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March 19, 2024

How to Keep Your Kids Safe on Moving Day?

Whether you are moving to UAE, Canada, or the USA, if you are moving with kids, you already have many things to deal with. It doesn’t matter that they are young children or toddlers; you must face additional challenges.

But you can still move peacefully with your kids to a new location.

How to Keep Your Kids Safe on Moving Day?: eAskme
How to Keep Your Kids Safe on Moving Day?: eAskme

Today, I share some of the best ways to stay calm, collected, and cool when moving with your children.

Stay Sane:

When moving with the kids, make sure that you do not lose your cool.

Moving day Kit:

Stock up everything that you believe will keep your kids busy when you are managing moving day.

You can buy construction paper, stickers, color books, and crayons.

Interactive Games:

To keep your kids safe, it is necessary to keep them engaged with something safe. Bring age-appropriate interactive games for your kids.

Video Games or Movies:

If your kids love video games or some fun movies, arrange that a day before moving day.


Kids love music. Play songs for your kids when moving from one place to another.

Stay Safe:

Just do the following things to keep your kids safe during the moving day process.

  • Keep sharp objects out of reach, such as crossbow scopes.
  • Keep harmful chemicals out of the reach
  • Designate kids zone
  • Get some help from friends and family members, give them cute comfy lounge clothes to try or arrange.

Keep enough space in your car for your kids to move easily

Pack Smartly:

Pack when your kids are sleeping. It is the time when you can do the packing job without distraction or trouble.

Pack a bookbag:

Take the help of your kids in packing stuff important to them. Make them pack their belongings such as books, toys, etc.

Arrange snacks for the road trip:

When moving by road, you should keep snacks and soft drinks for your kids.

Arrange their favorite snacks and drinks to make them have fun during the road trip to the new place.


It is not easy to move with babies or kids, but you can easily manage the moving day process with the following tips.

Prepare your child for the move and take the help of the best local movers to help you do everything on time.

Understand the expectation of your kids and look at the moving process from their perspective.

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May 08, 2023

Ten Simple Tips to Pack Clothes for Moving: How to Pack Clothes for Moving - zeromax

Packing clothes for moving can be more complex than getting furniture or other items ready.

This is why many people put off the task until the last minute. Most garments end up in boxes left unpacked for several days after the move is complete.

Although packing can be stressful, many businesses and moving companies like Zeromax provide full-service packing.

Even if you hire a professional relocation company to help you move, you are responsible for packing all your clothes and finding the best way to pack them quickly.

Ten Simple Tips to Pack Clothes for Moving, How to Pack Clothes for Moving - zeromax: eAskme
Ten Simple Tips to Pack Clothes for Moving, How to Pack Clothes for Moving - zeromax: eAskme

Before you decide on the best way to pack clothes:

If you save time and try to pack your belongings in boxes or suitcases instead of packing them, you will be setting yourself up for disaster.

These quick tips will help you speed up your packing and prepare for your relocation.

These tips will help you pack clothes and find affordable moving companies such as Zeromax.

  • Sort all clothes. Each piece of clothing is different, and each one has a different purpose. You can classify your clothes by material, season, number of pieces, or individual. Sorting according to seasons is the most efficient way to sort clothes. This will prevent clutter from building up during a move since seasonal items are usually placed in the back of your closet and are thrown away.

  • You can choose which clothes to keep. Now it is time to sort your clothes into three piles: items to keep, items to donate, or things to sell. Only save clothes you've worn in the last year that fit well, are still in excellent condition, and have some personal significance to you. You can also sell items you don't use anymore, even if they have been well-kept.

After removing all unnecessary items and organizing everything else, you can start packing clothes for the move.

After you have gathered all the items you plan to take with you, it is time to consider how you will transport them. There are several ways to transport your clothes from one location to the next safely.

  • Vacuum bags are a great way to condense bulky clothing items like winter jackets and coats.

  • Wardrobe boxes in different sizes are ideal for packing clothes on hangers. This makes the unpacking process faster and easier.

  • If you need to transport folded clothes or shoes, suitcases, and duffel bags are a great alternative to cardboard boxes.

The Zeromax specialists and moving coordinators will give you useful tips and advice, helping you prepare your valuable possessions.

