Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts

August 07, 2024

Evergreen Content Guide: Everything that You Must Know About Evergreen Content is Here!

Evergreen content! Do you create it? Or do you still creating the content which has less meaning?

Creating content consistently with the target to boost organic traffic is essential.

You might have been writing content for years or months. And, some of your content may also rank on the first page.

What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme
What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

Other people are reading: Reasons Why You Should Consider SEO Services For Your Business

But are you satisfied with the result?

Your content will not add a good number to organic traffic as long as it is missing the main essence, and that is "Evergreen Content."

Evergreen content is not about being trendy or producing click baits.
  • What is evergreen content?
  • What are the types of evergreen content?
  • What are the examples of evergreen content?
  • Why is Evergreen content important?
  • How to find evergreen topics?
  • How to create evergreen content?
Today I will cover everything about evergreen content that you must know and implement.

Let's start with the fundamental question.

What is Evergreen Content?

What is Evergreen Content: eAskme

Evergreen content is the content that never loses value with the time.

In other words, the content that never goes out of date is known as evergreen content.

The most common feature of evergreen content is that every evergreen content piece is relevant to a specific target audience regardless of the time cycle.

You will better understand it with the following example;

If you search for "LinkedIn Stats 2020," you will find that foundationinc content ranks first, which means that this content page is getting maximum traffic for this keyword.

Linkedin Stats: What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

But for how long?

In 2021, hardly anyone can search for this keyword.

On the other hand, we have an evergreen example.

Evergreen example: Linkedin Stats: What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

If you search for "the importance of trees," You will find the high page ranking on the first page.
This page will always keep getting traffic regardless of the year.

The reason why we call it evergreen is that it stays green like the evergreen plant.

Each evergreen content piece contain two critical factors;
  • Content
  • Topic
Now, before you jump in to start creating evergreen content; you need to understand the difference between evergreen topics and evergreen content.

What is Evergreen Topic:

Evergreen topics are such topics that will keep people always find interesting.

Examples of Evergreen Content:

No matter how many years will pass or how many changes will come in human life, people will always find the above topics interesting.

These are the evergreen topics.

Evergreen Content:

Evergreen content is that it is excellently crafted for the evergreen topic.

Evergreen content never become outdated and never fades away.

Examples of Evergreen Content:

Tip: For better results, you need to blend both in your blog post or content page.

Why your blog need Evergreen content? (Evergreen Content Benefits)

Without evergreen content, you have to rely on trending topics and cover every topic related to your blog niche to maintain current organic traffic numbers or improve it.

This is a time consuming practice that requires a lot of hardwork.

For example;

During 2016, Trump's election post on the New York Times has spiked the traffic. Because the whole country was searching for the result.

But after a couple of weeks, that spike started fading as people were no longer looking for the same answer.

This has dragged the spike in traffic to flat-lined traffic.

This is why the New York Times and many other news agencies publish hundreds of posts every day.
You can only do it if you are running a new agency or a big brand.

If you are a blogger, freelance marketer, or full-time SEO expert?

Then evergreen content is what works best for you.

Evergreen content will give you;

Consistent traffic:

People will keep searching for evergreen content even after years.

This means that your content will stay valuable for them, and you will keep getting regular traffic.

Save time and Money:

Evergreen content stays relevant for a long time.

This means that you need not publish hundreds of posts every day to maintain organic traffic.

How to create evergreen content?

If you are reading till now, that means you are also interested in creating evergreen content.

Here are the three best steps on how you can create excellent evergreen content.

Keyword research for Evergreen Topics:

Keyword research is the first thing that you should do to find the keyword with user intent.

You can use tools like KWfinder and SEMrush to find valuable keywords or long-tail keywords.

Make sure the keyword you choose has a high search volume from an extended period, such as one year.

Create Content for Audience:

Creating to the point content is not going to help you this time.

You need to create excellent content that your audience will not find anywhere else.

Make them want more from your blog.

Ensure that your content is so compelling that if you post with the delay, they will miss your updates.

Your content should trigger emotions and engagement.

Such content will beat the competition and stay relevant for years.

Avoid Dates, News, and Trending Topics:

News dies overnight.

And, if you write about the latest episode of The Flash, then it will lose fans as long as the next chapter goes air.

Tip: Avoid using Last year, Today's, or 2020.

Is it possible to create Evergreen Content?

It's both yes and No.

Content stays evergreen as long as you can keep it relevant.

Nothing can stay relevant for 100 years. If you keep updating the old posts, you can easily keep the relevant even after decades.

Here are the few ways that will help you to produce evergreen content.

Review the post-performance and links over-time:

Open your post and check the stats. Fix broken links. Replace them with new links or remove the dead links.

Both Google and Audience notice these links.

Focus on user intent:

User intent can change over time. Targeting the user search intent is essential.

People searching on Google are looking for a solution, and it is your job to feed them what is essential for them.

Targeting search intent when updating old posts will help you keep your content evergreen.

Find the Reasons Behind rank drop?

Other blogs are outranking your content.

Find out;
  • What makes their content amazing?
  • What your content is lacking?

Final Words:

Evergreen content help bloggers to improve their search ranking.

This same work for you.

You may be working on building tons of backlinks to outrank competitors. And, spending most of your life on creating content.

But the secret behind the successful blogger in "Evergreen Content."

Evergreen content is the content that stays relevant, attract links, traffic, and reputation.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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Other Content Guides for you;

August 04, 2024

How to Advertise on LinkedIn: Everything You Need to Know (Complete Guide)

Do you want to run ad campaigns on the social network for a high conversion rate? Or Are you looking for the best system that will help you get better results? You may have used Facebook ad tests or Twitter ads, but have you ever advertised on LinkedIn?

When it comes to advertising on LinkedIn, most of the people have never even tried it. The big reason is that advertising on Facebook and Twitter was much more comfortable than advertising on LinkedIn.

