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February 01, 2025

Why and How You Should Update your Link Building Strategy in 2025

A mistake many digital marketers make is to put a strategy in place and thinking that’s the end of it. The truth is, SEO is a dynamic and shifting industry that’s changing all the time.

For example, in September 2019, Google made big changes to how they treat outbound links. Earlier in the year, Google also shifted to mobile-first indexing. These are just two examples of how Google keeps SEO experts on their toes with shifting ranking factors.

Google is trying to make marketers care more about what makes great content and user experiences. This means their PageRank algorithms will continuously change as people’s habits and needs change.

That also means you need to adapt your strategies directly to consumers.
  • Where do they go to get content?
  • Which links do they follow?
  • What are the latest trends?
 These continuously change, and so should your strategies and techniques.

How to update your link building strategy for 2025?

Why and How You Should Update your Link Building Strategy in 2025: eAskme
Why and How You Should Update your Link Building Strategy in 2025: eAskme

Guest post on other platforms and allow guest posting on your blog:

Despite misplaced fears that guest posting is dead, we’re glad to report that’s not the case. Guest posting is still a fantastic way to:
  • Get free exposure
  • Establish an industry reputation, and
  • Create high-conversion backlinks
As mentioned, it’s just important that you follow Google’s link building guidelines. Don’t be too spammy and keep your links relevant and valuable.

The advantages of guest posting can also go the other way around. If other brands or industry figures write on your site, they will also share it on their blog or social media.

 This can be picked up by others, increasing links to your website.

Guest posting can be a bit more challenging than writing on your own blog. You have to find great platforms, pitch your idea, and stick to their editorial policies.

More and more small businesses find themselves in need of guest posting services to help them make it feasible.

Engage with influencers:

Influencers have earned that name for a reason. They have vast audiences that trust their opinions and recommendations.

Getting a share from them on social media can lead to fantastic rolling benefits.

You can directly contact influencers in your niche and inform them of articles or content they might want to read (and share).

However, be careful for paying for these as it may be counted as a link scheme by Google. You can also tag influencers in attractive posts in hopes of a shoutout.

Create shareable content:

Notice that we said “create” and not “write.” That’s because it’s becoming more important every year to include visual media as part of your content strategy.

Research shows that video is one of the favorite things for readers to share on social media.

Another study by BuzzSumo also shows that infographics are the most popular type of text content to share.

Certain types of articles also perform better than others. Top lists… and how to guide articles are extremely “clickable” and “shareable” by influencers, blogs, or on social media. It’s time to give the people what they want.

Labeling links appropriately:

If your links aren’t too promotional and you haven’t paid for them, you don’t have to follow this guideline.

However, if they are, you should qualify links as such so that Google ignores them. Not doing so can be seen as a “link scheme” by Google and they can penalize your PageRank for it.

You can tag links as “nofollow” or as “sponsored” content and Google will either not follow it or treat it appropriately.

Replace broken links:

Yes, this old faithful strategy is still valid as ever. Google punishes broken links and editors that are pressed-for-time can be grateful for a high-quality, relevant piece of content to replace broken outbound links falling right in their lap.

To get the most out of this method, make sure your content is high-quality and that you approach relevant guest posting sites.

Not doing so, will probably get your rejected and even punished by Google.

More tips for 2023 and beyond:

The most important tip for 2023 is to keep creating the best content you can.

Googles PageRank algorithm is getting smarter by the byte it collects.

It’s becoming increasingly adept at identifying valuable content and weeding out the very good fakes.

Any link building strategy will still rely heavily on the quality of your content as the foundation to build on.

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Other handpicked link building guides for you;
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January 26, 2025

Eagle Eye Concept for Bloggers and SEO: Everything You Need to Know About Eagle Eye Rule

Eagle Eye Concept! Do you know what Eagle Eye Concept is? And how this works? If you are a regular reader of eAskme, then you may already know about it, but if you do not, then you should learn about it.

Every blogger, marketer or webmaster wants to grow his/her website to get maximum traffic and generate revenue.

But, there is so much competition in every niche.

Then, how you can compete when the legends of online business all already ranking for most profitable keywords.

Many of you may think that there is nothing for you and you always have to play low.

If you think this then your mind is not beyond competition.

You may have been following the famous 80/20 rule where you have been spending 20% time on writing and 80% time on promoting your content.

But still many of you are not able to to see the success. Why is that?

The answer is simple.

What works for one may not work for another.

Now keep your eyes wide open.

What is Eagle Eye Concept or Eagle Eye Rule?

Eagle Eye Concept: Everything You Need to Know About Eagle Eye Rule : eAskme
Eagle Eye Concept: Everything You Need to Know About Eagle Eye Rule : eAskme

Other people are reading: #GrowWithEaskme
The name Eagle Eye Concept tell you that it has something related with Eagle Eye.

Do you know why the Eagle Eye is famous?

Eagle eye is famous because Eagle uses its eyes for a keen or close watch.

When doing research a keen and close watch is essential.

That is where Eagle eye concept comes into play for blogging and SEO.

Gaurav Kumar has created a way for you to balance between research, writing and promoting. He says that without research nothing can help you to grow.

He has shared Eagle Eye Rule where you spend;
The Eagle Eye Rule or Eagle eye concept give equal importance to research and promotion.

The more time you spend on doing research the more better you understand the user personas and ways to promote the content.

Why you need the Eagle Eye Concept or rule?

Blogging is not just about writing and promoting.

There is one major step that comes first even when you write the title of your blog post, and that is "research."

After visiting 200+ blog posts of different blogs, I have seen that people are spending less time on research and more time on creating and promoting content.

This is the reason Why Gaurav Kumar, Founder of eAskme has created the Eagle Eye Concept.

The Eagle Eye rule will help you to spend more time on research and find out where your competitors are lacking.

You can create better content with all the data you have gathered and then use perfect methods to promote your content.

How to Gather Data or do Research?

When following Eagle Eye Rule you need to spend more time on research to gather data which is influential.

Not the question is how you can research to collect data.

It is easy.
  • To collect the data first target the competitors who are already ranking for the similar topic or keyword.
  • Use keyword research tools
  • Analyze traffic volume, keyword competition, ROI, etc.
  • Read the content and find out what makes the content to rank higher, such as LSI keywords, long tail keywords, bounce rate, social share, backlinks, etc.
  • Also pay attention to writing style, number of words and conclusion.
When you follow these simple steps, you will have all the data which will help you beat the competition.

