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March 18, 2020

How Gambling Regulations Affects Players and Companies in the US

Online gambling regulations have always been messy, save for a small list of countries. Often it is difficult to mix the right mix between restricting gambling companies enough to protect players but not so much as to gut the market altogether.

For every country like the United Kingdom, with strict but mostly fair regulations, we have many more that are either too heavy-handed with their policies or tax the operators into oblivion.

How Gambling Regulations Affects Players and Companies in the US: eAskme
How Gambling Regulations Affects Players and Companies in the US: eAskme

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But while most governments set the rules and regulations for the entire country, there are those who leave things to be decided on the regional level.

The United States is one such country, with each of the 50 states coming up with its own specific set of laws.

All in all, it is a chaotic mess of legislation that few know about in its entirety and fewer still understand it all.

For example, this article about US sports betting goes into detail about the draconian measure imposed on certain gambling industries.

The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006

Online gambling first started appearing on the radar during the mid to late 90s and it quickly gained traction worldwide.

As with all new industries, it was the Wild West and most operators were left to do as they pleased.

Few if any regulations were introduced and it was interesting, to say the least.

But as it goes, all good things must come to end and this came with the introduction of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in 2006.

With the passing of a single piece of legislation, the Federal Government killed the online gambling industry in the United States.

Not that what the operators were doing was particularly overseen or lawful but overnight almost all of them shut their virtual doors.

Playtech, one of the largest software providers in the online casino industry, lost 40% of its share value following the Act.

What the Act did was not to ban online gambling, it was already illegal on the state level in most states, but to ban the transactions from players in such states.

Without the needed cash flow, the industry ground to a halt.

Revival of Online Gambling in the United States

In recent years, the online gambling scene has been picking up steam but it is nothing compared to what it once was.

Legal online gambling is available only in a few states, primarily, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Delaware.

Others also permit some level of online betting but not to the same levels as the previous four.

However, a comprehensive study regarding the US gambling market reveals that it is not as cut and dry as it may seem.

For one, companies need to acquire a separate license to operate in each state. This is hardly intuitive and the red tape is a hindrance for the development of the scene.

Therefore, it is hardly surprising that operators choose to focus on only a single state rather than on all available markets.

Other entities in the online gambling industry are not really fond of doing business in the US.

Particularly, the US online casino scene features relatively few software providers as opposed to that of Europe.

Looking at licensed online casinos, you will likely find games from Reel Time Gaming and a few other smaller companies.

While the titles produced by these companies are not by any means bad, the lack of variety certainly hurts the industry.

For reference, there are tens of thousands of online casino games available globally and it does not make sense for the US market to only see a few hundred of them in a legal form.

The players’ end of things looks better but there are still some aspects that pose problems.

As we mentioned above, certain forms of gambling may be permitted in a state but not in a different one.

As a result, companies have to make sure that the customer is physically located in the state otherwise they risk breaking the law.

To ensure this, operators have to track a customer’s location at all times and if they step outside state borders, their access to the platform is removed.

This is surely an invasion of privacy that bettors in other countries are not subjected to but it is the only way to make the scene work in its current state.

What the Future Holds

As it currently stands, the United States’ online gambling industry is nowhere near as great as it could be.

There is much potential for growth in this sector and it remains an untapped gold mine, held back only by the draconian laws of the states’ legislatures.

If US gambling law were to become more permissive, the country could well have the world’s most valuable online gambling scene.

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November 16, 2018

Why Your Company Should Hire a Brilliant SEO Consultant in California?

In 2017, Google recorded a total of 1.2 trillion searches, and this only represents 74% of the search engine market share. All these searches were potential leads, but they only benefited business that had optimized their content for search engines. According to The State of California there are 3, 320, 977 small businesses in California alone, and most of them have websites.However, most of them make the mistake of assuming that the SEO they did when they were designing their website years ago is enough.

Why Your Company Should Hire a Brilliant SEO Consultant in California: eAskme
Why Your Company Should Hire a Brilliant SEO Consultant in California: eAskme

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The truth, however, is the SEO landscape keeps evolving by the day and the best way to remain ahead of the pack is to treat SEO as a daily task. Let’s look at some of the reasons why hiring an SEO consultant California is a good idea for your business.

Keep abreast with the latest SEO trends

Why Your Company Should Hire a Brilliant SEO Consultant in California: eAskme

Hiring a dedicated SEO specialist will help your company to keep in step with the latest search engine trends. For instance, on July 9th, 2018, Google updated their algorithm to start using mobile page speed as a ranking metric.

Like most of their important updates, this was announced 6 months before it was rolled out. This gave online businesses enough time to ensure they complied.

When you have a dedicated SEO specialist, they will help your company get ready for such vital changes so you will never have to suffer the consequences of non-compliance.

Achieve better ranking

Why Your Company Should Hire a Brilliant SEO Consultant in California: eAskme

At any one time, you compete for the same keywords with lots of other companies in the same niche. It is a war that will only be won by the company that has a dedicated SEO expert.

The expert will analyze the keyword phrases and words and the exact competition each of them has.

They will then develop a plan on how best to rank for the identified keywords as well as advising the company on which keywords not to rank for.

Keep away from trouble

Why Your Company Should Hire a Brilliant SEO Consultant in California: eAskme

There are some search engine optimization techniques that might have been okay a decade ago but are no longer accepted by the major search engines.

