Showing posts with label infographics. Show all posts

February 17, 2022

History of Blogging: An Infographic for Every Blogger

There is a famous saying,"To build your future, understand your History."

You may have already heard many times that start from basics. Why?

Because without strong basics or solid understanding of the history one cannot build the future.

This also applies to the world of blogging.

History of Blogging : An Infographic for Every Blogger: eAskme
History of Blogging : An Infographic for Every Blogger: eAskme

There is a long history behind the current face of Blogging.

Today, I am sharing the complete History of blogging that every blogger must learn.

History of Blogging : An Infographic for Every Blogger

I have created this "History of Blogging" infographic with the authentic information available online.

If you think that blogging is a new thing or just a couple or years or decade old then you need to brush up your knowledge.

History of blogging will take you back to 1990.

Click here to open the full infographic.

History of Blogging : An Infographic for Every Blogger: eAskme
History of Blogging : An Infographic for Every Blogger: eAskme

History of Blogging:


  • Birth of Web.


  • Cludior Penhanez begins logging short entries into so called "Open Dairy."
  • Justin All Starts, cementing the building block for what is today famously called blogging.


  • Jon Barger coins the term "Weblog".


  • Open Dairy--a blogging platform is born.
    Hurricane Bonnie is blogged by Charlotte Observer.


  • Peter Merholz shortens "Weblog" to "Blog."
  • Blogging platforms like LiveJournal(April), Xanga(April) and Blogger(August) are born.
  • 23 Blogs reported on all of the Internet


  • Dries Buytaert writes Drupal. released it as an Open Source project.


  • Oxford English Dictionary prints the word Blog
  • Melinds Roberts starts one of the first Mom Blogs
  • Blogads- one of the first advertisement services for bloggers launched.


  • Google acquires Prya Labs (the company behind blogger).
  • A new era begins WordPress is born.


  • YouTube is born a boost for vlogging
  • Tech news gaint TechCrunch is born
  • The Huffington Post Launches


  • Jack Dorsey sends out first tweet which is regarded as the birth of microblogging.


  • Tumblr to boost microblogging


  • Adam D'angelo launches Quora


  • Medium born-A modern blogging platform.


  • Whole lot of changes in blogging formats. Birth of Boost in Vlogging, Infographics, presentation etc. All Small-mid sites giving competition to sites like huffpost.


  • Https has gained popularity. Secure browsing, Google AMP and user experience are the major focus. New terms and technologies are creating impact in blogging such as;
  1. Eagle Eye Concept
  2. Content Scoring
  3. Ego Bait Content
  4. Link Worthy Content
  5. Customer Outreach, etc.

Final Words:

In this "History of Blogging," I have covered everything from 1990 to till now.

But, This is not the end.

This is just the beginning of a new era in blogging.

Stay tuned with us in this blogging journey.

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December 25, 2021

Adobe Has Launched new Free Creative Cloud Express

Adobe has released a free service known as Creative Cloud Express.

The new Adobe Creative cloud express offers the set of free tools from:

  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Creative Cloud Express: eAskme
Adobe Creative Cloud Express: eAskme

Not only that, but you will get millions of stock photos and templates in Adobe Creative Cloud Express.

The reason behind the launch of Free creative Cloud Express is to target non-experienced users who are using tools like Canva or any other infographic generators.

Adobe also offers one million free Stock photos and templates with social media tools.

Adobe Creative Cloud Express with No Learning curve:

Adobe Creative Cloud Express is a free design tool that you can use without learning anything new. Even a layperson can use the tools without experience.

You can access the Creative Cloud Express suite on the web browser or download it from the Android and iOS store.

Creative Cloud Express is connected to premium Creative Cloud.

You can use the premium version to access millions of stock photos, Premier Rush and Photoshop express.

But if you are new to designing or need stock photos, then free Creative Cloud Express is the best choice for you.

Generous Suite of features:

Adobe Creative Cloud Express offer great features for newbie users:

  • Photoshop effects
  • Overlays
  • Resize elements
  • Remove background
  • Filters
  • Textures
  • Fonts.