Your research will help you to understand the psychology of readers to beat the competition.

The next thing is to filter out the useless and outdated content.

Now you will have the only useful data to write link worthy active content.

Your research will help you to beat the competition.

I know this is what you want.

Who is Eagle Eye Concept for?

Eagle eye concept is for every blogger, marketer, webmaster.

It is for every person who wants to be successful and wants to grow his online business.

Eagle Eye Rule will make you do extensive research, and you will have all the benefits of research.

This concept is created to tell people the importance of research.

Extensive research will help you to grow as an influencer.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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Boost Your SEO with These Handpicked SEO Article for You:
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January 21, 2025

How to Use Ego Bait Content To Build Links and Generate Leads

When creating a bunch of link worthy content giants, it is necessary to focus on the role of impactful link building.

You may have tried many things, but if the results are not according to your expectations, then you have to try something new and more powerful.

How to Use Ego Bait Content To Build Links and Generate Leads: eAskme
How to Use Ego Bait Content To Build Links and Generate Leads: eAskme

Other people are reading: High quality backlinks for your site

Most of the time link building strategy fails because you do not feed what most people need.

In reality, most of the incoming links a website get only because it feeds to the ego of other webmasters.

The most important link building strategy works around human psychology than feeding the search engine with SEO.

I call this strategy “Ego bait: or “Ego baiting.”

Ego baiting plays a vital role in building links to your site.

Ego bait content is a psychological way to attract high-quality one-way links and improve the quality of ranking signals.

It is the time to uncover the link bait content strategy that will help you to build quality links and grab the attention of influencers easily. This strategy also works to boost the social engagement of your content.

What is Ego Bait Content?

Ego bait content follows one simple rule, and that is “boosting the ego” of webmasters and influencers to grab linkback from them.

Most of the link building strategies follow creative content approach, but ego bait follows the personal and more targeted approach.

Ego baiting content is about creating the content around a specific product, website, business, group or person.

How does Ego Bait Content Strategy Works?

Ego bait content is the perfect example of how marketing strategies and human psychology can bring excellent results.

Every human in this world want to be famous and want people to follow him.

Recognition for skills, accomplishments, and products always work as the most significant achievement of human life. It brings satisfaction.

When you create content to boost the ego of a webmaster, or his products or services then you can easily influence them to share your content with their audience and even get the link back from their websites.

Here are the few examples/types of link bait content;

  • “Best of”
  • Interviews
  • Expert roundups
  • “You are Awesome, Here are Why?”  style posts.
When building links using ego bait content, you should have a clear goal that what you want to achieve such as leads, backlinks, etc.

Types of Ego Bait Content:

When creating Ego bait content, you should focus on the influencer, product or service not just for the sake of link building.

You may think that I am talking some old school thing here, but there is more in that. One can easily find out that the content you are creating is to help or promote the influencer or just for building links.

Successful ego bait content always intentional, personal and focused.

To choose the right type of ego bait content, you should decide your target.

Here are the popular types of ego bait content:

  • Awards
  • Directories
  • Expert Roundups
  • Listicles
  • Interviews
Let’s dig deep into the types of ego bait content to find out more about your ego bait strategy.

Featured Interviews:

A featured Interview is one of the most influential types of ego bait content.

By featuring expert interviews on your blog or website you make them share your content again and again on social networks. The social signals, traffic, followers and even bring the link back to your site.
Many sites have featured my interviews, and I share such posts again and again on my social networks to boost their social signals.
This is an easy way for me to show gratitude and also increase their social signals.

When interviewing an influencer on your blog, you can highlight their forte, ask them questions and share the whole story with your readers.

This way you can try to build a strong relationship with influencers and encourage them to comment on your blog and share your blog posts.

This is the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship. Influencers love to share their interviews on social networks and sometimes you can even earn a link back.

Featured interviews are easy to arrange and publish. You need to connect with the brand owner, webmaster or influencer to share the opportunity with them.

If they are ready for the interview, then send them questions. Once you receive the answer, publish and share the link with an influencer and ask them to share it on social networks.

The beauty of the ego bait interview content is that you need not spend hours or days to do research or spend long hours writing content.

This type of ego bait will create unique quality content and boost social shares, traffic and backlinks also.

Round-up Posts:

Roundup post is one of the widely used types of link bait content.

It is similar to an interview, but in the round-up post you will be featuring more than one expert or influencers in one post.

It gives the influencers opportunity to get themselves counted among the list of other influencers.

All the participants share the content, and this type of content also receive a lot of shares and traffic.

The beauty of expert roundup is that you need not to create separate posts to feature different influencers.

To create an impressive expert roundup, you need a topic which is according to the interest of your audience.

For example; if you are running a health blog, then you can call health enthusiast, brand in the health industry and expert advisors to participate in your expert roundup.

Now you have an idea.

The next thing is to arrange the expert roundup invitation to invite participants and allow them to share their expert advice.

Here are the examples of the expert roundups;

After publishing the post, the next thing you should do is to reach out to all the participants and boost their ego to share the posts and get a link back.


A listicle is a list article. You can find most of the listicles articles starting with “Best of” or “top 10” of a specific topic.

This is also a type of ego bait content where you create a massive list of valuable influencers, resources, and products which can be helpful for your readers.

Here are some examples of listicle content;

Listicles are highly beneficial and informative for visitors.

The best example of ego bait listicle article is where you include multiple products, businesses or influencers in one article to boost their egos.

This is an easy way to engage them with your content.

Make your content irresistible to make others feel honored.

Choose a topic which not only attracts backlinks but also complements to your niche.

Outreach to webmasters and encourage them to share your listicle content on their social profiles.


Establishing a directory can be a creative type of ego bait content. Directories are helpful for users to feature their business. One can also use popular directories for lead generation.

When creating a directory, you should focus on featuring those who are beneficial and related to your business. You can earn referral commission also to feature them on your site.

You can also create a resource page of businesses that help you to grow your business.


Awards are the most lucrative type of link bait content. There are already many organizations in your niche that are organizing award shows to recognize the leaders and influencers in your industry.

To boost the effectiveness of your link building strategy you need to do a lot of research and invest time in outreach influencers. Awards always talk about the experience, expertise, and effectiveness of the influencers in your industry.

