Showing posts with label Wordpress Hosting. Show all posts

September 11, 2023

WordPress 100 Years Domain Name Registrations Launched: How to Get it?

Preserve the legacy of your business domain name with 100-year dominion registrations and WordPress with advanced security-managed web hosting and 24/ 7 assistance.

Until now, you can buy it for up to 10 years. Sites like GoDaddy, Bigrock, BlueHost, Hostgator, etc., allow users to buy a domain name for a maximum of 10 years.

But now WordPress has developed a new plan that allows users to register their domain names for 100 years.

WordPress's 100 years of domain registration are one of a kind. And here is what you must know about it.

WordPress 100 Years Domain Name Registrations Plan:

WordPress 100 Years Domain Name Registrations Launched: eAskme
WordPress 100 Years Domain Name Registrations Launched: eAskme

Registering a domain name for 100 years may not appeal to every individual, business, or marketer.

Yet, WordPress is offering Century Plan.

WordPress's 100-Year Plan will cost you $38,000. In other words, you are paying $380/year for a 100-year domain registration at WordPress.

What do you get in WordPress Century Plan for Domain registration?

You will get more than just a domain name with the WordPress Century plan:

  • Domain name for 100 years.
  • Multiple backups
  • Managed WordPress Hosting
  • Unlimited bandwidth to handle unlimited traffic.
  • 24/7 dedicated support.

Who can Buy a 100-Year Plan for Domain Registration?

WordPress says anyone interested in buying Century Plan to Preserve Legacy can fill out the form.

WordPress hopes people can use One Hundred Year Domain name registration to gift newborns and preserve their history for 100 years.

How to Join 100 Year Domain Name Registration Plan?

Go to 100 Years page and fill in the form.


WordPress's 100-year domain name registration is already making headlines. It is a unique domain name registration plan you can gift someone.

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS for creating websites, blogs, and e-commerce sites.

The company hopes that a new plan will make users stay with the WordPress company for a very long time.

It is a good plan for those who choose WordPress over other website CMS platforms.

You will get hosting, domain name, security, backup, and a server that can handle unlimited traffic. It is undoubtedly a good plan for massive news websites.

If you plan to run your website for 100 years, choose the WordPress Century plan for domain name and web hosting.

Do you want to buy a domain name for a hundred years?

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January 01, 2023

VPS with Unlimited Bandwidth: What Are the Benefits?

Why VPS or Virtual Private Server with unlimited bandwidth? Do you need unlimited bandwidth with VPS hosting?

Reliable web hosting is required to load your website faster and avoid downtime.

VPS hosting is known for more control over your website's server, bandwidth, and content.

There are a lot of web hosting services that offer VPS hosting. You should know that VPS hosting is more costly than shared hosting. Yet, why do people choose VPS hosting?

Benefits of VPS with Unlimited Bandwidth: What You Need to Know?: eAskme
Benefits of VPS with Unlimited Bandwidth: What You Need to Know?: eAskme

And, even when you choose VPS hosting, do you need VPS with unlimited bandwidth?

What is unlimited bandwidth in VPS hosting? Can unlimited VPS bandwidth help your website and visitors?

Here is everything that you should know.

What is Unlimited VPS Bandwidth?

The bandwidth in web hosting is the amount of data your website consumes while loading the page.

You can also understand it as the consumption of data by the user in the form of pages, images, videos, or any other type of data available on your website.

More bandwidth means more and faster data transfer.

There are two major types of bandwidth:

  • Inbound Bandwidth
  • Outbound Bandwidth

Inbound bandwidth:

The Inbound bandwidth means the amount of data you or the user uploads on your website.

Outbound bandwidth:

The outbound bandwidth is the amount of data used to download a website from the server.

Unlimited VPS bandwidth offers enough data that can be consumed for faster download or upload.

In VPS hosting with unlimited data you will get:
  • Dedicated server
  • Fast CPU
  • More RAM
  • Reliable server
  • Unlimited Bandwidth

Why Do You Need VPS with Unlimited Bandwidth?

VPS Hosting costs you more than shared hosting. Yet, businesses and brands choose VPS or dedicated hosting over shared hosting.

The major reason you should choose VPS hosting servers is the reliable and faster performance in unlimited bandwidth VPS hosting.

VPS hosting's unlimited bandwidth plan ensures that your website will load faster and not face downtime.

Unlimited bandwidth also ensures that a surge in web traffic will not cause downtime.

You also get multiple server options in VPS hosting, such as:

  • Linux VPS hosting
  • Ubuntu VPS hosting
  • Windows VPS hosting

VPS with unlimited bandwidth also aids in the resolution of issues that commonly arise when users and clients connect to the internet.

Network lag and overlapping IP addresses are two common issues.

Users can avoid overloaded transmission lines that may cause interruptions during website use by using unlimited VPS hosting servers.

How Does Unlimited Bandwidth Assist in Attracting More Visitors?

Club unlimited bandwidth with SEO to attract organic visitors.

