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January 08, 2025

Wolf Man (2025)

Wolf Man is an American horror movie for scary movie lovers. It was announced in 2014 but released in 2025.

Wolf Man (2025) is the reboot of The Wolf Man (1941 film). It is the second movie from the Wolf Man movie series. Leigh Whannell has written and directed the movie for Universal Pictures.

Here is everything that you must know about Wolf Man.

Wolf Man (2025)
Wolf Man (2025)

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Wolf Man (2025):

Wolf Man is the story of Blake and his family. An unseen creature attacked Blake, which turned him into a Wolf Man during the night. His Wolf Man transformation jeopardizes the lives of his daughter and wife.

Julia Garner, Christopher Abbott, Sam Jaeger, Matilda Firth, Benedict Hardie, Ben Prendergast, Milo Cawthrone, Beatriz Romilly, and Zac Chandler are part of the Wolf Man movie project. It was filmed in New Zealand.

Wolf Man releases on 17th January 2025.

Leigh Whannell directed Wolf Man (2025). He is a famous director known for SAW (2004), Cooties (2014), The Invisible Man (2020), Aquaman (2018), and the Insidious series.

Wolf Man's movie budget is more than $7 million. It is expected to earn $30 million at the worldwide box office.

Universal Pictures owns the distribution rights to Wolf Man.

How many Wolf Man have been released till now?

  • The Wolf Man (1941)
  • Wolf Man (2025)

Wolf Man Ratings:

Stay tuned to know the IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings.

Sites to Stream Wolf Man:

Wolf Man will be released on PeacockTV and Hulu. This OTT prediction is based on the other Universal Pictures movies. You can also buy or rent Wolf Man movie tickets.


Wolf Man (2025) is one of the American horror fantasy movies. Critics and fans will review the movie and rank it.

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