Not just that, but you can access excellent video editing features like speed change, reverse, merge, crop and trim.

You can use Creative Cloud Express to convert photos and videos formats.

It is easy to use and easy to adopt.


You can use Adobe Creative Cloud Express to create Instagram Story, Instagram Post, Facebook Post, Posters, Logos, Flyers, Collage, Book Covers, Album Covers, YouTube Thumbnails, Resume, Invitation, Menu, etc.

Adobe Creative Cloud Express is an interesting and easy-to-use suite that you should use.

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

Share it with your friends and family.

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Other handpicked guides for you;

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October 31, 2019

How To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly?

Eco-friendly living is not just a trend. It’s a necessity. First, you’d think that an individual is not able to make a difference.

However, more and more people become aware of the depletion of the ozone layer, plastic pollution, and water crisis.

How to make your business eco friendly: eAskme
How to make your business eco friendly: eAskme

Other people are reading: How To Make Your Team More Productive?

If you are the owner of a small business, you can also set a good example. Don’t look at corporations that still can’t turn off the plastic tap.

Become that entrepreneur who will help to reduce the effects of global warming.

That’s what you can do to make your small business more eco-friendly and save the planet:

Use alternative energy:

There are so many renewable options - wind power, solar PV panels, solar thermal energy, biomass systems, anaerobic digestion.

To choose the best one for your business, calculate the expenses ( the idea of alternative energy will require some investment) and take into account your building location.

Eco-friendly packaging:

As people become increasingly aware of the needs of the environment, eco-friendly living is no longer just a trend. Rather, it has become a necessity for many businesses. An effective and easy way to reduce environmental impact is custom shipper boxes.
The custom size of these boxes allows companies to save on space and packaging material, resulting in less waste. Additionally, custom shipper boxes by Arka and PackMojo are made of recycled materials, making them a great option for any business that is trying to reduce their carbon footprint.

Bike delivery

UberEats company is the first that offers eco-friendly food delivery. All couriers only ride bikes in the city!

That’s how they encourage other people to give up their cars. Needless to say, this idea also helps to keep their employees healthy and reduce the delivery costs ( bike doesn’t need gas!).

If you have a restaurant, consider doing the same.


If you need new furniture for your office, don’t run to the Ikea store! Consider using recycled materials to build furniture or buying used pieces.

You can always give old things a new life. So, rewire your brain for creativity!

If you plan to open a coffee shop, learn how to make it more eco-friendly. Here you can find some tips on how to do it, according to HotShot Coffee Sleeves:

How to Start Eco Friendly Coffee Shop

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Other Helpful Infographics for you;
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How To Make Your Team More Productive?

Leading a team has always been challenging. As a leader, you should motivate your team members, resolve conflicts, and provide guidance. Another important task is to make people work in unison in order to achieve common goals. Sometimes, it's difficult to motivate yourself to get the job done on time. And being responsible for someone's else's progress might be a nightmare for inexperienced team leaders.

How To Make Your Team More Productive?: eAskme
How To Make Your Team More Productive?: eAskme
Other people are reading: Marketing Translations Mistakes

On the other hand, there is nothing to worry about since the subject of productivity has been already studied. Here you can find useful tips on team productivity and motivation:

The importance of taking breaks:

That's right. If you want your team to work harder and be more creative, you should encourage them to take regular breaks at work. It has been proven that taking a pause can help restore motivation, consolidate memories, and prevent job burnout.

If someone from your team works long hours without taking a break for lunch, be there for that person. Explain to them that it's not the way they should work. This robot approach usually leads to exhaustion and stress. Needless to say, it can't help to achieve the desired results.

The importance of communication:

You should be able to explain to others what exactly you want from them. So, make sure to work on your communication skills. Clear workplace communication prevents stress, promotes empowerment, and transparency.