But, here comes the change.
How to Advertise on LinkedIn: Everything You Need to Know (Complete Guide): eAskme
How to Advertise on LinkedIn: Everything You Need to Know (Complete Guide): eAskme
Other people are reading: Best Linkedin Alternatives

Now, LinkedIn has a recreated ad serving system and made it an easy to use social media network.
LinkedIn is the best choice to target the B2B audience.

The presence of B2B networks on LinkedIn has made it the most popular professional social network.

LinkedIn has recently refined targeting options. Now it is helping marketers to target the specific set of professionals effectively.
  • Want to reach marketing firms? You can target those using LinkedIn Ads.
  • Want to focus on the education industry? You can reach them using LinkedIn Ads.
  • Want to find interns? You can connect with LinkedIn ads.
This year B2B option is attracting businesses and marketers to use LinkedIn.

This doesn’t mean that businesses are not advertising on Facebook or Twitter, but they will focus more on LinkedIn this year.

Notable: There is one thing you should know about the LinkedIn ad network is that the ad cost will be higher than Facebook ads.

You must have the right amount of money to play with LinkedIn ads.

If cash is not the problem and you are ready to run LinkedIn ads, then you should learn some basic rules.

LinkedIn Advertising Options:

LinkedIn was extremely limited to advertisers. There was no room for advertisers to achieve their goals. But, things have changed in 2021. LinkedIn will keep upgrading its ad system to add more freedom and room for advertisers.

Now LinkedIn Ads allow you to create ads based on your target.

When advertising on a social network like LinkedIn, you must have clear goals.

To successfully advertise on LinkedIn you need to have one of the following goals:
  • Brand Awareness
  • Engagement
  • Job Applicants
  • Lead Generation
  • Video views
  • Website visits
  • Website conversions
Now it is the time to uncover the most used objectives with LinkedIn advertising;
  • Job Applications
  • Lead generation
  • Website visits and Video Views.
Organic engagement is also a way to reach out to the LinkedIn Audience

LinkedIn ads will cost you more money than Facebook ads. I suggest you first to choose your target and then plan your ad.

Be blunt when it comes to choosing ad objectives on LinkedIn.

No matter what objective you have, you will have five types of ads on LinkedIn:

LinkedIn ad types:

Sponsored Content ads:

Sponsored content ads work similar to sponsored content. In the sponsored content ad you will be promoting a post or page in the LinkedIn feed.

LinkedIn Sponsored content ads have the highest CPC. It is always wise that you only promote pages with a call to action.

Text Ads:

LinkedIn text ads work directly as other text ads. You can find them on the right side of the LinkedIn feed. One can also see these ads below “People You May Know” section. These ads can play a useful role in conversion.

You may need to do some tests to find which work best for you.

Sponsored InMail:

LinkedIn sponsored InMail ads will display like spam email in the inbox. But as these are under LinkedIn policies so you can boost the higher conversion with these ads.

As these ads fall in the inbox directly from the business page or personal profile, the chances are that people find them more exciting and like to communicate with the business.

Make sure that you do not copy/paste the InMail ads.

LinkedIn Video Ads:

As the name suggests, LinkedIn video ads will allow you to promote your videos to the target audience. Video marketing will be one of the most critical parts of the marketing strategy this year.
You may need to run tests to find which video ad works best for you.

LinkedIn Dynamic Ads:

The focus of LinkedIn Dynamic ads is to engage prospects with personalized ads. With the help of dynamic ads, you can personalize the experience according to your audience.

You can use this type of ads to capture the attention of professionals. Ads will display their own professional's photo, data, company name, and title.

You can also customize the dynamic ads according to your objectives.

The main reason brands use LinkedIn dynamic ads is that it allows you to boost the audience and followers for your profile or business page.

LinkedIn Carousel Ads/Native Ads:

Carousel ads or native ads are there to attract professionals by telling them an interactive story.

Linkedin Carousel ads are helpful for those who want to share their brand story. You can use this type of ads to capture the attention of the target audience.

You may want to know about the specs and ad dimensions. Here is everything you should know about each LinkedIn ad type and objectives when creating ads on LinkedIn;

LinkedIn Audience Targeting

Time to talk business now.
  • Who is your target audience? (Male/female, age/location)
  • Are they working in the same industry?
  • Are they upper management or lower management?
  • Do they have experience of each job between 2-4 years?
  • Do they are in connection with a similar brand or professional?
You must know the answer to these questions.

LinkedIn is giving invaluable targeting options, but you can only get the results if you understand the demographics of your audience.

You can target coffee table people on Facebook, but on LinkedIn, your target should be what they have worked, what they have studied and which option you want to focus.

Remember: You can target more than just Founders and CEO with LinkedIn. You can target grown not only people but also target the startups and your entrepreneurs.

You can also target;

  • People looking for jobs
  • Freshers or experienced
  • Graduated or undergrads etc. using LinkedIn Ads.
Every minute 120+ members join LinkedIn.

How to Track LinkedIn Ad Conversion:

Only you need to know how much success you LinkedIn ad campaigns are getting.

LinkedIn ads offer various metrics that you can use to track the failures and success of ads.

I am sharing a few of the must-have conversion tracking techniques that you must use.

Event Specific Pixel:

If your goal is lead generation, then you should use event-specific pixel to track results.

You can attach. Thank you page with your form. Also, add tracking codes.

You must add conversion tracking to your LinkedIn campaigns.

Site-Wide Insight Tag:

Site-Wide Insight Tag is helpful to track the actions on your website.

It works similar to the Facebook pixel. You need to add this code on your site, and it will start tracking the behavior using LinkedIn ads.

Tip: You can also use LinkedIn re-targeting ads.

How to Use LinkedIn’s Content Suggestion:

Linkedin content suggestions will help business pages to discover what they should write about. You can use trending topics, title, and descriptions.

