Showing posts with label Social Media Reputation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media Reputation. Show all posts

January 08, 2025

How to Get More Facebook Likes for Free? Complete Guide!

Do you want more Facebook page likes without advertising? Do you want to grow your Facebook page audience without using ads?

If yes, then it is time to find out how you can invite people to like your page on Facebook for free.

Every person and business running a page wants to grow the Facebook audience.

How to Get More Facebook Likes for Free? Complete Guide!: eAskme
How to Get More Facebook Likes for Free? Complete Guide!: eAskme

To attract millions of people on Facebook to like your Facebook page, you need to make them aware of the existence of your page.

Facebook audience or Facebook page likes are still a debatable thing.

We Are Social has published a report stating that pages with less than 10k followers will get only 0.29% engagement, but pages with 100k followers will have 0.05% engagement.

I know that the number is not very impressive.

Yet the number of fans and followers of Facebook can influence the users visiting your brand.

Consumers always prefer brands that have a more social presence.

So, let's find out how you can attract more followers on your Facebook page without advertising.

Invite to Follow Facebook Page:

The first thing you may have seen on your Facebook page is inviting people to like your Facebook page.

How to find the Facebook page invite button?

  • Go to your Facebook page.
  • Make sure you are visiting as a personal profile.
  • Click on "…" to visit the invite button.
  • Now you can invite your friends.

You may also see the blue invite button on some Facebook pages.

When you click on the "Invite to Follow" link or the "Invite the Friends" button, it will show you the list of friends. Choose the friends you have not invited until now and send invitations to like your Facebook page.

According to Facebook, "Facebook invite limit is up to 200 friends."

Invite only 200 friends in 24 hours. And come back again to invite another 200 friends.

The Facebook app also has a friends invite button.


Facebook has set the limit to Facebook page invites.


The result of a Facebook page invite depends upon your connection with your friends on Facebook.

If you are personally connected with Facebook friends or have influence, more friends will accept your Facebook page invite. You should also optimize your Facebook page.

You can also send messages to your friends on Facebook asking them to like your Facebook page.
If you cannot do it, then Facebook invites ads campaign to help you.

Other Ways to Increase Facebook Page Likes for Free:


Questions and Answers are a great way to connect with people on Facebook and other social networks.

You can also join the sites like Quora and Answer the public with your Facebook page.

When answering and asking questions using your page, you will make people visit your Facebook page. If your answers or questions are helpful and engaging, users will surely like your Facebook page.

Facebook Groups:

Create a Facebook group for your page. You can also join other Facebook groups as a page.

After creating the Facebook group, start inviting friends to your group.

Also, create engaging posts in your Facebook group.

Your Facebook group's engagement level will help you get more Facebook page likes.


Use videos on Facebook to boost engagement.

People will see Follow link next to the page title in Facebook Watch. The more people engage with your videos, the more likes you will have.

Share Pressing issues:

Share the content on your page that is important for others.

It is an easy way to attract others and boost social shares for your Facebook posts.

Industry News:

Be the first to Publish the latest news related to your industry.

People love breaking news, and pages get more likes that share the latest news.

Should You Buy Facebook Likes?

This is one of the most asked questions about building a following for the Facebook page.

It's not always good to buy social likes.

Because when you buy followers or likes, you are not building fanbases interested in your content.

That means such likes will have almost zero engagement.


These are the best free ways to get more Facebook page likes.

Always follow the legit methods when building followers for Facebook pages.

Genuine followers will engage with your content and give you more social shares and traffic.

Still have any question, do share via comments.

Share this post with your friends and family.

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May 11, 2024

Social Listening: What is it? Importance and How to Use it?

What is social listening? Why do brands care about it? How to get started with social listening for your business?

Social media marketing is a must for every business. Marketers are leveraging social media marketing tools to improve brand presence on social media networks.

Businesses focus on website optimization and content creation, but social media is where small businesses are facing challenges.

Social Listening: What is it? And How to Use it?: eAskme
Social Listening: What is it? And How to Use it?: eAskme

Social media is the home of a massive audience. With social media listening strategies, you can ensure that your brand gains momentum and popularity on social media platforms. You will better understand what your target audience is interested in and why they need it.

With Social listening, you will have a better understanding of your customer's needs. You will discover what your target audience is talking about and find the areas of improvement and influence.

It is the time when you should learn:

  • What is social listening?
  • Social Listening and Social Monitoring: Difference
  • Why Social Listening is Crucial for Your Business?
  • How do you use different tools to get started with social listening?
  • How to Build a Social Listening Strategy?

 Let's find out the answers!

What is Social Listening?

As the term suggests, social listening is about listening to your target audience's behavior on social media networks with tracking tools.

You can track conversations to get deeper insights, analyze them, and find the relation with your brand.

It will help you form better marketing strategies on social media platforms.

Audience conversations will include:

  • Brand mentions
  • Competitors
  • Keywords
  • Relevant topics

The reason why you should use social listening practices is to know your audience better than your competitors. You will learn the interests, customer behavior, and what makes them love the brands.
Collect this data and analyze it. With this data, you can generate new content ideas or better product ideas for your customers.

What You Can Do with Social Listening?

  • Track brand mentions
  • Spot popular trends
  • Evaluate public perception
  • Understand your target audience

You can not only use social listening to create marketing strategies but also use it to improve your products, services, and even customer engagement.

Social Listening and Social Monitoring: Difference

You may have heard about social listening and social monitoring.

Don't get confused. Both are different terms. Even though people use each of these terms in the place of others. The use of these terms depends upon the objectives and scopes.

Social monitoring is strictly related to your brand, but social listening is about collecting data to gain insight.

