; it fluctuates and depends on your biorhythm.

What this means for you: There are times of the day when you are super productive, can memorize efficiently, and understand every sentence your professor says.

Study in the Morning or the Evening? This Is How You Find Your Personal Learning Rhythm!: eAskme
Study in the Morning or the Evening? This Is How You Find Your Personal Learning Rhythm!: eAskme

But there are also times when you don't get anything baked, and studying is the last thing you should do.

These fluctuations are reflected in your performance curve. In general, it looks like this:

This curve shows you at what time of the day your performance is above or below your base level of 100 percent.

This allows you to draw direct conclusions about your concentration and motivation and better estimate when you should sit down at your desk to study in the first place or when it's best to delegate your assignments and pay for essay.

Let's look at the two most common forms of this distribution together.

Study in the Morning:

The characteristic fluctuations from the example above depict the performance curve of a so-called morning person: from 6:00 a.m., the performance increases and reaches the first high around 10:00 a.m. After that, the curve drops and introduces the midday low around 2:00 p.m. There is a second high in the evening – around 8:00 p.m., before heading towards the bed and the (deep) sleep phase.

Overall, there are two dominant highs and lows in your daily routine:

According to the curve, you should move your most intensive study units to the early morning hours, recover from the midday slump and sit down in front of the books again in the evening.

This form of the performance curve is often given as the standard state - especially because the structures in our working world are geared towards it. But there is also an alternative to this.

Study in the Evening:

If you don't belong to the morning person group and are more active at night, your performance curve is automatically shifted horizontally - your highs and lows.

Your first productive phase will not start at 6 a.m. but in the late morning.

Your first high occurs around 2:00 p.m., and the following low shifts to the early evening hours (8:00 p.m.). A second high is reached around midnight.

Compared to the first example, your learning plan now has to be adjusted: instead of doing the first learning units in the morning, it is better to wait until lunchtime.

Around 8:00 a.m., you are still stuck in your first low and have to fight your way forward. In the early evening, you should retire and rest, while around 00:00, you can start again.

So Far, so Good:

But every person has an individual biorhythm and performance curve.

In addition to this example, there are countless other variations of the power curve: It can be shifted even further to the right and have more or less than two highs and lows.

The fluctuations can also be stronger or weaker.

There are endless possibilities, giving you valuable information on when to get help from the writing service companies and when to work on your motivation.

Unfortunately, you cannot adopt ready-made concepts like the two above one-to-one - you need something of your own.

This is How You Find Your Personal Learning Rhythm:

To learn more efficiently throughout the day, you need to find your performance curve.

You have to know when your highs and lows are because only then can you organize your tasks sensibly and use your time productively.

You have to consciously monitor your performance throughout the day and record when you are in which state.

You can use a grid similar to the one in the diagrams as a template and write down your impression of your performance each time.

A rough profile of your performance curve will emerge through this logging after a short time.

These questions will also help you to define your performance curve more precisely:

  • When do you get up?
  • When are you good at concentrating?
  • When is it easy for you to start work?
  • When are you particularly productive?
  • What times do you take a break?
  • When are you eating?
  • In which phases of the day is nothing going on for you?
  • When are you often distracted and inattentive?
  • When do you feel like socializing?
  • What time do you go to bed?

Once you know your performance curve, you can adjust your learning pace accordingly.

Use Your Own Learning Rhythm Correctly:

No power curve is inherently good or bad - no version is better than another.

They're just different.

The important thing is that you know your performance curve and wisely use your highs and lows.

You put demanding tasks in your peak phases and then work on important projects when your performance is at its strongest.

This includes tasks such as:

  • Read a textbook
  • Summarize lecture slides
  • work through exercises
  • Write on your thesis
  • Memorize important definitions

If you find yourself in a performance slump, you should not fight against your biological rhythm but try to relax and use this phase for routine tasks and social contacts.

These are more of the following tasks:

  • Sort and file documents
  • Study organization
  • Exchange with fellow students
  • Shopping and errand trips
  • Rest and take a break

As soon as you know your daily rhythm and divide your tasks accordingly, you will not only study more individually but also more successfully.


Students who take their learning rhythm into account are more successful in their studies and generally happier in their lives.

Knowing your daily rhythm and which phases you are particularly productive in, you can use your energy much more skillfully than usual.

This allows you to decide when you should make the logical decision and use or when to utilize your strengths better and reduce your inner resistance.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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Learn faster: Basic Principles to Increase Your Learning Speed Significantly

Learn faster - how it works!

Before we begin, I want to make two important things clear.