Content targeting helps you target the CEO and directors of your competition.

How to Advertise on LinkedIn: Everything You Need to Know (Complete Guide): eAskme

All you need is to choose the seniority, industry, and location. LinkedIn will display trending topics according to your filters.

This will help you use the trending headlines with creative ideas.

Final Words:

LinkedIn is one of the great options to target the B2B audience.

B2B marketers are using various techniques when using LinkedIn Ads. It is exciting to see how LinkedIn is helping marketers achieve their goals and what new features LinkedIn will add.

LinkedIn is ready to give more freedom to marketers to increase conversion and success.

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How to Create Branded Travel Content?

For your travel business, branded content boost engagement and improve brand image. Branded content is one of the most impactful things you can hear in the marketing world. Yet, most people do not understand what branded content is.

How to Create Branded Travel Content?: eAskme
How to Create Branded Travel Content?: eAskme

Most of the time, you create and publish many branded content without even knowing it.

The travel industry is using branded content more than any other industry. It is a way to attract users by offering brand value.

There are a lot of forms and strategies of Branded content which makes it quite confusing for you to find the best one.

But, today, you will know what to do.

Let's start with the basic question.

What is Branded Travel Content?

Branded content spreads brand value and creates brand awareness by collaborating with a company that can spread the value. To understand it, you need to understand the origin.

In traditional marketing, your goal is to sell the product. And the customer is quite aware of your goal.

Traditional marketing is still effective, but customers are educated and know what the brand is offering.

Now customers do not prefer to buy from a company that pushes on selling but prefer a brand that sells its core value with the product.

83% of the customers spend their money where they receive brand value with the product or service.

Travel business is the best example where customers are concerned with travel's environmental and social impact.

Customers prefer traveling with brands that offer trips to their favorite destinations.

Branded content is responsible for this.

When creating branded content, you offer brand value to the customers without spreading distrust.

Branded content can be anything. You can create podcasts, blog posts, videos, and even publications.

Your goal is to create branded content on the topics that grab your customers' attention.

The major benefits of branded content are:

  • Strengthen brand image.
  • Stand out from the competition.
  • Trust and recall.
  • Increase potential customers.

Targeting customers interested in the same thing your brand is offering gives you a better conversion rate.

Branded content works like inbound marketing, where you create content that appeals to new customers.

Nowadays, you should know that people also call branded content when they collaborate with other brands to publish content or publish sponsored posts.

Influencer marketing is the best example of collaborative branded content.

How to Make Branded Travel Content Work?

Now that you know what branded content is, it is time to understand how you can use it in the travel industry.


Your business must have some core values. Value is not just goals or culture but more than that.

The value of your travel business should display:

  • Type of experience you are offering.
  • How do you approach your content?
  • How to use your profits?
  • What type of customers supports your business?

Your branded content strategy should reflect what your business stands for and what change you bring to the travel business.

Highlight brand values to build trust.

Once you have set values, the next thing is to understand how your business value relates to the customer.

Audience Interest:

The more you understand your audience, the better your marketing strategies will work. The same works for branded content.

But the major difference is that in branded content, you need to reach the customer's mindset and work on relating with their interest and values.

Branded content should help your business attract new customers by offering interesting content.

To create attractive content, you must understand what your target audience is looking for.

You can do it with some research. For example, find out what type of holidays your customers are interested in and what kind of travel experience is best.

You should find out:

  • What are their hobbies?
  • What are their values?
  • What type of brands do they support?
  • What topics do they find interesting?
  • What social issues do they care about?

The result of this research will help you better understand your target audience.

Now find content overlaps to get branded content ideas.

For example, if you are a travel brand that offers honeymoon packages, you should target an audience with interest like romantic holidays, beaches, nature holidays, etc.

As a romantic travel brand, you should not offer health advice. But Talk about how holidays in nature will increase the romance and make the holidays memorable.

The focus should be on attracting customers and making them remember your name.


Choose the most popular travel formats that your target audience finds interesting.

If your travel audience prefers video content, you should not waste money on text content.

The success of branded content lies in the fact that it should engage and excite your audience.

Use a platform that your audience finds interesting.

Your brand responds to popular travel trends.

Act fast and choose the most popular travel format for your audience.


Create memorable content that leaves an impact on your audience's brain.

Creating immersive content is the best strategy to trigger emotions.

Videos and audios are the best formats in the travel industry.

Use these to promote your brand and create an engaging experience.

Your content should take the audience to the place they want to visit.


Branded content is also about being unique so that people should identify your brand quickly.

Follow the viral trends in your industry to understand what makes them unique and how your audience interacts with them.

Catch audience attention while communicating values.

This is the best time for you to do something better.


Your travel business may be already using branded content without even knowing it.

Even if you are a newbie to branded content, you must still use branded content in the travel business.

No matter what changes with time, the impact of your branded content will always stays there.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

Don't forget to join the eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.

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July 28, 2024

Omnichannel Marketing Guide: What is it? Benefits and Strategies!

Omnichannel marketing came into existence with the rise of social media channels. There are hundreds of channels to market business, products, and services. Small-mid-large businesses are targeting multiple social media platforms or eCommerce platforms at the same time to advertise their business.

Omnichannel is different than multichannel. It is necessary to understand what type of marketing you need.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Quora, Outbrain, Taboola, Amazon, etc., are some of the most popular platforms where most businesses market their products.

Omnichannel Marketing: eAskme
Omnichannel Marketing: eAskme

For example, A marketer running video ads on Facebook also runs ads on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc., to reach a wider audience and use the same ad in different sizes. It is an easy way to target omnichannel users.

More than 73% of users are Omnichannel. They use multiple platforms to make purchase decisions.

To target Omnichannel users, you need an Omnichannel marketing strategy.

Omnichannel Marketing: What is it?

To market your business Omnichannel, first understand Omnichannel marketing.

