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May 22, 2021

8 Ways To Use Ringless Voicemail For Business

Effective ways of reaching out to customers have always been one of the most important aspects of marketing.

Businesses make use of various advertising avenues like printed materials, broadcast advertising, and various social media platforms, but some companies feel that these aren’t enough.

8 Ways To Use Ringless Voicemail For Business: eAskme
8 Ways To Use Ringless Voicemail For Business: eAskme

Other people are at: How to Make a Successful Website: 11 Critical Factors

After all, a marketing team that misses out on an opportunity to further expand their market and to reach out to their customers would be remiss on its duties.

The technological advancements that happened over the years provided businesses with fresh methods of reaching out to customers.

One of these is the ringless voicemail or RVM.

It’s a unique tool for businesses to reach their customers and potential clients where they weren’t interrupted in their day-to-day routines.

This is still the Information Age after all, and that means people receive a prodigious amount of communication, like messages, emails, notifications, and alerts every day.

Making sure your messages go through and reach their intended recipients can be tricky.

So, it helps to utilize multiple channels of communication.

This article discusses the concept of RVM and how to use them for business.

What Is A Ringless Voicemail

As you can glean from the name, RVM or Ringless Voicemail is a technology that many businesses use to send messages directly into their customers’ or potential client’s voicemails without ringing their phones.

This innovation is also known as voicemail drop since the voicemail is ‘dropped’ directly into the customer’s voicemail box.

Various businesses specialize in providing the software for ringless voicemail, like Drop Cowboy Ringless Voicemail.

This technology is turning out to be extremely useful in promoting one-on-one marketing. It enables companies to make use of one of the smartphones’ most common features, the voicemail.

Why Go With Ringless Voicemail

Why Go With Ringless Voicemail: eAskme

Businesses always keep an ear to the ground when it comes to new technologies that can give them an edge over their competitors.

It’s because if they don’t, their competitors will. The business world is filled with very competitive people, and crucial missteps can be fatal for their brand.

That’s why this tool of communicating with customers is crucial for any business that seeks to expand its reach. Compared with other forms of telemarketing, RVM has several significant advantages.

One of the most obvious is that ringless voicemail isn’t as intrusive as cold calls. In fact, RVM has significantly fewer complaint rates when compared with cold calls.

Ringless voicemail is also usually transcribed by services that provide voicemail-to-text solutions.

As a result, your ringless voicemail recipient will more likely read rather than listen to your message.

Moreover, this technology costs less and is far cheaper than a call made by a live operator. Ringless voicemail is also highly effective especially when incorporated in a coordinated marketing strategy.

Follow-up ringless voicemails to warm leads—that is, people who have expressed interest in your brand—are likely to result in callbacks during an ad campaign.

Make personalized messages that are specifically tied to your campaign and your voicemail drops can result in a high callback ratio. Moreover, ringless voicemails have a higher response rate than emails.

Ringless voicemail messages aren’t your typical telemarketing communication. It’s more like a personalized message that motivates clients to respond and interact with you.

RVM providers can help you install your own RVM technology in no more than 48 hours.

Ways Of Using Ringless Voicemail

Establishing personal connections with your clients is pretty much a surefire way of increasing sales, but the typical methods of adding your personal touch on client communications can be quite prohibitive.

Phone calls are notoriously expensive, aside from being too time-consuming.

Your sales representatives handle numerous calls that more often than not don’t even reach the intended recipient.

Cold calling also causes burnout among the members of your sales team.

Being ignored and the constant rejections they encounter could do that. If this is getting to be a concern, you might need to look for a better solution.

With ringless voicemail, problems connected with cold calling are avoided.

Here are a few ways of using ringless voicemail for your business:

Use A Toll-Free Number

Having a toll-free number may set you back a few bucks, but the benefits offset the extra cost.

For one thing, it lets people contact you without them incurring charges.

That in itself is an excellent incentive for contacting you.

For another, toll-free 1800 numbers can be configured to suit your brand. This makes your number more memorable than the standard, generic numbers.

Just make sure that whatever number you pick from 1800 numbers, the people who are dialing them will reach your voicemail numbers.

And they will dial them—clients and potential clients will be more motivated in calling you back.

You have a nice, easy-to-remember number that they can call and is toll-free, after all.

Besides, having a toll-free number, your company will look more credible to people.       

Reminders On Appointments, Meetings, And Others

Confirming appointments and meetings is perhaps one of the simplest ways a business can use ringless voicemail. What’s also great about ringless voicemail is that the system can be automated fully, which could result in increased efficiency.

A person making live phone calls to clients would no longer be necessary. You can just send ringless voicemails.

Google calendars might be enough for some people to remind them about their appointments, payments, meetings, and others, but for sure there are also others who aren’t as organized.

They might not be keeping track of appointments or when something is due.

You can help them by using ringless voicemail as friendly reminders of their approaching commitments or schedule changes.

You could also inform them of the upcoming events that your company is holding or sponsoring which could be of their interest.

Voicemail drops are also used to provide updates on your existing customers’ service status. You won’t have to use intrusive phone calls that could occur at inconvenient times.

For updates regarding delivery procedures, shipping orders, and others that are needed to be sent to clients, ringless voicemails are the preferred way to go.    

Reactivate Lost Customers

Regardless of how different businesses define what constitutes a lost customer, it’s still something any business would want to prevent. And if it does happen, businesses have several ways in their arsenal on how to get them back.