Learn faster: Basic Principles to Increase Your Learning Speed Significantly: eAskme
Learn faster: Basic Principles to Increase Your Learning Speed Significantly: eAskme

First, "learn faster" doesn't mean you have to work like a machine without a mind. Rather, it means optimizing your processes and your learning organization.

Because this is where the biggest time wasters and sources of disruption for productive learning units are hidden.

In addition, fast learning has nothing to do with frantic or superficial token actions. It's all about doing the right things as thoroughly as necessary and efficiently.

Second: You can only achieve a long-term improvement in your learning skills through consistent work. There are no magic tricks. If it existed, I would show it to you.

Therefore, you need to get comfortable with the following basic principles.

They may be boring and difficult for you at first - but they work.

If you take them to heart and use them regularly, you will be able to learn faster than ever before, but you will also sustainably improve the quality of your student life.

Students can also use a paper writing service to make their time studying topics more efficient by having no distractions like due assignments.

Accelerate your learning pace with these seven principles:

Better Planning:

Many students start their learning sessions like this: They sit down at their desks and start. They don't get an overview.

First, they don't set a specific task, and they don't plan. And it is precisely this lack of planning that leads to them not getting anywhere, wasting their time, and falling short of their expectations in their studies.

Therefore, get used to drawing up a concrete plan before each exam preparation and study session.

As soon as you plan your learning activities, you will learn much more purposefully and faster. Your plan will give you direction and motivation.

And the best thing is: Your planning does not even have to be detailed or particularly complex. A few notes and bullet points on your to-do list are often enough.

Clear Structure:

Almost all topics in your studies are complex. There are rarely subjects whose contents you can summarize on a beer mat.

However, large complexes of topics and extensive learning material have a depressing effect and attack your overview and motivation when learning.

Both prevent you from getting through the learning materials quickly and the most important content from staying in your memory.

That's why you have to provide structure.

To do this, divide your topic into subcategories, find similarities and differences in content and break down the material until you have worked out a comprehensible information network.

Transform the large, confused heap of knowledge into small, appetizing morsels that you can easily learn one after the other.

Temporal Patterns:

Are you also one of those students who can only bring themselves to study irregularly but then cram through for several hours so that not too much is left behind?

If so, you should stop today. The general attitude (not falling behind too far) is fine; the strategy (XXL learning units), on the other hand, will bring you nothing - except headaches.

Learning in fixed-time patterns and small stages is much more productive. 30 to 45 minutes at a time is enough if you devote yourself to your material with full concentration.

After this period, your performance will automatically decrease, and further learning will become increasingly inefficient. If you want to learn faster, you should rely on short learning units.

Individual Rhythm:

Do you prefer to study in the morning or the evening? When are you most productive? What is the best time for you to concentrate?

By asking yourself these questions, you are helping to increase your learning speed.


Because many students mindlessly study simultaneously regardless of their biological rhythm.

They disregard the natural fluctuations in their performance - and in doing so, they slow themselves down.

On the other hand, if you know your highs and lows, you can adapt your learning rhythm accordingly and develop an individual learning plan.

In this way, not only do you automatically learn faster and better, but you also avoid frustrating phases in which you would not achieve much anyway.

So: Don't stick to given conventions but decide for yourself when and for how long you learn.

Appropriate Learning Methods:

Some students have a soft spot for numbers and are perfect at remembering any date.

Then some students have a phenomenal visual memory, remembering every minute detail of a complicated diagram.

Then there are those who, while studying, talk to themselves while muttering the content out loud. And there are thousands of other types of different learning methods, all of which lead to the goal… CAN.

The only challenge is finding the right learning methods for you and applying them consistently. If you want to learn faster, the greatest potential for improvement lies in choosing the right learning methods.

For example, if your visual skills are more developed, you will likely have trouble memorizing large amounts of abstract text.

On the other hand, if you're more of an audio type, you shouldn't just limit yourself to reading.

Therefore, experiment with different learning techniques until you know your strengths and weaknesses and can skillfully promote them or avoid them.


I'm not leaning far out of the window when I say that every student can immediately increase their learning speed and learn faster than ever before with little effort.

The key isn't some flimsy trick, drug, or animal sacrifice but simple patterns of behavior that combine to produce an unbeatably productive effect.

To do this, adhere to the following seven basic principles:

  • better planning
  • Clear Structure
  • temporal patterns
  • Individual rhythm
  • appropriate learning methods

But beware: If you try to implement all strategies at once, you will fail. No one manages to integrate seven new habits into their everyday life all at once.

Especially not when old, unwanted behavior patterns must be identified and replaced first.

Therefore, proceed step by step and start with one or at most two new principles that you apply to your next learning unit.

Once your new course of action has become second nature, you'll add another one until you've implemented the core principles.