How to pack clothes effectively for moving?

How can you prepare clothes that are not hanging for the move? Before you can transport anything that isn't in a hangar, wrap it carefully and put it in a moving box or suitcase.

You can make packing easier or more complicated depending on how you roll or fold your clothes before storing them.

This will reduce the number of containers you need to load and transport your belongings. It will also make it easier to unpack in your new home.

There are many ways to fold something, but the following are the best.

  1. The military roll method benefits delicate or small garments. This method is beneficial for packing small or fragile garments in large duffel bags or carry-on luggage.

  2. Flat folding is the best method to fold bulkier items like sweaters and pants. This strategy is the best for storing garments in vacuum bags or card boxes.

What if you have a lot of clothes hanging around that you need to take with you? Hanging clothes should be packed separately.

There are many methods to pack them properly.


How to pack your clothes for a relocation?

Hangers are a great way to move as much of your wardrobe around as possible. This is the most efficient and wrinkle-free way to transport garments.

Most people hang at least one rack of clothes in their closets. You can pack clothes that are hanging out using a variety of efficient and simple methods.

  1. Wardrobe box. Wardrobe boxes are a special type of box designed for hanging clothes. The wardrobe boxes come with a hanger bar that makes it easy to organize and store any garment.

  2. Garment bags. Garment bags are a great way to protect delicate items during relocations.

  3. Trashbags. This is the easiest and most cost-effective way to transport hanging clothes. Place your clothes in a large garbage bag with drawstrings. Then, hold onto the hangers. You can also make a small hole in the bottom of your bag and insert the hanger hooks through it. Finally, tie the hanger hooks using a string or rubber band.

Organizing and packing your clothes is key to making your move stress-free.

These are the basics of packing for a move: Clean your clothes, don't stuff the boxes too much, and place heavier items at the bottom.

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September 06, 2021

What You Should Know Before Moving from Canada to Florida?

Do you want to move from Canada to Florida, USA? If yes, then you should learn or know everything important to move smoothly.

Florida is a southeastern state in the USA.

What You Should Know Before Moving from Canada to Florida?: eAskme
What You Should Know Before Moving from Canada to Florida?: eAskme

It has the Gulf of Mexico, and on the other side, it has the Atlantic ocean.

Florida is famous for Walt Disney World, Kennedy Space Center, Universal Studios, Miami Beach, Everglades national park, Seaworld Orlando, etc.

But if you are moving from Canada to Florida, then you must not only care about attractions. You must look for many other things.

Employment/Business Opportunity:

If you want to settle down in Florida, you must look for a job according to your qualification or start a business.

You will need a visa from the following categories:

  • Employment Authorization Card/ Work Permit
  • Employment Visa
  • Permanent Resident Card/ Green Card

Hire an International Moving Agency:

An international moving agency like Orlando moving companies to pack everything make this move easy for you and your family.

When moving abroad, you need to take care of many things, including the emotions of your family members.

An international moving agency will offer a better rate, have a license,  provide insurance, and often have better customer reviews.


When moving from Canada to Florida with family, you should look for healthcare. Make sure you opt for some healthcare program that covers your family.

You can opt for healthcare plans offered by private companies.

The most popular healthcare plans are private medical insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Learn why healthcare is important. Also, learn from this website about how to plan for old age.

Home and Auto Insurance:

You will need home and auto insurance in Florida. Talk to the car and home insurance providers. Make sure they cover the cost of damage caused by accident and offer protection against the damage or loss of the property.

Find House or Apartment in Florida:

You can find a lot of affordable housing options in Florida. In the main cities, you must pay more, but you will find cheap housing options in suburban.


It is always wise to learn everything about the new place and opportunities before moving from Canada to Florida.

Make sure that you take care of your family's comfort and support them during the moving process.

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June 21, 2021

What You Should Know Before Moving to Abroad with Your Family?

Are you planning to move abroad with your family? You may be moving to a new place for better job opportunities or a better lifestyle.

When moving abroad or a new place to settle down, such as France, you will face many challenges.

It is important to learn everything about the new place, culture and society before you even plan to move to that place.

What You Should Know Before Moving to Abroad with Your Family?: eAskme
What You Should Know Before Moving to Abroad with Your Family?: eAskme

Other people are atHow to deal with Loneliness?