As the name suggests, Omnichannel marketing is the way to create an Omnichannel content approach to reach target customers on every platform.

Omnichannel marketing is the combined process of marketing content and running ads on multiple channels. The focus of Omnichannel marketing is to create an excellent user experience while maintaining a similar tone.

Effective Omnichannel marketing works on every step of a customer’s journey. Marketers can use 100+ marketing tools to create marketing content and strategies for Omnichannel.

Basics of Omnichannel Marketing:

Create Excellent User Experience:

To influence a customer’s buying decision, you must provide an excellent user experience. A clean user experience is required to make customers follow your brand on multiple social networks.

Omnichannel Integration:

Omnichannel integration makes it easy to create a smooth user experience. Marketers must maintain the same business tone on websites, stores, apps, etc., to make the brand impression memorable.

Consistent Communication:

Consistent communication is necessary to keep the flow of information. Regularly share and update content on marketing channels.

Freedom of Expression:

Give customers options to express their feelings. Make the product catalog available on various platforms so that customers can explore products and make a buying decision.

Importance of Omnichannel Marketing:

Omnichannel marketing aims to engage customers with customer retention strategies for maximum benefits.

Accordding to SEMRush, customer retention is necessary for 61% small-businesses.

Here are the benefits of Omnichannel Marketing:

Brand Awareness:

Spreading the word about your brand is a time-consuming process. You need to be consistent to make customers rely on your brand.

User experience:

User experience is the key to connecting and engaging with customers. Without creating an amazing user experience, you cannot expect that customers will stay with your brand.

Real-time Data:

Omnichannel marketing collects data from multiple channels and filters that data to understand the benefits, content formats, and customers on each channel.

Multiply Revenue Growth:

Brands marketing on Omnichannel get more sales than those marketing on a single channel. This boosts conversion and customer engagement rates.

Build Trust:

Omnichannel is best at collecting data and creating products or services that suit your customers. It is a way to tell your customers you are happy to help.

Difference between Multichannel and Omnichannel:

It is standard to get confused between Omnichannel and multichannel. Here, I am clearing your doubts.
Omnichannel marketing is a way to reach customers by creating a personalized user experience. It includes re-targeting, email marketing, print ads, and other channels. It is about integrating channels.

Multichannel marketing uses multiple ways to reach customers, such as through emails and social media platforms.

Top Omnichannel Marketing Strategies:

Like every other marketing strategy, the Omnichannel marketer should follow a roadmap to success. This roadmap must include planning, resource gathering, data filtering, etc., to improve the overall strategy.


Understanding your customer’s journey is the first step to success. Mapping a customer’s journey from lead to purchase can result in wasting money on marketing.

Customer Journey Map: eAskme

How to Create a Customer Journey Map?

  • Know your customer: Collect data like full name, phone numbers, addresses, email IDs, etc.
  • Identify their issues: What does your customer want? How can you solve their problem? How can you make your product worthy? Find the answers to these questions.
  • Where are your customers? Find out which platform most of your customers are using and what content type they are interested in.
  • Tracking: Track the conversion rate, format, and method. Find out if your customers like to buy online or in-store.


Integration is an essential part of Omnichannel marketing. You must promote the same products and services on social media, websites, apps, stores, etc. This will make it easy for the customer to buy products no matter where they land.

Online Presence:

A strong social media presence is one of the most critical factors of Omnichannel digital marketing. Your brand’s online presence must have a similar tone.

Use the same logo, colors, fonts, and catalog.

Use ads, surveys, emails, and review sections to understand the pain points. Find out where your customers engage the most or where they hate to connect with your platform.

Improve flaws in your products, design, and marketing.


User experience indicates how well your brand can influence the customer’s journey. Personalized customer experience can create 62% returning customers. Customized user experience is not an option; it is a must for a business to survive in the competitive market.

Omnichannel marketing strategy relies on personalized experience. Address your customer with his name when sending emails or engaging on social media platforms. 

How to Create Personalized User-Experience?

  • Send personalized emails when a customer abandons the shopping cart to remind him to complete the purchase.
  • Segment customers based on the product sections to send recommendations.


Mobile-first: eAskme


Mobile-first marketing is the need of the time. Search engines prefer mobile versions of websites or mobile apps.

  • Create a responsive website that loads faster.
  • Keep the URL the same on every device.
  • Create mobile apps to connect with users easily. Let your customers browse and purchase using apps.


Automation makes Omnichannel marketing easy. Use Omnichannel marketing tools to automate the process.

  • GA4: Use Google Analytics 4 to track customer behavior. It will help you understand how customers browse your website or app.
  • Omnichannel Marketing Automation: Use marketing automation tools to connect social media marketing, email marketing, etc.
  • Personalization Tools: Use segmentation tools like Omnisend to segment your customers based on their product interests.

A/B Testing:

A/B testing in Omnichannel marketing helps you understand which strategy or campaign works the best. Run multiple campaigns, content formats, etc., to find out which is most engaging for your audience.

Analyze Performance:

Analyzing the performance of your Omnichannel marketing strategies is a must. It will help you find out what works and what you need to fix. It is an easy way to improve performance and customer interest.


Omnichannel marketing works on a pull marketing strategy. First, it engages with the customer, and then it influences him to visit your platform to start the customer’s journey.

Creating an excellent user experience is necessary to encourage customers to follow the next step of their buyer’s journey. Help your customers when they feel abandoned or lost. Use available marketing tools to save time.

Follow these strategies to make your Omnichannel marketing strategy work.

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July 10, 2024

Partnership Marketing [Explained]: What it is? and How to Use Co-Marketing for Branding, Links, Traffic and Revenue?

What is partnership marketing? How to use partnership marking to build links and increase brand awareness? If partnership marketing is a new thing for you, then this post will be quite interesting today.