Social monitoring is about what your target audience is saying. Social listening is about why your target audience is saying such things.

Social monitoring monitors brand mentions, queries, questions, solutions, trending topics, etc. It is about knowing what is happening to your brand on social media. Social listening does more than this. You can also understand content strategy, decision-making, and branding.

Social monitoring is related to brand mentions, but social listening focuses on the latest trends, user behavior, and conversations.

Social monitoring and social listening are both essential parts of your marketing strategy.
Yet, today, we are covering everything about social listening.

Why is Social Listening Important?

Social listening can help you understand customers and their needs. With this, you can improve your customer support, products, and services.

Here are the reasons why social listening is essential for your business.

Reputation Management:

With social listening practices, you will learn what your audience expects from your products, services, brand, or messaging.

You will go through the positive and negative mentions of your brand and work on fixing issues to improve your online reputation.

Understand the Target Audience:

Do you want to understand your target audience?

If yes, then you need social listening.

With social listening, you will learn what your target customer wants, desires, pinpoints, and opinions. With this information, you can optimize your content strategies and improve products.

Market Analysis:

Social listening gives you deeper insight into your industry, such as opportunities, trends, and consumer behavior. You should use this information to improve customer service and outrank your competitors.


Social listening will open deeper insight that will help you track competitors' behavior, their failures, and successes.

You will find out how your competitors target customers and what you should do.

Crisis Management:

In online business, you can face a crisis at any point in time. With active social listening, you can understand the upcoming issues and fix them before it is too late.

Engaging Content Strategy:

You will find different content formats and types that best suit your audience. With social listening insights, you can create engaging content.

Lead Generation:

Social listening is also essential for lead generation.

You can discover a target audience already interested in your products, services, topics, or niche.

Combining social listening with your brand and content strategy will help you generate more leads.

5 Social Listening Tools:

With social media listening, you will collect essential data from social media sites.

Here are the social listening tools that you can use.

1. Hootsuite:

Hootsuite is a popular social media management tool. You can also use it for social media listening.

With Hootsuite, you can track brand mentions, hashtags, and keywords. With this, you can follow conversations to engage.

You can easily integrate the Hootsuite tool to track Reddit conversations, brand mentions, consumer behavior, etc.

Price: $99/month or 30-day free trial.

2. Sprout Social:

Sprout Social is also a popular social media tool for social listening.

You can use Sprout Social Smart Inbox to track DMs, mentions, and comments. You will get all the essential data in the content feed. It will be easy for you to find out what is happening.

With Sprout Social, you can also do the following:

  • Sentiment Research
  • Audience Analysis
  • Influencer recognition
  • Crisis management
  • Competitor comparison

Price: 30-day free trial or $249/month

3. Brandwatch:

Brandwatch is also a popular social listening tool to analyze and track social media conversations. You will get the result from 100 million sources.

Brandwatch will track brand mentions to track perception and sentiment.

Brandwatch AI also displays historical data, conversation translation, and brand mention.

Price: You need to book a meeting with the Brandwatch company.

4. Meltwater:

Meltwater is also a tool that you can use for social media monitoring as well as social media listening.

Meltwater collects data from social media feeds from sites like YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Twitch, etc. It can even track podcast mentions.

With Meltwater, you can also track conversations, topics, report building, behavior, crisis management, and consumer segmentation.

Price: Set a Meeting with the Meltwater team.

5. Talkwalker:

Talkwalker is a premium social listening tool. It can track brand mentions on 10+ social media networks and 150 million websites.

Talkwalker AI tools will analyze data from 127+ languages, including conversation clustering, typical activity, and issue detection.

Price: Set a Meeting with the Talkwalker team.

How to Build a Social Listening Strategy?

Now you know what social listening is, its importance, and its tools. Now, it is the time to build a perfect strategy for a social listening program.

6 Ways to Create the Social Listening Strategy:

1. Set Goals:

What do you want to achieve?

You should clearly define your goals and objectives.

Make sure that you match your goals with your objectives and write down to ensure that you are not missing anything.

You may want to achieve the following:

  • Track brand emotion and improve presence.
  • Improve customer support.
  • Learn from insight to improve products or services.
  • Follow industry trends and events.
  • Understand how your competitors are working on social media.
  • Setting your goals is the first step to success.

2. Harness the Tools:

You can work on social media networks manually. But, it is best to use social media management tools to make the job easy and effective.

With the help of social media listening tools, you will have access to the data retrieved from millions of websites and social media networks. You can use it to analyze trends, activity, and sentiment.

Always use premium social listening tools to get maximum benefits.

Choose the tool that aligns with your goals and objectives.

A professional social listening tool will cover every important aspect of social listening that can impact your business.

3. Identify Topics and Keywords:

Not only define topics but also list topics and related keywords. You should also include hashtags. Hashtags work great at social listening.

Track themes and keywords that are important for your business. Remove unnecessary keywords from your list.

Keep updating your list. This way, you will keep your keyword and topic list updated to create content that can grab maximum engagement.

4. Workflow:

A clear workflow is needed to define jobs and distribute them. Social listening covers different parts and who will work on which part is necessary to explain.

Hire someone who can monitor your social listening regularly and engage with the content—also, track alerts.

5. Adapt and Evolve:

Learn from the data and improve your social listening strategies. Listen to what data tells and improve your content, products, or services.

Use the result to improve customer services, content strategies, and marketing.

6. Social Media Measurement:

It is essential to measure the success of your social listening strategies.

Evaluate the results and how it can impact your business.

Track social media engagement metrics to learn what type of content performs better on social media.