You can start on a small scale. Start an award by featuring a post on your site. Make sure that when running an award strategy you should not lose control over values and benefits.

Remember: Do not use the award for the sake of link building, but use them to build strong relationships with brands and experts.

With the right strategy, awards can be the ultimate linkbait weapon to drive an immense amount of traffic to your blog or website. This will also help you earn some links.

How to use Ego Bait strategy to generate leads and attract links?

Once you understand the different types of ego bait content, it will be better for you to find out which link bait strategy work best for you. This will also help to target a specific set of influencers.

Now you may want to start writing.

But, Stop!

First, create a list of contacts you want to ego boost or bait. Work on a strategy on how you will generate backlinks, leads, and shares.

Create a List:

You must create a list to target niche specific, high-quality sites for link building.

It is not a good practice to reach out to webmasters and influencers who have not interest in participation or generating zero value.

You must choose the sites with strong SEO ranking signals such as ranking, authority, niche, etc.  Also, make sure that they have the influence on the audience and have a creative social media presence.

You can use favorite SEO tools, such as SEMRush and Ahrefs to find sites good for ego bait content.

You can also look for the keywords they rank for, how relevant the site is? How much authority site have? And how much traffic they are getting?

Create a list of reliable websites and start reaching out.

Next thing you need is to choose the topic of your content and the type of ego bait content you are going to use.

Choose Your Topic:

No matter you are writing the first blog post or writing the 100th blog post when creating content with link bait strategy you need to focus on popular websites. This will help you find out the type of content bait strategy you will be using.

For example; if the list is full of influencers then you may consider creating a roundup post or expert interview series.

If massive numbers of sites are from the business side, then you may want to create a directory or listicle.

When choosing a topic for creating link bait posts, focus on your niche. Make sure that the topics you choose make sense to your visitors and your target.

The topic you choose should be according to what the visitors are expecting from your blog or website. This will help to boost the engagement, get link backs and boost social share.

You can also use your keyword research skills to find the topic to target organic traffic.

Now you have it;
  • The impressive list of websites
  • Mindblowing topic
Once you are ready with the topic, the next thing is to start reaching out to the influencers and experts.


Once you are ready with the topic, the next step is to reach out to the webmasters or influencers to find out if they are interested or not. This is a great way to get a link back from them.

To publish an interview, first, contact the influencer to make sure that he is interested. If he/she is interested only then send the questions and get replies.

To create listicles, directories and roundup-posts you need to collect more information from your participants.

You can reach out to them to receive the expert tips about your topic, their photo, contact information, etc.

Share the brief intro about the topic and find out when you can complete the post. Appreciate them for giving their precious time for your post.

Once the article is published reach out to them with this, “”

Create Ego Bait Content:

Ego bait content is an influential part of the content marketing strategy. It does make sense when you put all the pieces of the puzzle together and create some of the impressive, valuable content.

It is super easy to create an expert roundup post and an interview post.

All you need is to collect the details and arrange them in the format according to your blog publishing style.

You should include high-quality images, summary, and introduction.

To create a directory, awards or listicles, you need to put efforts and gather data on your own. It can take some time, but for better results, you should do the research.

You can hire a professional content writer or content marketer complete this ego bait content for you. You can hire a freelancer.

Follow Up:

This is the final step of your content bait strategy. You need to follow up after publishing the content. You should ask for a social share or link back.

Also, follow up with the brands which have joined your directory listing to find out if they can bring referral traffic.

Bonus Tip:

Ego bait content is an impactful strategy to build strong social connections and create a network of professionals.

Even if you do not get a link back, still you will get social shares, traffic and sometimes mentions.

You can also ask for the collaborations or partnerships.

Final Words:

Ego bait content is not just there to boost the ego of businesses or brand, but it serves the more significant purpose. It is the perfect tool to build a mutually beneficial relationship and target a specific market or community.

When creating ego bait content focus on the participants and their expertise. Showcase their skills, and achievements with the help of narrative writing.

Ego bait content not only suits your audience but it also boosts the level of engagements by including influencers in your content.

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December 30, 2024

Are .Gov Links a Google Search Ranking Factor or Not?

Are you building .gov links? Or are you still buying .GOV links from marketing companies? Do you know if they are valuable or not?

Before building links, you should know if they are valuable in Google search ranking algorithms or not.

Links have been an essential part of search ranking factors since the beginning.

Are .Gov Links a Google Search Ranking Factor or Not?: eAskme
Are .Gov Links a Google Search Ranking Factor or Not?: eAskme

Sites that link to your site can offer great value according to the niche, topic, and trustworthiness.

You must earn links from only high authority and trusted websites.

Bloggers and web admins often fall for when it comes to building authoritative links.GOV backlinks.

But are they precious?

Let’s find out today.

Claim: .GOV Backlinks are Ranking Factor

The government website only publishes authentic and relevant information, including stats, reports, financial information, health announcements, etc.

It is believed that every piece of information is checked and authenticated before publishing it on .Gov websites.

Governments spend a lot of money publishing accurate and precious information for the common public.

Content published on Government sites is often shared by multiple people, organizations, and social media groups.

This is the reason why search engines and people find government websites trustworthy.

When you earn a valuable link from the government website, it shows that the government finds your information authentic and gives you more value than others.

Evidence: .GOV links are a ranking factor

Why do people still believe in buying or building .GOV links?

Here are some of the reasons told by marketing agencies:

  • You can get a higher ranking, more trust scores, and authority.
  • Due to high authority of .Gov sites you will also get high authority backlinks.
  • .Gov links pass precious link juice.
  • Links are do-follow.

Well, everyone wants some link juice from high-authority websites.

There are tons of sites that guide you to build .GOV backlinks.

Evidence Against: .Gov backlink as a ranking factor

In 2008, Matt Cutts told the world that a link is just a link no matter if it is coming from .GOV site or another site. Even if the link is coming from sites like DMOZ, .edu or .gov, they all are the same. The only reason why these sites have high authority is that more people link back to .GOV sites.

The high authority does not depend upon one link only.

The thing that matters the most is how relevant that link is.

There is no sense if the Department of Social Studies links to a Pharma website.

Search engines understand that the link comes from comment spam, link injection, or low-quality tactics.

