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March 13, 2024

Microsoft Updates Store Ads and More.

Microsoft has announced store ads and product updates for January 2023.

On 12th January 2023, Microsoft published a post displaying the upcoming updates for Microsoft Store Ads on desktop.

Microsoft Updates Store Ads on Desktops and More: eAskme
Microsoft Updates Store Ads on Desktops and More: eAskme

Microsoft has announced updates in the following sections:

  • In-Market Audience Expansion
  • Microsoft Store Ads
  • Responsive Search Ads

Microsoft has shared everything in the updates document and how a marketer should prepare for 2023.

Microsoft Store Ads on Desktop Devices:

If you are from the gaming industry or app marketing, you should know about this.

Microsoft’s new ad format will display your ads in Microsoft Store App, which is accessible on Windows 11 and 10 desktops.

People will see your ads on Gaming and Apps tab in the Microsoft app store.

Here is what Microsoft Store ads will look like:

Microsoft Store Ads on Desktop Devices: eAskme

Microsoft has launched Store ads for desktops to offer the following benefits:

Advertise your apps and games on more devices.

Microsoft ad platform with easy ad campaign setup and management.

Track user behavior with UET Tag:

You must get approval to use Microsoft Store ads.

You should submit your brand name and link to the Microsoft store to get approval. After getting approval, you can use the ad format.

Target International Market:

Microsoft ad update is available for international marketers and advertisers.

Now you can target an audience in Africa and the Middle East.

You can target 71 in-market audiences in Africa and the Middle East.

Africa Regions:

  • Congo
  • Ethiopia
  • Gambia
  • Guinea
  • Lesotho
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritius
  • Namibia
  • Nigeria
  • Reunion Island
  • Seychelles
  • Tanzania
  • Togo
  • Zimbabwe

Middle East Regions:

  • Algeria
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahrain
  • Egypt
  • Georgia
  • Iraq
  • Israel
  • Libya
  • Moldova
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Tajikistan
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen

Extended Text Ads Final Reminder:

Microsoft has also given a final reminder to advertise that 31st January 2023 is the last day to edit or create Expanded Text Ads. It means that after 31st January 2023, you will not be able to create any new text ads or edit text ads.

From 1st February 2023, all you have is responsive search ads.

Note: Google has also shut down extended text ads on 30th June 2022.

Microsoft Ads 2023: What You Can Expect?

Microsoft has given a glimpse of how the ads in 2023 will be. Microsoft is trying to be a unique ad platform with the following ad formats:

  • Local Search Ads
  • Marquee Ads
  • Vertical Ads

You can create Microsoft Vertical ads for the following categories:

  • Automotive
  • Tours and activities
  • Health Insurance
  • Credit cards
  • Professional Services
  • Cruises


Microsoft will be testing new ad formats in the coming months or years. As we already know, Microsoft is trying to compete with Google and wants to increase its market share.

With new ad formats, Microsoft is targeting advertisers looking for the best ad formats to target audiences worldwide.

Ad expansion in other countries is also helpful in improving user engagement.

Stay tuned with us for more Microsoft updates.

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October 12, 2021

Microsoft Advertising Launched Open Beta for Credit Card Ads

Microsoft has announced the launch of Credit Card ads for advertisers.

Now advertisers from the USA and Canada can use Credit Card ads.

Microsoft Advertising Launches Open Beta for Credit Card Ads: eAskme
Microsoft Advertising Launches Open Beta for Credit Card Ads: eAskme

What Are the Microsoft Credit Card Ads?

Credit card ads are Dynamically generated ads. These are feed-based ads, and one cannot use keywords or content to create ads.

Feeds will have details like signup bonuses, card issuer, annual fees, rewards, and cashback percentages to create credit card ads.

Microsoft wants advertisers to add as many details as possible in feeds to create Credit Card ads.

Where will Credit Card Ads Display?

You can find Credit Card ads on the right side of BING search results with text ads.

Advertisers cannot use keywords, but there are few queries that Credit card ads can display, such as credit level, category, etc.

You should also check the disclaimer as it is a must to show disclaimer in credit card ads.

Credit Card ads auction system is different than text ads.

Advertisers can use both text ads and credit card ads.

Beginning of Credit Card Ads:

Microsoft said that the combination of text ads and credit card ads has increased conversion and decreased CPA.

Advertiser with Credit card ads has seen 46% conversion rate with 70% low CPA.

Starting with Credit Card Ads:

Use this link or visit Microsoft Advertising rep to enroll for Credit Card ads.

The advertiser should provide feed to create Credit Card Ads. The feed should have images and contextual keywords.

Microsoft Recommends that advertisers should use feed schedule.

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