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May 11, 2021

Twitter Tip Jar: New Way to Make Money with Twitter

Do you want to make money with Twitter? If yes then you must know about Twitter Tip Jar.

Twitter is allowing content creators, publishers, and journalists to receive tips from their Twitter followers.

According to Twitter, Tip Jar is a new way that help Twitter users to earn money from their followers.

Twitter Tip Jar: New Way to Make Money with Twitter: eAskme
Twitter Tip Jar: New Way to Make Money with Twitter: eAskme

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This is one of the many upcoming features that is/will help Twitter users to earn money online. Twitter do not cut share from any tips.

Twitter want that users can support others beyond like, follow, and retweet.

Twitter Tip Jar is the first step in that direction.

How to Earn Money Online on Social Media?

The most common way to make money using social media is the ads.

You can sell products by advertising on social media networks.

Facebook is the master’s in social media advertisements.

You can easily create ads on Facebook to sell your products or services using images, text, and videos.

Twitter is also planning to offer multiple ways to it’s users to earn money.

How to Give Money to a Twitter user?

You can only send the money to the person who have Tip Jar icon in his account.

Tip Jar button is located near the follow button.

Who can Monetize Twitter Followers?

Twitter users with English language can use Tip Jar.

Firstly, journalists, experts, creators, and non-profit organizations will start using Tip Jar feature.

How to activate Twitter Tip Jar?

Only selected Twitter users can use Tip Jar feature now.

You can check the availability of Tip Jar by going to edit profile section.


Twitter Tip Jar is the first step for Twitter to enable monetization model on its platform.

With this, Twitter will be on the path like YouTube and Facebook content monetization.

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It seems that in the coming days, Twitter will release a lot of updates and features.

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