Conclusion: .Gov Links as a Ranking Factor

My study shows that .GOV links are not a Google ranking factor.

.gov link is simply a link that cannot give you any value if there is no relevance.

Google algorithms can quickly identify link manipulation. So, you should not fall for that.

Always focus on creating link-worthy content that can help you positively earn links.

Remember: Your content is your asset.

If you want deep knowledge about Ranking Factors, then check our guide.

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December 15, 2024

SEMRush Launched AI Strategic Market Insights: A New Competition and Market Research App

SEMrush is a paid SEO tool to make market research easy. Now the company has launched a new AI Strategic Market Insights app.

Market research takes time, and time is crucial.

AI is becoming a helping hand for researchers. AI is making research and market analysis affordable.

But what is the AI Strategic Market Insights app? How will it help SEO professionals and marketers?

Here is what you must know!

SEMrush AI Strategic Market Insights: eAskme
SEMrush AI Strategic Market Insights: eAskme

AI Strategic Market Insights:

SEMRush’s new AI Strategic Market Insights is a complete solution for market research. No matter if you are an individual, agency, or large business, it saves a lot of time and effort for you.

You can access AI Strategic Market Insights from here.

Right now, SEMRush allows you to try the new tool for free for 3 days. After that it will cost you $116.82/month, including tax.

You also get the option to unsubscribe whenever you want.

Features of SEMRush’s AI Strategic Market Insights:

AI Strategic Market Insights is a set of features that help you complete multiple tasks.

Here are the most important features of AI Strategic Market Insights:

Competition research:

Competition research is why SEO professionals choose SEMrush. With AI Strategic Market Insights, you get access to detailed competitor analysis.

You get access to competitors' data such as keywords, positions, rankings, strategies, strengths, and weaknesses.

SWOT Analysis:

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

As the word itself suggests, this report helps you find strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities to plan your SEO strategies.

Buyer Personas:

You are running an eCommerce store and struggling to understand your customer.

The Buyer Personas feature helps you understand your customer better.

Growth Opportunities:

SEMRush’s new tool helps you identify growth opportunities. It is necessary if you want to expand your business.

Product Reports:

In-depth product reports are another important feature.

It helps you to understand competition, market potential, and find out if the product is profitable or not.

Sales Prospect:

It is easy to create sales prospect profiles. It will help in increasing ROI.

Customer Insights:

Competition is everywhere. You must understand customer insights to find out what your target customer wants.

Then plan your strategies according to that.

Strategic Planning:

Strategic planning is what you need to be successful. Set your goals, plan your path, and streamline business.

AI Automation:

SEMrush is using AI to empower its tools and their capabilities. The goal is to save time.

How to Use AI Strategic Market Insights?

To use AI Strategic Market Insights, you must sign up at SEMrush and subscribe for the trial version.

Three types of users and their purposes:

Business Strategies:

If you are a business strategist, then SWOT reports are going to help you a lot.

You get detailed market analysis and product reports with the opportunities to grow. This strategy works for long-term goals.

Digital Marketing:

Digital marketers use SEMrush tools for competition analysis.

With AI Strategic Market Insights, now you get access to buyer persona data. This data is crucial to plan the marketing strategies.


If you are a salesperson, then you understand the need for the best sales pitches.

With this tool, you get a feature to create prospect profiles. Based on these profiles, you can craft sales pitches.


SEMrush’s AI Strategic Market Insights is an AI-powered feature to reduce manual efforts and save time. It is one of the best tools for market research and competition analysis.

The SWOT reports help you more than the manual competition analysis.

Try AI Strategic Market Insights and let me know if you have questions.

: The article is not sponsored by SEMrush.

Other helpful resources:

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December 09, 2024

Retargeting Ads: How it works?

Ads retargeting is an essential part of ad campaigns. You must understand what Retargeting is. How can you use success retargeting strategy for your business?

Google first addressed retargeting in 2010.

Now, businesses are using ad retargeting in a much more significant way.

Retargeting Ads: eAskme
Retargeting Ads: eAskme

Is there no option you should use retargeting ads or not?

Ads retargeting is a must.

Now the question is, how should you use retargeting for your paid campaigns?

Whether a newbie or an expert marketer who wants to improve your retargeting strategy, you should know how to create retargeting campaigns.

Importance of Ads Retargeting:

Retargeting ads are pretty beneficial for eCommerce sites.

The eCommerce industry has a 0.7% to 4% conversion rate, which is relatively low. Low attention span is the reason. When people scroll a lot, they usually forget the product they are interested in. Therefore, retargeting ads help improve your marketing strategy.

People visiting your page for the first time may not be interested in purchasing anything.

For example, if only 4% of visitors want to buy from the site, then the rest, 96%, are not easy to convert.

If your retargeting ad tells people to buy your product, it will not yield any good results.

Your "Buy Now" retargeting ad will not make 96% of people convert.

What makes the retargeting ad successful?

  • Audience behavior segmentation.
  • Choosing the best ad platform.
  • Serve the right audience to pitch the right message.

How Retargeting Ads Will Help You?

The retargeting ad is unsuccessful if it only pitches to people "Buy Now."

A successful retargeting ad will follow the next buying decision step.

Your retargeting ad should understand what your customer is looking for and the steps to help him make the final purchase decision.

To make it work for you, you need a remarketing strategy.


Tagging is the first thing you need to take care of when running retargeting ads.

Tags are helpful when you are targeting customers on apps or websites.

Each ad platform has a different pixel for retargeting ads.

Here are the most popular ad platforms for retargeting:

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook/Meta Ads.
  • Twitter Ads.
  • Microsoft Ads.
  • Instagram Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads.
  • Twitter Ads.
  • Snapchat Ads.
  • TikTok Ads.
  • Pinterest Ads.

Adding too many pixels to your website can slow down your website.

Therefore, it is best to use Google Tag Manager for effective management.

How do Tags Work?

Tags help to identify user behavior on your website. And use this data for ad targeting on different platforms.

The best thing about using tags is to get rid of third-party cookies. Google has already announced that the brand will remove third-party cookies.

This change has increased the need for retargeting ads.

Create Targeted Audiences:

The absence of third-party cookies will impact the ad retargeting.

Instead, you will need first-party data such as email address, contact number etc.