Social media is the house of conversation. Billions of users are spending hours on social media channels. Social listening is the best strategy to listen to these conversations and grab every opportunity to brand your business or sell more.

Listening to your target audience will give you the bigger picture of what you should do, how you should improve your products, and how you can outrank the competition.

Follow these tips and start your journey to success with social listening.

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April 30, 2024

Social Media Branding: How to Build Brand Image on Social Media?

What is Social Media Branding? Why and how is it essential for your business? Why do marketers use social media branding as a marketing tool? How do you start with social media branding for your business or blog?

Social media presence is a must for every online business. You can reach the maximum target audience with a firm hold on your social media image.

Social media is a must.

Generally, your social media profile or page is the most common way for a social media user to reach you. It allows you to create brand image, build trust, analyze sentiment, and control user perception.

But it takes time.

Social Media Branding, How to Build Brand Image on Social Media: eAskme
Social Media Branding, How to Build Brand Image on Social Media: eAskme

You must carefully analyze and market your brand image on social media platforms. It takes time, consistency, and commitment to reach the goal.

Today, I am explaining:

  • What social media branding is?
  • Why is it important?
  • How do you start social media branding for your business?

What is Social Media Branding?

So, what is social media branding?

As the name suggests, it is related to creating brand identity and spreading it correctly on social media platforms.

You may have already used a brand strategy for your business and need a branding strategy on social media.

Make social media branding a necessary part of your business branding strategy.

Your Social Media Branding Strategy Should Include:

Brand Identity:

Work on improving how your brand is being presented on social media websites. Optimize your social media profile, use a logo, fonts, color palettes, and other creative visuals.

Brand Voice:

Speak to your target audience to deliver your brand message with value. Your brand should follow a similar tone and voice regardless of social network.

Social Media Content Strategy:

Develop a social media content strategy to engage with your audience. Use appealing social media content types, topics, and formats.

Social Media User Engagement:

Interact with your audience to build connections. It will help you build trust for your brand on social media websites.

Be consistent because this is where most of the brand strategies fail.

Your social media voice, tone, and identity are essential while telling the stories.

Why Social Media Branding Matters?

A marketing strategy can only be completed with a social media marketing strategy. Branding is one of the essential parts of your marketing strategy on social networks.

Remember: Social media users need more time to focus. It is necessary to give them something to remember.

With a solid social media presence, you can control the sentiment and perceptions related to your brand. It will help you build trust, attract new customers, and increase sales.

But, you must add loyalty to your branding strategy to achieve these things.

Your competitors are already on social media. The real task is how you can stand out without messing with your brand image and audience.

Your social media branding content strategy should display the following:

  • What is your brand?
  • What is your message?
  • What are your brand values?
  • Why should people trust your business?

If you can deliver the answer, your social media branding is on the right path.

Consistent work is the key to spreading brand awareness and creating brand recognition on social media.

It will help your target audience understand why they should choose your brand over others.

With this, your social media branding strategies will become effective.

How to Create Brand Image on Social Media Platforms?

Work in multiple directions that lead to the same destination.

A multi-layer marketing approach will help you to build the brand on social media.

Here is how you can build your brand on social media.

1. Understand your audience:

It is the first and essential step to make any marketing strategy successful.

You need to know your audience to save resources on meaningful things.

When you understand what your audience wants, it will be easy for you to create and deliver that.

Take the help of social media demographics such as likes, comments, issues, desires, sentiments, trends, etc.

2. Work on Brand Identity:

Take a clear picture of your brand identity strategy. What you want to achieve and how you want to present your brand on social media should be clear.

Understand social media users' preferences and behavior to understand better what to publish.

3. Brand Tone and Voice:

Decide what tone and voice you want to use on social media. Do you want to become friendly and casual? Or do you want to be formal and professional?

You need to decide what type of content you want to publish. Do you like to share tutorials? Do you want to use Meme marketing? Do you want to use infographics?

You can also analyze what type of questions your audience asks and what content they like the most.
It will help you decide the tone and voice of your brand on social media.

4. Social Media Platform:

There are hundreds of social media platforms. You can only be active on some social media networks.

Decide which social media platform should be your preference. Ensure that most of your target audience is active on that social media network.

5. Social Media Content:

Now, create a content strategy for your social media branding.

Ensure your posts display your brand identity, story, and vision.

You can try different social media content types to choose the best one.

6. Analyze and Improve:

Social media monitoring is essential here. You must analyze the content performance and user engagement.

Read their comments, and check the number of likes and social shares.

You will find out which type of content is best for your audience.

Now, optimize social media branding for your business.

How to Optimize Social Media Branding?

Now, you understand social media branding and its importance.

Next is to know how you can improve your social media branding strategies.

1. Focus on trends:

Social media users are interested in the latest trends. You must also follow the latest content formats, features, and directions.

Find out what your social media audience wants to see more from you.

Create trustworthy content with engaging storytelling.

2. Respect them:

When improving your brand, do not ignore the importance of being human. Do not post content like a machine. Do not be noisy.

Share what they like to build trust and connection.

Engage with trends, leave comments, write about what is popular, give your honest opinion, and it will be fun for you.

3. Create Your Style:

Create a style that matches your brand identity and voice on social media.

Understand what you should and should not do on a social media network.

Make sure that the team is also following a similar branding strategy.

4. Engage with Your Audience:

Engagement is vital on a social media network.

You should use polls, ask questions, ask feedback, reply to comments, etc., to give your audience ways to engage with your brand.

User engagement is the best way to grow on a social media platform.

5. Storytelling:

No one wants to be bored on social sites.

Learn the art of storytelling to create compelling content for your audience.

Your stories should be unique that only your brand can tell.