Here, I am sharing what you should do before moving abroad with your family?


Research is the only option to find everything about the new place or the place you want to move to.

It can surely take some time, will save you from overspending, over-stress, etc.

With research, you will find out salary scale, expenses, rent, utilities, schooling, cost of living, transportation, visas, residency, work permits, bank account opening process, phone contracts, etc.

You can find all the information online.

For example; If you want to move to Mississauga, you will find many websites ranking on the first page, and they are there because of Search Engine Optimization Mississauga. If you want to move to LA then look for best movers los angeles.

Work on Emotions:

Moving home is not easy for those who are emotionally attached to the place where they are living.

Your family may find it difficult to move abroad if they have too many feelings for the current place.

Most aged people and children have this issue.

You need to understand their situation and make them feel safe and supported.

Reassure that wherever you go, you all will stay together, which is most important than anything.

House Hunting:

House hunting is another major thing that you should consider before moving abroad.

To find the perfect home, you need to find the perfect location.

When finding a home, look for everything you want in the house, such as pool, parking, heat cord for roof, etc.

The location where the house is not far from school, hospitals, grocery stores, etc.

Make sure that the place is safe and has an active community.

Find School:

If you have kids studying, you should look for the place where the school is near.

Not only have that, but schools must have a good reputation.

Consider location, tuition, extra-curricular activities, teaching quality, price, and location.

Settling in:

To make the new place comfortable for the family, include them in house hunting.

You may also want to renovate a new house according to the family’s interests.

Talk to your family members; discuss the location, room color, etc.

Keep family together in every decision.


Moving to aboard has its risks and difficulties.

However, by keeping your family together in every decision, you will make things easy for everyone.

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June 18, 2021

How to Move with Your Loved Ones?

Moving or relocating to a new place is a difficult task. But due to career choice or some other reasons, you may move to a new place with your family.

When moving with a family, things can get complicated. You have to take care of everything, including stuff, people and their feelings.

How to Move with Your Loved Ones: eAskme
How to Move with Your Loved Ones: eAskme

Other people are at: How to Put Yourself First?

Aged people and kids find it difficult to move and settle in a new place.

Today I am sharing some tips that will help you move easily with your loved one.

Involve them:

Do not move everything on your own.

Take the help of your young kids, friends and aged members, also where teenagers can help you pack things and make a checklist.

The aged person can advise you the best ways from their experience.

Their involvement in the moving process makes a move easy for you and your loved ones.

Create experience:

If you are moving to a new place that is small from the current one, your family members may find it difficult to adjust.

The only thing that you can do is rearrange things in your house so that your family members have the same space that they will have in the new house.

It will help them to understand what they can keep and what they can toss off.

Also, it will give them time to adjust themselves in that space.

Stay Organized:

When you are moving the things of other members, you should maintain an excel sheet.

Use a different color for different members.

It will help you, and they easily find out where you have placed their things in the new house.

Start from Emotionally Neutral Rooms:

There are rooms in your house where you have maximum emotional activities or get-togethers.

If you want to avoid the panic situation, then start with Emotionally Neutral rooms.

When you start with less emotional rooms and end with the most emotional rooms, you get fewer issues from your family members.

You can take the help of professional moving services moving companies Tampa.

Give them the time and space to grief:

To ensure that your loved ones do not carry bad feelings with this move, you need to give them the time and space to grief.

It helps let go of old feelings and make space for the new.

Make the Understand why the move is important:

Tell your family members why the move is important. What are the benefits of the new place and why should they move with you?

Talk to them, explain everything, be open for discussion and stay positive.

Tell your children about the private schools or the new schools where they can go and make new friends.

It will help you to make them happy about the new place.


Whether you are moving senior in home care or moving your family with you, you must follow these points to avoid stress, arguments, and unhappiness.

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April 23, 2021

Long Distance Moving: How to do It?

Are you preparing to move on a long-distance? Have you ever moved to a city far away from your current location?

Moving is not an easy thing.

You may be moving to a city or place located far away from your place.

Long Distance Moving: How to do It: eAskme
Long Distance Moving: How to do It: eAskme

Other people are at: How to Move Piano Without Professional Movers in the Bay Area?