Combination of  create a traffic friendly user experience.

Club unlimited bandwidth with SEO to attract organic visitors.

A combination of search engine optimization and unlimited bandwidth creates a traffic-friendly user experience. SEO helps your site rank on major search engines.

Website loading speed is also a ranking factor as it impacts user experience.

No-one like to wait for a page that takes forever to load.

A fast VPS hosting server with unlimited bandwidth is what you need.


Web admins who choose VPS hosting plans with unlimited bandwidth get more control over server resources.

VPS hosting is also better for serving visitors during a traffic surge.

You always want more traffic on your website, and that is when you need VPS hosting unlimited bandwidth plans.

Still have any questions, feel free to ask me via comments.
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October 24, 2021

The Beginners Guide To Growing Your Business From Scratch Online

Launching a new business takes some guts.
Anyone who has the passion, drive and determination to take an idea and put it to the market as a business in a bid to earn money needs to be applauded.
Unfortunately, they also have a lot on their plate.

More than half of new businesses don’t make it past the first five years, so mere survival is an achievement in the beginning.
The Beginners Guide To Growing Your Business From Scratch Online: eAskme
The Beginners Guide To Growing Your Business From Scratch Online: eAskme

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It’s crucial, therefore, that you get everything just right when you start. Your web presence is crucial to this.
Your footprint on the world wide web is how you can let people know who you are and what you do. It is, in one package, a showcasing tool, a signposting device and a vital marketing resource.

The positive for your business is that starting from scratch allows you to do everything properly – too many people rush in and make mistakes that they then must spend time reversing.
You can hit the ground running if you consider the following:

What do you want your site to do?

Here’s a question that not enough people ask at the very start.
  • Do you want your site to be a basic page showing customers what you do and telling them how to contact you?
  • Or, do you need an element of e-commerce so that you can accept orders?
Decide on this before you start to select and build the right site with this in mind.


Choose a domain

Your domain name is important. The domain name is the name that forms your web address, and you need it to be as easy as possible for your customers to access. This needs to be registered.

Build your site

This bit might sound daunting, especially if you’re not a tech expert.

However, you have two options that can save you some hassle here. Either head to a provider that offers templates that you can lift ‘off the peg’ and play with (someone such as WordPress, for example).

Your early decision-making comes in handy.

You need to select a site that addresses all of your needs. If you’re not happy with the sort of site you can get here, you can enlist a freelance expert to build it to your demands.

This will be more money but could be worth it if you have a specific set of demands.

Choose a host

Your website needs to be hosted.

Businesses need to consider the right website hosting package to ensure their website can handle the traffic it attracts.

Hosting takes your site and puts it in a place that makes it accessible to web users.

Your site builder might do this for you, or you can opt for someone different. Next, you need to check the bandwidth and server space you are getting.

A start-up is unlikely to attract great volumes straight away, but allow yourself scope for growth.

It would be a shame for this to keep your progress in check.

Get : Bluehost WordPress Hosting Discount: Save 56% on Annual Hosting

Get some content on there

Once you've got a site and it has a place on the net, it's time to populate it with content.

First, you need to explain what you do, who you are and what you sell.

It will not only catch the buyer's attention– and help them to make their purchases – but it should also catch the eye of Google so that you crop up on searches.  

Entrepreneur offers a handy nine-point checklist that is helpful when considering how you should write sales copy.

You might also want to speak to an SEO expert to ensure that the copy you write will help you to get noticed on Google.

Update and maintain

Once you’ve done all of that, you’re up and running.

You can then use social media and email and text marketing campaigns to bring people to your site so that you can start earning money.

First, of course, you need to make sure you update and maintain your information on the site.

As a startup, it’s important to know what you need and not be afraid to get expert support – especially in building and hosting your page.

Get this right, and you’ll have a vital part of your business established.

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March 26, 2020

Why it is Better not to Host a WordPress Website for Free?

When setting up the WordPress site for a scratch, some of us would go for a recommended WordPress host, while some will consider a free WordPress host.

And here also goes InterServer hosting service, which offers different plans for WordPress hosting. Here you can find all of its features. After all, gives an open plan, so why not choose Is that right? Well, Not at all.

Why it is Better not to Host a WordPress Website for Free: eAskme
Why it is Better not to Host a WordPress Website for Free: eAskme

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Let’s get this one thing well and clear.

Today, there are less free WordPress hosts that work.

However, the risks related to a free host are surely not worth any in the end.

This article will tell you why it is so.

We’ll explore the everyday dangers of using a free WordPress host and commend some free alternatives.

Sounds great?

Let’s get to it.

But just before we delve in, here is a disclaimer;

Not all free hosts will experience these issues, but nearly all of them are more likely to have at least some small problems.

1.  There are huge security risks in a Free WordPress Host

Free WordPress hosts do not have the funds to hire inhouse security and network engineers.

With substandard firewall and insufficient security countermeasures, a free host is at risk from external network attacks.

