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March 02, 2020

Writing in College: 15 Tips for Students

Writing helps to build a connection between the writer and the reader. It is a medium to express one's intention, thoughts, and views. It is an essential skill every college student must possess.

The art of writing is an integral part of the learning process that can not be avoided.

Writing in College: 15 Tips for Students: eAskme
Writing in College: 15 Tips for Students: eAskme

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Whether you are planning to take a test, to create a thesis, or to take a class, there would always be a reason to write.

Creativity in writing can not be learned.

However, there are writing tips for college students that are really helpful.

1. Writing Improves Your Vocabulary

The quality of your writing is dependent on the number of words you know.

Your vocabulary, grammar, and choice of words when writing would determine how your work would be rated and also give an overview of your ability and intellect.

Poor vocabulary will ruin your writings and might be the reason of a low grade.

2. Read More

Reading a wide range of topics and books would give you more knowledge and will improve the ability to write well.

The more you read, the more you know how to structure your essays, what language to use, etc.

3. Keep on Practicing

No one becomes a champion at anything at once.

There is a need for a consistent and persistent training until they get to their desired point.

The same thing works for writing too. Don't get tired of writing when you have only tried it once.

The more you rewrite, the easier it becomes, and you have a better idea of how to write and express your point of view.

4. Be Willing to Be Corrected

You would never know how great or bad your writing is until you show it to a neutral person who would judge and analyze your work without any sentiments.

Be open to corrections and criticism, even when you are confident of your ability in a specific field.

Always consult online assignment writing help services to find wisdom.

5. Avoid Using  Slang

Make sure you avoid using slang, abbreviations, and smileys when writing.

Learn and review the basics of formal writing and use them in your work.

6. Always Express Your Thoughts Clearly

When writing, ensure you are not ambiguous, and your work is clearly defined. Ambiguity can confuse the reader and make him lose interest.

Remember, no one knows what is in your mind when writing except you, and they would be unable to comprehend your thoughts and see the beauty of your work if you can’t clearly express your opinion.

7. Make a Plan and Stick to It

You might have a lot of thoughts in your head as you pen your ideas down.

However, you must try your best to stick to the idea and not get distracted by other things.

If you want to add a new idea, make sure you connect phrases in the right way.

8. Ask Questions

Asking questions about what you are supposed to write about would give you a broader and clearer view of what to do. It would also push you a step closer to your goal.

Asking questions is a step for deeper knowledge.

Visit your professors and instructors, consult their help, and ask for ideas about what they want you to do.

Go online and search for tips for college writing and ways to get things solved.

9. Don't Procrastinate

Procrastination is a killer of time. Start writing right after you were given the assignment.

Leave nothing for tomorrow what could be done today.

You can make a schedule on how to do the assignment you were given, but make sure you do not waste time.

Don't wait until when you are given a deadline to start writing.

It would lead to a rush and make you less productive as you ought to be.

10. Use Writing Help

Benefit from the writing help while doing assignments.

Writing help are programs and instruments that assist you in writing on the language you need.

For example, if English is your second language(ESL) and you are expected to write in English, writing help will be really useful.

11. Give It Your Best

Be attentive to your writing. See it as a part of your life and pay full attention to it.

Look beyond the assignment or task and give it your best shot.

Enjoy what you do and do all the necessary things to make it perfect.

12. Go Through a Similar Work

You would agree with me that there is always a similar work to the one you have to do.

Most times, all you need for your work is an idea of how it has to be done and a guide on how it can be carried out.

Going through a similar work would give you an understanding of what is needed to be done and how to get it done.

13. Do not Copy

While going through various related works to find answers and understand how to do your assignment or project, you might be tempted to copy because the answers you get are just too perfect and intelligent.

However, this is not acceptable.

Copying would not allow you to explore the depth of creativity, you won’t use your intellect, and your paper can be plagiarized. Avoid it!!

14. Proofread Your Writings

Go over your draft when everything is ready.

You can do this as many times as possible, and you would be amazed to see that you will keep making corrections as you go through it.