After collecting first-party data, you will have limitless segmentation opportunities such as;

  • How do visitors come to your website or blog?
  • How long do visitors stay on your website?
  • What action visitor has completed?
  • What products or categories have they viewed?
  • Have they purchased anything?
  • How much have they spent on watching videos?
  • What offers have they found interesting?
  • How have they engaged with your social media pages?

Be creative when creating retargeting ads to remarket your business.

Upload visitors' information on ad platforms to retarget users.

You can upload:

  • First Name and Last Name:
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Address, etc.

You can easily retarget the audience when your data matches the ad platform.

With the help of pixels and tags, you can easily create an audience based on behavior.

You can create remarketing lists after linking your Google ads account with your YouTube channel.


Once you understand your audience, choosing the right message is next.

Use different messages for different audience segmentations.

Dont look for the sale but look for the process that can lead the user to make the purchase.

Here is what you can do in different scenarios:

  • For Product Awareness, create an informative page and lead the visitor to that page.
  • Use qualifying factors for retargeting ads and make them download whitepapers.
  • Lead people to lucrative offers once they complete an action.
  • Don't use push marketing. Ads retargeting is about Pull marketing.

Ad Platform:

After choosing the tags, pixels, audience, and message, the next step is to choose the right ad platform for retargeting ads.

I have already shared the major ad platform for retargeting.

How to find the best retargeting platform for ads?

You can find the answer with these.

Critical Demographics of your audience.

Pages where the audience spends maximum time.

Why are you collecting user information?

The message you are sending to your audience.

You will find the answer to these questions when you dig deeper into user behavior and understand buyers' personas.

And with that answer, you will find the best retargeting ad platform.


Use the above tips to see growth in conversion and revenue.

In the past few years, retargeting options have changed a lot.

Now, it is necessary to align retargeting with users' expectations.

Keep an eye on what is changing in the ads and marketing industry. It will keep you updated with the changes in retargeting strategies.

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Share it with your friends and family.

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December 03, 2024

How Much is SEO a Part of Your Marketing Pie?

In the complex world of digital marketing, it is necessary to determine the right allocation of resources. It often feels like dividing a pie into perfect slices. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) represents one of the most crucial—yet frequently misunderstood—pieces of this marketing pie. Understanding its proper proportion relative to other marketing efforts can mean the difference between sustainable growth and wasted resources.

How Much is SEO a Part of Your Marketing Pie?: eAskme
How Much is SEO a Part of Your Marketing Pie?: eAskme

The significance of SEO in your overall marketing strategy depends heavily on your business model, industry, and target audience. For most businesses, SEO should comprise between 20% and 40% of their total marketing budget and effort. However, this percentage isn't static; it fluctuates based on various factors and business lifecycles.

“For new businesses, the SEO slice often needs to be larger initially. This front-loading approach makes sense because establishing a strong organic search presence takes time, typically three to six months before seeing significant results, especially in very competitive industries like law and healthcare,” says Exults law firm marketing. During this period, businesses might allocate up to 50% of their marketing resources to SEO, gradually adjusting this ratio as their organic search presence strengthens.

The e-commerce sector particularly benefits from a hefty SEO slice. Online retailers often find that organic search drives a substantial portion of their traffic and sales. In these cases, maintaining an SEO budget allocation of 30-45% proves beneficial, as the return on investment typically justifies the expenditure. The ability to capture potential customers at various stages of the buying journey through strategic keyword targeting makes SEO an invaluable tool for e-commerce success.

Local businesses present a unique case where the SEO slice might be smaller but requires precise optimization. These businesses might allocate 15-25% of their marketing resources to SEO, focusing primarily on local search optimization, Google Business Profile management, and location-based keyword strategies. The remaining budget often goes toward immediate-impact channels like paid advertising and social media marketing.

B2B companies often benefit from a larger SEO allocation, typically 35-45% of their marketing budget. The reasoning lies in the lengthy sales cycles and high-value transactions characteristic of B2B relationships. Decision-makers in these industries tend to conduct extensive research before making purchasing decisions, making organic search visibility crucial for capturing leads at various stages of the buying process.

Content-driven businesses, such as media companies and professional service providers, might need to allocate even more resources to SEO. These organizations often find that 40-50% of their marketing efforts directed toward SEO yields the best results, as their success heavily depends on visibility in search results and establishing topical authority in their respective fields.

When determining your optimal SEO allocation, consider your customer acquisition costs through different channels. While paid advertising might bring immediate results, its costs typically increase over time. Conversely, SEO requires a larger upfront investment but often delivers decreasing costs per acquisition as your organic presence grows stronger. This long-term efficiency makes SEO an attractive option for sustainable business growth.

The maturity of your market also influences the size of your SEO slice. In highly competitive markets, maintaining a strong organic presence might require a larger portion of your marketing resources. Conversely, businesses in niche markets might achieve satisfactory results with a smaller SEO investment, allowing more resources for other marketing channels.

Seasonal businesses face unique challenges in SEO resource allocation. These companies might need to adjust their SEO spending throughout the year, increasing investment during off-peak seasons to prepare for busy periods. This approach ensures maximum visibility when customer demand peaks while maintaining a baseline presence year-round.

The technical complexity of your industry should also influence your SEO allocation. Industries with complex products or services often benefit from higher SEO investment, as educational content and detailed product information play crucial roles in the customer journey. These businesses might need to allocate more resources to content creation and technical optimization.

Remember that SEO isn't just about rankings; it's about creating a sustainable online presence that generates qualified leads and conversions. The most successful businesses view SEO as an integral part of their overall marketing strategy rather than an isolated effort. This integrated approach often leads to more efficient resource allocation and better results across all marketing channels.

The key to determining the right size of your SEO slice lies in regular measurement and adjustment. Monitor key performance indicators, track return on investment, and be prepared to adjust your allocation based on results. As search engines evolve and market conditions change, flexibility in your marketing resource allocation becomes increasingly important.


While SEO typically represents a significant portion of the marketing pie, its exact size should be determined by your specific business needs, goals, and market conditions.

Regular assessment and adjustment of this allocation ensure that your marketing resources are being used effectively to drive sustainable business growth.

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November 26, 2024

How to Do Local Keyword Research?

Local keyword research can be defined as the process of identifying the specific phrases and terms that people in a particular geographic location use to find services or products like yours online.

It's a cornerstone of local SEO efforts, helping small businesses reach potential customers in their area.