And because there are no barriers to a free WordPress host (not even a single credit card is needed, not yet a simple sign up procedure), malicious users, with evil intentions could simply sign up for a free hosting account.

Because your WordPress installation stays on the same server, you will always be very vulnerable to internal attacks.

The most devastating attacks are the quiet ones – the ones whose reality is unknown until when they just pop up.

Let me show you how this happens:

Think of a modernized malware that lives secretly in your site, and also gets supported in the scheduled WordPress backup process.

When the time is ripe, the malware strikes hard.

It could occur when you have put together a considerable number of newsletter subscribers, or oh, God forbid, when you already have to pay customers in your big online store.

The malware takes away your customers’ data (including their login information) and uses it to do numerous malicious purposes.

If any customer uses the same password on any other website, the impact is even more than worse.

2. Performance Issues

We know for sure that shared WordPress hosts have substantial performance issues, especially when there’s the usual traffic spikes or someone misusing the widely shared server’s resources.

Now think of the case with these free hosts, where absolutely everyone can get an account without having to spend a single dime.

There’s a vast possibility that your currently preferred WordPress site is going to experience occasional downtime and inferior overall performance.

3. Meager Server Resources

Free hosts typically don’t have a budget! And you’ll struggle with low disk space (hardly enough to install your required WordPress plugins), very little bandwidth, and small maximum file upload size.

Due to these predicaments, you’ll be unable to upload the most critical media file and those large images.

And because you are on a free plan, you can’t complain.

You’ll have to swallow this bitter pill and deal with your issues the best way you know.

These free hosts have a funny model where you’re charged an unreasonable amount of money to allow you to assess increased disk space or FTP upgrade.

5. Very little or No Customer Support

Let’s face it guys:  you are not entitled to any customer support if you are hosted for free.

In case you encounter issues with your site and reach out to them but get no relief, let them be.

You can only go that far. That’s the most you can do so let them be.

6. Irreversible and Inevitable termination of the service

Many free WordPress blogs have been around for a couple of years.

A recent study conducted by a free WordPress host truly worked for several websites.

The bad news is that from last year (2019) 2 of the four hosts have vanished.

They’re no longer in business.

You know what? I’m not surprised at all.

So there’s a chance that one day you would wake up only to find that your free word press host disappeared suddenly without communication or any sort of warning.

And the most painful aspect of it is that you don’t know if they will ever come back.

The only chance you have of restoring your site is if you have a full WordPress backup stored remotely.

7. WordPress Emails and Contact Forms doesn’t Work

One big problem with free hosts is abysmal delivery, that’s: they are not able to send emails from the server’s host.

Because anyone is free to sign up for an account, evil people then use these servers to send sperm messages to people in droves; thus, free host’s IPs are blocked the dominant email providers making any emails coming from these IPs be sent to spam folders automatically

It is the reason why most free hosts disable the capability to send any email from their servers, or, if they can at all, the chances of these emails finding their way into your inbox are minimal.

That’s WordPress system emails like your request to reset your email password don’t get to your inbox.

Once you are blocked, that would be the final nail in the SEO coffin.

You can bid that site goodbye!

Your only option would be to start again with a new domain and (hopefully) a paid WordPress host.

Difficult Migration and Inflated upsells

The only authorized methods of hosts to make money is through upsells.

They charge exorbitantly for minor upgrades such as increased disk space transfer bandwidth.

Finally, when you decide to migrate your website from the free host, they can make the migration process complicated.

Most people consider choosing a free host because they’re making attempts at their hobbies, and aren’t quite sure how long the project will take.

They don’t feel the need to have a paid plan.

Which will even have the best schema markup plugin for your blog. but you can also try the alternative like free

Wrap up

Summarily, you’ll save nothing with a free word press host.

You’ll spend a lot of time fixing issues arising from the s performance, security issues and overall reliability.

There are no freebies in this life.

Cheap is always expensive.

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May 06, 2019

Hostinger Review | Fastest Web Hosting

Choosing a reliable and fast web hosting service is a crucial step. One should give it utmost importance and research well before making the final decision. The success of your blog or website also depends upon how reliable and fast your web hosting is?

Google has already confirmed that it does not like slow loading sites. When choosing a web hosting for your blog, you should keep both eyes open and choose the right web hosting service for your blog or website.

I have shared many times about the importance of web hosting and best web hosting service providers.

Hostinger Review | Fastest Web Hosting: eAskme
Hostinger Review | Fastest Web Hosting: eAskme

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Today, I am going to help you choose the fast web hosting service and will review Hostinger in this article.

In this Hostinger review, I will share everything from the web hosting service provider to the service they offer.

When looking for a reliable web hosting service, you will find two type of web hosting services;
  1. Free Web Hosting
  2. Paid web hosting

Free Web Hosting:

A free web hosting\ is that which do not charge anything. Free web hosting service providers are,, etc. Free web hosting is only good for personal blogs or hobby bloggers.

Paid Web Hosting:

Paid web hosting is a service where you have to purchase web hosting space. Paid web hosting is always better than free web hosting.