Meetings with team members and the boss shouldn't take a lot of time. Before every meeting, create an agenda and establish a time frame. Also, encourage your team members to ask you relevant questions.

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Other Helpful Infographics for you;
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Marketing Translations Mistakes (Infographic)

The translation is never easy, but it gets even more complicated when there’s marketing involved - ads, slogans, rhymes, wordplays are very often untranslatable.

It is not rare that the translators have to come up with whole new ideas to just keep the gist of the original slogan.

Marketing Translations Mistakes: INFOGRAPHIC: eAskme
Marketing Translations Mistakes: INFOGRAPHIC: eAskme

Unfortunately, it is not always the case and the history of advertising is full of mistranslated ads and weird messages.

So if you need, for example, translations in Puerto Rico, it’s better to find professionals to avoid cases like the following:

Safe Parker Pen

When Parker wanted to introduce their pens into the Mexican market, they came up with a slogan: It won't leak in your pocket and embarrass you.

Instead, they promised their Mexican customers that it won’t leak in their pocket and make them pregnant.

Embarazar only looks like embarrass, but it actually means impregnate. But it’s good to know it’s safe to use a Parker pen.

Feel very at home with American Airlines

American Airlines wanted to come up with something to attract attention to their brand new, leather seats in the first class, so they used a simple slogan - Fly in leather.

The problem is that in leather translates to Spanish as en cuero and en cueros means naked.

While listening to people speaking very fast on the television or on the radio, Spanish speakers in South America actually thought that the new American Airlines slogan is Fly in Naked.


Did you like reading about these translation accidents? If you want more, check out the infographic below provided by Lighthouse:

Marketing Translations Mistakes

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Other Helpful Infographics for you;
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February 06, 2019

How to Pick Memorable Images for Your Content?

Creative visuals and image optimization are the rocking factors to improve content marketing. But, how to choose memorable images for your content?

Most people think that by just filling content with images can make content engaging.

Which is wrong.

The best way is always to use at least one image or more than one images in your content that complements to your post to headings.

How to Pick Memorable Images for Your Content: eAskme
How to Pick Memorable Images for Your Content: eAskme

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Images should make it easy for readers to identify the sections of essential pieces of content and effectively spread the idea.

Now the question is what type of images are memorable and how you should include them in your content?

Here is How?

How Many Images Should Content Have?

How to Pick Memorable Images for Your Content: eAskme

When it comes to picking memorable images for your content, most of the people have a common question, "How many images I should use in Content or blog post?"

The answer is: There is no defined number for images you should include in your content.

Images should be there to make the communication easier.

Adding a whole lot of images in your content will not help as long as they are not relevant. Or leave an impression.

Too many images can turn off the readers' interest in your content.

The number of images depends upon the following factors:

  • Topic
  • Audience
  • Content type
If you are writing for beginners, then you need to add more images to explain steps. The best example of this is

If you are writing for the advanced or experienced audience, then you do not need images to explain steps. You only need images to tell the idea.

Also, focus on the impact of the images you are using in your content.

If you are writing for entrepreneurs, then you may not need images. the big reason is that entrepreneurs do not work themselves, but they outsource the work and control the quality.

Picking memorable images is a tedious task.

Tip: First focus on your audience, understand buyer personas, etc.

It's the time to skyrocket your content marketing strategy by picking memorable images for your blog post.

Stock Photos:

Stock free Photos: How to Pick Memorable Images for Your Content: eAskme

Stock photos work as a big time saver for most of the bloggers or marketers.

There is no issue in using high quality, topic-specific, free stock photos as features image.

But are you adding the stock photos in body content?

If yes, then you should stop doing it.

Stock photos work amazingly as featured images, but they are completely useless when using in the body content.

Body content is for users and adding stock photos will not help to improve the user experience.

Rather than using generic stock photos you should use screenshots or creative visuals.

Stock photos in body content can bring negative impact.

TakeAway: Stop using stock photos in the body of your blog post

So what yo use then?

Here is the answer.