Whether you’re a bakery in San Francisco or a plumber in Miami, understanding how to find local keywords ensures your business appears in relevant local search results.

But why is local keyword research important?

How to Do Local Keyword Research?
How to Do Local Keyword Research?

Simply put, it helps your business gain visibility where it matters most — in front of local customers.

By focusing on keywords tied to your specific location, services you offer, and search intent, you can drive more organic traffic to your website, increase your local business ranking, and ultimately attract more customers.

Using keyword research apps like Google Keyword Planner and other local keyword research tools can make this process even more effective. In this guide, you’ll learn the basics of performing local keyword research to boost your local SEO success.

What are Explicit and Implicit Local Keywords?

When conducting local keyword research, it's essential to understand the two distinctive types of local keywords: explicit and implicit.

Both are vital to your local SEO strategy and help target customers effectively.

Explicit local keywords directly include a geographic location within the phrase.

For instance, “dentist in Chicago” or “best coffee shop near Boston” are explicit local keywords because they specifically mention the location. These keywords are easy to identify and often have clear local search intent, meaning people are actively looking for services in that area.

Contrarily, implicit local keywords don’t explicitly include any location but still indicate local intent.

For example, a person searching for “hair salon” or “pizza delivery” may expect results tailored to their current geographic location.

Search engines use this implicit intent to provide results relevant to the searcher's area, even without the location being part of the search term.

Understanding and finding explicit local keywords while recognizing the value of implicit ones ensures your local keyword research covers both types of queries.

By doing so, you align your content with local search intent, ensuring potential customers can discover your business in search results for both explicit and implicit queries.

Why Local Keyword Research is Important?

Local keyword research is fundamental for any business wanting to capture local customers and grow its presence online.

With well-researched local SEO keywords, your business has a higher chance of appearing in local search results, including the coveted Google Business Profile and local pack.

This visibility drives relevant traffic to your website and increases your chances of converting searchers into actual customers.

An effective local SEO strategy built on thorough local keyword research improves your local business ranking and helps your business stand out in a competitive market.

Whether you're targeting a single neighborhood or multiple locations, focusing on location-specific keywords ensures your efforts are relevant to your business and attract the right audience.

In short, local keyword research is the foundation of local SEO success, that helps businesses connect with potential customers and bring more traffic to their websites.

It’s a step you can’t afford to skip if you wish for your business to blossom online.

How to perform local keyword research

Performing local keyword research is indispensable for creating an effective local SEO strategy that drives significant traffic to your website.

By following the steps listed below, you can identify the most suitable local keywords to target, ensuring your business appears in search results for local searches.

Step 1: Define your target audience

Before jumping into researching keywords, start by defining your target audience.

Consider the specific location they’re in, the services you offer, and what they might be searching for online.

For example, if you run a landscaping business in Dallas, your audience might search for terms like “lawn care in Dallas” or “best landscapers near me.” Knowing your targeted audience’s needs and geographic location will help you match your local keyword strategy with their exact search intent.

Step 2: Use keyword research tools

Keyword research tools are invaluable when it comes to finding local keywords.

Platforms like Google Keyword Planner and Keyword Magic Tool can help you generate a list of keyword ideas relevant to your business.

Start by entering terms related to your services or business description, and filter results by geographic location to uncover location-specific keywords.

These tools also provide helpful keyword data, such as search volumes and keyword difficulty, allowing you to focus on high-potential terms.

For example, using Google Keyword Planner to search for “plumber” in Miami might reveal keyword ideas like “emergency plumber Miami” or “24-hour plumbing service Miami.” These insights are pivotal for creating a strong local SEO strategy.

Step 3: Analyze search volumes and difficulty

Once you have a complete list of potential keywords, it's time to analyze their keyword difficulty and search volumes.

Focus on finding keywords that have a relatively high search volume but are not overly competitive.

For example, “affordable electricians in Austin” might have a lower difficulty score than “electricians near me” while still being relevant to your business. Targeting these keywords helps you attract more organic traffic without competing against large businesses with significant SEO budgets.

Step 4: Look for competitors’ keywords

Examining your competitors’ keywords can provide helpful clues for your keyword strategy.

Use keyword research tools to pinpoint the terms competitors rank for and look for opportunities they might be missing.

For example, if a competitor ranks for “pet grooming Los Angeles,” you might discover untapped keywords like “mobile pet grooming Los Angeles.”

Step 5: Combine keyword modifiers and specific locations

Enhance your local keyword list by adding modifiers and specific locations.

Modifiers like “best,” “affordable,” or “near me” combined with geographic terms can make your keywords more precise.

For example, “best Italian restaurant in Chicago” or “affordable yoga classes near me” are strong local keywords that align with explicit local intent.

Step 6: Validate keywords with search results

Finally, validate your chosen keywords by reviewing search results.

Use Google search to see which businesses rank for your chosen keywords and analyze the content that appears in high positions.

This step ensures your chosen keywords align with actual local search intent and gives you an overview of the competition.

By following these steps, you can effectively conduct local keyword research that aligns with your business goals and target audience.

Incorporating tools, analyzing search volumes, and considering both explicit and implicit local intent will help you build a solid foundation for your local SEO strategy.

Creating an effective local SEO strategy

Once you’ve identified the right keywords through local keyword research, the next step is to incorporate them into a comprehensive local SEO strategy.

This involves optimizing your online presence and website to improve visibility in local search results.

1. Optimize your website with local SEO keywords

Use your target keywords strategically throughout your website. Focus on key areas like meta titles, meta descriptions, headers, and body content.

For example, if one of your keywords is “best dentist in Denver,” you can include it in your homepage title tag or a blog post about dental services in the area.

2. Create location-specific landing pages

Create a dedicated landing page for each geographic area, if your business serves multiple locations.

For example, a landscaping company serving Dallas and Fort Worth could have separate pages for “Lawn Care in Dallas” and “Landscaping Services in Fort Worth.” These pages should feature location keywords, business details, and customer testimonials relevant to that specific area.

3. Leverage Google Business Profile and local listings

Ensure your Google Business Profile is optimized with your target keywords, accurate business description, and location-specific details.

Consistency across all local business listings, such as Yelp and Bing Places, is critical for improving your local SEO success.