There are various types of paid web hosting such as;
  • Shared Web Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting
  • VPS Hosting
There are multiple benefits of choosing paid web hosting such as 99.9% uptime, complete control of the content, 24/7 support, fast, reliable and easy to manage.

Hostinger Web Hosting service offers you everything that you find in the best web hosting service. Let's learn more about it.

Hosting Review: Fastest Web Hosting

Hostinger is one of the fastest web hosting service providers. It was launched in 2004. Hostinger is a popular web hosting solution.

They are receiving 15k+ new signups every day an offering service to 29 million users in 178 countries.

Hostinger is the part of ICANN accredited registrars.

They are well known as the fastest web server with 0 downtimes, 24/7 support, custom cPanel and support various scripts to match your needs.

Hostinger offer 4 Web Services:

Hosting is not only the fastest web hosting service provider but also the cheap web hosting service as well.

Their web hosting plans are easy on your pocket and offer everything that one should look for in a reliable web hosting service.

Hostinger review: Shared Web Hosting

Hostinger review: Shared Web Hosting: eAskme

Shared Web hosting plans are always the cheapest plans as compared to VPS Hosting or cloud hosting. Hosting offers you affordable plans with incredible features.

Hostinger offers 3 different plans in shared hosting such as;

  • Single shared hosting Plan at $0.80/month
  • Premium Shared Hosting at Plan $3.49/month
  • Business Shared Hosting Plan at $7.95/month
Most of the newbie bloggers fall in love with shared hosting. The big reason is that it is economical and satisfy the needs of a beginner.

Hostinger review: VPS Hosting plan

Hostinger review: VPS Hosting plan: eAskme

If you are running a blog with the right amount of traffic or if you do not want to share your server space with others than Virtual Private Server hosting is for you.

In this type of web hosting, you pay little more than shared hosting but save the resources. You can get it at Hostinger.

This gives you complete control. You will enjoy unlimited benefits under this plan such as Dedicated IP, Full root Access, SSD Disk Drives etc.

To make VPS hosting affordable for you, Hostinger has launched 6 different VPS hosting plans such as;
  • VPS Server Plan 1 at $4.99/month
  • VPS Server Plan 2 at 14.34/month
  • VPS Server Plan 3 at $24.56/month
  • VPS Server Plan 4 at $32.76/month
  • VPS Server Plan 5 at $49.16/month
  • VPS Server Plan 6 at $65.56/month
Usually big brands, established bloggers and professional service providers use VPS hosting.

Hostinger review: Cloud Hosting plan

Hostinger review: Cloud Hosting plan: eAskme

Hostinger follow the latest trends. Hostinger web hosting service offers cloud hosting. It provides the power of cloud computing with shared hosting.

You will experience 3x faster hosting. You will enjoy dedicated resources.

Hostinger offer 3 Cloud Hosting plans such as;

  • Cloud Startup at $15.90/month
  • Cloud Professional at $31.80/month
  • Cloud Enterprise at $71.55/month
Cloud hosting is definitely a good choice as it is faster than other options and very reliable. But the same time it cost you more.

Hostinger review: Domain Name Service

Hostinger Review | Fastest Web Hosting: eAskme

A website builder is always there to build website creatively. Hostinger website builder is one of the best tools to create excellent sites. You can create the site without any technical knowledge.

Hostinger review: 30-day money-back guarantee

Hostinger review: 30-day money-back guarantee: eAskme

Hosting is not just another web hosting service. It is a highly reputed and reliable service. The brand is so popular and confident that they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

That means you can test the Hostinger web Hosting without any risk. Within-30 days you can ask for money back.

But, once you use this service, you will fall in love with it.

Why Hostinger Web Hosting: Hostinger review

There are thousands of web hosting providers. I have already reviewed many.

You may want to know why you should choose Hosting web hosting when there are many other options available online.

The reason why I recommend Hostinger hosting is because it is fastest yet easy on your pocket. You can also get free domain with web hosting plan.

It offers everything that you need in good web hosting and fast speed of hosting help you create the better user experience.

The better user experience you create the better conversion rate your business will have.

So it is always an excellent choice to go for the fastest web hosting

Final Words:

When choosing a web hosting service remember that you need fast web hosting.

Hostinger makes it available for you with 24/7 support, 100% uptime, website builder.

I have reviewed hostinger to help you easily find the fast and reliable web hosting service.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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February 09, 2019

Top 5 Cheap WordPress Hosting at Best Monthly Billing: Pay Less For More

Want to create a professional looking website on a budget? WordPress can be an ideal platform for you. This open-source content management system is free to download, install and use. The one more good thing is there are plenty of hosting services available in the market offering cheap WordPress hosting at easy monthly billing.

We know finding a cheap yet reliable WordPress hosting can be quite time-consuming.

Therefore, we have put together a few affordable WordPress hosting companies that really don’t suck. We hope our post will narrow down your search for an inexpensive WordPress hosting.