Partnership Marketing: What it is? and How to Use Co-Marketing for Branding, Links, Traffic and Revenue?: eAskme
Partnership Marketing: What it is? and How to Use Co-Marketing for Branding, Links, Traffic and Revenue?: eAskme

Other people are at: Facebook Pages Received 6 New Feature Updates: Explained here.

I have explained different types of marketing over the year, such as.

Most of the time, you find them connected.

But marketing strategies are changing.

This is the reason why every year you see a new form of marketing.

Marketers are continuously researching for hours, weeks, and years to develop new influential marketing strategies. People find new things attractive, and this idea works with creativity in the marketing world.

While going after new marketing strategies, marketers often overlook the tried and tested marketing strategies.

Partnership marketing or co-marketing falls under this category.

What is Partnership Marketing or Co-Marketing?

Partnership marketing is also known as co-marketing.

As the name suggests, partnership marketing happens when you collaborate with other businesses to target a similar audience to promote products or services.

In 2019, National Geographic and Coors Light collaborated to target 10 million users worldwide and increased brand visibility by 7%.

Similarly, Social Chain and Buffer published a report to achieve 17,000 downloads in one week.

According to cheifmarketer, 77% of brands found partnership marketing effective in 2019.
And, it still works.

How to start with Partnership Marketing:

The basic concept of Partnership Marketing is to find a business with a similar audience. But you need to ensure that business is not your direct competitor.

For example; If you are running a travel blog, you should partner with the travel industry's businesses.

This will help you to boost brand awareness and build marketing strategies that will target similar customers with different products.

It is relatively easy to find such businesses.

Find out:

  • If other businesses are publishing content, where you also publish?
  • Who are the influencers or best service providers in your industry?

You will find a lot of businesses that are ready to partner for an extra boost.

After choosing the partner to collaborate with, you need to do a few things.

Write blog posts on each other's websites.

This way, you will build some quality links that can drive traffic to your website. These links also help to improve website visibility. The audience on your partner's blog will learn about your blog, business, product, or service.

Before you start writing your first blog post for the partner's website, it is essential to do keyword research. With the right keywords and optimized content, your con ranks the blog post in search results.

This is a practical approach to establish you as an expert content writer and marketer. Your post will stay on the site if you are generating value for them.

Write about a similar topic on your blog, and you can rank better in search results.


Partnership marketing or Co-marketing is when you and your partner not only exchange blog posts but also mention each other on different sites, social networks, or publications.

For example; If you publish a guest post on third-party sites, then start mentioning your partner's website there.

It is an excellent way to increase brand mentions, build more links, boost traffic and SEO performance.

Ask your partner to do the same for you.

Social Media Sharing:

During the content partnership, you both will be creating content for each other's website and publishing it on third party sites.

Sharing the content you are publishing on all the popular social media networks, and social profiles is a great way to boost brand awareness.

It is an easy way to grab more traffic.

Tag your partner, and you will see an increase in the number of followers also.

Email Newsletters:

Use email marketing to engage with existing followers and share the published content.

You should share the content published on your site with your email subscribers and also make sure that your partner also shares the content you have published on his website with his email subscribers.

Email lists are the effective place to engage with the audience.

If you don't have email subscribers, then start building your list.

Collaborate for eBook:

Collaborate with your partner to publish a professional and targeted ebook.

A book with creative storytelling can help both of you to influence most people in your industry.

To make the eBook influential, you must produce a quality ebook.

Co-host a Webinar:

The webinar is an effective strategy to educate the people about the products, services, or brand by boosting their knowledge on a particular topic.

Invite the influencers or partners to host the webinar with you.

To make the webinar profitable for you and your partner, you need to ensure that your product should align with what your partner is offering.

Add a call to action.

You can either help them make the purchase decision or direct them to the place where they can join your email newsletter.

Brands are using this strategy to offer products or services at better or competitive prices.

But you should not push your products on others. Ensure that what you are offering is valuable to build trust.

Think beyond making sales only.

If it is possible, you should take your webinar to a real life event.

Share clients:

All forms of marketing are there to help you generate more leads, sales, and revenue.

Partnership marketing helps you achieve long-term goals and improve your brand value, number of followers, traffic, and sales.


To make Partnership marketing work, you and your partner should truly align with each other.

If you can make it work, then it will a turning point for your business.

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July 06, 2024

Content Marketing for Lawyers: Creating Engaging and Informative Content!

Content marketing is the art and science of creating textual, visual, and video content that’s well-optimized and brings in traffic, inquiries, leads, and, ultimately, sales. Today, content marketing has become an integral part of any digital strategy, SEO plan, or traditional sales funnel. But how do you do it?

Content Marketing for Lawyers: Creating Engaging and Informative Content: eAskme
Content Marketing for Lawyers: Creating Engaging and Informative Content: eAskme

More specifically, how do you create content that performs well without spending much on content creators or a law firm marketing company?

Well, let’s find that out!

This guide is divided into four segments—The plan, intent, process, and ideals.

Follow these tips to create an excellent content marketing plan that scales with your business.

The Plan:

Any law firm internet marketing success story begins with a plan. There are two crucial considerations here: target audience and content strategy.

Determine your target audience and understand their needs, challenges, and interests.

Tailor your content to address their specific legal concerns and provide valuable information that resonates with them.

Once that’s done, create a content strategy outlining your goals, topics, formats, and distribution channels.

Plan your content calendar, ensuring a mix of informative articles, how-to guides, case studies, videos, and other relevant formats.

The plan is important, but what’s even more important is sticking to it.

Don’t create a huge one, as that might discourage you. Roughly 5-8 high-effort posts (could be videos or carousels) are enough.

Sprinkle these throughout the month. Supplement this content with simpler, less designed or decorated content like text-based stories, live recordings, or minimal posts.

In total, aim for 15 content pieces per month.

Your communication tone and design are very important and should remain consistent in the future.