Tutorials, walkthroughs, and Screenshots:

Tutorials, walkthroughs, and Screenshots: How to Pick Memorable Images for Your Content: eAskme

The best quality of memorable images is that they are thought-provoking and actionable.

Tutorials, walkthroughs, and Screenshots are the best types of actionable content that you can use to improve communication.

Here you should remember that best way to share tutorials is by showing them.

Using thought-provoking images creatively show what you want to share.

To make the images memorable highlight the critical areas or points.

Use tools like Evernote or Skitch.

Adding walkthroughs and screenshots will help it easy for readers to digest your content.

TakeAway: Use actionable images.


GIfs: How to Pick Memorable Images for Your Content: eAskme

Gif's are interesting, entertaining and creative ways to energize the boring content.

There are tons of Gif's available online that you should use, but only when necessary.

Remember: Gif's are not for every post or every content or every audience.

Use them wisely to add funny and entertaining factors to your content.

Add Gif's to your content only for informal posts.

TakeAway: Use Gif's to spice up boring content.

Custom Visuals:

Custom Visuals: How to Pick Memorable Images for Your Content: eAskme

Finding memorable images is not an easy task. If you are not able to find one, then create one.

When finding images, you may encounter tons of generic, boring, overused and cited images.

Creating custom visuals is the way to make memorable images for your content.

By adding custom visuals to your content, you will bring uniqueness and more opportunities to build backlinks.

At eAskme also, I have used many custom visuals and find out that they perform better than the stock photos.

If you look at the content marketing campaigns, you will find out that the images used in such campaigns are custom, unique and branded.

TakeAway: If you want to add memorable images in your content then start creating custom visuals.

You can hire freelancers or use infographic tools to develop images for your next blog post.

Final Words:

Content with no-images can load faster, but it will miss one of the engaging ingredients.

Adding images in content add more flavor, boost social sharing, traffic, and engagement.

Avoid adding stock images to your blog post body. Use engaging and practical images relevant to your content.

Walkthroughs, screenshots, and tutorials are the best ways to use memorable images blog posts.

If you are still not able to find a creative visual, then develop custom images using Photoshop or other tools.

You have questions? Share via comments.

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Follow these guides to Improve Your Content;
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December 20, 2018

Essential Social Networks for Graphic Designers

If you are studying or have finished a graphic design course and want to dedicate yourself to it professionally, it is important that you create your own professional brand. There are many factors involved, but social networks can help you with this task.

An adequate presence in the network can open many paths and get more visibility, let us know, contact potential customers with whom to collaborate and develop different projects.

Essential Social Networks for Graphic Designers: eAskme
Essential Social Networks for Graphic Designers: eAskme
Other people are reading: Websites to Design logo

According to the latest study on social networks achieved by an association that represents the sector of digital media advertising, 81% of net users aged 16-55 use social networks, which means more than 15 million users with an average of almost three hours of consultation per day, being the best rated after Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

Note: Free Instagram likes have proven to increase engagement and sales, you can utilize it for your business.

But in addition to these networks, which are the most favored and known, there are others more specific for creatives and designers, where we can share, exhibit and discuss our work, with the likelihood of creating an impressive portfolio.

These are some of the networks that can help you create a good online image:


Surely you already know this network to share photographs, but you can use this tool more creatively, take precedence of it to design an online catalog of our work, gain a presence on the Internet and improve our personal brand, as well as generate community around of the same.


Another social network to share photos. Serious and professional photographers use this network. It ensures you to create a portfolio with an impeccable appearance, create visual stories or a complete photoblog.


Directed practically to designers and artists. It has a small inconvenience since you have to go through a "casting" to be accepted. In return, some companies ask certain professionals for their profile in Dribble because if they accept you, it is because you are supposed to have a good quality to be hired.


Online community for designers. It is effortless to erect a portfolio to show the different projects that have been made, thanks to a subdomain can be easily shared. You have no limit of images or videos. It also has an employment exchange. We can contact other artists and receive comments on the work.