Top 5 Cheap WP (WordPress) Hosting

Top 5 Cheap WordPress Hosting at Best Monthly Billing: Pay Less For More: eAskme
Top 5 Cheap WordPress Hosting at Best Monthly Billing: Pay Less For More: eAskme

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Top 5 Cheap WordPress Hosting at Best Monthly Billing: Pay Less For More: eAskme

Bluehost needs no introduction. After all, it is one of the few web hosting companies officially recommended by The hosting platform is fully packed with all the necessary features required to build and launch a WordPress site. It comes with an easy to use a custom panel from where you can manage all your hosting setup easily.

Despite of affordable hosting service, Bluehost also offers free SSL Certificate (Standard) in all their Shared hosting plans

Their shared hosting service starts from $2.95/mo to $5.95. It means you can build a professional-looking WordPress site with their affordable WordPress hosting at a monthly price of just $2. Isn’t it affordable?

No matter what plan you choose, with Bluehost, you get unmetered bandwidth, email accounts, subdomains, and email storage facility

Their customer support offers 24/7 support and a good knowledge base that you can refer to whenever is needed.


Top 5 Cheap WordPress Hosting at Best Monthly Billing: Pay Less For More: eAskme

Founded as “Hosting Media” in 2004, Hostinger is today a well-known name in the web hosting industry. The company is renowned for their cheapest yet fastest hosting services.

Talking about their WordPress hosting monthly billing, you can sign up for their basic plan called Single Shared Hosting at the price of $1.45/mo. This basic plan includes SSD space up to 10 GB, Bandwidth up to 100 GB, 1 MySQL Databases and 1 email account. This plan should be sufficient for anyone looking to host a small blog or website.

Hostinger offers 99.9% uptime guarantee for all three basic plans that is a big plus point. Talking about their control panel, it is quite user-friendly

All the important tools such as Website Builder, Auto Installer, File Manager, FTP Accounts and Backups are easily available to users.


Top 5 Cheap WordPress Hosting at Best Monthly Billing: Pay Less For More: eAskme

The platform consistently ranks as one of the best WP hosts around. Maybe because SiteGround has brought a significant improvement in their server speed. Like Bluehost, the platform is also officially recommended by

They have cheap WordPress hosting plans starting at $3.95 for a month. The basic plan called Startup offers  10 GB server space and a number of essential WordPress features such as Free WP install, WP Migrator, Auto updates, Free Cloudflare CDN and much more.

GoGeek is their premium WordPress plan that costs $11.95 for a month. With this plan, you can host an unlimited number of website

This plan offers 30 GB Web Space and can accommodate around 100,000 visits monthly.


Top 5 Cheap WordPress Hosting at Best Monthly Billing: Pay Less For More: eAskme

000webhost is a subsidiary of Hostinger offering hosting for absolutely free. This is one of the few free webhosting companies that offer hosting services without enforcing users to run annoying ads on their websites or blogs.

Despite being free, 000webhost offers you a decent amount of disk space (1 GB) and bandwidth (10 GB).

In addition to this, you also get a free website builder, WP Auto installer, full PHP & MySQL database support.

It would be wrong to say that 000webhost is going to be a good thing for anyone who wants to start a website at cheap.

Anytime you feel your website requirements are growing you can switch to their paid WordPress hosting having affordable monthly billing.

InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting is the US-based web hosting company that was founded in the year 2001. Their hosting network is based on UNIX and Linux operating systems.

Alongside cheap WordPress hosting plans, the company also offers a wide range of advanced functionalities such as free website transfer, one-click WordPress installation, free website transfer and support for WP-CLI.

Currently, they have six WordPress hosting plans starting at $4.99/mo. Their every plan includes 1 free domain name, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited email accounts.

The rest of the configuration will vary as per the plan you choose. As the company claims, their basic plan is ideal for small blogs so you can start with this plan first.

Talking about their customer support, they offer all the major mediums to interact with their support team that includes Live Chat and Phone Support. They also provide Skype option for easy interaction. 

These are a few of well-known yet cheap WordPress hosting providers offering great monthly plans. If you know any other option that is affordable too do share with us.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus with your friends and family.

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Get maximum with hosting and domain name:
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November 05, 2017

How to Save Money on WebHosting Renewals for WordPress Blogs

When running a blog or website, web hosting is the most crucial parts of your online business. It is something that you have to invest in every year or on a monthly basis to successfully run a self-hosted blog on WordPress.

I never recommend the free web hosting services for professional use. But there is reliable yet cheap shared webhosting for WordPress that you can quickly get between $4month-$20/month, according to your traffic or other requirements.

How to Save Money on WebHosting Renewals for WordPress Blogs: eAskme
How to Save Money on WebHosting Renewals for WordPress Blogs: eAskme
Your web hosting cost increases with time. If you newbie or running a blog with small traffic then you can satisfy yourself with shared hosting but if you need later dedicated hosting or VPS hosting are for you.