6. Optimization:

Optimize your social media profile or page. Fill it with important information such as title, images, description, work timing, contact information, etc.

Not only that, but also optimize the content you are publishing on a social media website.

For example, you can share images on Pinterest and Instagram. But videos work better on TikTok.

Here is how you can do it:

7. User Generated Content:

UGC is one of the most potent content brands are using to influence the audience. It also influences the brand image on social sites.

Publish customer reviews, audience comments, and user stories.

If someone is talking about your company and if it is good. Then, publish it on your social profile.

8. Monitoring:

On social media, monitoring your content performance is the best way to find a way to improve.

A/B testing is still working on social media websites.


A consistent social media branding strategy is necessary to make your brand stand out.

Follow the above tips to improve your brand image on social media platforms.

Plan for the long term for better results.

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October 15, 2023

10+ Social Media Content Types to Skyrocket Your Website or Blog

Do you want to improve your social media presence? If yes, then you need to understand different social media content types and social media networks.

There are two ways to grab attention and attract more visitors:

  • Organic search traffic.
  • Social media traffic.

Social media sites are the second most popular way to grab traffic after organic search engine traffic.

A strong social media presence is necessary to turn your business into a brand and go viral.

Digital marketers are using social media websites to deliver digital marketing results.

11 Social Media Content Types to Skyrocket Your Website or Blog: eAskme
10+ Social Media Content Types to Skyrocket Your Website or Blog: eAskme

There are a lot of social media websites that are popular among marketers and content creators. To get the maximum out of your social media strategies, you need to understand the content formats, types, and features.

Today, I will discuss different social media content types and which social media network is best for you with examples.

Most Popular Social Media Content Types:

  1. Short videos
  2. Long videos
  3. User Generated Content
  4. Live Streaming
  5. Questions and Polls
  6. Social Media Influencer Collaborations
  7. Charts and Infographics
  8. Memes
  9. GIFs
  10. Events & Webinars
  11. Giveaways and Contests

1. Short Videos:

Short videos have gained momentum in the past few years and have now become the most consumed social media content type.

All popular social media networks have launched short video formats such as:

  • TikTok
  • Facebook Reels
  • YouTube Shorts
  • Instagram Reels

Short Videos:

Most of the short videos are between 10 seconds to 3 minutes.

Short videos are vertical content formats that people love to consume. Short videos with lucrative content can go viral and change your brand image forever.

Marketers are also using short videos and short video ads to spread awareness of market products or services on social media platforms.

But short videos only work when visual storytelling is compelling.

Content creators and marketers are using filters, background music, etc., to make short videos impressive.

Marketers are using short videos to showcase products and services, share customer studies, spread brand awareness, etc.

Best Social Media Networks for Short Video Content Type:

Almost all popular social media networks use videos. Yet, only some platforms are best for using short video content type.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Short Videos:
TikTok has launched a short video format and made it popular. TikTok is still leading the short video industry.

Facebook Reels:
Facebook profiles and business pages are now using Reels to share everything. You can market your products, services, and announcements using Facebook Reels.

Instagram Reels:
Instagram has launched Reels in 2020. Now, Instagram content creators are using short videos. Even the celebrities are using short videos on Instagram.

YouTube Shorts:
YouTube Shorts launched in 2020 and became the most consumed content type on social media platforms. Billions of monthly users are spending their time watching YouTube Shorts.

Snapchat is the last social media network where you want to use short video stories.

Example: Cava has gained 87000 TikTok followers by creating fun videos.

2. Long Videos:

Videos longer than 10 minutes are considered as long video content types.

Long videos are by far the most popular content type for content marketing.

Brand marketers are creating long videos, tutorials, etc., to engage with the target audience.

Long video is the best content format to create impressive content with storytelling. In most of the long videos, you talk about the issues and educate the user about the solutions.

You can use long content format for interviews, product launches, brand stories, documentaries, video profiles, etc.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Long Videos:

YouTube is the best and most popular platform for long videos. You can create long videos for your YouTube channel.

You can also share the same video on other social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Example: YouTube cooking channels are the best examples of long video content.

3. User-Generated Content:

UGC or User-Generated content is the content that is created by users, not by brand. UGC content is the factor that makes a content or brand viral on social media networks.

Social media influencers, or content creators, love to create content about trusted brands, and this way, they are marketing brands even without getting paid. It is quite similar to word-of-mouth marketing.

People can share carousel posts, images, videos, and stories with brand mentions.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for UGC:

Instagram is the best platform for UGC content type.

Instagram users love content with brand mentions. Content creators also display brands from clothing to cars in their reels and stories.

X (Twitter) is also another platform where UGC content is very popular.

Adobe displays UGC products and services on its Instagram account.

4. Live Streaming:

Live streaming is one of the most popular content types for marketing products or services.

Sites like TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram allow users to livestream. During the live stream, you can talk about brands, businesses, products, services, and solutions.

During live streams, marketers have the opportunity to engage with the target audience. It is also an effective content type for lead generation.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Live Streaming:

TikTok Live, Instagram Live, Facebook Live, and YouTube Live are the best tools for live streaming on social networks.

You can also stream on Twitch. Choose the platform to live stream according to your target audience.

Live streaming is not just limited to video games but is also popular among marketers.

5. Questions and Polls:

Polls and Questions is an old content type that is still popular for collecting feedback and generating content ideas.

Questions and Polls make the audience engage with the content and give real feedback.

You can ask brand questions, give options, and collect data for research purposes.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Questions and polls:

Example: Companies like Fortune are using polls and quizzes to plan their next product launch or price change.

6. Social Media Influencer Collaborations:

Influencer collaborations are on the rise these days.