The beauty of it is that each principle alone will help you learn better and faster. With each further adjustment, the effect will increase.

You have to start and keep at it and remove distractions by employing the best assignment services when needed.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

Don't forget to like us FB and join the eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.

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February 28, 2022

H5P: A Must-Have Plugin for Your Elearning

What is H5P?

H5P is a plugin tool that helps LMS and CMS add interactive content to the course.

The entire purpose of using H5P is to use HTML files in your website, app, or any other eLearning browser and platform.

H5P: A Must-Have Plugin for Your Elearning: eAskme
H5P: A Must-Have Plugin for Your Elearning: eAskme

H5P is used by more than 20,000 websites and other eLearning platforms.

It can be used in any web browser and an LMS or CMS with a free H5P plugin installed or added.

If you do not have an LMS with an integrated H5P plugin, you can have a subscription and use it.

H5P acts as your course's background hero, making your content more engaging, fun, and interactive.

The use of H5P is to create interactive multimedia, slideshows, gamification, quizzes, surveys, etc.

Various LMS can add multimedia, such as MindFlash, Thinkific, and many more.

But in case your LMS has no feature to use any multimedia, you can use the H5P plugin.

How Does It Work?

A compelling reason to invest in H5P is its ability for eLearning programs to take advantage of HTML5, the latest version of HyperText Markup Language.

The code behind any web page is primarily HTML5. Other tools such as Flash and Silverlight compete with HTML, which is the technology that facilitates multimedia and interactive content.

Web browsers let you view or edit H5P content and import and export it.

The content can be created using the H5P plugin on any H5P-capable website, such as, or your own LMS with the H5P plugin installed.

H5P is an open-source tool completely free of charge and available under the MIT license.

By integrating engaging content into your eLearning platform, you can offer new options to students and teachers.

For example, interactive videos allow learners to recreate live sessions in courses that learners complete at their speed, resulting in less scroll fatigue.

In the case of hybrid programs using small groups, microlearning, or adaptive learning, interactive content often becomes an essential factor, as it offers learners the opportunity to customize their experience.

How to add H5P in LMS?

To develop creative and engaging content in your LMS, you will have to install an H5P plugin.

Follow the steps below:

  • Steps: First, download the plugin from
  • Step 1: Open your LMS and log in with an administrator account.
  • Step 2: Open site administration, then click on Plug-ins.
  • Step 3: Select the H5P plugin and install it.
  • Step 4: Once installed, choose the course and start using H5P.

LMS integration:

Almost every web publishing platform is compatible with H5P. Several LMS and CMS such as Moodle, Drupal, and Joomla integrate H5P.

They are only designed with a few platform-specific codes, so you shouldn't face any difficulties incorporating them.

The most effective use of H5P is when incorporated into a comprehensive Learning Management System.

An LMS integration combines all elements of an eLearning platform so that the learning experience is unified and streamlined to minimize operational frustrations.

Many revenue-generating solutions include eCommerce, analytics, and a learning management system including H5P content.

Taking advantage of this provides learners with a convenient way to explore, purchase, and train all in one place.

With no additional add-ons or apps required, H5P is compatible with any platform that supports interactive content.

So, for example, if you're running an LMS that supports LTI, all you have to do is activate the plugin, and you're done!


Online learning has been used for a long time now.

People love courses that provide them with engagement.

A course that does not have videos, images, or other multimedia graphics is merely written content, and no one wants to read long scripts.

The best way to engage and interact with your learners is by having multimedia options available to them.

This can be attained by using the H5P plugin, which allows multimedia options and any device.

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January 25, 2022

Career Benefits of Learning a Second Language

Learning a new language has many benefits.

The most obvious benefit is that you will communicate with more people in your career.

Career Benefits of Learning a Second Language: eAskme
Career Benefits of Learning a Second Language: eAskme

Even if you are only working on one project, you may work with people from other countries occasionally.

Learning another language will make these interactions easier and more comfortable.

What is the best language to learn for business?

The answer to this question depends on what you want to do with your business.

If you are looking for international business, it would be best to learn a common language in the country you are visiting.

For example, if you visit India, it's probably best to learn Hindi.

On the other hand, if you are looking for more global business, languages like English or Spanish will serve you well because these languages are spoken all over the world.

How do I Find Resources to Learn a New Language?

There are several ways to gain access to resources for learning a new language - one of them is to have quick access to finding materials through web-based apps and websites.

It has never been easier to find information if you are looking for a more lucrative career.

Learning a language can help you in your professional life by broadening your work skills and expanding your career opportunities.

Learning a new language can help you if you're looking to get ahead.

However, nothing will benefit you the same as studying both in-demand and useful language.

One such language is Spanish.