4. Encourage local reviews

Positive reviews are a significant factor in local SEO. Ask satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google or Yelp. Incorporating reviews that mention your keywords or services can boost your local business ranking.

By incorporating these tactics, you’ll create a local SEO strategy that not only aligns with your local keyword research but also drives more traffic to your website and attracts more customers.

Tracking local keyword rankings and adjusting your strategy

Tracking your local keyword rankings is crucial for measuring the success of your efforts and ensuring your local SEO strategy stays on track.

Use keyword research tools to monitor how your target keywords perform in local search results.

Tools like Google Keyword Planner and third-party platforms (like Localo) can help you track local keyword rankings and identify any changes in search volume or competition.

If some keywords aren’t performing as expected, tweak your strategy accordingly. For example:

  • Focus on keywords with less competition but high local search volumes.
  • Refine your content to better align with local search intent.
  • Analyze what competitors are doing differently and adapt accordingly.

Regularly reviewing your rankings and keyword data ensures your local SEO efforts remain effective and relevant to your business goals.

Conclusion: The value of local SEO keyword research

Local keyword research is a fundamental step in achieving local SEO success.

By understanding your target audience, using keyword research tools, and focusing on both explicit and implicit local keywords, you can ensure your local businesses appear in relevant search results.

This drives more organic traffic, connects you with potential customers, and ultimately leads to more sales.

The process of local keyword research doesn’t stop after finding the best local keywords.

Continually monitor search volumes, keyword performance, and competitors to refine your strategy and maintain a strong local presence.

With a solid foundation in local keyword research and a clear focus on local search intent, your business can stay ahead of the competition and grow in its specific location.

By following these steps and staying proactive, you’ll set your business up for long-term success in the ever-changing landscape of local SEO.

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November 21, 2024

SiteWide and Page-Level Signals: What Matter for Google Rankings

Google has updated its ranking system guide document to clear the impact of page-level and site-level ranking.

Google’s document explains that both site-level ranking and page-level ranking influence search position. While page-level ranking is the first signal that matters, it is the wide signal that impacts the organic traffic.

SiteWide and Page-Level Signals: What Matter for Google Rankings: eAskme
SiteWide and Page-Level Signals: What Matter for Google Rankings: eAskme

In my study, I also found that sitewide ranking signals do not guarantee that every page of the website ranks higher; at the same time, a low ranking of the website is not the metric to tell that a page cannot rank in search.

This time, rather than telling us something new, Google brings clarification to ranking signals.

Sitewide and Page-Level Signals:

Google’s ranking system guide explains that Google’ not only focuses on sitewide ranking but also individual pages.

A strong or poor sitewide ranking signal cannot influence the ranking of every page.

It is one of the very few times that Google has clarified its ranking signals.

Here is what the Google Ranking System Guide says:

Google’s ranking works on page level but also considers site-wide signals. Both contribute to the overall ranking of the content. Google considers both page-wise and site-wide ranking signals.

What Does the Google Ranking System Guide Explain?

Google made it clear that it considers both page-level and sitewide ranking signals.

Google’s ranking system document update cleared doubts about the ranking factors. It helps you improve the overall content quality of your website.


Google’s updates are targeting low-quality and spammy content. It also punishes sites with site reputation abuse, expired domain abuse, and scaled content abuse.

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November 19, 2024

Google Site Reputation Abuse Policy: Update and How to Protect Your Website

Google's spam policy is against the site reputation abuse. Most sites under site reputation abuse are publishing third-party content without proper involvement. And this part of content is getting published on the sites to get rank juice from established sites.

Google made it clear that even first-party involvement in the content cannot prevent the site from reputation abuse. In most cases, clients are trying to exploit the ranking signals of the host website.

Google Site Reputation Abuse Policy: eAskme

Google's Site Reputation Abuse Policy:

According to Google's Site Reputation Abuse Policy document, site reputation abuse is part of parasite SEO. It is a manipulative practice of stealing or influencing ranking from the host site.

Google's search quality member, Chris Nelson, posted on X (formerly Twitter) that site reputation abuse is damaging user experience. Google is cracking down on those websites.

Google first enforced its site reputation abuse policy in May 2024.

Sites like LATimes, CNN, USA Today, and major news agencies face manual penalties.

Glenn Glabe, SEO Consultant at G-Squared, posted

Google's Clarification:

In a recent update, Google clarified that third-party content published on a host website to influence ranking signals is against the search engine's guidelines. Even if the content is published by the webmaster, it still has no value for the user.

Google has reviewed thousands of websites and their structure before making this clarification.

What is the Site Reputation Abuse Violation?

Site reputation abuse policy violence examples are:

  • News websites are publishing discount coupons.
  • Sports websites are publishing medical content.
  • Health websites are publishing casino content.
  • Educational websites are publishing financial content.
  • Movie websites publishing social media news.

What is not a Site Reputation Abuse Violation?

According to Google, legitimate practices are not against Google policies.

  • Syndicated content
  • UGC content on forums
  • Editorial content
  • Advertisement disclosure
  • Affiliate Disclosure


Google is making site reputation abuse policy part of its algorithm updates. This way, the Google algorithm will automatically detect violations of the site's reputation policy and penalize such websites.

Check your search console to find out any violation notification.

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November 12, 2024

ChatGPT Search Indexing: How to Index Your Content?

ChatGPT search indexing is the real thing. But how to index your website for ChatGPT search is the question that I am answering today.

ChatGPT launched a real-time search feature to attract Search engine users.

While Google is using AI Overviews to display AI-generated search results, ChatGPT is trying to grab Google’s share of the search engine market.

ChatGPT Search Indexing: eAskme

While ChatGPT and Google are competing, OpenAI is expanding ChatGPT search crawlers and their capabilities.

OpenAI uses Bing indexing features in its crawlers. Bing and OpenAI’s partnership helped ChatGPT make its way to the search engine industry.

ChatGPT Search Indexing

Bing and OpenAI worked together to launch ChatGPT Search.

OpenAI docs reveal details about the OpenAI crawlers. Right now, ChatGPT search uses GPT-4o technology. It is working on the o1-preview system to generate synthetic results.

OpenAI is using 3 types of crawlers:

  1. OAI-SearchBot: It is the main crawler responsible for search engine features.
  2. ChatGPT-User: It handles user interactions and requests.
  3. GPTBot: It is responsible for AI data training.