Brands are collaborating with social media influencers to expand brand reach and product exposure easily.

Find the best social media influencer with your target audience before collaborating.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Influencer Collaborations:


Instagram influencers are quite influential.

Find the right influencer with your target audience to improve your brand presence. You can collaborate for Instagram stories, Instagram reels, and Instagram Interviews.


TikTok is the best tool to target Gen Z users.


YouTube is also the best platform to collaborate with influencers.


For gaming brands, Twitch influencers are the best.

Example: You can collaborate with fashion influencers on Instagram.

7. Charts and Infographics:

Charts and infographics are best for sharing knowledge with creative visuals.

You can create charts and infographics to share them not only on your website but also on social media profiles and pages.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Charts and infographics:

Share Charts and infographics on the following sites:

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

Example: HubSpot is known for using charts and infographics on social media sites and link building.

8. Memes:

Social media is for people who are looking for fun.

Memes are the best content type that can funnily share brand value.

Use meme marketing on your social media accounts.

You will find a lot of interesting images and video clips online. Ad fun text and voiceover to these and make them engaging. Share these on social media profiles, and you will see the result.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Memes:

Twitter and Instagram are the two popular sites where you should use memes to increase brand presence.

Example: Netflix is using memes on their Instagram profile to get tons of engagement.

9. GIFs:

GIFs are popular and work as an alternative to memes.

GIFs with text are quite popular on social media platforms. You can use them to spread your brand messages.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for GIFs:

GIPHY is the site where you can easily host all your GIFs.

Share GIFs on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Example: Salesforce is using GIFs to boost engagement.

10. Events and Webinar:

Events and webinars are the direct ways to engage with your target audience.

You schedule an event or webinar. Promote it on social media sites to attract people who want to join and then educate them about your brand, products, or services.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Events and Webinar:

LinkedIn is the best network for running professional events and webinars.

Example: Bizzabo is using Events and webinars to boost engagement, generate leads, and spread awareness.

11. Giveaways and Contests:

Giveaways and contests are the easiest ways to increase excitement about your brands or services.

Here is the list of social media platforms that are best for Giveaways and contests:

You should share and promote your giveaways and contests on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Example: Even at eAskme giveaways, we offer multiple giveaways where users can win free prizes such as:


These are the different social media content types that you can use according to your brand, target audience, and network.

Use the right content type to empower your social media marketing strategies.

If you need more time, you should test these content types to find out which works best for you and your business.

Start now, and see the result!

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February 08, 2023

Online Reputation Management (ORM): What Is it? What are the Benefits and Importance?

Do you want to create an everlasting impression? Do you want to control your brand's narratives? What do you want to monitor your plan issues and mentions online?

Yes, that means you want to create a good impression online, and this is where you need online reputation management.

Online Reputation Management (ORM), What Is it, What is the importance and benefits: eAskme
Online Reputation Management (ORM), What Is it, What is the importance and benefits: eAskme

No matter if you are a brand or small business. Corporation, or a Blogger, you cannot create an everlasting impression with just social media presence or a creative website.

Users or visitors always have an opinion of the websites or brands they visit. Customers have the knowledge to identify if the brand is genuine or hiding something.

Brands with a lot of negative media and bad reviews always lose everything.

But the good news is that you can turn around the perception of your brand.

You need to limit the damage and fix the problems before they can cause negative branding.

Brand reputation management online is the way to fix reputation issues.

What is Online Reputation Management (ORM)?

As the name suggests, online reputation management is managing your reputation online. It is the way to control your online perception.

Online reputation management is the process of monitoring and managing everything that can change the perception and opinion of your future and existing customers.

This way, your business becomes trustworthy and appealing.

What is the Relation Between SEO and ORM?

Users are visiting search engines to learn about new products or services they want to buy the knowledge that can help them fix common issues.

When people search for your brand, it is necessary to ensure that only the best and positive results appear on the first page.

And you can do this with uh perfect ORM strategy.

Your brand presence on the first page of Google shows what people think about your brand, business, or blog.

It is necessary to control those results to ensure that people will not think negatively about your business and have trust.

Online reputation management is complex; you have to fix every issue that can damage your brand reputation.

Online Reputation Management factors:

Each business followed a different strategy to manage its reputation online. Yet, there are a few things that your all reputation management process should include:

Earned Media:

It includes PR, media relations, and influencer marketing.

Owned media:

It includes user-generated content, brand-created content, customer stories, employee stories, webinars, and reviews.

Paid media:

It includes native advertisements, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and lead generation.

Shared media:

It includes co-branding campaigns, partnerships, social media posts, and community service.

What is the importance of Online Reputation Management?

Reputation management should start from day one. But most brands do not start acting until the damage has been done.

Here are the reasons why online reputation management is essential.

Control the narrative:

Recovering from a negative reputation is itself a challenge.

A negative review from unsatisfied customers on review sites like Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc., can cause a massive drop in sales.

If you do not track reviews and brand mentions about your company, you will lose the opportunity to control the narrative or change the negative perception of the customers.

According to Khoros, 83% of customers rely on brands that proactively resolve issues and listen to the customers.

Your quick action cannot only retain an angry customer but also prevent bad reviews that can cause a loss of new customers.

Understand customers:

If you do not understand your customers.

No matter how much you spend on marketing, you will never see positive results.

Instead, your focus should be on quickly resolving customers' issues without being insensitive.

Stay ahead:

Online reputation is permanent.

And I know we should not want to learn this in a challenging and unhappy way.

Online reputation management is necessary to avoid losing everything.

You need to control the perception of your brand and create an appealing brand story.