When a client hasn’t been showing up, calling them may not be the most tactful thing to do, for a variety of reasons.

They could be suffering from social anxiety and feeling embarrassed to talk to you about it, or for any other personal reasons.

A ringless voicemail avoids all that—it's tactful, yet it doesn’t exert too much pressure on the client (the client could just ignore the voicemail), and the client could if they want, return the call when they’re finally comfortable to talk to you.

Utmost tact should be used when you’re trying to get back or reactivate a lost client.

Typically, you should start by acknowledging their absence.

After that, you assume that perhaps there has been an error or a mistake, and if so, you’re sorry.

Finally, try to elicit a reply, like offering them something that could pique their interest, like a discount or a sale, and suggest a deadline for the offer.      

Get Inbound Calls From Potential Clients

There’s no denying that face-to-face selling is still the most effective method of selling something.

With face-to-face selling, a vendor could read non-verbal clues and other signs from the client’s body language.

You can’t do this in online selling.

A buyer shopping online could simply click ‘x’ and leave the site. The next best thing is talking to clients on the phone.

Using ringless voicemail can be very effective in eliciting inbound calls from your prospects.

When someone’s listening to their voicemail, you know they’re doing it on their phones.

And since they’re already on their phones, the first step in getting them to call back is already there.

The chance of getting inbound calls from prospects is, therefore greater, compared to other methods.

Guide Clients And Potential Clients To A Site

One of the great things about ringless voicemails is their non-threatening nature.

It doesn’t put pressure on people. It won’t scare away people who suffer from social anxiety.

People who wander into a brick-and-mortar store don’t always appreciate a salesperson’s offer of assistance.

Either they move away or they’ll answer with, ‘No thank you. Just looking.’

But truthfully, people generally visit a store because they want to buy something.

If they rebuff a salesperson’s offer of help, it’s because they want to decide for themselves what to buy.

If they do need help, they’ll ask for it.

That’s why messages like the ringless voicemail are deemed safer and a non-pushy way of offering help.

So, here’s another way of using ringless voicemail for your business—tell clients about your site and encourage them to visit it.

This method lets you seamlessly build sales funnel through a nonaggressive medium that can convey any messages that you send.

Make Your Clients Feel Appreciated

Saying ‘thank you’ goes a long way in reminding your clients that they and their patronage are appreciated.

Businesses that don’t practice saying ‘thank you’ to their customers will soon have customers who feel unappreciated.

Pretty soon, their customers will express their dissatisfaction by no longer patronizing their businesses.

Using voicemail drops to show your appreciation for their patronage will remind them that your business cares.

You can automate a series of ‘thank you’ messages in your voicemails to your clients.

You can create these messages to send after significant events, like their first time on your business, repeat buys, and others.

Without voicemail drops, sending thank you messages could be challenging, not to mention prohibitively expensive if you have thousands of clients.

Sending ringless voicemails is a great, cost-effective way of making them feel appreciated.

Try to send personalized messages and avoid overly using generic ‘thank you.’

Respect Your Customers

Respecting your clients is the foundation of customer service.

If a client needs to contact a business and talk to its customer representative, they will do so at their most convenient time.

They can also listen to their voicemails at their own time. Using ringless voicemails in a way that respects your clients is a good business practice.

Showing respect to your clients doesn’t stop after a transaction. You can also show your respect to your clients by conforming to their preferred way of communication.

If they informed you that they’re electing not to be contacted by your company either through phone calls or voicemails, then you have to respect their choice.

Perhaps they prefer it if they’re the ones who’ll initiate communication with you when it comes to inquiries or purchase orders.

And if they express their willingness to accept phone calls or voicemails from your customer representatives, it falls upon you and your team to not let that opportunity go to waste.

Your phone calls or messages to them should be personalized enough to make them feel valued and appreciated.

The messages should be concise and delivered in a respectful and straightforward manner.

Avoid dithering and end the message or call on a positive note.

A ‘Hope to hear from you soon!’ at the end won’t hurt. After all, your business’s reputation is on the line.

If your client returned a call or voicemail, do your best to reply on the same business day.

It doesn’t bode well for your business’ customer relations if you leave your clients hanging.

Building rapport and earning the trust of your clients means you have to be attentive and available to them.  

Deliver On Your Promises

Keep in mind that even if you have a newfangled ringless voicemail system installed, it’s not worth a hoot if your promises are about as reliable as a sleazy politician’s campaign promises.

Use your ringless voicemail in a way that increases your clients’ trust in your brand. Gaining your client's trust is a big win for your brand.

All voicemails or calls that the company receives or sends need to be checked and followed up. If their queries are about your services or products, then you could answer them promptly.

If it’s about scheduling a meeting regarding a project, then you could quickly arrange the time and place.

And if it’s about a complaint regarding your product or service, the quicker you can apologize and deal with their concerns, the better.

Don’t make the mistake of not taking your promises seriously.

People have long memories, and in the Information Age, nobody forgets anything especially promises that were made publicly.


Ringless voicemail technology is a great boon for businesses, especially for those who are trying to expand their market reach.

Moreover, this tool is especially effective when integrated with other marketing strategies.

Ringless voicemails or voicemail drops can be more effective than other forms of telemarketing because they’re non-intrusive and has far less complaint rates than cold calls.

Sending them discreet messages like ringless voicemails lets them decide how to proceed with the next stage of communication with you.

It gives customers control over when and how to communicate with you.

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