At the beginning of your blogging journey, you may not be able to figure out the steps to start a self hosted WordPress blog. You may also worry about high costs of web hosting. There is no doubt that 90% times a newbie blogger buys a costly hosting plan for his blog.

Even if you are using the discount coupons, still cost of renewal is usually higher then buying a new web hosting from the different web host.

Today I am going to help you figure out how you can save money on web hosting renewals by just following these tips. Some of them can even help you during your first purchase of web hosting.
But others will work when your hosting is about to expire, and you are in need of web hosting renewal.

How to save money on hosting renewal bills:

If you are about to launch a new blog, then you surely need a new web hosting plan. During your first purchase of web hosting service, you need to take care of few things. Even if you renewing your hosting package, still these tips will be helpful for you to save money on renewal bills.

I am going to share three ways to help you save money on hosting renewal in any scenario.

Note: This post is related save money on shared hosting only.

Read More: Shared Vs Dedicated hosting

It may work on other hosting plans also such as VPS hosting, dedicated hosting and Managed Wordpress Hosting.

1) When purchasing a new hosting:

Let me first cover the scenarios when you are about to buy a new web hosting for your website or blog. This is the time when most of the bloggers make a mistake and end up spending more on web hosting packages.

Every web hosting company runs discounts and deals every month. Search for the discount coupons before you buy hosting for your blog. I am also sharing various hosting discounts on eAskme that will help you save more.

The second mistake that 90% bloggers make is that they buy hosting for one year only. If you also do the same that means the next year company will make you pay the high amount for renewal of your hosting package.

You may hardly find any discount coupon for hosting renewals.

I recommend that you should buy hosting for more than a year and save more.

Also, when you purchase a hosting package, purchase it from a reliable web hosting service provider and purchase for more than a couple of years. Whenever I buy a Web hosting for my clients or myself, I always go for buying 2 or 3 years web hosting package. It helps me save more.

Now let me share an example with you.
  • For example; you are going to buy BlueHost Hosting for your online business. If you buy it for one year that means you have to pay $4.92*12= $59.04 for the first year. But next two years you have to pay $116 to renew your web hosting. That means your total cost will be $226.2
  • But is you are buying BlueHost web hosting for three years then it will cost you $3.95*36 months=$142.2.
Now you see that if you purchase web hosting for more than years, then you will save $84 straightaway.

This is the beauty of purchasing Web Hosting packages for more than one year.

This is the efficient way to save money on the new hosting purchase and hosting renewal. This means you will grab better hosting discounts. But the problem is that you may not be able to move your blog or site to other hosting as you have already paid for 2 or 3 years. This way you may feel stuck.
This strategy works best only for new blogs or micro niche blogs.
•    Siteground Discount Coupon: Use this special link (60% off)
•    Bluehost Discount link: ($3.95/month hosting)

2) Move Web Hosting service to save money on hosting:

Now, this is the technique that will help you save money on hosting renewal bill every year.You can use this hosting technology every year. I have been using various hosting services such as HostGator, BlueHost, Siteground, etc.

I like to reveal that there is no difference between the quality of BlueHost and Siteground. So you can choose either of them.

Whenever you receive an email to renew your hosting plan, or you know that you have to renew your web hosting within few days, just look for the best discount,  sign up for that web hosting service provider and move your blog. Do you know that Siteground offer free site migration? This saves you from any tech issues.

It is not hard to move your Wordpress site from one hosting service provider to another.

This method will help you save $20-$50 every year. This approach is useful for those who can change hosting companies and technically savvy.

But if you are not technical then stick with the first strategy to save money on your hosting renewal.

3) Directly Ask Hosting Service provider for Discount:

This approach always works for me. When I need to renew my web hosting, I just call to the customer support of my current hosting company and ask them to offer me some excellent discount to keep my site running on their server.

I say something like that;

How to Save Money on WebHosting Renewals for WordPress Blogs
This may not work always, but this will give you a better chance to grab some good discount. If this does not work for you, then strategy No.2 is for you.

Remember: Small savings are small earnings.

I believe I have answered the question about how you can save money on web hosting renewals. If you still have any problem feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find it helpful, do share with your family and friends on Google Plus, Twitter, and Facebook.

Don't forget to subscribe eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.

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July 20, 2016

Importance Of Web Hosting Services

Whenever we want to start a blog or website, things that you need are a domain, template and Web-Hosting. You need a web-hosting service service to host your website and make it live on internet. Today I will talk about the importance of web hosting services.

Importance Of Web Hosting Services : eAskme
Importance Of Web Hosting Services : eAskme

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Newbie bloggers usually don't understand the importance of a good web hosting service. Professional bloggers never under-estimate it`s importance. When you host a website, Web-hosting is most important factor that you should take seriously.

Importance Of Good Web Hosting Services

To be a successful blogger, you need to keep your blog always up and running. But if your blog suddenly becomes inaccessible and goes down, what you do then. This make you lose all the sales, visitors and money. So you have to make sure that you choose a reliable web-hosting service to keep your blog always up and easily accessible.