Proofreading would help give your work a top-notch view, and it would help to find mistakes you were not aware of when you created the work.

15. Consult Online Writing Services

Always ask for the assistance of writing services that will help you check your grammar and sentence structures.

Final Words:

Writing skills cannot be developed in a day.

However, when you give attention to practicing with the writing tips for students, you would be surprised at the results and your academic success.

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December 05, 2019

4 Ways Good Writing Skills are Beneficial for Your Career

Writing is a highly important skill for executives and managers who want to be successful in their jobs. In this digital era, writing skills have become even more important for communicating with your boss, clients, colleagues and subordinates.

4 Ways Good Writing Skills are Beneficial for Your Career: eAskme
4 Ways Good Writing Skills are Beneficial for Your Career: eAskme

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It is seen that the people having well written online profiles are more likely to catch attention of the employers looking for potential candidates for the vacancies.

Since it has become easy to access professional profiles of prospective employees through social media and other online platforms, the employers can rapidly judge your communication skills through your writing skillfulness.

Listed below are the ways good writing skills can be beneficial for your career.

1. Prove Your Credibility:

Employees with good writing skills are generally considered as valuable resource and companies around the world are spending more money on their employees to train them and to and improving their writing skills.

Good communication is scored on your performance appraisals; hence you should also keep working towards improving your written communication skills.

Imagine you sent an email to your company’s client that’s full of errors and doesn’t convey the message clearly, what would the client think about you and your company?

Therefore, good writing skills are necessary for the sake of your reputation and credibility.

2. Show Your Professionalism:

Good writing skills are highly necessary for the people having a job that involves writing – such as the case of professional essay writer, journalists, bloggers, content marketers, etc.

In modern workplaces, professionals belonging to every sector are expected to have good writing skills.

That’s because in a job, you’ll be frequently required to compose emails, compile reports, type memos, letters, notifications etc.

You need to write in a manner that’s clear, comprehensive, formal and well organized, thereby depicting your professionalism and capabilities.

3. Communicate Effectively:

As mentioned earlier, professionals are constantly involved in writing emails, letters, memos, and reports.

All such correspondences require good writing skills so that you can communicate your commands, invitations, offers, and ideas effectively.

On the other hand, poor writing skills can be a hindrance to your promotion as the management will view you as an incapable employee for a senior post.

People with poor communication skills considered as less intelligent in the corporate world.

Furthermore, if you are a manager and you fail to direct your subordinates through effective communication, your job can be at stake for lacking leadership skills.

4. Enjoy Promotions:

If you are a junior employee, improving your writing skills can open doors for you to be considered for a senior position.

Hence, the better your writing skills are, the more often you will be admired by your colleagues and your seniors, and they’ll turn to you for the help if they need to draft effective writing pieces and the word will get around.

The management will also return to you for crafting documents with clarity and accuracy.

Thus, good writing skills cannot only help you grow as a professional but also help you get exciting career growth opportunities.

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August 20, 2019

Things You Should Consider Before Starting Your Job as a Freelance Writer

A person who choose freelance writer as a job has a rewarding future. Writing is a process you can adopt to make money. It not just offer you money but also provide you an opportunity to educate yourself on a variety of topics.

It enhances your knowledge because sometimes, as a writer, you assigned a topic you may not know well, it requires more research than an average topic.

Things You Should Consider Before Starting Your Job as a Freelance Writer: eAskme
Things You Should Consider Before Starting Your Job as a Freelance Writer: eAskme

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Sometimes, expert writers can cover topics from tube light to statue of liberty.

There are few things a freelance writer should know before starting to write an article.

1. Time Management

The first thing you need to make your career as a freelance writer is time management.

Most clients ask you to complete their work within the time they want speedy turnaround.

Some customers have an open window regarding the time frame for the assigned task.

Some clients give writers a few hours.

It is up to the writer how he/she manage to complete his/her given task.

2. Writing Style

Most freelance writers work with different clients they all demand a specific style of writing.

As if you’re working for students, they desire to follow their college or university patterns to write their assignments or research papers.

You can ask students to send you some writing samples so you can write accordingly.