The Intent:

Don’t just create a plan based on what you like or what you think works in the industry.

Market research and competitor analysis are critical. And more importantly, the content should be valuable.

Focus on providing educational and informative content that addresses common legal questions and concerns.

Offer insights on legal processes, explain complex legal concepts in simple terms, and offer practical advice to help readers understand their rights and options.

The intent should also expand to showcasing expertise.

Position yourself as an authority in your practice area by sharing your expertise through content.

Offer analysis of recent legal developments, provide commentary on relevant cases, and demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the law.

This helps build trust and credibility with potential clients.

The Process:

Mix up your content formats to keep your audience engaged.

Incorporate videos, infographics, and interactive content to present information in a visually appealing and easily digestible manner.

Use storytelling techniques to make your content relatable and compelling.

Completely familiarize yourself with the design requirements for every platform. 4:3 (slightly landscape) is ideal for Facebook. 1:1 (square) is suitable for Instagram.

Anything works on Twitter and LinkedIn, though generally, we recommend sticking to the square format across the board as it works well enough on both desktops and mobiles.

Reels, short videos, and stories are tall in the 9:16 ratio, covering most of a mobile screen.

That’s the design process. What about the content process?

Your content should not only be informative and helpful but also optimized.

Incorporate relevant keywords and optimize your content for search engines to improve visibility in search results.

Conduct keyword research to identify commonly searched terms and integrate them naturally into your content.

This helps drive organic traffic to your website.

Sometimes, these activities might be too much to handle on your own.

In that case, you can either build your team, which can be a little expensive, or outsource all this to an internet marketing agency with relevant experience handling lawyers, attorneys, and law firm clients.

The Ideals:

That should be enough for a law firm’s content marketing strategy. Here are some ideas to keep in mind:

  • Engage with your audience, respond to comments and foster discussions around your content. Social media platform algorithms like those who stay active, consistent, and engage with others.Don’t spread yourself too thin. Posting the same posts on four platforms isn’t exactly a good strategy.
  • It will fail because each platform has a different audience, and what works on one won’t work on another. Have a platform-specific strategy and only start with two platforms.
  • Encourage readers to interact with your content by inviting comments and questions and sharing their experiences.Respond to comments promptly and engage in conversations to build a sense of community and foster trust.
  • Inject your unique personality into your content to differentiate yourself from competitors. Be authentic, transparent, and relatable. Share personal anecdotes or case studies (with client consent) to humanize your practice and connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Aim to establish thought leadership. Weigh in on pressing issues. Carve a loyal fanbase. Go beyond the traditional content plan once you’re ready!


The highest-paid lawyers don’t earn that much without spending on content marketing.

It’s become a necessary part of any digital strategy today, and you’re missing out on heaps of traffic and tons of leads if you’re skipping this crucial aspect.

Our 4-part guide is a good place to start for any lawyer or law firm regardless of location, specialization, or marketing goals.

Follow all the actionable intelligence provided in the guide, and you can succeed!

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Share it with your friends and family.

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June 04, 2024

Content Scoring: Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success?

Do you know what content marketing is? Maybe you do. But, do you know what content scoring is? Do you know how content scoring help to get success in content marketing? No, well don’t worry these are the questions that I am going to answer today.

The whole world is talking about blogging, internet marketing, content marketing, affiliate marketing or many other names of marketing.

To get maximum out of your marketing, you create content such as blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.

You may have seen many marketers and SEO’s complaining that their content is not ranking or conversion is zero.

What is the reason behind this?

Have you ever checked that your content is capable of ranking for the keywords or have the potential to bring visitors or boost conversion?


This is the time where content scoring comes into play.

What Is Content Scoring?

Content Scoring : Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success: eAskme

Other people are reading: Content Marketing Tools to Skyrocket your Business

Content Scoring is a way or process to find out the potential of your content.

How you can do it or how you can score your content by assessing and quantifying its potential.
The answer is simple.

You can do it but tracking how content is performing for your business to generate leads or boost conversion.

Let’s dig more about content scoring.

What Content Scoring do for you:

What Content Scoring do? Content Scoring : Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success: eAskme

Know your customers:

Content scoring helps you understand buyer personas. The most successful content on your blog or website tells that what type of content can influence buyers. Once you know buyer personas, you can effectively control them with your marketing strategies.

Analyze actions:

When you understand the buyer personas, the next thing is to track the buyer’s activity. It is your job to find out what pages or posts or products your buyers find more useful. Which type of products or services attracts more buyers or buyers try to engage with which type of content.

This will help you plan a strategy that will make the buyers engage more with your content and buy more products from your business.

Such a strategy will help you to boost traffic and ROI.

Reposition the content:

Content scoring also helps you to reposition the content. You should keep the content on top position which has a high conversion rate. Keep the average converting content ad mid-level and rest at a low level.

What are the Benefits of Content Scoring:

Benefits of Content Scoring: What Content Scoring do? Content Scoring : Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success: eAskme

There are multiple benefits of content scoring.

Let’s discover them.

Content Scoring boosts the quality of your content:

When you score your content, you will spend time on adding value to already published content rather than creating post after post.

You will find ways to add more value to the content with good scoring or conversion. You can do it by adding infographics, videos, gifs, polls, etc.

Content Scoring improves your strategy:

Scoring content won’t give you results overnight. But, it helps you improve the quality of all the posts so that they can rank better and after some time improve the overall quality of your site or business.

The more help and engagement options you add in your content the more time visitor will spend on your blog.

Scoring content helps you measure user behavior:

Scoring content enables you to find out how visitors are engaging with your content and what type of content they not just promote but also want more on your site.

These help you to understand the performance of your content and reposition accordingly.

Leave an impression:

Scoring content will help you to create content that leaves an impression. When you keep the high ranking content on top position, it helps to attract more readers as well as improve the overall reputation of your site.

People find out that you are a professional and have authority in your niche.