One good example is keyword spamming. Search engines are now more interested in quality content as opposed to poorly written content that is spammed with keywords.

Hiring a dedicated SEO expert will help you ensure your company is following all SEO best practices to avoid being blacklisted by a major search engine.

Earn more income

Why Your Company Should Hire a Brilliant SEO Consultant in California: eAskme

Most company owners think hiring a dedicated SEO expert is an unnecessary expense. What they fail to realize is the SEO expert will help them make more money.

A website that is properly optimized for search engines is the ultimate well-oiled machine that works on autopilot to keep generating revenue for the company.

Every new day, new visitors are sent to the website through search engines and some of these new visitors eventually become loyal customers.


Hiring an SEO expert is arguably the best business decision you can make for your company this year. If you are too concerned about the cost, you are looking at it wrong.

The question you should be asking is whether the cost is justified. Looking at it this way will help you realize that hiring a dedicated SEO expert has an amazing ROI.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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October 28, 2018

Meanings of BRB, ASL, LOL, FAQ, TOS etc. for Chatting and Texting

BRB, ASL, ATM, LOL, TC, W8, etc are just a few examples of the best abbreviations of slang words. I have already shared Facebook abbreviations for chatting and texting. Using abbreviations help you to save time when chatting.

Meanings of BRB, ASL, LOL, FAQ, TOS etc. for Chatting and Texting: eAskme
Meanings of BRB, ASL, LOL, FAQ, TOS etc. for Chatting and Texting: eAskme

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Why should you use abbreviations?

Using abbreviations will help you save time and easy to chat with multiple people at the same time. It is an easy and quick way to share the words effectively. These days’ people are looking for more and more short words to use and save time.

I am sharing some of the most popular short forms or short words that you can use online.

Meanings of BRB, ASL, LOL, etc. used in chats

Many times when someone type a short message, you will find it hard to understand what he want to say. This list will help you to find the meaning of popular short words and abbreviations.

List of short words or abbreviations or for you;

Abbreviation Meaning
A3Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
AAPAlways A pleasure
AEAPAs early as Possible
AFKAway From Keyboard
AHAt Home
AMAAsk me Anything
ASAPAs Soon As Possible
ATBAll the best
ATMAt The Moment
AYSAre you serious?
B4NBye For Now
B2CBusiness to Consumer
B2BBusiness to Business
B2WBack to work
BBBe Back
BBLBe Back Later
BBSBe Back Soon
BFFBest friends forever
BRBBe Right Back
BOLBest of Luck
BRTBe Right There
BRBest regards
BTWBye the way
Blogweblog or online journal
C4NCiao for now
CFYCalling for you
CUSee you
CYASee you
CMCall me
CRBCome right back
CTCan’t talk
CYOSee you online
DNDDo Not Disturb
DIYDo it yourself
DTSDon’t think so
EDErase Display
EOFEnd of life
EODEnd of discussion/end of day
EOMEnd of message
EOLEnd of life
FAQFrequently asked questions
F2FFace to face
FFAFree for all
FTLFor the loss
FYEOFor your eyes only
FTWFor the win
FYAFor your amusement
FYIFor your information
G2GGot to go
G2CUGood to See You
GTGGood to go
GAGo Ahead
GBGood bye
GMGood Morning
GEGood Evening
GNGood Night
GBTWGet back to work
GFUGood for you
GJGood Job
GLGood Luck
HANDHave a nice day
HRUHow are you
HFHave Fun
IBI am back
ICI see
ICUI see you
ILUI love you
IDBII don’t believe it
IDKI don’t know
IMInstant message
IMUI Miss you
J/KJust Kidding
LOLLaughing Out Loud
JLMKJust let me know
KISSKeep it simple stupid
KFYKiss for you
LDLong Distance
LDRLong Distance Relationship
LMKLet me know
LMAOLaugh My A* Off
LOLOLots of love
LOLLaughing Out Loud
LYSMLove you so much
LTNSLong Time No See
M/FMale or Female
MGBMay Good Bless
MLMMulti level marketing
MYOBMind your own business
MMSMulti Media Messaging
N1Nice one
NMNever mind
NPNo Problem
NWNo Way
OFCOf Course
OSOperating System
OLLOnline Love
OMGOh My God
OTBOff to bed
OTPOn the phone
OYOOn your own
P2PParent to parent/peer to peer/pay to play
PMPrivate message
RIPRest in peace
RUAre you?
S2SSorry to say
SATSorry about that
SCStay cool
SDSweet Dreams
SEOSearch engine optimization
SHSame here
SITStay in touch
SMSocial media
SSSo sorry
SOLSooner or later
SOTShort of time
SUShut up
SULSee you later
SYSSee you soon
SYLSee you later
SUPWhat’s Up
SYSSee you soon
SYLSee you later
TAUThinking about u
THXThank You
TTYLTalk To You Later
TGThat’s great
TBLText back later
TGIFThank god its Friday
TCTake Care
TOSTerms of service
UTMYou tell me
U4EYours For Ever
VIPVery important person
WBSWrite back soon
WBWelcome Back
WTFWhat the F*ck

Final Words:

This list will help you find the meaning of BRB, ASl, LOL etc. to make it easy for you to chat with others and understand what others want to say.

Do you know any more short words? If yes, do share via comments.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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