A new app that is presented as an alternative to Instagram. Basically, its functions are the same,but it has many more editing tools and social tools.

Pamamo (mostly for Spaniards):

It is the social network for new artists. Everyone who wants to can share their work on this platform. They have a space for ideas to flow, as well as to comment on the work of other people.

Knowledge and inspiration is the engine of graphic designers. It is not essential to be constantly updated but to want to broaden horizons. It is obligatory to remove the fear of sharing and making oneself known. People reward anyone who proposes ideas and novel contents, whether they are texts, links, music, videos, images.

Obviously, in addition to having a profile in different social networks, it is vital to have a web page where we can show our portfolio, show updated, interesting, reliable and valuable information about our activity, experience, trajectory and also ideas, projects, and themes of interest.

In this you have to be constant and never make excuses: if the content is not up to date, it is likely that visitors do not come in contact with the idea that those responsible for the website will not respond by this means.

Final Words

Social media has come to stay and will keep developing with fierce strength. As a designer, you need to follow this same pattern and develop fiercely with it too; this will ensure you remain top of the game always.

We need to utilize social networks smartly to strengthen ourselves.

It is essential to understand that we have to show our work to the digital world and at the same time take advantage of what it can contribute and the savings that it can imply in everything that supposes diffusion.

Doing it well requires a strategy, clear objectives, and constant measurement.

If you like this article, don`t forget to share it on Facebook, and Twitter.

Grow you career as Graphic Designers with these guides:
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April 03, 2018

What is eAskme: Everything You Need to Know About it (Infographic)

What is eAskme All About : Infographic:

Other People are reading : What is eAsker

What is eAskme ?
What is eAskme?

eAskme | How to

eAskme is a Blog dedicates to the solutions of all worldwide issues on How To.

Readers can ask anything by making comments or filling "Ask Your question form" that is available at the top of the eAskme blog.

It also give details about how everything happen in virtual world.



Content of eAskme 

eAskme answer everything regarding technology, blogging, domain registration, Google tips, Analytics, Adsense, Alexa, Ranking, Traffic, Earning money, Health, Facebook, Apps, Android, Dating, Relationship, Widgets, How to, Wordpress, Youtube and much more.

To get answers of anything you just need to search on eAskme or you can ask by filling "Ask Your Question" form, that is available at the top of the
Learn Blogging with eAskme 

You can easily learn Blogging, and how to monetize their blogs and get traffic by reading posts under Blogger tab of

It tells everything about making blog getting traffic, monetization and being popular.

Subscribe eAskme feed to get all updates in your email.

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December 01, 2016

How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers

Visual representation of information is more effective than words. When we tell something to someone we should use visual tools like the infographic. It's better for reaching people.  So today I am going to show you 'How to create the infographic with step by step guide. these are Essential tactics for beginners. 

What you earn by making infographic

How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers :eAskme
How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers
The infographic is most popular In recent days. Most of renewed bloggers and news sites used it for conveying information easy and effectively their readers.

So when you use the infographic, you get visitors attention easily, then You looking different from others!

Check out : The Secret Formula For Money Making Online Blogging

Believe me guys, in Facebook, images or infographics reaches more than text with links. one of the recent study says, photos get 53% likes 84% clicks than post. I don't know how its work. But it's fact. So when you share your blogs post share with infographics. Then you get the perfect response on facebook. 

Before creating an infographic should follow ten tips

1. First Make points what you want to add on the infographic. The best method is write down data on paper.
2. Don’t use the highly dark background color for infographic document. The best way is to use gradient color, its attract eye.
  • Use diagrams, clip arts, and vectors
  • Don’t copy others styles. You should think yourself and make it the easy way.
  • Make your Message (data) simple. 
  • Give Minimum space between the Elements
  • Use unique Fonts with uniformity.
  • Add Footnotes on the bottom of your infographic.
  • Use your blog Logo on the bottom of document
  • Then Save it in PNG format and give a name related your article

How to create infographic; step by step guide

Now we are in the main place. There are numbers of desktop software for creating infographics like illustrator, photoshop, InDesign and also online tools. Here I am going to show you thru in-design cs5. If you don't to in-design, just download a trial version for one month free. Then here I show you creating the infographic with simple steps. The infographic subject is top seven quotes 2017. this is a just example.     

