Showing posts with label Monthly Income Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monthly Income Report. Show all posts

February 21, 2019

How I Spent $10,000+ in Running GiveAways in One Year (with maximum benefits)

"There is no fun in earning money if you cannot spend it.: Gaurav Kumar"

The best way to find out how much a person is earning by learning how much he is spending. People still ask me how much money I am making.

I have already shared;
Long ago I have stopped sharing my earning reports. Whatever I share on eAskme is there to help others and motivate them, but I see that earnings reports are not the best way.

I have decided to share what I have spent to give a glimpse to the people who want to know about my earning or earning a professional blogger.

I like to tell you that there is no limit on how much money a blogger can earn.

One can only imagine.

In 2018, I organized multiple giveaways worth $10,000+ for the readers of easkme.

How I Spent $10,000+ in Running GiveAways in One Year: eAskme
How I Spent $10,000+ in Running GiveAways in One Year: eAskme

But before I tell how I spent money in GiveAways, you should know how eAskme giveaways work.

Don't worry I will not make the post too long for you.

eAskme Giveaways:

How I Spent $10,000+ in Running GiveAways in One Year: eAskme

eAskme giveaways are one of the most lucrative and attractive parts of eAskme available for people.

Every year we are spending thousands of dollars in Giveaways to reward the time visitors are spending on

eAskme has made giveaways super easy;

  • Just visit
  • read more and more posts
  • Like and share posts
  • Subscribe easkme newsletter and Fb page
You are in.

These are the super easy steps that anyone can follow to be part of eAskme giveaways.

How I spent $10,000+ in Running Giveaways in 2018:

Here is the list of giveaways I organized in 2018;

You can check out the complete list of giveaways I have started on

Many of you may be thinking that why I am spending that much in Giveaways.

The answer is hidden in response to this question,"Why people run giveaways.”

Why have I spent $10,000+ on GiveAways in 2018?

Most of the people run giveaways to attract visitors, generate leads, find the potential market or understand buyer personas.

But I have something more than that.

I run giveaways, not just for traffic or subscribers but also to thank the people who share their love by visiting, liking, commenting and sharing blog posts.

I am into blogging business, and this is the business where you make money by helping others.

Benefit of Spending money on Giveaways

And more clients mean more money.

From the last five years, I have been running giveaways to appreciate the love of my blog subscribers and visitors.

What about 2023?

I have bigger plans for 2023.

In 2023 also I will be running contests and giveaways to appreciate not only the visitors but also the professionals.

To be part of every giveaway and win more from, keep visiting and sharing the posts you like.

You have questions? Share via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus with your friends and family.

If you want to participate in upcoming giveaways and win prizes then Don't forget to like us FB and join the eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.

February 28, 2018

How I Made $12,000 Without Google Adsense : eAskme Income Report

There is no doubt that when a person becomes a blogger, his/her very first goal is to get Adsense approval so that he can make money from blogging. But Adsense is not the only way a person can monetize his/her blogs.

I have many blogs on which Adsense is working great.

But today I am going to share how I made $12,000 this month even without Adsense.

If you have any doubt than check this also : is it possible to make money without Adsense?

Like previous months, this is the time, when I share my blog traffic and earning report. Publishing monthly income & traffic report not only help to motivate but also shows transparency.

How I Made $12,000 Without Google Adsense : eAskme Income Report
How I Made $12,000 Without Google Adsense : eAskme Income Report
Other people are reading : How to Brand a Blog : Expert Advice

From last few months I was so busy in everything that I was not able to share monthly income reports. But now I am sharing my eAskme income report of August 2016, but in this report I am not including the earning of Adsense.

How I Made $12,000 Without Google Adsense : eAskme Income Report August 2016:

August was a good month in terms of money and followers. as I got various sponsored posts which helped me make over $2300. Also my blog consultancy service and Ultimate Premium Lifestyle course has helped me to earn a lot from new blogs and websites.
  •  eAskme Domain service: $750
  • Affiliate marketing: $4680
  • Clickbank: $900
  • Sponsored Posts: $2300
  • Affiliate Program: $50
  • FameThemes: $65
  • Dreamhost Affiliate Program: $100
  • Hostgator Affiliate program: $100
  • WordPress Theme development & Customization: $600
  • WordPress SEO Service: $200
  • Siteground Hosting Affiliate: $150
  • Socialoomph Affiliate Program: $50
  • ManageFlitter Twitter tool: $160
  • Blog Consultancy: $1000
  • MyThemeShop WordPress Theme: $40
  • ShareAsale: $300
  • Ultimate Premium Lifestyle course : $800

Total Earning = $12,245 ( 7,83,680 INR)

I also like to share a good news with all my readers that I am building a new house which is actually gonna cost me $50,000 USD.

In September, I am more excited to make more money blogging, as you know building a house octs good money. It is always necessary for a blogger to keep learning and keep implementing new things. eAskme team is working on new eAskme.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, or Twitter with your friends and family.

Don't forget to like us Facebook and subscribe eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.