If you want complete control over how your Twenty-thirty-three site looks and CSS and JavaScript aren't enough, you can use the Liquid templating language to change the HTML markup created for your video site.
If you make a video site, you can choose this option.
In this case, you have the option to change the HTML markup that was made for your video website.
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All You Need to Learn About Shopify Liquid: eAskme |
Shopify first created Liquid as a template language that was easy to use and safe. It is a simple and quick way to build templates.
If you have worked with other popular templating languages, you should find it easy to learn Liquid's syntax because it is similar to that of other popular templating languages.
If you've used other popular templating languages before, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting used to Liquid's syntax.
Here is a guide to Shopify liquid;
Basic syntax:
The only difference between regular HTML markup and liquid markup is that it has a few extra elements added.
Two types of special markup can be used with this language. These are output blocks and tag blocks.
The purpose of an output block is to turn any variables or constants into HTML markup.
This is shown by the fact that there are two different sets of curly brackets, and it looks like this:
There are no rules about where Liquid markup blocks must go within HTML markup.
Even so, it would help if you are careful because there is a chance that inline JavaScript can mess up how Liquid is read.
It is recommended that all of the JavaScript in the site-wide JavaScript file stay editable in Power Mode Site Designer CSS and JavaScript on your video website.
You can do this by following the steps given. You can reach this goal by selecting the correct item from the menu.
By putting output blocks into a program, variables and constants can be turned into HTML markup.
Filters let you change the values of variables and constants that are part of an expression.
Filters are simple steps that take the output on the left side and change it into a different value on the right side.
If more than one filter is used, the most recent filter's output value will be used as the input value for the next filter.
This method will be used repeatedly until each filter has been added to the system.
The total value will be written to your markup once everything is done.
Liquid Filter is a complete list of all the liquid filters on the market.
Tag blocks:
You can think of the tag blocks in your template as logical building blocks.
Tags can be used to run logic based on conditions, iterate through an array, create new variables, and do a lot more.
The Liquid Tags package comes with all the tags that can be used.
Include model documents:
Using TwentyThree, you can make templates for things like cover pages.
Standardized liquid snippets are what templates are.
A template is a blob of code with variables, tags, and filters. Its purpose is to be put into floating layout blocks and static pages as needed.If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.
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