Moving to long distance is more difficult if you do not plan your relocation.

Hardly 14% of people enjoy moving to new places.

This means that moving to a long-distance location can be a headache for you.

Today, I will save you from this headache with these tips to ease your long-distance moving.


Moving is surely expensive when it comes to moving to a remote location.

You still want to save money.

The best way to move during the off-season. You will get special offers from movers and packers.

In the USA, July and August are the peak months when people move the most. It is best to plan your relocation for May and September.

Ditch Useless Things:

There must be some items in your house that you have not used for more than a year.

This also means that either you do not need them anymore or use them once in a lifetime.

You need to get rid of such items, and it will help you save more.

For example; If you are running Seo company Toronto but want to move to Mississauga, then you must get rid of all the junk in your office.


When moving from one place to another, you are not only moving things but also your life.

New places have a different lifestyle, people, and environment for you.

To save yourself from burnout, you must relax. This will help you pack everything without stress.


If you are on a cross-country move, then you must understand the importance of quality packing.

Pack everything, write a note on the boxes, tape them properly, and make sure they are not broken. This will make help you keep your belongings safe during the move.

Detach Yourself:

When you live in a place for a long time, it becomes the part of your life.

If you have to leave that place to move to a new location, your memories will haunt your emotions and try to banish you from moving.

To save yourself from an emotional crackdown, you must take time and sock in the memories.

Also, focus more on the future and try to detach yourself from unnecessary emotional behavior.

Take Time to Adjust:

When moving to a new place, you will experience new people, different cultures, or even climate change.

You need to be patient and adopt the new location with a warm heart.


Follow these tips and you will land in your new house at long distance in perfect housewarming way.

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August 01, 2020

Tips to Move with a Baby

Relocation or moving is not an easy task. And, when you have a to carry a baby, things become more difficult. But similar to many other parents in this world, you can also relocate or move with your baby.

All you need is to adopt baby proof strategies for your relocation.

Tips to Move with a baby: eAskme
Tips to Move with a baby: eAskme

Other people are reading: 7 Crucial Things That You Must Check Before Buying a House

And, here are the best tips to move with a baby.


If you have a newborn baby, then the only thing you do is to stay calm during the moving process. Take help of your husband, family or friends.

Keep your mood lighter.

If you have a toddler, then talk to him about the relocation. Telling the baby about the move will help him to understand what to expect. You can also discuss with the woodbridge moving company for help.

Organize the packing process:

Pack Non-essential goods:

Packing non-essential goods should be your priority.

You must pack all the non-essential baby things like clothes, blankets, extra toys, etc. By yourself and pack it days before the final moving day.

Pack baby Essentials:

After packaging all the baby non-essentials, it is the time to collect all baby essentials in different boxes.

Some of these items you may need even when you are moving.

So make sure that you are packing then in the box where you can easily access them during the moving process.

Make the list of all baby essentials such as;
  • Clothes

  • Diapers

  • Wipes

  • Blankets

  • Toys

  • Breast pump, feeding pillow

  • Snacks

  • Stroller

  • Carrier

  • Cooler

  • Juice

  • Bottles

  • Pacifiers

  • Car seat

  • Bath items

  • First aid kit

  • Essential medication
Pack more packs of snacks and bottles, as you never know when your baby will ask for them.

Distract your baby with toys or cartoons to easily pack without disturbance.


When moving with the baby, it is important to have a baby car seat installed in your car.

If you do not have that, then make sure that someone responsible will take care of the baby while you are driving.

Also keep things like scissors, lighters, cleaning supplies, sharp edge object and other dangerous objects away from child’s reach.

Baby proof new house:

Before allowing your toddler to play in a new house, the new house must be baby proof. Remove everything that you find dangerous and fix everything that is broken.

Clean the whole house to get rid of insects.

Follow these points to make your new house baby proof:

  • Lock the drawers

  • Restrict entry to dangerous areas and staircase with the help of safety gates.

  • Keep small objects away from children.

  • Install window guards.

  • Install smoke detectors.

  • Install covers on electrical points.

  • Lock all the medication.

Final Words:

Your baby is most important than anything in this world. And, it is important that you should keep him same and distracted to manage the relocation process with ease.

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