I personally recommend Bluehost, hostgator and bigrock you can choose any one of them.

Now a days everyone want to keep data safe and secure and that`s why people are using cloud storage, so they can access data even if their pc crashes. Similarly web-hosting services keeps your data files safe and secure.

Also See : Google Domain registration Service

If you are in a business of selling services or products then choosing a best web hosting service is really necessary. Online shop website never want to go down as within an hour of downtime they can lose hundreds of potential customers.

Usually newbie bloggers choose free hosting service, which is not bad but you should remember that a free hosting service can delete your blog without any prior notice. So I recommend you to go for a paid hosting.

While choosing web hosting service you have to make sure that they provide the best support. Bluehost, Hostgator and Bigrock are the branded names with best support team to help you anytime.

Also See : Siteground hosting review

Usually web-hosting companies claim to provide unlimited bandwidth, but in reality that is not true. They charge you money or shutdown blog if it is using their resources a lot. Always do proper research before choosing a hosting plan.

To get good idea about a popular web-hosting company you should read review online.

I believe that after reading this you completely understand the Importance Of Web Hosting Services for your blog.
If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, or Twitter with your friends and family.

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July 09, 2016

Top 4 Free Hosting Providers For Beginners to Learn WordPress

Are you going to  buy a WordPress hosting for your very new WordPress blog? You may find it difficult to choose from the various web hosting providers.

It is very common for a newbie blogger to start a blog on free web hosting to try new things or learn WordPress. After they learn all the thing about web hosting and WordPress then they will move on the premium WordPress hosting services.

Hosting Guides :
Shared Hosting Vs Dedicated Hosting

Are you also one of those newbie bloggers?

Do you also want to start a high quality blog WordPress blog for free?

If yes, Then here is the list of 4 best WordPress Hosting for newbie bloggers which are absolutely free.

Top 4 Free Hosting Providers For Beginners to Learn WordPress : eAskme
Top 4 Free Hosting Providers For Beginners to Learn WordPress : eAskme
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Top 4 Free Hosting Providers For Beginners to Learn WordPress X10 hosting : eAskme

X10 hosting is one of the most popular and oldest web hosting provider since 2004. They provide awesome features and cool offers at zero cost. Lets see what they offer for free:
  • Private Cloud hosting.
  • Latest Cpanel.
  • No forced ads.
  • Advanced MySQL and PHP.
  • Good customer support.


byethost free hostings Top 4 Free Hosting Providers For Beginners to Learn WordPress : eAskme

ByetHost is also the name of one the popular free web hosting service provider. They offer awesome features for free. Their plan includes add on domain, sub domain, control panel, file manager, FTP account and free tech support. Let`s see their features:
  • Softaculous Auto Installer.
  • 1000 MB of the disk space.
  • 200 GB monthly transfer
  • 50 addon domains
  • 50 sub domains
  • 50 parked domains
  • 50 MySQL databases
  • 5500 MB disk space
  • A good error page manager.
  • Free 24/7 support and also FTP account
  • Free hosting without any ads and pop-ups.
  • Control panel.

FreeHostingNoAds: Top 4 Free Hosting Providers For Beginners to Learn WordPress : eAskme

Freehosting ads is also one of the most popular website which helps you to make your site live without charging anything. they offer the following features:
  • Templates and website builder.
  • Host domain or Free subdomain.
  • 20 GB Disk Space
  • 200 GB bandwidth
  • Joomla, WordPress, phpBB.
  • 3 PHP versions.
  • Create email accounts. Top 4 Free Hosting Providers For Beginners to Learn WordPress : eAskme also allows you to host your WordPress blog for free. It also offers you free subdomain. They offer following features:
  • 1000 MB space
  • 5000 MB data transfer
  • Free host 1 Domain
  • FREE domain name
  • WordPress and Joomla hosting with automatic installation.
  • Offers PHP4 and PHP5.
  • Free Site Builder
So you see these are the features which these free WordPress hosting providers offers. Here I recommend you not to host your high traffic or professional blogs on these services, because they claim the right to suspend your hosting account anytime the want.

So now it`s time for look for the cons of free WordPress hosting:

Disadvantages Of Using Free WordPress Hosting Providers
  • Limited Space and Bandwidth
  • Very Poor Customer Support
  • No Backup System
  • Risk of Getting Banned or Suspended Account
  • Badly affects SEO

Final Words:

I recommend free Wordpress hosting to you only in the case where you wants to learn WordPress and how it works such as blogs, plugins, and themes. But if you want to run a professional blog then you should always buy a premium WordPress hosting and choose premium WordPress template for your blog.

Do you prefer free WordPress hosting provider over premium hosting provider? Do share your experience, suggestion or question via comments.

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March 06, 2015

How to Make Money from Hostgator Affiliate Program?

I am a Hostgator affiliate from around a year. Every month, I made 600$+ from Hostgator Affiliate program. If you are new to Hostgator, you should check our Hostgator review.