This makes you an influencer, and you can easily influence the people.

How to Score Content?

How to Score Content? Content Scoring : Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success: eAskme

How to score content or how to improve content scoring rate can be your next question. It is a natural process. All you need is to follow some simple steps.

Let’s see how you can score content effectively:

Lead Scoring:

Lead scoring is one of the easiest ways to find how useful or influential your content is? As the word says for itself the content that generates more leads get more score than the content with fewer leads.


You may find it confusing to create a scoring model for your content. Let me help you here.

Create an excel sheet and write down weight, niche or field or product, attributes, keywords or queries, priority, and score.

When you create a list according to this, you will find out how your content is working.


Evaluation is the essential part of content scoring. Scoring content cannot be fruitful if you do not evaluate the results or data.

Keep track of your content on a daily basis and find out on which queries or keywords it is ranking. Focus on which content piece helps you generate more revenue.

Once you follow these steps, you can easily create content or content marketing strategy to boost organic traffic, leads, and conversion.

Now you know everything about content scoring such as;
  • What is content scoring?
  • What are the benefits of content scoring?
  • How does content scoring work?
  • How to score your content?
Now it is the time to find out how content scoring plays a vital role in content marketing success.

How Content Scoring Plays a Vital Role in Content Marketing Success?

 How Content Scoring Plays a Vital Role in Content Marketing Success?: eAskme

The whole world is falling for content marketing, but only a few can understand how to get maximum out of content marketing efforts.

Content scoring is there to help you in every possible way.

Scoring content provides actionable insight:

Content scoring provides you with all the details that help you find out where you should work on your content. It also enables you to figure out what type of content is some value or what kind of content needs some push.

You can quickly analyze the performance and decide accordingly.

Scoring Content Demands High-Quality Content:

Content Scoring makes you work on creating high quality, engageable and worthy link content. It pushes you to create content that not only satisfies your visitors but also attracts high-quality backlinks.

Gain Authority:

When you focus on content authority and work accordingly, you will create excellent pieces of content. This way you will tell the world how authoritative your content is and why people love your content.

This will attract more buyers and clients to your blog or business.


Content scoring is a natural process that improves the overall quality of your content, boost engagement, increase traffic, and generate more leads. It is easy to create the content scoring sheet and score your content.

Work on improving the content quality, and you will have everything to run content marketing campaigns effectively.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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Boost Your Content Marketing with These Handpicked Article for You:

May 15, 2024

The Metaverse for Marketers: Complete Guide

It is not only Facebook that has changed to Meta, but the world is changing so much, including marketing, blogging, and business.

Metaverse is one of the most talked-about and significant technological development these days. And it is all about creating a better experience.

The Metaverse for Marketers Complete Guide: eAskme
The Metaverse for Marketers Complete Guide: eAskme

Digital marketing is already there to help businesses market their products and services to the end customers. Now, Metaverse is coming to help businesses and marketers.

When the world is already running after Metaverse, it is time to learn everything about Metaverse, bust some myths, and help marketers.

Let’s find out how marketers can use Metaverse.

What is Metaverse?

Matthew Ball is the first person ever to imagine Metaverse. But the day Zuckerberg announced about Metaverse, things have changed, and it became the hottest topic to discuss.

Even today, Metaverse is still a hypothetical internet world that relies on virtual 3D environments. You can access Metaverse using VR headsets, Augmented reality headsets, and personal computing.

There are many things about Metaverse that do not exist. But in the future, they will develop and become available to ordinary people.

Games like Fortnite, Roblox, Second Life, etc., are some common examples of what you can experience in Metaverse.

Right now, Metaverse allows you to create a virtual avatar and travel in the virtual world or environment. You can also purchase goods to power up or style your gaming characters in Metaverse.

Metaverse and NFT: Are they related?

Non-fungible token, also known as NFT, does not have any tangible value. It also means that it cannot be replaced with anything.

These days digital art is one of the most popular types of NFT.

But, Metaverse will have more use of NFTs.

Morgan Stanley once said that the NFT market will become massive by 2030 to reach $56 billion. And it will happen because Metaverse can create massive demand.

As more people use virtual avatars, the demand for more unique avatars will increase. People will spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on Metaverse avatars to make the appearance attractive and appealing. The same way virtual fashion market will boom.

The Fortnite market is the perfect example of its success.

If you do not know how Metaverse will impact business and marketing, you are already living behind your time.

The Metaverse is an inevitable development based on the idea of when.

The Metaverse will leave a massive impact on marketing. Some of these you can already see.


VR or virtual reality is already there.

We have been following VR technology for more than a decade. Gaming technologies have massively used VR.

Virtual reality is everywhere, from product research to the sale of services and products.

VR gives the ability to the team members to actively participate in product research and development.

Customers also like virtual reality as they feel connected with the complete process. In the coming decades, generations will be sharking hands with more technological advancements.

Augmented Reality:

Augmented reality is one step ahead of virtual reality. Pokemon Go and smart glasses are the best examples of augmented reality.

Augmented reality has made it possible for smart devices to collect data and enhance user experience.

With The help of Augmented reality, buyers can interact with services and products. You are not leaving your real world when using augmented reality.

Branding in The Metaverse:

Metaverse will bring more business, marketing, advertising, and branding opportunities. You can use virtual billboards, message boards, virtual avatars, and merchandise to market everything.

NFT is also helpful in this branding. You can create customized spaces and avatars like cities, islands, stores, and houses to improve branded virtual content for the customers.

According to Cathy Hackl, it is not easy for brands to create virtual merchandise. Yet brands like Gucci and Chipotle are doing it.

Virtual Popups:

Popup shows are pretty common for businesses. You can put all your products and services in virtual popups.

Marketers can use virtual popups to build a network or market products or services online. Virtual popups improve your chances of reaching a broader audience.