Stage #1.

How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkme

Open InDesign and select New Document. Next select Custom on page size. Select A4 with landscape Size. Give name your document what you want. Then click enter. 

Stage # 2.

How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkme

Make a box by selecting on Rectangle tool on Tools bar. Give a color what you want for the background. Just press F5 key, Swatches box will open. Select right one for your document. You can make Gradient color also.

Stage # 3.

How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkme

Then click F10 key, strokes box will open. Make I line just using the mouse. Then copy and paste under the first line. Then make change dots for the second line.

How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkme

Stage # 4.

How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkme

Make a small box by using Rectangle tool. Then make little fancy using corner option. Just go to the top of the InDesign then select corner option. Next give drop shadow to box. Make seven boxes just copy and paste.
How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkme

Stage # 5.

How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkmeHow to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkme
How to create infographic: Essential tactics for bloggers : easkme

Then create two small circles. Give different color for each one. Then make a line as I show on the image. Aline all boxes right place. Just copy, paste quotes text. Then your job is done!.

Check this : 17 Best Infographic Generators You have Never Heard Of

Indesign is great desktop app. You can make diagram, chart etc without using illustrator, photoshop, and others software. 
Contributed by:

Suresha, a blogger at newbietechbuzz living in Davangere, India, a fan of design, technology, and web development. I’m also interested in reading.
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September 08, 2016

Finding a Perfect Van for Business Needs (Infographics)

Buying a business van can be a daunting task, especially when you have just started a new firm. You need a Van with a Plan; otherwise, you will end up losing a good amount of money, which is the last thing you want. Van Monster has developed an informative infographic which describes all the ins and outs about buying business vans.

Finding a Perfect Van for Business Needs (Infographics) : eAskme

The first thing to look into is to determine what will your van be carrying? For that you must have good understanding of a van’s weight and its carrying capabilities. Once you ascertain this fact, it’s time to decide what type of van suits you. Do you need a small van, medium van or large van? This would largely depend on your business needs, so explore the infographic for more details about it. 

As a business owner, you must also know the cost of van ownership. Once you pick the best van for your business, it’s time to know what national insurance and reporting obligations you have.

Additionally, there are driving and maintenance costs, which cannot be neglected. To get in-depth details on all these factors, check the full infographic. 

Finding a Perfect Van for Business Needs (Infographics)

From Visually.
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June 01, 2016

Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic

When it comes to start a blog, every blogger has two options 1) Free blog 2) Self Hosted blogs. Free blogs are those were you host your blog on a free platform such as Blogspot and Self Hosted blogs are those where you have to buy a domain name and hosting to launch a blog.

Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic : eAskme
Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic : eAskme
Read More : Secret : How I make $50-100 everyday from Blogging

Now you may have a question that why people pay to launch a blog when they can create a free blog. Well my answer is that on free blog you cannot do many things but self hosted blogs are fully customizable and also secure. Also self hosted blogs rank higher and make more money than free blogs.

 Read More : How much it cost to start a Self Hosted WordPress

Now lets see the more differences between Free Blog vs Self Hosted blogs with the help of this infographic.

Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog infographic

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Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic

You Can reshare this infographic copy the following code and paste anywhere:

<p><strong>Please include attribution to with this graphic.</strong><br /><br /><a href=''><img src='' alt='Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic' 540px border='0' /></a></p>

 Read More : Vs. : Which is Best Blog Platform

Differences Between Free Blog Vs. Self Hosted blog:

  • Free domain url example Self hosted url example
  • To create free blog you need not to pay anything. For self hosted blog you have to buy atleast a domain and web hosting.
  • On free blog your blog is always under the control of free blogging platform. But on Self hosted blogging platform your blog is in your control only.
  • Free blog platform like WordPress put default ads on your blog and you never get paid for that. but on Self Hosted blogs its your choice to put ads and you do it yourself and get paid.
  • Self Hosted Blogs rank higher and work better than free blogging platforms.
I believe this free blog Vs. Self Hosted blog infographic will help you to easily understand the difference between these two. There is no doubt that self hosted blogs make more money than free blogs and also rank higher.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments. Don`t forget to like us on Facebook or subscribe eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.
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The Secret Formula For Money Making Online Blogging: InfoGraphic

Do you work for money? No matter what you say, everyone work for money. Money is the basic force which compels even the laziest man on earth to work, because work gives us money and money makes us buy anything or many things. So it is always good to see when people makes good money.

You already know that more money makes you more famous means the more money you have the more attention you grab. I have shared the various ways till now in my various guides about how you can make money online or make money blogging.

Secret Formula Money Making Online Blogging : InfoGraphic

The Secret Formula For Money Making Online Blogging : InfoGraphic : eAskme
Secret Formula Money Making Online Blogging : InfoGraphic

Today I am going to share about The Secret Formula For Money Making Online Blogging : InfoGraphic. Infographics are the great way to say things effectively. Now lets see what is the secret formula for money making online with Blogging.

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Do you want to share this : Here is the code

on eAskme we also run money making programs for people around the world, to help others to make money. We help others to make money blogging or make money without investment or eAskme affiliate program

Do share how can we help you? If you have any suggestion, feel free to ask via comments. Don`t forget to like us on Facebook or subscribe eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.
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Brand Unawareness: Infographic

Branding is something that is necessary when it comes to making something popular. When a blog becomes a brand, everyone starts following it, gaining more followers and expanding its reach.

Brand Unawareness:  Infographic: eAskme
Brand Unawareness :  Infographic : eAskme
Other people are engaging : Secret List of Best 2.0 Sites to Create Free Blog for Backlinks

But there are times when brands even fall into the category of Brand Unawareness. Let`s see the Worst social media goofs with this brand awareness infographic.

Brand Unawareness: Infographic

Brand Unawareness:  Infographic: eAskme
If your brand also falls into the category of brand unawareness, then it is time to fix the issues and create brand awareness.

Read More : How to Make a Brand for a Blog in 2025

How to recover like a pro from brand unawareness: 

Own Your Hashtag:

Create your hashtag to brand it on social media; for example, #easkme is for

Acknowledge human error:

If you blunder or hit your followers' hearts on social media, it is the right time to acknowledge the human error and apologize for it.
You will see a positive result.

No More Explanatory Apology:

When you apologize, do not explain, as most people take it as an excuse, and no one will care about your apology.


Creating brand awareness is the real thing you need to boost your social media engagement. The more awareness people have about your brand; the more successful your brand will be.

What do you think about creating brand awareness? If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment.
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April 01, 2016

How To Increase The Domain Authority of Your Site

If you are a blogger then you may heard of Domain Authority, if not, than here is a guide for you:

Domain Authority Complete Guide

How To Increase The Domain Authority of Your Site : eAskme
How To Increase The Domain Authority of Your Site : eAskme

Now after reading this helpful guide you may have complete knowledge about domain authority concept. So lets see a beautiful infographic about How To Increase The Domain Authority of Your Site.

How To Increase The Domain Authority of Your Site.

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I believe now you know about the all factors that help you to boost the Domain Authority of your site. If you still have any question, feel free to ask me. or for more visit
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March 01, 2016

The Continued Growth of Social Media (Infographic)

Infographics are the great way to understand things easily and boost social media presence. Here at eAskme I focus on best social media strategies to make sure that you are on the right track and achieve our goals. If you are also one of those social media marketers who love to enjoy at home and handle branding of your own site in social media networks, then you must be doing the same.
The Continued Growth of Social Media (Infographic)
The Continued Growth of Social Media (Infographic) : eAskme
Other people are reading :
You can read here some good hacks about the growth of your social media campaigns.