Is Online Reputation Management Different than PR?

You should know that public relations and reputation management are two very different things.

Use both to improve your brand strategy and get the benefits.

Online reputation management focuses on maintaining a positive image of your brand. And the focus is to get the word out about your brand using different media channels.

Public relations strategies can also help you improve your brand's reputation by focusing on sharing information about new product launches or services.

Other than advertising, use PR to increase your brand's visibility.

Combining PR with online reputation management will help you improve PR marketing and brand-building results.

PR strategies will also help you share information about important updates about what you are doing to fix customers' problems.

Online reputation management and social media marketing:

You can control your brand presence in Google searches by ranking for positive turns and ranking positive stories about your brand.

But what about social media?

Customers spend most of their time engaging in social conversations and social media networks. 

Unfortunately, negative reviews on social media networks can cause much damage to your reputation.

Your brain must engage in social conversations to fix the issues.

Tools like SproutSocial, Buzzsumo, Mention, BrandWatch, etc., Can help you track your brand mentions.

Use sentiment analysis to find out if the mentions are negative or positive.

Also, keep an eye on branded hashtags, tagging, and mentions.

When you track brand mentions, it becomes easy to eliminate any negative mentions.


People always talk about your brand even, whether you know it or not.

With all reputation management, you can ensure that what is said about your brand is positive and trust-building.

It will help you create a clean image of your company.

ORM strategies can show that difference.

Leave an everlasting positive impression and control your brand's perception.

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July 21, 2022

Understanding Ads for Different Social Media Platforms: Everything You Need to Know

Over the last ten years, the marketing industry has grown out of predominant print and television strategies to take hold of the most wide-reaching and effectively targeted marketing resource: social media.

Understanding Ads for Different Social Media Platforms Everything You Need to Know: eAskme
Understanding Ads for Different Social Media Platforms: Everything You Need to Know: eAskme

Running ads and effective campaigns on social media can be the key to finding your target market and successfully bringing new customers on board.

However, navigating the number of different social media platforms and marketing to each one correctly can be difficult.

In many cases, it may be wise to pursue assistance in different areas, such as bringing on a Facebook advertising agency, utilizing management software, or seeking consultation.

Whatever path you choose, here is everything you need to know about understanding ads for different social media platforms.

There are different platforms:

Hopefully, if you’ve gotten this far, this is not a question you need to ask; however, it is just as much a mindset question as a fairly obvious one.

There are different social media platforms, and how you run ads on each one needs to be different.

While you can use several ad managers that will allow you to copy and paste your copy across platforms, this misses out on marketing to the platforms’ unique consumers.

Thus, before we begin, we must acknowledge several critical social media opportunities.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok will be your big four.

There are several other platforms with more niche user bases, but many of these platforms function similarly, and you can take your strategies from these three platforms and adapt them.

Lastly, technological and media innovation occurs in a few months.

A new social media platform can always arise and gain popularity, so keep your ear to the ground and ensure you are ready to capitalize on unused ad space.


One of the first and most used social media platforms is Facebook.

While the user interface has several implications for running ads, its user base also demands a different marketing strategy.

Facebook’s regular users are primarily Gen X, Baby Boomers, and older Millennials. If you are trying to market a product to teens, Facebook should be your last focus.

If you are marketing to those over 30, Facebook is an excellent media service to focus on.

Amidst marketing to the right age group, Facebook is optimized for a particular type of ad. Image ads within the feed with bold text and enticing imaging that request a visit to your website or sales page are a great way to go.

Additionally, you want to focus on content that can be shared.

People will like or share something on their page—perhaps that has related content—which will help your ads succeed more on the Facebook platform. Lastly, Facebook users tend to be more willing to read the content.

While you shouldn’t overdo the amount of written copy on your ads, having a description with more information will serve you better than on other platforms.

Finding a Facebook marketing agency to help you handle the advertising platform can also be an excellent strategy to improve your success rates.


Twitter is all about brevity.

Boldness and comedy on Twitter will go a long way, so don’t be afraid to try new things.

And remember, whatever imagery you use should pop!

With a character limit and an interface that focuses on text over imagery, generating an advertising strategy that utilizes bold and noticeable textual claims or questions and provides easy-access links to product pages with more information and a copy is a way to go when running Twitter ads.


Currently, Instagram is one of the broadest-reaching marketing platforms.

It has regular users in Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and a smaller percentage of Baby Boomers.

The most significant difference in Instagram marketing is the importance of knowing exactly who you are marketing.

Whether you use pictures or videos, how much text and where you redirect your audience is critical.

Additionally, your ads will not be as prone to sharing as on other platforms.

Using competitions that mandate story sharing can help you significantly on this platform.

With both Instagram and services like Pinterest, ensuring your copy is visually intriguing is one of the most critical aspects of your success.


TikTok’s users are primarily Gen Z and younger Millennials.

If you are running ads on this service, they need to be videos, and they need to be short.

If you are unfamiliar with this type of advertising, finding specialists in social media video advertising, getting a consultation on generational marketing, and even hiring an individual to make relevant and regular videos for your ad campaign can bring you incredible success.

It’s Always Changing:

Remember, the social media and advertising environments are constantly changing, so keep your ear to the ground and be ready to ride the coattails of social media trends whenever necessary.

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April 19, 2022

How Social Media Marketing can Make or Break your Brand?

Social media was initially quite a niche segment; now, there are more social media niches for every topic, business, and individual than could have been imagined.

This has, in essence, changed the way business and marketing are conducted.

How Social Media Marketing can Make or Break your Brand?: eAskme
How Social Media Marketing can Make or Break your Brand?: eAskme

The various social media platforms are now way too big to ignore, hence the rise of social commerce.