Virtual position can easily change and grab more eyeballs. It is best for you as you do not need real-world shops and save a lot of money and effort.

Virtual Classes or Training:

YouTube has already taught the world how to use recorded videos and Live streaming to market products and services. Metaverse can make virtual classes and train more impacting.

The virtual world is helping students to get a Real-world environment in metaverse classes. Marketers can use virtual training to educate team members and run product demonstrations.

Metaverse events:

Meta has launched a virtual event where people can enjoy the singer.

Metaverse events are gaining popularity, and this is a sign that brands can use metaverse events to promote related products and services.

You can also host metaverse events to influence your targeted audience.

Metaverse Marketing FAQs:

What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is the most advanced version of virtual reality and augmented reality. In Metaverse, users will have real-time experience and interact with virtual reality.

Why is Metaverse important for marketers?

The Metaverse is the next platform where markets can connect with the virtually available audience. It will bring more opportunities for businesses to grow and expand.

How to monetize Metaverse?

Businesses can monetize Metaverse by creating popup events, virtual classes, and virtual merchandise.

Who is building Metaverse?

Companies like Apple, Meta, Epic games, Niantic, etc., are building their Metaverses.


Metaverse will take a long time to become that effective and realistic. But it doesn’t mean that you should not prepare for it.

You should start investing in augmented reality ads and virtual reality ads.

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April 27, 2024

Retargeting Ads: How it works?

Ads retargeting is an essential part of ad campaigns. You must understand what Retargeting is. How can you use success retargeting strategy for your business?

Google first addressed retargeting in 2010.

Now, businesses are using ad retargeting in a much more significant way.

Retargeting Ads: eAskme
Retargeting Ads: eAskme

Is there no option you should use retargeting ads or not?

Ads retargeting is a must.

Now the question is, how should you use retargeting for your paid campaigns?

Whether a newbie or an expert marketer who wants to improve your retargeting strategy, you should know how to create retargeting campaigns.

Importance of Ads Retargeting:

Retargeting ads are pretty beneficial for eCommerce sites.

The eCommerce industry has a 0.7% to 4% conversion rate, which is relatively low. Low attention span is the reason. When people scroll a lot, they usually forget the product they are interested in. Therefore, retargeting ads help improve your marketing strategy.

People visiting your page for the first time may not be interested in purchasing anything.

For example, if only 4% of visitors want to buy from the site, then the rest, 96%, are not easy to convert.

If your retargeting ad tells people to buy your product, it will not yield any good results.

Your "Buy Now" retargeting ad will not make 96% of people convert.

What makes the retargeting ad successful?

  • Audience behavior segmentation.
  • Choosing the best ad platform.
  • Serve the right audience to pitch the right message.

How Retargeting Ads Will Help You?

The retargeting ad is unsuccessful if it only pitches to people "Buy Now."

A successful retargeting ad will follow the next buying decision step.

Your retargeting ad should understand what your customer is looking for and the steps to help him make the final purchase decision.

To make it work for you, you need a remarketing strategy.


Tagging is the first thing you need to take care of when running retargeting ads.

Tags are helpful when you are targeting customers on apps or websites.

Each ad platform has a different pixel for retargeting ads.

Here are the most popular ad platforms for retargeting:

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook/Meta Ads.
  • Twitter Ads.
  • Microsoft Ads.
  • Instagram Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads.
  • Twitter Ads.
  • Snapchat Ads.
  • TikTok Ads.
  • Pinterest Ads.

Adding too many pixels to your website can slow down your website.

Therefore, it is best to use Google Tag Manager for effective management.

How do Tags Work?

Tags help to identify user behavior on your website. And use this data for ad targeting on different platforms.

The best thing about using tags is to get rid of third-party cookies. Google has already announced that the brand will remove third-party cookies.

This change has increased the need for retargeting ads.

Create Targeted Audiences:

The absence of third-party cookies will impact the ad retargeting.

Instead, you will need first-party data such as email address, contact number etc.

After collecting first-party data, you will have limitless segmentation opportunities such as;

  • How do visitors come to your website or blog?
  • How long do visitors stay on your website?
  • What action visitor has completed?
  • What products or categories have they viewed?
  • Have they purchased anything?
  • How much have they spent on watching videos?
  • What offers have they found interesting?
  • How have they engaged with your social media pages?

Be creative when creating retargeting ads to remarket your business.

Upload visitors' information on ad platforms to retarget users.

You can upload:

  • First Name and Last Name:
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Address, etc.

You can easily retarget the audience when your data matches the ad platform.

With the help of pixels and tags, you can easily create an audience based on behavior.

You can create remarketing lists after linking your Google ads account with your YouTube channel.


Once you understand your audience, choosing the right message is next.

Use different messages for different audience segmentations.

Dont look for the sale but look for the process that can lead the user to make the purchase.

Here is what you can do in different scenarios:

  • For Product Awareness, create an informative page and lead the visitor to that page.
  • Use qualifying factors for retargeting ads and make them download whitepapers.
  • Lead people to lucrative offers once they complete an action.
  • Don't use push marketing. Ads retargeting is about Pull marketing.

Ad Platform:

After choosing the tags, pixels, audience, and message, the next step is to choose the right ad platform for retargeting ads.

I have already shared the major ad platform for retargeting.

How to find the best retargeting platform for ads?

You can find the answer with these.

Critical Demographics of your audience.

Pages where the audience spends maximum time.

Why are you collecting user information?

The message you are sending to your audience.

You will find the answer to these questions when you dig deeper into user behavior and understand buyers' personas.

And with that answer, you will find the best retargeting ad platform.


Use the above tips to see growth in conversion and revenue.

In the past few years, retargeting options have changed a lot.

Now, it is necessary to align retargeting with users' expectations.

Keep an eye on what is changing in the ads and marketing industry. It will keep you updated with the changes in retargeting strategies.

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Share it with your friends and family.

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