How to Make Money from Hostgator Affiliate Program?: eAskme
How to Make Money from Hostgator Affiliate Program?: eAskme

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Hostgator is a popular web-hosting site that offers unlimited hosting with quality customer support.

I had no issues recommending anyone to Hostgator.

It is a win-win situation.

I recommend the best-shared hosting, and each successful referral makes $50.

It also allows you to make money from Hostgator hosting.

Hostgator also offers an affiliate program.

What is Hostgator Affiliate program?

Anyone can join the Hostgator affiliate program. In addition, hostgator allows you to have a hosting account.

HostGator Shared Hosting Plans with Free SSL for as low as $2.75/mo.

How to Join with Hostgator Affiliate program:

Before we get into details about the Hostgator Affiliate program, here is a quick income proof from Hostgator aff. Prog.

How to Make Money from Hostgator Affiliate Program : eAskme
  • It is really easy to join Hostgator Affiliate program right away. 
  • Go to Hostgator site 
  • Click on affiliate 
  • Sign up for a free aff. account.
  • After sign up, Go to account information 
  • Update payment settings.

Payment option:

How to Make Money from Hostgator Affiliate Program : eAskme

You can get paid by PayPal or Check. For quick and easy payment, I recommend you to use Paypal.

Custom coupon code:

How to Make Money from Hostgator Affiliate Program : eAskme

Hostgator allows you to create custom coupon codes easily. For example, you can create a $9.94 or 25% off coupon code. Never use your coupon code. These coupons help you in branding. For example, You can create coupon codes “eAskmeHosting” and “gauravkumar.” You can offer different coupons for different websites.

Unlimited Affiliate income:

The best thing about the Hostgator affiliate program is that they pay you according to the number of referrals.
  • 9 * $75: $675
  • 11* $100: $1100
  • 21 *$125: $2625

Hostgator aff:

Hostgator pays only for the active account and when users upload websites on their server. Users can sign up for only one hosting account.

You successfully run the Hostgator affiliate program. It worked perfectly for me; if you do, you will also earn a lot.

Did you already knew this or you new to affiliate marketing? If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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January 24, 2015

BlueHost Review Shared Hosting for WordPress!

When it comes to Webhosting, you can see so many Webhosting companies available online.

I already have about Webhosting for WordPress.

Regarding WordPress shared hosting, various options offer you top-notch hosting for WordPress.

Bluehost is one of the most popular brands for Wordpress hosting. also recommend BlueHost hosting for WordPress.

Today I am sharing a complete review of Bluehost hosting. This will help you understand why you should understand Bluehost WordPress hosting.
BlueHost Review Shared Hosting for WordPress!: eAskme
BlueHost Review Shared Hosting for WordPress!: eAskme

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Every blogger should look following things in a webhosting is:

  • Affordability
  • Reliability
  • Support

Review of Bluehost Shared hosting:

Bluehost offers different hosting plans such as VPS, shared, dedicated, and WordPress-managed web-hosting options.

Their shared hosting is the best option if your blog is new.

If you a; ready to have an existing WordPress blog with good traffic, then BlueHost-managed WordPress hosting is for you.

Let`s start with some basics.
Every WordPress blogger should evaluate a hosting company on following few parameters:
  • Hosting optimized for WordPress
  • Resources
  • Ease of use
  • Pricing
  • Custom Support
Now let me explain these for you, so you know what is a good and bad hosting.

Bluehost as WordPress hosting:

When I moved my client`s blog from Blogger to WordPress, it hardly took me 5 minutes to install WordPress.

So you should check this guide on How to install WordPress on Bluehost.

Bluehost servers are the best, well optimized for WordPress blogs.


BlueHost Review Shared Hosting Plans and Prices  for WordPress!: eAskme
Bluehost shared hosting offers you three types of packages according to your need.

If you need one Website, you should go for the starter package.

If you want multiple sites, then go for the plus package. If you want to include HTTPS, choose a business pro package.

Plus package offers you everything. Here is the discounted link for you.

BlueHost WordPress hosting also provides you with one free domain and AdWords credit.

You can make payment via Credit card or PayPal.

Hosting Resources:

On Bluehost, You will have various hosting resources.

You can use unlimited bandwidth and host unlimited files.

Check their fair usage policies.
If required, Bluehost also transfers you to a more powerful server.
Click here to read unlimited policies and other terms.


Bluehost cPanel is one of the best and easiest hosting panels. cPanel makes it easy for you to manage a web-hosting account.

Bluehost is a famous shared Webhosting company which allows you to access SSH.

Customer support:

Bluehost customer support is very prompt.

You can contact them via Email, Telephonic or live chat support. You will usually get a resolution within 5 to 30 minutes.

But I bet you won`t find any problematic issues as their servers are optimized for WordPress hosting.

They have been in the hosting business for almost 17 years.

Bluehost WordPress hosting costs you only $4.95/month and is perfect for hosting small or medium size WordPress blogs.

It also offers 30 days money-back.
 So I hope this Bluehost review will help you to understand pros and cons of webhosting.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus with your friends and family.

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