3. Prefer Your Specialized Area

Though many freelance writers can write on a wide range of topics, some specialize in specific areas.

As a writer, it can be more comfortable and satisfying to write on topics related to your subject.

In some types of writing like medical or legal documents, you need proper knowledge and research because you cannot claim anything without facts and figures.

Writers who accept such projects that they are incapable of writing quality work risk tarnishing their reputation.

4. Consider Research

The amount of time for a paper writer is often determined by the research involved in writing.

Before taking the responsibility of any assignment or research paper, find out how much research and time is needed to complete it.

5. Set Rates

There is no doubt you’re spending time and effort in writing, but if you’re new in this field, you may get a low price.

Many professional writers charge a considerable amount for writing any assignment or other content due to their experience.

As you’re new to this job, you may be paid less, but after gaining some experience, your profit would be in your hand.

6. Produce Quality Content

Quality of written content matters a lot.

If you focus on the quantity to make more money and overlook the quality of the content, it can cause trouble.

If you want success in this field, you need to earn your name.

Quality of your written content attracts clients to come to you, and in this way, you will get both profit and experience to take your career to the next level.

Being a freelance writer can both fulfilling and exciting.

Anyone skilled at writing can have a bright future as a freelance writer.

All that is needed is time management and the efforts you put in your writing job.

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August 19, 2019

How to Start Your Business as a Freelance Writer?

It may seem unbelievable to some people that several people make a decent living writing freelance. They overlook the reality that they and about 80% of people that use the internet are fueling the demand for online freelance writers.

Business experts are aware that the best way to connect the online audience is to publish relevant web content. It attracts users and helps to convert the traffic into clients.

For this purpose, they badly need professional writers to promote their services and products.

How to Start Your Business as a Freelance Writer: eAskme
How to Start Your Business as a Freelance Writer: eAskme

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If you are thinking to enter this world, you can enjoy several benefits.

Your income would be in your hand; you can earn a considerable amount of money by putting some extra efforts and time.

To make more money, you have to organize your writing and need a platform to flourish your skills.

Our guidelines may assist you in accomplishing your task.

1. Make a Plan to Achieve Your Goals

Before starting a business, you need to make a plan.

Without timely and proper planning, you might fail to achieve your goals.

It would help you to understand the budget you need to start a new business.

A good planner can earn double money if he makes he follows his timetable and work schedule.

You work plan can guide your path. If your initial work plan doesn’t help you gain your goals, then you know you should try something else to achieve them.

2. Search a Platform

After setting your work plan, you have to search for a platform from where you can start your work.

It not only give you experience but also provides opportunities to make money.

Apart from writing and searching for a platform, you also need to find out what fee different writing companies are charging. This information will help you to stand out among your competitors

You also need to understand the target market that what they expect to you.

Some people don’t care about the quality the only thing they mind is price.

3. Decide Writing Niche

If you’re thinking to start your career as a freelance writer, then you should know which type of writing you’re more comfortable with.

Various kinds of writing are in demand you can focus on one type of writing, such as custom essay writing.

Here are just a few writing areas you can consider:

Blog Writing:

In blog writing a writer create articles for bloggers according to the blog topics

Academic Writing:

it is one of the most profitable types of writing.

Today, students don’t get enough time to make their assignments or research papers.

They always keep in search to find a professional writer with great writing skills and experience.

You can earn a considerable profit by writing an assignment, custom essay, or research paper.

Resume Writing:

Many job seekers always keep in search of a person who can create a good resume for them.

If you can create a good resume, you can make money without any extra effort.

The only thing you required for resume writing is the understanding that how a job seeker can attract an employer

Technical Writing:

If you have an engineering, or even you take an interest in computers and software you could have a great writing future in this field. 

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December 03, 2017

How to Write a Professional Resume with Little or no Work Experience

Finding a job with little or no work experience is a challenge that can discourage most. But, a professionally written resume can turn the tide in your favor. You can write an entirely impressive resume, even if you don’t have existing skills or experience and get hired too. 