In 2016, Pixel Road Designs  brings a new version 3.0 to show the growth of social media between year 2010 to 2015. Recent data shows the following:

    Facebook 1.5 Billion
    Google+ – 343 Million
    Instagram – 400 Million
    Pinterest – 100 Million
    LinkedIn – 97 Million
    Snapchat – 200 Million
    Twitter – 316 Million
    Tumblr – 230 Million
    YouTube – 1 Billion

Let`s see the growth of social media:

The Continued Growth of Social Media [Infographic]

From Search Engine Journal.

If you have any question, feel free to ask me.
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August 23, 2015

Best Design Trends: Infographic

We love what we love to see. The very first thing that attract any person online to a website is it`s design. Designing is ever changing and evolving process. There been so many changes in design of everything in past centuries and design trends are changing every year.

Best Design Trends: Infographic: eAskme

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In 2025 you are welcome to see the better typography and larger photography. Now flat design is a real thing and becoming more practical day by day and people also choose to shift to at-least semi-flat designs elements.

Google use semi-flat design. Now there are few very interesting design trends are ready to start new era in designing.

Here today I am going to share with you the Best Design Trends in 2025. In this Infographic you will see each trend highlighted separately.

The Top 7 Graphic Design Trends in 2019 (Infographic) - An Infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines

Read : How to Get the Best Price for Website Design

Best Design Trends in 2025 Infographic

I believe this infographic actually help you to understand the latest changes of Design industry and help you create your own website, blog or any other design according to the latest designing trends.
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June 18, 2015

200+ Ways to Earn or Make Money Online! [Infographic]

It not just easy to make money online but the same time it is not that hard and there is no technical rocket science.There are thousands of ways such as Online Marketing, Affiliate, freelancing and Blogging etc. If you are a professional blogger, then you must have understood that a few years back it was very easy to make money online through blogging as only few people knew the actual tips and tricks.

200+ Ways to Earn or Make Money Online! [Infographic] : eAskme
200+ Ways to Earn or Make Money Online! [Infographic] : eAskme

But now everyone knows how to make money blogging. there are thousands of bloggers already online so there is a good competition when it comes to make money blogging online. But you should know that blogging not just only one way to make money online, There are hundreds of other ways to make money online. So today i will show you the most effective and authentic 200+ ways to make money online that will make you rich.

This is an infographic of 200+ ways to make money online and these money making tips will definitely help you.

200+ Ways to Earn or Make Money Online! [Infographic]

Please include attribution to with this graphic.

200+ Ways to Earn or Make Money Online! [Infographic]

Conclusion :

I believe these 200+ ways will help you to make money online. According to me making online money take lot of time, dedication, handwork and focus. So if you want to make money online then jump right now and start working to make things work for you.

If you find this infographic helpful then do share this post with your friends and relatives on your favorite social networks. 
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April 21, 2015

How to Keep Your Marketing Efforts Afloat With Demand Marketing?

I have already talked about content marketing. Today I am going to sharing one helpful infographic about Demand Marketing. Demand marketing is the mixture of digital and traditional techniques. It will help you stay focus and reach your destination.

Read More : How To get Success with Content Marketing

Keep Your Marketing Efforts Afloat With Demand Marketing  : eAskme
Keep Your Marketing Efforts Afloat With Demand Marketing  : eAskme
Other people are reading : 7 Tools for Building a Happy Community

Demand marketing generates demand for a service or product through an integrated mix of traditional and digital marketing methods including content marketing, PR and influencer relations.

Demand Marketing is all parts of a ship. This info graphic will help you understand it better.

Keep Your Marketing Efforts Afloat With Demand Marketing:

Keep Your Marketing Efforts Afloat With Demand Marketing

Read More : How to Develop a Successful Content Marketing Campaign

So now you know what is demand marketing and how to work with it. If you have any question, feel free to ask via comments.

Don't forget to join the eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.
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