How do you configure Robots.txt for ChatGPT Search Indexing?

To index your content in ChatGPT search, you must allow OAI-SearchBot in your robots.txt file.

It is also necessary that Bing indexed your website content.

Once you allow OAI-SearchBot, the search crawler will update your file in up to 24 hours.

What does ChatGPT Search have for Publishers?

ChatGPT search offers 4 features to content publishers:

  1. Citation: ChatGPT search cites the source of the content.
  2. Source sidebar: It displays source links.
  3. Multiple Source Attribution: It adds numerous citations to the content.
  4. Location: it also displays maps for local searches.

What Should You Consider when Indexing Content in ChatGPT Search?

Here are the factors responsible for ChatGPT search indexing:

  • Content usability and freshness.
  • It is citing paywall pages.
  • 404 pages in the search.
  • Multiple source citations.


ChatGPT search indexing requires robots.txt verification. Optimizing your robots.txt file for crawlers is necessary.

Update your content, use facts, and write in an optimized structure to help OpenAI search to index the content.

Make sure that major search engines are indexing your content. It is another tip that will help you index your content in ChatGPT search.

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October 20, 2024

Robots.txt Guide for SEO

Optimized Robots.txt strategy improves SEO. Blocking unnecessary URLs is one of the most critical steps in this strategy.

Robotx.txt plays an essential role in SEO strategy. Beginners tend to make mistakes when they do not understand the use of Robots.txt on websites.

It is responsible for your website’s crawlability and indexability.

An optimized Robots.txt file can significantly improve your website’s crawling and indexing.

Google also told us to use Robots.txt to block action URLs such as login, signup, checkout, add-to-cark, etc.

Robots.txt Guide for SEO: eAskme

But how to do it the right way.

Here is everything!

What is Robots.txt?

The robots.txt file is a code that you place in your website’s root folder. It is responsible for allowing crawlers to crawl your website.

Robots.txt contains 4 critical directives:

  1. User-agent: It tells that if you allow every crawler or a few targeted crawlers.
  2. Disallow: Pages you do not want search engines to crawl.
  3. Allow: Pages or part of the website that you want to allow for crawling.
  4. Sitemap: your XML sitemap link.

Robots.txt file is case sensitive.

Robots.txt Hierarchy:

Robots.txt should be in an optimized format.
The most common robots.txt order is as follows:

  1. User-agent: *
  2. Disallow: /login/
  3. Allow: /login/registration/

The first line allows search engines to crawl everything.

The second line disallows search bots from crawling login pages or URLs.

The third line allows the registration page to be crawled.

Simple Robots.txt rule:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /login/
Allow: /login/

In this format, the search engine will access the Login URL.

Importance of Robots.txt:

Robots.txt helps optimize your crawl budget. When you block unimportant pages, Googlebot spends its crawl budget only on relevant pages.

Search engines prefer an optimized crawl budget. Robotx.txt makes it possible.

For example, you may have an eCommerce website where check-in, add-to-cart, filter, and category pages do not offer unique value. It is often considered as duplicate content. It is best to save your crawl budget on such pages.

Robots.txt is the best tool for this job.

When You Must Use Robots.txt?

It is always necessary to use Robots.txt on your website.

  • Block unnecessary URLs such as categories, filters, internal search, cart, etc.
  • Block private pages.
  • Block JavaScript.
  • Block AI Chatbots and content scrapers.

How to Use Robots.txt to Block Specific Pages?

Block Internal Search Results:

You want to avoid indexing your internal search results. It is pretty easy to block action URLs.

Just go to your robotx.txt file and add the following code:

Disallow: *s=*

This line will disallow search engines from crawling internal search URLs.

Block Custom Navigation:

Custom navigation is a feature that you add to your website for users.

Most e-commerce websites allow users to create “Favorite” lists, which are displayed as navigation in the sidebar.

Users can also create Faceted navigation using sorted lists.

Just go to your robotx.txt file and add the following code:

Disallow: *sortby=*
Disallow: *favorite=*
Disallow: *color=*
Disallow: *price=*

Block Doc/PDF URLs:

Some websites upload documents in PDF or .doc formats.

You do not want them to be crawled by Google.

Here is the code to block doc/pdf URLs:

Disallow: /*.pdf$
Disallow: /*.doc$

Block a Website Directory:

You can also block website directories such as forms.

Add this code to block users, forms, and chats from your Robots.txt file:

Disallow: /form/

Block User Accounts:

You do not want to index user pages in search results.

Add this code in Robots.txt:

Disallow: /myaccount/

Block Irrelevant JavaScript:

Add a simple line of code to block non-relevant JavaScript files.

Disallow: /assets/js/pixels.js

Block Scrapers and AI Chatbots:

The file says that you should block AI chatbots and scrapers.

Add this code to your Robots.txt file:

#ai chatbots
User-agent: anthropic-ai
User-agent: Applebot-Extended
User-agent: Bytespider
User-agent: CCBot
User-agent: ChatGPT-User
User-agent: ClaudeBot
User-agent: cohere-ai
User-agent: Diffbot
User-agent: FacebookBot
User-agent: GPTBot
User-agent: ImagesiftBot
User-agent: Meta-ExternalAgent
User-agent: Meta-ExternalFetcher
User-agent: Omgilibot
User-agent: PerplexityBot
User-agent: Timpibot
Disallow: /

To block scrapers, add this code:

User-agent: magpie-crawler
User-Agent: omgilibot
User-agent: Node/simplecrawler
User-agent: Scrapy
User-agent: CCBot
User-Agent: omgili
Disallow: /

Allow Sitemap URLs:

Add sitemap URLs to be crawled using robots.txt.

  • Sitemap:
  • Sitemap:
  • Sitemap:

Crawl Delay:

Crawl-delay works only for some search bots other than Google. You can set it to tell the bot to crawl the next page after a specific number of seconds.

Google Search Console Robots.txt Validator

  • Go to Google Search Console.
  • Click on “Settings.”
  • Go to “robots.txt.”
  • Click on “Request to Crawl.”

It will crawl and validate your robots.txt file.


Robots.txt is an important tool for optimizing the crawl budget. It impacts your website’s crawlability, which in turn impacts the indexing in search results.

Block unnecessary pages to allow Googlebot to spend time on valuable pages.

Save resources with optimized robots.txt file.

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