How to Write a Professional Resume with Little or no Work Experience: eAskme
How to Write a Professional Resume with Little or no Work Experience: eAskme

Crafting a convincing resume

An excellently written resume can turn your disadvantage of having little or no work experience into a job opportunity. Here are some smart resume tips for you:

#1 Summary statement, a must

How to Write a Professional Resume with Little or no Work Experience

Mentioning your objective to describe, what career goals you want to achieve is passé. Your endeavor should be to focus on what you can do for the employer. By including a resume summary, you get to display your professional side on the first page itself. 

It may only consist of one or two sentences but will give a positive impression to the recruiter and prompt them to go through the whole resume.

#2 Chronological versus functional resume format

Chronological versus functional resume format: eAskme
There are two types of resumes – chronological and practical – that you can opt for. Chronological resume requires listing your work experience in reverse chronological order. It may not serve your purpose if you have little or no experience. A functional resume is more suitable, as it focuses on your skills and achievements, rather than work experience.

#3 Perfectly written

How to Write a Professional Resume with Little or no Work Experience

There is nothing more off-putting for a recruiter than to find a resume with typos and grammatical mistakes. Be sure that you revise your resume several times to weed out any punctuation, grammatical and spelling mistakes. Also, ensure that your resume is factually correct and gives a professional look.

#4 Mention all achievements and activities

Mention all achievements and activities: eAskme

Since you don’t have any work experience to write about, it is essential that you mention in your resume all that you have done. The first step is to make a list of all your achievements and then picking out the relevant ones, applicable to the kind of job you have applied for.

#5 Mention education and skills

Mention education and skills: eAskme

Mentioning your knowledge and skills is an excellent way of circumventing citing work experience. Expand your education, the school and college you have attended, the subjects you have studied and the skills you have acquired along the way, which makes you ideal for the job applied for. Higher education will have a more significant impact on the recruiter.

#6 Mention taking up internships

Mention taking up internships: eAskme
Having done a course is an excellent substitute for work experience. Mentioning this in your resume will straightaway convey to the recruiter that you have some real-world work experience.

It also carries that you have built a network of people, who could be tapped by the company hiring you. If you have not done any internship, it is essential that you apply for one just to get it on your resume. 

#7 Mention extracurricular activities or volunteer work, if any

Mention extracurricular activities or volunteer work, if any: eAskme

Don’t underestimate the significance of extracurricular activities and volunteer work. This is because employers give serious consideration to volunteer experience along with work experience.

In case you have done it and have learned a new skill or gained some expertise useful for the job applied, mention it in your resume.

#8 Things not to be included in resume

Things not to be included in resume: eAskme

Irrelevant information, just to fill up the resume, is a big no-no, since it not only irritates but also discourages the recruiter to read through it. Such things may even show you in a negative light.

Things that are not to be given in a resume are references, writing samples and your photos unless asked for. Mention a professional sounding email and not something funky. If you don’t have one, create a new one, just for your resume.

#9 Include keywords

Include keywords: eAskme

Keywords have become a present-day requirement since recruiters scan and sort resumes using an applicant tracking system or ATS. This system is designed to pick up the keywords that gel with the demands of the job.

So, if you have not used them on your resume, ATS will merely overlook your resume, even if you have all the qualifications.


Writing a professional resume with little or no experience is crucial. The onus of impressing the recruiter rests solely on how you draft it. The above points will help you not only write a perfect resume but also land that job.

What challenges do you face when writing a professional resume? Do you have any question? Feel free to share via comments.

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March 16, 2017

5 Little Changes that Brightens Your Resume

Resumes are the first and the most important aspect before applying for a job. Resumes give away your very first impression to the employer and they have to be flawless. But no matter how perfectionist we are we all tend to make some mistakes, we can get them sorted by reading expert’s papers they will help you a lot.

5 Little Changes that Brightens Your Resume : eAskme
5 Little Changes that Brightens Your Resume : eAskme
Other people are reading : 6 Small Things You Must Know While Writing a Resume

So here are some 5 little changes that brighten your resume.