Socials are now used to sell and market more than ever before- it's some of the biggest business there is.

Social media influencer marketing - The ups:

Social media influencer marketing is the biggest marketing change and trend in the last decade of marketing.

It was a term that had not been heard of in marketing circles ten years ago and now dominates online forums and discussions.

It's about being able to do, buy and experience what our social and media heroes and heroines are doing.

It's almost as simple as the fact that if a major influencer like Cristiano Ronaldo drinks water and not coke, that can cause one of the largest drinks companies in the world to lose 3% on their share price overnight.

As well as this, social media influencer marketing can build awareness for a brand and get more people to engage and talk about it, which can help attract more people to the brand.

Many gambling companies use this technique to get people interested in their services, with many of them going viral due to getting famous sporting figures on board. If you're looking for good gambling activity, UK slots are growing in popularity; be aware that it's 18+ - please gamble responsibly.

Social misinformation - The downs:

Just as social media platforms are a great place to share and build a brand that is doing amazing things and producing the products of the future, it is the same social that can be used to spread misinformation about the brand.

This will cause the brand reputation considerable damage and has become a source of immense business risk.

Most businesses are now online and allow any of the customers and followers to write reviews and comments about service, products, and even just personal opinions of the brand.

Any social interactions around the brand that you market or are attempting to build must be done professionally and carefully.

It may just be social media, but it is the new Colosseum of brands and products; a bad review, an unhappy customer, or a faulty product design will herald a litany of comments and replies.

An entire thread could be dedicated to your failure.

Or you need an unhappy irrational customer with an axe to grind, and they can mess up your brand online.

The fact that your brand needs to be online is undisputed; however, you need to be extremely careful as to which social media platforms or brand ambassadors/influencers that you choose to use as one mistake on social media lasts a long time and has been the downfall of many a brand.

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July 20, 2021

Looking to boost your Instagram visibility? Here are some SEO tips

Instagram SEO is a recent phenomenon. If you want to market your entrepreneurship, the best way is by using social media.

Instagram is the best performing and favorite social media platform among entrepreneurs. The more supporters you fetch, the better it is for your venture.

It aggravates your chances of getting more traffic and driving sales.

Hence, Instagram optimization must be on the top of your priority list.

Looking to boost your Instagram visibility? Here are some SEO tips: eAskme
Looking to boost your Instagram visibility? Here are some SEO tips: eAskme

To boost sales, reach out to your target audience, and make your place in the market, you have to use this platform to the best possible level.

However, it is a tricky part of the game. Instagram SEO is not similar to other platforms.

You have to use your rationality and technical know-how to understand the process.

Instagram optimization is not an easy game.

Although it will provide you with the possibility of getting better traffic, you have to understand the details.

When you follow some expert guidelines and suggestions, you will understand the best way of optimizing Instagram for your entrepreneurial activities. Only then can you buy 10 Instagram followers.

Remember that the more followers, the better it is for your venture.

It adds to your visibility and also brand credibility.

Why is optimizing necessary for using Instagram?

First and foremost, you must be thinking about:

  • Why you require Instagram optimization?
  • Why is it that Instagram has become so critical for giving a boost to your entrepreneurial activities?
  • Why do you have to dedicate your effort and time to increase your visibility on this platform?

There are some sure short answers to this question. Instagram has more than one billion users influential on this platform.

Hence, you will get the chance to reach out to these individuals with the minimum effort.

By using Instagram SEO tips and tactics, you can give a boost to your venture.

Apart from this, most of the users on Instagram are the younger generation. If you want to increase the group's purchasing power, you do not have to work very hard.

After a few analyses and evaluations, you will find the best buyer for your products. If you throw a look at statistics, you will see that more than three billion users connect with this platform now and then.

Hence, if you spend a considerable part of your day on this outlet, you can get the best returns. It will increase engagement and also take your venture to another level.

Apart from this, people are using the platform to discover new services and products.

Hence, you will get a chance to make your brand visible to a vast audience. Thus, you must use this platform to engage with your followers.

How can Instagram SEO bring in new opportunities?

When you understand the significance of Instagram, the next is the difference of Instagram SEO from other platforms.

For getting customers, you have to use the features and characteristics of this platform. For getting found, you have to work hard.

If you want to make your merchandise popular on this platform, you must develop a consistent effort.

Hashtags have become a profound tool used by entrepreneurs worldwide. They are slowly taking the place of keywords in the current setting. When you add hashtags to the post, it makes the content searchable.

By using trendy hashtags, you will emerge visibly before others.

On the other hand, you can also incorporate keywords in the Instagram handle and profile name.

It improves discoverability and adds value to the content.

Hence, a mix and match of hashtags and keywords should be your strategy.

Different techniques for Instagram optimization

Instagram SEO has benefits you never knew.

It will improve visibility, discoverability, add to the reach and bring you better traffic.

Hence, you must follow the below-given points:

Optimize your profile:

The first step of Instagram optimization is the optimization of the profile. You can use the search function of Instagram for this purpose. It will deliver you relevant profiles based on search.

When using Instagram for your business efforts, you have to pay attention to multiple factors from the audience to account type to the market and the like.

Moreover, the posts must be influential for determining sales.

You can use keywords with hashtags to attract better traffic.

In this arena, two things are very critical. The first is username and name, and the second is Instagram bio.

Ensure that the primary keyword which you incorporate in the title is relevant.

It will help you improve visibility and provide you with the desirable outcome.

On the other hand, the Instagram bio must be complete and specific. It is the space where you describe the venture with the help of secondary keywords.

Hence, try to be to the point and creative.