The universal language of Latin America, Spanish is the official language of more than 30 countries and offers infinite opportunities for travel, trade, and promotion.

Whether teaching English abroad or doing business in Colombia, speaking Spanish will be a great asset in your professional life.

Learning a new language is an investment in your career that might pay off.

With the world becoming more globalized, knowing a second language can differentiate between getting a job and not getting one.

The type of language you choose will depend on your industry.

Some languages are more useful for international business, while others are better for science or engineering.

What are the best ways to learn a language?

The best way to learn a new language is by immersing yourself in it until you are fluent enough to have basic conversations with native speakers.

Here are some resources to help you get started

Language is a valuable skill to have not only for traveling but also for your career. It's important to find the right language for you and your specific needs.

The best ways to learn a language vary depending on your learning style and goals. Besides immersion, consider enrolling in structured language programs like Spanish classes in Miami or French in Mexico, or any other language, where experienced instructors provide a comprehensive curriculum tailored to your needs. Additionally, language exchange programs, online courses, and language learning apps can supplement your studies and enhance your language skills. Remember, consistency and practice are key to mastering a new language.

If the business is a big part of your life, you'll want to learn a language relevant to the business industry.

For example, if you're going into marketing, then Spanish would be an excellent choice due to its popularity in that field.

Or if you're interested in fashion or art, then French would be best for those fields as well.

What Languages Have the Most Resources?

Childhood will not be complete without being part of Dora the Explorer's adventure.

This is one of the most popular shows among kids while growing up in Spanish-speaking countries and across the world.

With 460 million native speakers, Spanish is one of the most popular languages worldwide, second only to Mandarin Chinese.

Spanish is the (or an) official language of 18 countries in America, Spain in Europe, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Equatorial Guinea.

If you love to travel to these countries, the best language to learn would be Spanish.

A popular series in Spanish is La Casa de Papel, which many people have been streaming from stream sites such as Moviebox and Showbox.


Choosing which language to learn is not an easy choice.

Even if the country you want to work in is predominately lined with that language, most employers will not require their employees.

We should think about the professional gain we will see from mastering a predominant foreign language such as Spanish or Japanese.

Since so many jobs abroad require fluency in global languages, not knowing it leaves us at an unnatural disadvantage.

Many potential employers might be impressed by our fluency and reward us.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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January 21, 2022

LinkedIn has Added 3 New and Free Marketing Courses

LinkedIn is offering 3 free new marketing courses in LinkedIn’s on-demand learning center.

These are the new courses that are accessible for every user.

If you do not know, LinkedIn’s On-demand Learning Center is where you can find courses to improve your skills.

LinkedIn has Added 3 New and Free Marketing Courses: eAskme
LinkedIn has Added 3 New and Free Marketing Courses: eAskme

It is free to use step-by-step format course content whenever you want.

You can complete each marketing course on LinkedIn within an hour.

LinkedIn’s learning center is the best place for marketers to learn new and authentic practices to improve marketing strategies.

In the beginning, the LinkedIn learning lab was only offering what was necessary for advertising, but now it is the best place to find marketing education.

Here is what you should know about the 3 new courses on LinkedIn.

3 New Marketing Courses in LinkedIn Learning Lab:

Building an Organic Presence with LinkedIn Pages:

In this course, you will learn how to create LinkedIn pages and how you can manage them.

The system also teaches you the best way to develop a brand image.

You will find answers to fundamental questions in this 20 minutes course.

Building a Full-Funnel Content Marketing Strategy:

In this course, you will learn how to create a balance between paid and organic marketing.

In this 30 minute course, you will learn the funnel marketing strategies.

Creative Design for LinkedIn:

In this course, you will learn how to create an attractive design to attract target audiences and make them engage with your content.

This 10 minutes course teaches you the importance of marketing on LinkedIn using creative visuals.

What are the Benefits of Completing Course on LinkedIn?

Do you want to earn a professional course certificate? If yes, then LinkedIn Learning lab offers these courses to you.

Complete the course, earn a certificate, and display that certificate on your LinkedIn profile.

You can also download the certificate and publish it anywhere.

Now only these 3 new courses, but you can also complete existing courses on LinkedIn, such as:

  • LinkedIn Ads Introduction
  • Ad targeting on LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn Ads Analytics and Reporting
  • Brand Awareness on LinkedIn
  • Lead Generation using LinkedIn


LinkedIn is not just a social network of professionals or a professional social network but also a learning hub.

You can find a lot of courses that can improve your knowledge, teach you practical strategies and enlighten your profile with course certificates.

LinkedIn also introduces new courses, updates old features, and launches new features to make the platform more user-friendly.

Stay tuned with us to stay updated.

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