Clichéd statements

We refer to the resumes over Google and copy paste the same statements in our resume. These statements are nothing but old and makes your resume the typical ones, employers do not get impressed by these statements and are usually rejected.

Make sure your qualification is updated

Your qualification skills matter a lot, make sure you are working with the trend and skills set and are not practicing old skills, update yourself with dynamic changes in the market.

Correct information

Correct information, never fake. Make sure whatever claims you make are accurate. If the employer figures out that the claims made by you in your resume are nothing but fake and exaggerated than they will surely reject you.

Professional layout

Make sure you do not over decorate your resume even if it is for a creative field, keep it simple and  neat for one to understand it properly in one go.

Your objectives

Many do not know this secret but one must always alter their objective of the resume and make sure that they are around the lines of the company’s vision and mission. This makes them feel that you guys are on the same page and will work harder to accomplish the objectives as well as the vision and mission.

These 5 things if pulled properly in a resume then you can be remarkable in your very first impression, never forget resumes play a key role and without their help you cannot crack an interview. So work 10 times harder on the resume and make sure you deliver the best. There are times that companies only scan the resume first and later call for an interview. Many companies do not even accept a resume as you are not matching their criteria for the job profile. May be for different reasons like your education are limited and the profile demands more. Or maybe the percentage ratio cracked by you previously is not apt according to them. There are times that the person even gets rejected before they are over qualified for the interview. So you make sure that you check your resume thoroughly before going for any interview, you have to double check your resume and cross check it with the companies requirements and alter it for every new interview.

Following these 5 keys aspects of your resume will brighten your resume and make it absolutely flawless, double check on grammar and other silly mistakes like alignment and make sure you take a dual print of your resume before going for an interview.
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6 Small Things You Must Know While Writing a Resume.

Well though there are many samples online, you still tend to make minor mistakes. You can get help from the experts and they guide you with easy tips of how to write a paper be it resumed or an essay.  Writing a resume is crucial as it is like the very first impression of yours to the company. Following are the things you must know while preparing a resume.

6 Small Things You Must Know While Writing a Resume : eAskme
6 Small Things You Must Know While Writing a Resume : eAskme
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6 Small Things You Must Know While Writing a Resume

1)    Format – do not send a resume which is unstructured; make sure you know the resume format well before sending it to anyone. You can refer to the guidelines and online demos of the resume template or  format for a resume. This is very important; the interviewer will not have much time to locate things on your resume so one must keep the information structured for the interviewer’s reference.

2)     Information – do not fill your whole resume with the information or every small thing you have achieved in past, keep it explicit and short and sweet. Make sure you are not extending your resume for more than 2 pages as then it looks shabby and unreadable. Information Is the most important thing and one must know what all is only required in a resume.

3)    Honesty – Honesty is indeed the best policy as eventually the employer will figure out if the things mentioned on your resume were real or fake. So try and make sure that anything put in your resume is honest and accurate. Classify your experiences and put them in proper words without any exaggeration, exaggeration is easily spotted and is a big no for resumes.

4)    Grammar mistakes – the worst mistake anyone can ever make in a resume is grammar mistakes, before forming a sentence makes sure that it is grammatically correct, especially your objectives, clichéd statements are a big no when it comes to setting your goal and objective in a resume. Try and keep it simple and sweet and achievable. Do not over burden yourself by setting higher objectives which sound unrealistic, this doesn’t show you are hard working but surely makes the interviewer doubt your pragmatic approach.

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5)    Accomplishments – carry proof or make sure you have an authenticated proof of your accomplishments you have mentioned in your. Usually the interviewers do not ask about them but the probability might change and they might ask you for some proof regarding your accomplishments. Secondly do not fill it with everything you have done previously it has to be related to the job profile you have applied for.

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So these are the 5 main small things one must keep in mind while they are writing a resume, it is not as hard or big task as it seems. You should not get influenced by the crappy demo resume online. Just follow the guidelines, keep it short and sweet and make sure the layout as well is decent enough. Carry an extra copy before going for an interview, and that is it you do not and will never require more than this.

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to share via comments.
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