Use keywords for optimizing caption:

Another way of Instagram optimization is by using keywords. You may search these on the Internet with the help of tags.

Instagram will provide you with a content recommendation. You have to adapt these according to your interaction and interest.

For example, if you are dealing in a food-related industry, you have to explore those pages which display similar content.

By paying attention to their type of content, alignment, formatting, and strategy, you can improve your content as well.  

Encourage tagging:

Another promising way of boosting discoverability is by tagging others. When you tag others and your followers tag you in return, it will add to your brand visibility.

By using Instagram stories, attractive posts, and relevant content, you can stand out in the competition.

However, you must be consistent in your technique when sharing stories and other content.

Remember that running a brand on social media is not easy. It is because of the high competition which this place offers.

You can use giveaways and promotions, which involve tagging for boosting your sales.

It is a recent favorite among entrepreneurs, which encourages followers and also brings new users.

Hence, the platform will help you with tools that you may use to your advantage.

You have to consider hashtags, stories, live chats, and other features to boost your venture.

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May 17, 2021

5 Influencer Metrics that Matter for Your Marketing Campaigns

If you want to find influencers to collaborate with your brand, there are a few key metrics you need to understand.

Analyzing these will give you better insight into the influencer’s profile and performance on social media.

5 Influencer Metrics that Matter for Your Marketing Campaigns: eAskme
5 Influencer Metrics that Matter for Your Marketing Campaigns: eAskme

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Some of these metrics can be observed on social media.

But to get the clearest view of this information, ask influencers for their media kit or internal performance data.

Alternatively, you could use an influencer marketing platform, which provides you with influencer analytics data.

Number of followers

The number of followers an influencer has determines their reach, or how many people potentially see their content.

It also helps to determine their price; generally speaking, the more followers, the higher the influencer’s fee.

Having more followers isn’t always better. Influencers with relatively small followings usually have the highest engagement rates.

Keep reading to learn more about engagement and why it matters.

valeskaschneider: influencer metrics:easkme

With 27.5K followers, @valeskaschneider is considered a micro influencer. She already collaborates with various brands.

Growth over time

It’s important to look at how an influencer gained their followers throughout time. Influencer growth should be slow and steady.

If you see sudden spikes in growth, you should investigate further.
Growth rate for @valeskaschneider. We can see a sudden jump in early January 2021. This may be due to posts by brands she collaborates with.

Growth over time:5 Influencer Metrics that Matter for Your Marketing Campaigns :eAskme

Spikes in follower growth can be caused by a few things.

  • First, the influencer may have hosted a giveaway, which usually requires participants to follow their account.
  • Second, they may have appeared on TV or gone viral.
  • Finally, in the absence of a logical explanation, the influencer may have purchased a batch of fake followers.

Engagement rate

Engagement rate is a metric that measures the level of interaction between an influencer and their followers.

To calculate it, add up the number of interactions on a post, divide it by the number of followers, and multiply by 100.

Interactions vary by social network; for example, for Instagram influencers, look at likes and comments.

Some specific posts perform better than others, so take the average on a sample of posts in order to see the influencer’s general engagement.

Also, only compare influencers to their peers when analyzing engagement.

The averages vary based on social network and number of followers, so it’s unfair to compare across social media and follower segments.

Engagement rate:5 Influencer Metrics that Matter for Your Marketing Campaigns :eAskme

Engagement analysis for @valeskaschneider. Compared to other Instagram influencers with between 15-50K followers, she has very high engagement.

Nano and micro influencers (who have up to 50K followers) have the highest engagement rates in the industry.

Although they have fewer followers, their audiences trust them as experts in their niche.

The idea is that the influencers can then leverage that relationship to engage their followers with your brand.

Audience demographics

For any marketing campaign, you need to define your target audience.

And when working with influencers, make sure that their audience matches your target audience.

Look at demographics like country, language, age, gender and interests.

While influencers generally have things in common with their followers, don’t assume this.

Always check to make sure that the collaboration can help you reach the right people and work toward your campaign goals.

Audience demographics:5 Influencer Metrics that Matter for Your Marketing Campaigns:eAskme
 @valeskascheider’s Instagram audience is primarily interested in surf, sport, photography and travel.

Audience authenticity

In addition to demographics, look at the quality of the influencer’s audience. See if the audience seems like authentic people, or if they appear to be bots.

There are some ways to identify bots.

They typically don’t have profile pictures or biographies.

Their names and comments might seem unnatural or off-topic, and they tend to have little to no content.

Audience authenticity analysis for @valeskaschneider. It’s normal for influencers to have a marginal percentage of suspicious followers.

Audience authenticity:5 Influencer Metrics that Matter for Your Marketing Campaigns:eAskme

If you see that a significant percentage of the audience looks like bots, the influencer probably purchased fake followers.

See if you can find spikes in follower growth to back up your hypothesis.

Bonus: Non-quantifiable influencer qualities

In addition to performance-based metrics, there are a few other things to evaluate when searching for influencers to collaborate with.

You want influencers who align with your brand.

That means that the collaboration makes sense, and followers see a connection between the influencer’s profile and what you brand has to offer.

Consider questions like:

●    Is their content of an acceptable quality for my brand?
●    Does their aesthetic style complement my brand’s?
●    Can this influencer’s unique voice share my brand’s message?
●    Does their personality match that of my brand?
●    Does the influencer uphold my brand’s values?


When finding influencers, it’s important to evaluate these key metrics and qualities.

And always relate your influencer search back to the goals you set out for your campaign.

If you’d like to learn more about how to define your campaign, how to find influencers and how to manage your collaborations, check out this influencer marketing guide.

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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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